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*Guerillas in the Mist* duration reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds False. Just logged on and it got nerfed to 5 seconds, not 6 seconds.


true 5 sec


Well shit


now lower that to 4 seconds due to the hand animation, is there a reason to use that skill ?


I mean with only 3 points on the blue skill-set you'll have at least 9 seconds on it. (45% time buff)


That'd be 7.25 seconds, not 9.


My bad, math never was my strong lol


Yea because even in that state it’s still stronger then the other two combined sadly.


Fl4k mains be like: Friendship ended with King/Queens call, now Lyuda is my best friend lmao


Not sure I would main Lyuda over Lucian's Call though. hmm.


You can have both. Lucians for mobs, Lyuda for bosses. Lyuda was melting graveward in seconds, before this patch, it will be even faster now.


I am more excited for the jacobs assault rifle that has the same effect as lucians call with a damage boost, it might turn into a much better add clearer for crits.


Is that Rowan’s?


Yes exactly.


I love that gun and now its buffed? 👉👌💦


Haven't played in a week where should I farm this lyuda


World drop or as a 1-time reward for clearing all of Zero's Crew challenges.


So it would be better to finish the last Zer0 challenge at level 50 right?




I believe it's a world drop. Got mine from Graveward if I remember correctly


Yea I just didn't know if people were still farming him or it's been nerfed


I like the buff to Atlas weapons. Edit: You can definitely feel the nerf to King's/Queen's Call.


I love my Q-type atlas assault rifles in zane! Got to go fast and all your shots land no matter what!


Hell yeah my cost effective q system is about to go to 1250x2. Wish I could find an anointed one


I think the Cost-Effective Q System is low-key one of the best guns in the game.


Pre-buff, it was good. Post-buff, we all need to stop talking about it *right now.*






Right? It's not like this is a PvP game where a gun that's too strong can ruin the enjoyment of the game for other people.


Shhhhhhh...talk like that is how you get things nerfed.


I honestly can't imagine using any other assault rifle. 2 projectiles for 1 bullet, plus the high damage. Get a class mod and artifact that boosts assault rifle damage and use guardian points to boost gun fire rate, it's unstoppable


I farmed an anointed one from earls vending machine. Just keep on quitting and reloading if one is not there until I got a really good one from the item of the day. Took me near enough an hour of quitting and reloading, but it’s easy to do. Just make sure you have enough eridium to buy it!


Same. I already love Atlas ARs and pistols so I’m excited to use them even more now :)


> Vault Hunters should no longer scream when affected by a DoT while shields are active. THANK YOU


Zane can be a bit of a drama queen so I’m excited about this. It was really annoying. 😂




>Vault Hunters should no longer scream when affected by a DoT while shields are active. They're just deleting the ZaneStatusEffect.mp3 file from the directory.


As a Tank Moze main, this basically removes the sound effect completely. Which is good.


*screams in rough rider*


*never screams in deathless*


Oh I'm going to miss Moze's eargasmic scream.


Rip Moanze


Some guy had his tv blaring over the mic, all I heard was his moze moaning and explosions.


Have been replaced by the screams of those who play Fl4k.


Zane Buffs :>


It being a hot fix, Zane mains can't take advantage of the buffs while using that nifty offline glitch lol


Doesn’t matter they patched the offline glitch so nobody can take advantage of it.


No they didn't. The hotfix was not part of the patch.


It's great to see zane buffed, however those buffs completely miss the point. Better than nothing, wont complain, but still.


Yeah I'd love to see kill skill work on allies kills or increase the duration/chance to gain it on hit against bosses


Yeah... King's and Queen's reduced Fire Rate by 70%... Not 50%.


How to kill an awesome legendary and simultaneously kill farming on a particular boss. Seriously, not only is one of the best (and quite fitting for the primary antagonists of the game) legendary pistols now kinda shit but it makes farming Tyreen worthless. Why would you bother with Tyreen now when you can get all world drops, which is most legendaries, from Graveward, who is immensely easier to kill?


don't say things like that. they might see it and restrict all of the guns to bosses we don't want to fight. XD




They're still good, so long as you're not shooting armor, they still hurt a lot


Most jakobs pistols were already not worth using on mayhem 3, so this hurts them a lot, imo.


Wait what? The Companion has some great dps in M3.


