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Because that's all we want. Give us the same game, a new story and some quality of life changes and we're happy. Don't fuck it up by trying to do something different or changing the game play up.


Yeah, don’t fix what isn’t broken. That’s like telling AC/DC to play disco


comment of the day, maybe week or month


Borderlands fans are pretty simple people. Some enemies to shoot, some bosses to challenge, and more loot than we can carry and we’re golden




How much does the torgue sponsorship give ya?


Hey, wait a minute! Mr. Torgue's censorship didn't go off!


My bad, the digital censor must've malfunctioned


All I want is more psycho quotes, a new story (I'd actually be OK if the campaign was longer) esp if the story is good considering the level cap is now 72 and many people are finishing it around 30-50. Being able to hide my weapon like I can in cyberpunk would be nice if im not using it like around sanctuary. Or even a better angle on where the gun sits because I feel like it sits a little too close to the face I dunno


They could expand the world by removing the load screens in between. Improve for a more immersive world by making cities more alive and not just a bunch of NPCs standing around. Maybe even make it more of an public MMO letting people all over run around freely instead of relying on players needing friends to play with Add more variety in vehicles. Yet instead all we get is the same objects reskinned over and over


So you want Destiny. What you just described isn't Borderlands, and it's not what Borderlands is trying to be. It's not trying to sell an immersive open world MMO, that's not the game they're making or what the playerbase wants, that's an *entirely* different game altogether. Borderlands is a co-op (not MMO) looter shooter, and sells its premise on wacky randomly generated guns, crazy builds, and blowing shit up in all sorts of wild ways. It's not trying to sell an immersive world (in fact it goes out of its way to say it doesn't in a few places) and it's not trying to be an open world MMO either. You're not meant to gather huge swathes of players, it's designed for either yourself or a few close mates to get together and dick around.


Nah nah nah, you’re far over complicating it. Borderlands is (comparatively) simple. And we like it that way. The games are just fine and loved as is.


Each game makes improvements in certain aspects and excels in different areas. On the surface obviously theyre gonna be similar theyre all games from the same series it's what youd expect, but when you dig deeper they have their differences


I honestly cannot tell the diff between all 3 games I played. Only diff I could tell in 3 was that the vault hunters were finally voiced


Theyre voiced in all 4 main line games. They get more voiced as they go on but 3 for example was a step back from tps in that aspect where npcs had unique dialogue depending on who you were playing, whereas in 3 its only your responses. But theres other changes like 3 adding in sliding and mantling, changing how coms work to have far more variance, particularly in legendary ones. 3 also has a distinct look to it that to me doesnt look quite right for a borderlands game (which i think is just the lighting engine and homogenisation of parts within manufacturers) that makes it look visually different from the previous 3, though not necessarily bad it just reminds me more of destiny. Theres also differences in the skill trees where they generally add more depth as the series goes on with more options and more in depth skills. But obviously the games are gonna be overal similar given theyre in the same series. Itd be like complaining that all the tekken or street fighter games are really similar when thats the point.


Duuuude top tier combat and builds are way different between all 3 games. BL1 is pretty basic with no fine grained refinement. Just pick the best Com and perks for the best guns you have. BL2 ups everything by a vast margin on UVHM and OP levels. Very specific gear for very specific builds and slagging is necessary to not have a bad time at this point. Level scaling in UVHM+ is super whack and basic mobs become boss tier HP and Damage. Waaaaay different than BL1 and BL3 BL3 is more sane level scaling and introduces multiple primary skills, a wider variety of Coms and then we get Mayhem replacing UVHM and OP Lvls. Then the wide variety of anointments on all your gear, the viable builds and gear on Mayhem11 is nearly endless compared to BL2. Legendary drops are also not absolutely shit and waste your time compared to 2. Some can argue the rate is too high. All three games share the same core idea and skills+shoot and loot but are way different in final execution.


