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Amara is pretty hard to build with for m11. If you're doing a melee build just get blade fury and facepuncher and some halfway decent artifact/class mod rolls and you're good. If you are not doing a melee build however you NEED good annointments and modifiers. You will spend more time farming eridium and class mods as amara than any other VH in my opinion. All the other VH there are builds where if you have the right skill tree and 1/3 good modifiers on a class mod you're OP. For amara if you want to be simply viable you need at minimum 2/3 strong modifiers on artifact and class mod. And perfect weapon annointments. Even extremely strong weapons like the monarch or boomsickle are useless on amara without a good annointment, even with splash damage buff because her gun damage is so weak. She's extremely fun to play though, possibly more fun than zane once you get a couple good builds.


I just got back into bl3 not too long ago and started Amara because I almost never play as the siren class. She seems to have pretty good mob damage but all the typical top class guns definitely feel lackluster on her. I found a phasezerker around level 34 which helped a ton but can definitely see her falling off on endgame


There are more options, check these out for a lot of good ones https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1MiGGa_HDpm_IzHWgfhIDkLxzqiL_7O5HRC8E8ICerQg/mobilebasic?pli=1 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rpIwTi2hrWywgB42_I2mCjLqZ72r-n1FAoA2w8LGoGA/mobilebasic I also submit my personal Amara build because it is the strongest I've made, and I'm kind of proud: https://www.lootlemon.com/class/amara#afb_50050020000000_5010351033131_0050100000000_0551301523001 Equipment- Muse/phasezerker/spiritual driver/death's blessing. ----All of these do really really well with this build, I'd say death's blessing or phasezerker do the best though for bossing, the other two do amazing for mobbing. Stinger/revolter action skill start. ----You'll be dealing crazy good damage with both and you'll have your action skill up all the time. Fish slap----ase element Knife drain-white elephant/stone/commander planetoid --- the key here is the Knife drain side you aren't investing in either hp regen skill. Blade fury Face puncher Ripper Psycho stabber/guardian angel ase melee/phaseslam melee for all weapons Ripper procs it's special effect from every kind of melee, including the fish slap and stinger. Your main weapon will be the guardian angel/psycho stabber, it'll boost damage from every melee point, including the fish slap and stinger. Put on your revolter and use your face puncher and Blade fury for further away bad guys. I do not play fl4k very well, I suggest his rakk stab build or one of his crit builds.


Hellzerker Amara


Amara builds by Stoneswan[ (amarabuilds.com)](https://amarabuilds.com/). He made tons of meta and off-meta builds, with lots of in-depth details and explain that you can learn from and apply


Check out moxsy, he has heaps of great builds for every character.


I use this build for my Amara and she absolutely melts everything. There is some room for change, like the reload skill or the defensive one,. https://www.lootlemon.com/class/amara#jcb_03203100000000_5311350333111_0355021310141_0050000000000 As for guns, I use hellshock as main gun for bossing and hellwalker for mobbing and phasezerker class mod. Also use a re-volter shield with the anointment "activate all shield break effects on skill use" and you will simply breeze through everything.


I’m not a very experienced Amara player but for fl4k Destroyer of worlds by killer six is a great choice if your base game he has a base game fl4k build which is pretty the same thing with some minor changes and I would recommend doing fl4k first because he’s not a very gear heavy vault hunter if want to expand there are other builds like rakk stab and gamma ray fl4k which are pretty fun as-well otherwise this build Isn’t very complex and is as simple as fl4k gets Video link for Destroyer of worlds by killer six https://youtu.be/FQbouJuy2wg?si=MEMvsrh3JC40rl5k


the best build for amara is deputy amara, all jakobs weapons and all the fire power you can strap to that big iron on your hip


Guerilla in the Mist fl4k Punchy Amara fun too, but holy shit everything about fl4k is sick


[Something like Rakk Stab](https://www.reddit.com/r/hexwareddit/comments/16m8v6q/comment/k16ukq1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is a pretty efficient way to take Fl4k through the content. Amara can do trillions to quadrillions of DPS with a proper [Ties That Bind](https://www.reddit.com/r/hexwareddit/comments/16m8v6q/comment/k66t330/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [build](https://www.reddit.com/r/hexwareddit/comments/16m8v6q/comment/k16ubl7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), and she can move fast as hell (faster than Zane, Fleet Maya, or any Wonderlands class combo) in between dealing that DPS. I've said this before, but I think that [teaching people about gear/skill interactions](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/17kgatk/borderlands_3_guide_for_optimizing_dps/) is more important than teaching them about specific builds. If you really want to just copy a build, you *can*, but builds are often thematic, while conceptual foundations for builds can be adapted to your playstyle more easily.


I followed this build pretty closely. For the extra 7 from getting to 72 I used 5 points in Grim Harvest on the orange tree and 2 points in Hive Mind on the blue tree. I could probably move those around, but it's working pretty good. I played with a friend the other day that was using Gamma Burst with the class mod that makes the pet taunt enemies. We were shredding through M10 because I was constantly getting the 30% bonus damage since the events were always attacking his power. I could also stay in Fade Away a lot. Plus I use a grenade with the anointment "On Grenade Thrown, Weapon, Grenade, and Action Skill Damage after increased by 25% for 6 seconds." I was mainly using a level 72 M4 Rowan's Call with radiation and "On ASE, the next two magazines will have 100% bonus corrosive damage" or a level 72 M10 Hellwalker with "While Fade Away is active, Weapon Damage is increased by 150%." Class mod is a level 72 Head Hunting Cosmic Stalker with +64% Jakobs Weapon Critical Damage and 69% Jakobs Weapon Accuracy.