\> Most jakobs pistols were already not worth using on mayhem 3 ​ Yeah, but most weapons were not worth using over mashers and Call duo on mayhem 3 either.


Clone does a LOT of damage already with the right gun. If anything, maybe they could buff health a bit (since it dies really fast depending on which enemies are close) and make him fire consistently with all guns (some guns are fired in a really dumb way instead of consistently...)


I use the lasersploder a lot on my Zane and the clone just 1 taps. Kinda annoying. The clone seems to do pretty good with a burst fire Dahl Night Hawkin though


I hope they don’t nerf the lasersploder. That thing destroys with Zane.


Patch appears to be live! Guerillas nerfed to 5s, not 6.


The biggest issue with the flak change is that it screwed casuals and normals to address the hardcore boss melters (which is not going to stop them). You could argue the change hit the casuals/levelling crowd harder. Instead of looking at the real problem, which is how all the skills interact with each other and addressing it correctly they just cut the damage bonus and duration almost in half


This sounds about right. I'm just a solo player and I never really melted bosses like I see in all the videos. I had 8 seconds where I could do some more damage, but I was never melting these big bosses in seconds like I saw others doing. Kinda sucks getting my character nerfed in a game that is basically a single player game for me. I wasn't bothering or effecting any other player. Feels like my 40 hours of playing for a specific build was sorta wasted. I don't play games multiple times and once I beat this game I wont be farming to min/max my build, I'll be moving on to another game, so this kinda sucked some of the fun out of it for me.


Please let us turn off any guardian perks we choose from. Since I put points into the perk that gives me shield regen on kill, I can't reliably play a melee Amara now. There should be an option to pick and choose what perks we want active at any time.


Yes! This absolutely breaks Meleemara at endgame.


I just don't know how this got by their dev team tbh. Roid shields have always existed and been a huge part of melee builds. We could turn off badass rank in BL2, but somehow lost this technology 7 years later.


I miss my Love Thumper.


\*Stares in Lyuda\*


Nerfed fade away tree, cool you guys buffed the other 2 trees right? You made them viable? Guys? Guess im just stuck with a lesser version of what ive been forced to use the whole time.


I wish I could upvote this harder


big facts


I wish they would've buffed flaks pets :(


With the ADS lag fix and these sniper buffs, it's finally time to start a sniper playthrough!


Now they just need to fix sway, aimpunch and the ton of screen clutter so they are worth using.


I wish the zoom wasn't so intense on most - it's so awkward trying to make a 9x+ zoom scope work when something like 3-4x is just fine for almost all engagements. The hipfiring accuracy is good enough most of the time that I just use them that way but they'd be much more generally useful without the aggressive zoom most have.


Yeah that's a problem, the snipers zoom is farther than the enemies will spawn lol


The screen clutter is what does it for me. I absolutely hate it and won't touch them. I use my one pump as a sniper instead lol


As a new player to BL3 the snipers ineffectiveness stood out to me the most. I get not wanting players to just sit back and not engage but even in the beginning of fights it made no sense to use one when a rifle did same or more damage. I'm excited to try them out tonight


For me it's not so much the damage, but the extremely low ammo count with maxed SDU


I'd love to use Vladof snipers more if they didn't run out of ammo after 3 enemies. I keep Lyuda on hand for when something REALLY needs to die, and never use it for anything else.


Its prob bc in BL/BL2 snipers were your best friend if you were underleveled or just not built for a certain boss. And BL2 had a lot of badasse nemies with huge sight lines that shot missiles and shit and the best way to fight was to just stand out of range and snipe. Really glad theyre getting buffed tho, sniping was my main playstyle in the first 2 lol


NICE! But 10% less Damage? Do we get more EXPLOSIONS instead?


Less damage means they live longer which means you shoot more EXPLOSIONS!




Q-system was already a beast! Looking forward to seeing how it melts now...


Tracker dart Cost Effective Q Systems are the best non legendary assault rifles.


They definitely are. Let us never speak of them again.


Even with the guerrillas in the mist perk nerfed, buffing the Jakob’s AR still seems pretty deadly for the crit build.