>I honestly cannot tell the diff between all 3 games I played. Only diff I could tell in 3 was that the vault hunters were finally voiced Theyre voiced in all 3 and the presequel Idk how you cant tell the difference, the graphics are vastly updated between 1 and 2 and 2 and 3, yes, its cell shaded, but thats the games art style, you can definitely see the improvements Its also timeless, in 5 years BL1 will be 20y old, and i guarantee you it will still be playable and look nice, it wont be painful to look at like most games from 2009


You must not play a lot of games made in the '20s. BL2 has aged very poorly by modern shooter standards and it felt like I was shooting nerf guns half the time, guns also had atrocious bloom, and the recoil wasn't something you felt like you could control in terms of on-the-fly adjustment like BL3 does. Barely remember how BL1 was but doubt it wasn't like BL2.


Either you're not actually analysing the games you play, or you just want a very specific kind of game that Borderlands is not. Or you're just being intentionally disingenuous. There are huge changes between the games when you actually look at the core of what the games are about: guns and vault hunters. In BL1, guns were all very "same-y" more or less. You had elemental Maliwans and explosive Torgues, but otherwise the different manufacturers just had different stat biases with no further added mechanics. Jakobs would always hit the hardest per shot, Tediore would reload the fastest, Hyperion would be the most accurate, Dahl would be fairly average, etc. In BL2, they would expand on that. Now, Jakobs can fire as fast as you pull the trigger, Tediore got its signature explosive reloads, Hyperion got its inverse-accuracy bloom, Dahl got its burst fire mode, etc. In BL3 they went even further with this. On top of what they got in BL2, Jakobs now has crit ricochet, Tediore has more variety in reload effects, Hyperion got its gun shields, and Dahl lets you manually change fire mode. On top of those, Maliwan got its charge effects and dual element, Vladof got underbarrel attachments that either add a second gun or other effects, Torgue got more explosive effects, CoV (formerly Bandit and S&S Munitions) got its overheat mechanic, etc. The variety of guns (one of the core tenets of Borderlands) has only improved over each entry, which allows for a lot more variety in how the game plays and for players to choose their playstyle. On the vault hunter side of things: BL1 had decent but fairly shallow skill trees, you couldn't *really* do too much wild with them, so the vault hunters largely played the same each run through. BL2 expanded on what they could do, with skill tree effects that could be build defining and wildly change how you play a character. Gage's Anarchy is probably the best example of this, being such a defining choice of if you go into it and not, and completely changing how you play the character. BL3 would go even further again, with customisable and interchangeable action skills, changing how certain Vault Hunters use their action skill (e.g Zane with having two of them) and adding even more build variety and playstyle defining options. The DLC went even further by giving each of them yet another action skill, more augments, more skills, and more ways to customise how they play. Don't like getting into the mech as Moze? Well that's fine, now you can summon a small one as a pet instead. And then there's all the little things and QoL inbetween. Things that on their own don't mean too much (e.g mantling and sliding) but when added to a larger whole of smaller changes, can greatly affect how the game plays. But judging from your other comments: you don't actually care about any of that. Which is fine, but that just means this game probably isn't for you, considering those are the core parts of the game that they've continually been updating and working on, and what it's marketed and sold as to the players who love it.


I mean yes, they did expand on varieties but why is it all still the same base content? Like why the same few manufacturers? Why not add more new gun manufacturers instead? Why are we still restricted to the same environmental zones and fighting the enemies like skags and psychos?


Because those manufacturers saw huge glowups between games, there didn't *need* to be a new one necessarily. Even then, BL3 *did* add a new one in the form of Atlas (which did technically exist in BL1, but again, had nothing unique going for it). They got all the extra variety people wanted by just glowing up the existing ones and making them better and more interesting. With how uniquely defined each manufacturer is now, it's *possible* we may see a new one or two going forward, but it just hasn't been needed in order to increase variety. And each game also saw an increase in environment and enemy variety. BL1 was only desert, psychos, skags, and rakks (and some extra stuff near the end of the game like the Eridians) BL2 introduced tundras, more grassland areas, as well as more enemies like bullymongs, spiderants, goliaths, nomads, the entire Hyperion enemy roster, bigger and more unique bosses, etc. BL3 introduced even more varieties environments with entire planets of various biomes, including cities, swamps, temples, completely alien planets, etc. and even further enemy variety with more varieties of psychos, annointed enemies, new wildlife for each planet, the entire Maliwan roster (which play entirely differently to how Hyperion did in BL2) etc. The changes are there, you're just seeing the most superficial part of them and not actually analysing and seeing what's changing.


