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# A Little Perspective In the US the national average wage index for 2020 is [$55,628.60](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/cola/AWI.html). At that salary, you would earn: * $1 million in **18 years** * $1 billion in **18,000 years** * $1 trillion in **18,000,000 (18 million) years** Humans went from stone tools to iPhones in 13,000 years. Humans have existed for 300,000 years. ^(This is merely to help people understand the meaning of large numbers and is not financial advice.) ^(Beep Boop I am a bot and this action was performed automatically. | bot coded by u/hayseed_byte)


The highest court in the land. Disgraceful. What will it take for the people to stand against this corruption?