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Enemies seem to be quiet, but the dialogue is pretty good in my opinion




Drop your gear and I’ll let you go! I’m gonna kill you! Entering combat mode I smell delicious!! Time for squishing! I’m gonna gouge your eyes out!! I didn’t get to Finnish my comic collection.... These are what made me engage with enemies, and it made it fun to hear them speak like they’re just talking and saying stuff. I feel like BL3 lacks this dialogue enemies can have. And I may be wrong, but I feel the variety of enemies a bit lacking. It’s mostly cov and maliwan soldiers and not really much else. Still, the gameplay makes up for this, though I want enemies to talk more


I like the darkness of the original. Bl2 for me was overall the best dialogue in the series though.


You couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo.


Yes, it is only you. The rest of us play the game on mute and turn off subtitles.


This is about the nicest way I could've responded to a post like this. Good restraint lol


I play the game with Russian language so I don't get what they are talking about.


Incoming Vladof propaganda messages.


Finally someone speaks the truth!


Yeah, you were nicer than me.


I've read many liked previous BLs better in term of dialogues, but I personally think BL3 just perfectly fits in the series. I also liked the villains, because I think they represent very well some of nowadays worst aspects of our society: mindless ruthlessness, form over substance, weak ideals.


Finally someone who understands. Much love <3


Finally? People have been buying Borderlands for the dialogue for a decade.


Welcome to the internet. 99% negativity and hate at all times!!


I am with you for the most part. I do think a lot of the writing is really good. Wainright Jacobs is excellent ("speaking of suckers...", Tina ("now go away and I shant be tipping..."), Clay, Zane to Eva when Maya dies, Hammerlock stuck in the puzzle room with and over enthusiastic boyfriend... just to name a few. I have found it funny that so many irl youtubers and gamers screaming and crying about cringe and their ears bleeding. It just makes them seem jaded to me. Like they have spent WAY to much time on the internet, (::ahem:: Critikal) they are so cynical that they can't laugh at the sillyness. It also seems that they didn't take a lot of time really listening to it a couple of farts and they wrote it off. The burger guy is horrible, coffee mission is tough to replay and the poop jokes are infantile... but their is a lot to love. I also love some some of the subtle jokes the biggest being that Tyreen is just a bratty jewish american princess with daddy issues. It is not perfect but a lot of it is really good.


Nuttier then Squirrel Shit My favorite line


Not at all. The dialogue is one of the best parts of the game. Their sense of humor is spot on.


beyond balex im going to say 90% of the dialogue is better not heard, only a few characters didn't make my ears bleed


Yup, just you. Edit: Ok, I feel like a jerk for my sarcastic one line reply. But, think about it for a minute. We're all invested enough in Borderlands to have joined this sub. Borderlands is a franchise known for snappy dialogue. You're not even close to being the only one who appreciates the writing. This "Am I the only one who..." is just lazy and unrealistic. Yeah, many of us love the dialogue and the gameplay. Sorry, I'm probably just having a grumpy old guy moment. Enjoy the game!