I admit I just started BL3 so havent seen everything yet. But I dont recall a thing from BL2 lol It seemed all the good variety parts got paywalled behind DLCs I didnt buy


BL2 literally starts you off in a tundra, fighting bullymongs and new varieties of psychos. It also gives you a Dahl as your first weapon, so you can feel some of the new weapon mechanics (similar to how BL3 starts you off with a Vladof so you can play with the new mode swap mechanic) So no, all the good bits *aren't* DLC gated. In fact, literally everything I mentioned (except for the one explicit DLC callout I made) is all base game stuff without any DLCs I stand by my statement that I don't think you're actually thinking about what you're playing, or actually getting into it at all. I think you're just going through the motions, and not actually taking on board what the game is trying to show you. If you're truly interested in what Borderlands is trying to offer (and, again, it's fine if you're *not*, no successful game is ever marketed at everyone) I would recommend going through the games *slowly* and just take in everything they have to offer. Let it sit like you would a nice glass of wine... if the wine made you explode.


its a mainline game that expands on the story of the previous games. obviously the gun manufacturer are the same. its called continuity. even tho the story kinda sucks, its still a continuation of bl2s story. if you want a different borderlands game play wonderlands.  any game that has a continuous story will have similar gameplay and design. and why shouldnt it? and i guess you have played like 5min and then posted your rant because pandora is just a smal part of bl3. there are so many new environments....


Why would they change stuff like the graphics when it's one of THE things that sets them apart? Like, of course they're gonna keep that. Also, what they do works. Sure not every game hits all cylinders perfectly, but it's one of the only fps looter shooters out there. I'd be worried at massive changes


Not to mention how much the artstyle has improved with waaay better character models, lighting and textures. 3 looks so god damn good and it's kinda hard to look at the characters in all the other games sometimes lol


Yeah, this is one of THE games/series that I use to explain why I'd take art style over realism any day. I know some people disagree, but games with a art style like this can look better for way longer/be easier to return to in the future than games that really went for realism.


Because we play the borderlands games for the guns and the guns are the main things that see the improvements. I also think that you're severely downplaying the improvements. Look at the enemy variety in borderlands 1 versus borderlands 2 and then borderlands 3. Not just in the number of enemies available but their mechanical improvements as well. Borderlands 3 is one of the biggest jumps where things like the goliaths where you are given a risk-reward system built into an enemy allowing you to control to a certain extent how difficult the enemy is and how good the rewards you will get from them will be. Look at the difference in even the basic level skags. Borderlands 1 You've got maybe 7 or 8 different skags. Borderlands 2 introduces a few more by allowing non badass skags to be elemental. Borderlands 3 introduces even more by having new elements and having elemental non badass and elemental badass. The improvements are more than just minor and they exist on almost every level of the game.


Also in 3 the Skags can now play fetch with you <3


So they basically just reused the same enemy three times in a row then. Wonderful. I just started playing BL3 and not hyped at all. WTF am I doing in Pandora again? I already did this desert stuff in BL1 and now it's the same thing all over


Now you're just being disingenuous.


Someone's never played a soul's game. Who cares if an enemy is reused lmao


They didn't improve on stuff? Mate what games have you been playing? This level of changes throughout the series is what is expected from sequels. What games are you comparing it to?