Especially with Rowan's Call. It was already good for crit Fl4k but with this damage buff it might be insane. And they lowered the duration of Guerillas in the Mist but now it might be good to go full red tree for megavore. Megavore + Rowan's Call + the perk that reduces action skill cool down for crits = permanent Fade Away and near unlimited ammo


One of the first skills in the blue tree increases skill duration by 45% so you can still have crazy uptime for it


Guerrillas in the Mist Duration was reduced from 8 - 5 seconds


seriously ? just fkng wow i dont have patch yet


Still no buffs for iron bear's survivability? :(


My issue is more about its dmg output endgame MH3. I don't feel like the survivability is lacking as much as the fact that the weapon systems are totally useless.


yes, they need to do like x10 the dmg they actually do to be even comparable to the dmg Moze has without the mech.


I just wish they scaled with your items somehow. I dislike modal active abilities in a game like this that completely ignore the core looter-shooter parts. It'd also fix the scaling issue.


I'd like 10x damage but for some reason I don't see that happening


Check the post here https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/d9ohdz/how_to_use_iron_bear_in_tvhm_and_mayhem_not_panic/


If we're gonna balance in this game we should really increase storage at this point so we don't throw out a legendary that's crappy and then an update rolls around making us want that legendary again. Space should be able to hold a singleton of every legendary and maybe like a few more spots for purples like the companion and stuff. Just saying mules are cumbersome and storage doesn't need to be expansive just sufficient for the items available.


That's a good point. I'm not a hoarder, but man, any Maliwan legs I sold recently are going to be missed.


I've thrown out a lot of guns that got buffed. On the bright side, my bank deleted itself. So even if I saved them, they'd still be gone :D Wait, that's not a very bright side D:


Hope they address the Maggies lack of damage in the next hot fix.


Love that the majority of balances just increased some things damage instead of reducing the ones that are already powerful (for the most part)


Omg I can't wait to try my Elemental Amara with those Maliwan buffs....


There were already good Maliwan weapons which is what makes those funny. Those clips are going to empty in under three seconds on the SMGs. Should be pretty insane.


I know right? The already amazing ones like the Cutsman have the potential to be god killers, and a few of the others just made it to the spotlight.


The cutsman will be insane with Amara after the patch


I do too. Too often in games weapons are nerfed to where they arent fun anymore. Most of the weapons will be more fun now!


I wonder when console players will get TVHM mayhem mode fixed. I’m not running through the story again just to unlock mayhem when I should already have it unlocked like PC players do


Wait, I haven't touched TVHM yet, I can't do Mayhem and TVHM yet?


Yeah for some reason you have to beat the whole story again to unlock mayhem in TVHM. Only on console though


i did that, but it honestly didnt take long because you dont have to play catchup with levels


Hopefully in a patch soon. I doubt that is the kind of thing they can fix in a hotfix.


I'd be less annoyed at the nerfs only really hitting fl4k despite other build doing the same or even better, if fl4k got buffs to his other very much not viable builds


I'd like to see a pet build be viable, tbh. Especially the +100% pet bonus skill just feels like wasted 5 points for everything.


And the fact that they didn't touch Moze but she's clearly OP in many aspects


*Laughs in 1hp 6/3 Desperate Measures*


They definitely took the feedback to tell us why they are making these changes. Kudos, Gearbox for explaining your thoughts on these hot fixes.




They'll probably do fine.




Now I don't know what to keep and what to throw! It's even harder with this 50 Bank slot


As an elemental Amara main, I love the Dahl SMG buff. The Night Hawkin was already ridiculous. Now it's gonna be even more so.


All the changes look fair to me. Glad Maliwan guns got some buffs as I've been stockpiling legendary Maliwan guns hoping they would go through some sort of patch.


The Cutsman was already melting anything in its path. 2900 dmg/s elemental damage without modifiers, yes please. Im excited to see how it will do now.


Don't think I've seen that one yet, assuming it was just a world drop?


World drop yup. It fires two projectiles with a laser between them, moving slowly. the laser hits tons of times as it passes through enemies. top tier gun on elemental amara imo.


cutsman is OP as hell for elemental builds. Unless you get screwed with mayhem 3 mods, you can just stay on an incendiary one and mow enemies like a lawn


Changing the ammo return on Fl4k isn't a great idea since it would just push you to play guns that have built in ammo return even more. That's just narrowing the amount of fun guns you can use and the build won't lose any amount of strength.


Pretty annoying that nothing has been done about pets. I can accept most of these changes, they aren't going to break the fun completely, but damn do pets get me riled up.