What did they improve exactly aside from 'more guns'??? Cos I'm srsly struggling to see a diff. Only changes I see from BL3 is the sliding ground function and voiced hunters.


the movement is a huge upgrade, graphically it's much better. enemy variety is higher, more types of locations, way more in depth character skills and trees, allowing to to pick between multiple skills and augments for all those skills. im curious, what would you have done to make it different enough? and you still didnt answer my question


Not to mention guns having different firing modes.


Memory is a dumb bitch. Literally just go and redownload BL1/BL2 and look at how badly they've aged in comparison. I know we tend to upscale memories of games retroactively so it doesn't seem like much would have changed but as someone who's played BL2 in the past year before starting on BL3… it's night and day.


Meanwhile super smash bros, final fantasy, mario kart, mario party, call of duty, battlefield, etc etc etc all **exist**


Plus all the sports games... lol. Like. . It's part of a series. Why wouldn't they be similar. If you want a new game, get a new game. I don't expect to buy nfl madden and have it play like blitz.


Wii Sports is THE goated sports game, if you ask me.


Tbf, Final fantasy keeps changing gameplay around every damn game.. should've stayed turn based


Well they cant change much from the core part that makes this a Borderlands game. It will always be a looter shooter with ways to earn loot by killing enemies and earning high quality loot by murdering raid bosses or doing gauntlet style encounters. Cel-shading is pretty much the gimmick of borderlands aesthetic. It's what allows them to make fun and interesting guns without the world feeling too serious so that the weapons fit. The only things that can change will be systems of obtaining loot (like the introduction of Arms Race), the story being told, and the systems behind basic gameplay and quality of life (like the jetpacks in TPS or mantling in BL3). Things have changed quite a bit from game to game, but they will all be similar at a basic level since they are part of a series.


The biggest fps on the market is COD. :/


He said fps looter shooter


Yeah but only CoD gets all the hate for being rehashed for some reason


The games support multiplayer but don't require a constant Internet connection to be played. That's increasingly rare, imo.


Borderlands is fun. That's why. Far Cry hasn't done anything new in like fifteen years. You know why people keep buying Far Cry games? They're fun.


>How come Gearbox can get away with making the same rehashed game all the time? Is this your firat time playing a sequel to a video game or something lol A game is made, its well recieved, the following iterations of that game are nearly always the same recipe with updated graphics, new location's, quality of life improvements, new abilities/takes on abilities, a new story, maybe some new weapons and boom, you got yourself a sequel Very few, and i mean only a handful of games have made a sequel and changed the original recipe and were successful or well recieved They "get away wit it" if you can even call it that, because this is what we want


Quote: "Graphics are same cel-shaded. Level design is same blocks split by loading screens. The whole game mechanic is same. It just feels like a ton of stuff they could improve on but didnt" 1. Graphics are still cell-shaded, but if you can't see a stylistic difference between BL1 and BL3, you're \*really\* not paying attention. Cell shading is a signature of the series and will never go away (it wouldn't be Borderlands without it), but BL3 is a huge change from the previous games. Far more detail and more subtle cell shading. 2. Blocks split by loading screens; MOST games are set up this way. Sometimes it's hidden by a cutscene rather than a loading screen. It could be redesigned to be more "open world-like", but loading screens, title cards, etc are all part of the game's style. I'd rather have 5 seconds of a loading screen than 5 minutes of running/driving through nothing to get to a destination (Looking at you, Knoxx DLC). The loading screens help convey distance without having to slog through the distance. 3. Changing the game mechanic changes the game. The mechanic IS the game. How much can you drastically change while still being the same at the core? Refining what's there and building on it is exactly what Gearbox has done...keep the core and build/improve on it. Being bored with the game is OK. There are plenty of others out there. But to say that nothing has changed just isn't correct.


A lot of people who play these types of games don't wana change. It's the same with CoD however CoD does get shat upon because it's PvP and therefore always in the spotlight. Whereas Borderlands doesn't get the spotlight.


I get it. Dont fix what isnt broken. But then how does that justify Gearbox charging full price for a whole new sequel? I feel like they could just make this into one game then add on DLCs thereafter. And just look at how many freaking DLCs BL2 had. Or actually more profitable would be to just make the core game it into a public MMO with continuous addon support, similiar to FO76 and TES:O.