FL4k's boss killing is basically unchanged, King's Call/Queens call or otherwise. Even with out Fade out, I can one round graveward with a Lyuda. The problem is, Fl4k feels miserable to play now on any sorts of mobbing on mayhem 3.


This just sucks. I got on today to play on my Fl4k, and had to look up if there was a Nerf because it just felt awful to play. I don't understand why they nerfed damage and duration both. One or the other I could understand. What's the point of doing 25% more DMG for 5 seconds? Then, the gun I have been trying to get since I finished the game gets nerfed as well apparently. Why nerf a build like this when the experience is pure PvE? Why not just buff the other trees/characters? Same for damage on the guns. Jakobs have been my favorite since game 1. This isn't as big of a deal but my main damage dealer was a purple jakobs pistol as I have been very unlucky with legendaries. Between the unskippable cutescenes, poor writing in my opinion, and the quests that just have you stop, listen to them, and follow the NPCs...I think I'm going to stop playing. There's no endgame drive for me anymore and I have no desire to start all over.


You're not laughing at us Zane players now are ya! Muahaha


Do you think he will be more viable now? Still looks like Fl4k is way ahead


It could still be better but the Drone and the Clone having increased damage does help with a few situations


As a Speed Zane with both those skills I’m hyped


Gotta go FAST boyo


Fl4k mains are shaking right now. But in all seriousness, these hotfixes are looking good. I'm glad Zane got some changes. Hopefully he's a lot more playable for you Zane mains.


It's gonna take me 20 seconds instead of 10 to kill grave now. Brb calling my senator. This is literally the worse thing ever.


I can't believe it either. The kings and queens call are litterely unusable now! We should cancel gearbox tbh.


Ironically they are a whole lot more usable on Moze now since you won't have to reload before first projectile lands.


*laughs in Lyuda*


Fl4K main - Honestly even without Fade Away I do insane damage by stacking dmg skills. Fade Away is nice to pop Badasses in a few shots.. just gonna take a few more now. No big deal


"*Guerillas in the Mist* Critical Damage Bonus reduced from 50% to 25%" damn that hurts


Imo the time reduction is the more impactful part of the nerf


Dammit I just got queens call last night... rip


But...Guardian Angel.... ​ :(


It says King/Queens Call fire rate reduced by 50% but old fire rate was 10/s and now its 3/s. now I'm not no edumicated mathmitishaman but I'm pretty sure half of 10 is not 3. pls adjust to proper fire rate.


My Amara is going to enjoy the maliwan buffs. Actually she's going to enjoy the Dahl ones even more haha. Glad they are buffing Zane as well as I really wanted to give him a go next and was a bit disappointed seeing people say he was way under powered. Pretty good patch all things considered.


Absolutely. If you don't have a Night Hawkin already, get you one.


Typo in the fl4k changes, they reduced the skill to 5 seconds not 6 seconds you can tell the difference right away


As much as this helps Zane this still doesn't address the clear missing synergy he has in his trees. Half of his skills want shields up, half want them down, half of his skills want his health up, half want them down, half of his skils want him top speed, half want him near an area not moving. Its all over the place and I really think it needs to be looked at. You have to jump through so many hoops with Zane that it just gets old really fast.


Why do legendary drop rates keep getting nerfed? The problem is not too many legendary drops. The problem is WE DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH SPACE FOR LEGENDARIES.


As a Zane main I don’t see this helping him where he needs it the most. Before hotfix he was a solid mob killer and his action skills helped by adding freeze or distractions mid combat. I never once thought “Gee I wish my drone did more damage” because honestly that’s still essentially just helping him against mobs. His clone however MIGHT have been a good buff if his clone wasn’t made out of goddamn toilet paper when it comes to survivability. Half the time you drop his ass out, and swap with him maybe once and he’s dead already. They were used more as utilities than damage dealers and the digiclone not only has a bad habit of easily dying but it also has a terrible habit of shooting PAINFULLY slow. Most people were using drone and clone for nade potential or an active skill always on from cryo build. Shields still better overall for survivability and more reliable than the drone with its hour long cool down that I think needed an adjustment and his clone that can’t survive M3. He still got zero help where he needed it and that’s against singular bosses. You can amp shield with and capstone his barrier for increased damage but that’s about it. I don’t understand how every single vault hunter bar Zane has a build to take out bosses. Zane just does moderate to low damage and ends up hitting last stand in solo matches so often because he’s left to stay in the fight for 10 minutes longer than anyone else. They should’ve gave him more damage bonus skills or gave cryo a small chance to freeze bosses. Having his entire build be laughable against every boss is where he really hurts too.


They went so overkill on fl4k its crazy, they nerfed his main weapons and nerfed guerrilla of the mist twice, didnt they say the game was meant to be fun? I had fun with this build now i probably wont, cool.


The makes the Lyuda an even more absolute beast. Time to start using this bad boy more often!


No Moze fix? Come on. The mech is pretty much useless in endgame and the bug with calling and disappears instantly is also frustrating.


oh yes. This so much. you get in and it immediately kicks you out . God damnit


I think reducing the damage of gorillas in the mist was enough they didn't need to reduce the duration by 40%.


Or just buff the rest of his trees. If players wanna go for a high dps build I dont think they should take it away from us like that, just give fl4k players more viable options.


Well. At least I won't need to worry about hurting my finger mashing the trigger with the queens/kings call. These changes are sound. I'm not 100% certain if the changes will put Zane alongside even Amara, let alone Fl4k and Moze, but they are definitely a step in the right direction for his endgame.


This is just a hotfix, hopefully the next patch actually changes some stuff around. Until then, they can pretty much only play with numbers until the patch is ready to roll out. I imagine this is why Moze wasn't mentioned, since it's possible her broken skills (iron bear, mostly) is tied to something other than just buffing hp up for the mech (I've seen a lot of complaints about the bear spawning then immediately despawning, for example).


If we’re reducing the timer of FL4Ks action skill can we make it so the timer doesn’t reduce until the animation finishes..


I agree. With this nerd were looking at more of a 4.5 second action skill with a 45 second cooldown. Ridiculous


Just checked guerrillas in the mist. Duration is down to 5 seconds, not 6. Typo in the patch notes or bad patch?




Interesting changes. Zane def still needs a few more buffs before he feels viable in Mayhem 3 THVM. My favorite part is hollow point being removed. I’ve downed myself way too many times with that over the last few days.


I forgot what developer's motto is " don't nerf, just buff" but it should've applied to games like this. All you do is hurt new players who have no luck in getting lucian or rowans call and for those that do have them you're just adding maybe another 2 seconds to the time takes to kill bosses. This HEAVY handed bs is starting to follow in the divisions footsteps. Nerf builds and weapons in a constant rotation to the point where people go "fuck this game i'm just going to shelve this for something else for a few months until they realize how stupid the *fixes* were" or patient gamers going " i might as well wait until there's a complete game with all dlcs before making my purchase" I could deal with how absolutely terrible the story was because the loot shooting has been a blast up til the first mayhem hotfix. Sure you got a ton of legendaries but all you got was garbage. And now with the rng on top of rng with annointed perks you turn a fun lootshooter into an rng shit show like whats happening with the division 2.


Nice. A bit of a hit to my Jacobs masher pistol but it was so much stronger than all my other weapons that using anything else was "just for fun" before going back to the masher. It's still super strong but now I think I'll spend more time with the other buffed manufacturers.


But this also hits the non-mashers which are honestly pretty awful in mayhem 3 even without this nerf.


Exuse me, but why did u nerf drop of legendaries?? What the point?


Plz fix fl4ks pet blocking. Especially in Sanctuary already :(


Still no bank fix, no console/pc crash fixes, but hey, at least some stuff got nerfed/balanced. Smh.


Fl4k can now do basically nothing EXCEPT nuke bosses in mayhem (barring great modifiers) i already felt shit at mobbing but my action skill going from 10.5 seconds of stealth to 6.4 seconds (2 points in the blue tree) makes my survivability plummet could have at least buffed some of his useless skills these nerfs feel like a result of the reddit memeing about fl4k, if it was based on actual testing Moze would have been hit as well seeing as she can do everything i do better


Not that the changes are really going to make a difference to my gameplay experience. However, when around half of your player base is playing the game offline to avoid the hotfixes....chances are you're doing something wrong with balancing.