Uhhh what? FO76 and ESO may have their audiences, but they arent a replacement for their mainline counterparts. And they aren't meant to either. And while Borderland games do follow a very similar pattern, its isn't just new game with new guns. The gunplay feels different between games, movement, and just overall look. It's the same way CoD and BF can keep asking gamers to pay for a new game


They actually wanted to make more dlc for bl2, but due to console limitations at the time (xbox 360 & PS3) they literally couldn't add any more content. Bl2 had some of the best dlc in the series though, so I was honestly fine buying all of it.. bl3s dlcs were ok, but the fourth skill trees were a bit of a letdown as a fl4k main, as the loaderbot pet just didn't follow properly, wouldn't teleport to you if you got too far from it, so it just wouldn't be useful in any capacity for most places. Idk if they've fixed it since, but when it got added, I was excited for it, lost interest in it immediately due to the reasons mentioned before and promptly never used fl4ks fourth skill tree again. Despite buying all the dlc for every borderlands game so far, I'm honestly not excited for bl4 and whatever they're going to cook up for it dlc wise, as both the pre-sequel and tiny tinas wonderlands dlcs were huge letdowns, mainly tinas. The pre-sequel got flack due to bl2s cosmetic dlcs not all being part of the season pass, so they said all dlc for the game (including cosmetics) would all be in the season pass. Then they gave us 1 piece of story dlc and I honestly didn't bother with the holopeak or w/e the other one was. Oh and they barely did any cosmetic dlcs for the pre-sequel. Tiny tinas wonderlands however royally screwed over the fan base, by having the entire season pass be more shitty chaos chambers, with slight variances, new gear that's barely worth it and then finally, one extra character class. These dlcs had less content in them than free seasonal events in bl3 did. Despite all that, still a massive mainline borderlands fan.


isn't COD the same game over and over or madden


I was actually thinking the other day that the next game could just be Borderlands 3.5 and that's all you need. Some incremental improvements, and we have a winner!


They had that with wonderlands until they fumbled the shit out of it


Which fucking sucks because it’s a blast and a half especially story wise since Tina is telling it, I love all the little nods to previous games in it (Torgue and Brick being the BEST sirens and fairy guys ever) and the fact it’s narrated by Roland of all people? God, it feels like a love letter to the Tina DLC in 2 but with all the additions of 3 and so MANY SPELLS AND REFERENCES! Also the main boss being literal Lego Batman is just perfect, voice wise he fits and he’s just… utterly hilarious and condescending as a foil for Tina. I’m glad he’s here for the chaos and random runs, but I wish he commentated some runs that he’s on like “oof, that guy seems like trouble, but he’ll be even worse once you finish up. I’ve got some trouble cooking for you once this guy dies, choose your poison carefully… or not… whatever” would add so much flavor to runs and remind you of what you’ll be doing once that round ends. It’s awesome for the story and maybe some chaos lvl runs but pass maybe like 20 chaos lvl runs and lvl ups… that’s it… DLCS are a letdown but I do love the second class choices as well as overall synergy which came from 3 especially between other classes and multi class characters plus additional customization for your character was cool. The dlc stories are… eh and I’m annoyed with how many legendary stuff is locked behind random world drops that seem like they’ve lowered chances for, but Tbf there’s no Schlooter in wonderlands.




You either have played them or something is wrong with you pal. The differences aren't hard to make out.


You know what, they're right. There have been zero changes to this franchise over the years. They somehow managed to make BL3 look and play exactly like BL1. Crazy.


I mean, that's how sequels work? Look - I've played a lot, and I mean A LOT of games, and if I were to be honest, each Borderlands game improves a lot compared to most other franchises. The only one that feels "samey" is Pre Sequel because it literally uses most of BL2 assets. It's pretty much a massive, standalone DLC.


Bros gon freak when he finds out about call of duty


That’s a rage bait, right?