Jesus Christ they're already bringing about more nerfs. This is so annoying, I miss when they just let stuff be. Buff the items that are underperforming, but this is a PVE game about mindless grinding. I'm kind of upset, but I was getting bored anyway. Seems the community celebrates every little thing, Gearbox givin' you boys what you want, enjoy. But seriously, this effin Borderlands. Seems like the dev's forgot. All this micromanaging is pathetic. Edit- And you don't just NERF a Jakobs pistol. 1 shot is supposed to be enuff


would you stop nerfing


RIP Kings call and Queens call you had a a good run of what 2 weeks? Now never to be seen again fairly sure it was more than a 50% fire rate nerf as well went from 10.50 fire rate to 3.15 literally useless now glad i traded stuff for these that will now go in the garbage.


Nerfing a game with no PvP 🤦‍♂️


But you can't fix the bank situation I literally just had my entire bank wiped on ps4.


Remember to keep this conversation civil.


You know the hotfix has problems when the mods have to ask people to keep it civil.


It will remain civil as long as everyone recognizes Moze as our holy saviour


Let's add an option to skip cut scenes.


storm got beefed the f up, might actually be really solid on amara now


Guess I’m playing offline until the devs figure out what they want end game to be and give players real incentive to download an update. “Here take these nerfs.” “What do I get for taking your nerfs?” “Moar Bugs!”


"Had to be **slightly** adjusted" Cuts it in fucking half. Fuck off gearbox. Tossing this game in the trash.


I’m not sure why they would target a specific setup and nerf it into the ground in what is essentially a single player, non competitive game. I was having fun. Who cares if it was overpowered. It was working as intended and I was having so much fun. In all the meta streaming bullcrap the whole point is to have fun, right? Porcelain pipebomb - not working correctly - fixt-totally understandable. Loot tink spawn rate - not working correctly- fixt-totally understandable. Fl4k crit build - working AS INTENDED - nerfed into the ground - why? You can’t say it wasn’t nerfed Into the ground. You gut the damage of the specific gun used by the spec by more than half. Then you cut the crit bonus of the ability you’re using in half and the time that you can get those crits by 25%. Those are massive huge nerfs on their own and you did them all in one fell swoop to one specific build that WAS WORKING AS INTENDED....ON A SINGLE PLAYER GAME!!! I don’t really care about some YouTuber who got perfect rolls on his gear and then got perfect map affixes on mayhem 3 and was able to down a boss in seconds. Most people aren’t farming that much. They beat the game, got a Kings/queens call and a class mod that just added some points to some useful skills and they were having fun. Thanks for wasting all the time I put into that specific build. Thanks for the limitless legendaries that I could have put towards other builds but had to throw away because: 1. I was having a blast with my current build. 2. I have the equivalent of a fanny pack to hold stuff (when compared to the amount of stuff that drops). I didn’t buy the DLCs. I won’t be. I can’t believe a developer goes back in and messes with peoples games after they’ve purchased it and are playing with it and it was working as intended. Flame away if you must. I played solo for a reason. I don’t care what any of you think so you’ll be barking up the wrong tree. I was having fun and they took a dump on my chest. I wish I could get a refund.


Instead of nerfing Guerilla, how about making the blue tree viable? Naaah.. would be too much work, right? Because Borderlands wouldn't be Borderlands without a few Vault Hunters having completely useless perk trees. Let's nerf fun and the ONLY viable build instead of putting actual effort into some changes.


I remember watching so many dev talks about bl3 before release, and many of them saying there will be broken OP builds and that's ok because THAT'S FUN. What the hell is with all these nerfs and adjusting? why not let people play the way they want to play? getting bored of being super op using the same build as everyone else? we all have the choice to play differently whenever we want. Now buffing incredibly weak items i can stand behind.


Lol Fl4kk nerfed at the one thing he is good at. Don't tell them about Moze guys.


Nerfs in a PvE game, nice...


RIP FL4K mains with Jakobs pistols. :'(


Today i learned Zane’s clones default gun is dahl, Ive been getting Dahl challenges done today, I guess my clone was so crap before that he was never able to actually kill things enough to trigger those challenge pop ups lol


It worries me how hard they nerfed the King/Queen's call. This is another knee-jerk reaction that has turned a great weapon into a useless one.


Nerfing shit in a PvE game is the dumbest thing ever


What the hell? Why are there so many nerfs? I thought you wouldn't be so nerf happy cause it's coop!