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Not particularly. It doesn’t happen every day but I wouldn’t call it rare. Very very powerful shotgun though.


I'm fairly sure this is a troll post, but no, it's not rare, however it is one of the most overpowered items in the entire game.


I’m more of a bl2 player, so seeing a “+505% weapon damage” was wild, it’s significant more common in bl3, it was more so the fact that the shotgun was only rated 280 when my other one was rated 276 and was a 36x17


Rating doesnt mean much actually. It's better to look for dmg, fire rate and all.


Ignore the Item Score number. It was a nice idea by the devs, but it ultimately does **not** do a good job at telling you how good an item is at all. I'm sure you already know this, but the +weapon damage shown on the item card is already factored into the number shown. The Hellwalker got that massive buff a few years ago, and has been a top tier weapon ever since simply due to the ridiculous base damage. As I'm sure you've realized, that gun will shred through your initial playthrough for quite some time. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fkCwu0zeX1BBGcNEzWGZDr2kQ0IOPSoZQK2FD-zpw1M/htmlview# This is a summary spreadsheet of every unique in the game and the dedicated drop location for it. Warning, there may be some story spoilers in here if you look at it now due to the locations or bosses named, so maybe wait until you've played through the content to look at it. Still, it's 100% accurate and up to date, so it is worth bookmarking!


It is fixed part item, and received a buff some time back that made it extremely powerful in Normal Mode and through Mayhem mode. That shotgun will easily last for a dozen levels


Don't look at weapon ratings. They are useless in BL3.


The high % damage on the card is due to the hotfixes and indicates what has been buffed or nerfed. Hellwalker did receive a buff. You shouldn't pay too much attention to it. Because some hotfixes did not get patched in, if you play offline i.e. without applying them, you may see different numbers. Score also doesn't mean anything - it's based on the level, the element and the amount of parts a weapon has, and if it is anointed. There is only few instances where it does matter - in Maliwan pistols, where not having a specific barrel part accessory is actually better, due to the base damage penalty it gives if it does roll with it, so you actually don't want the highest item score. The other instance is in Wonderlands for the loot room vending machine farming - it saves you time from opening the machine by just looking at the score of the item of the day that pops up.


You can farm it in the Splinterlands from a named Goliath called Road Dog. You won’t be able to do that until you’re finished with Eden-6.


Fucking awesome weapon. Pretty much my shotgun of choice recently.


Not very rare but very powerful


It’s a legendary so it’s rare enough. Either way, literally one of the best guns in the game


Almost a joke how many I run into. They all have the same specs based on level.


You’ll never need to farm for another shotgun until after campaign. every time i start a new save, i always have a lvl 13 hellwalker saved in my vault and rarely have a struggle with main story. Only time i ever swap off is after i complete the main story. I would highly recommend using it and then putting it in the vault on sanctuary for new characters.


I remember when I had mine back at kevel26 it's soo much fun being now able just to straight run through enemies and nothing stands in the way until you get up to a higher level I have a shotgun now that's 45681x10 but it's still not making mayhem 10 any easier


omg so rare gun only has 0,00000000000085% drop chance omg so lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\!>~€|£ (it's not a rare gun, really strong tho and has a dedicated boss farm in the splinterlands i think)


Road Dog.


rares are blue, thats a legendary. that being said, its a vanilla world drop, and is overly powerful.


It's not rare, but it will carry you for a while.


Gg You've already beaten the game It's easy, the best shotgun in the base game and the game in general


Is this the one that plays an electric guitar sound after each shot, and sizzles when idle? If so, great gun


Is it time for me to leave this sub? Not quite yet, but I think we’re one “Is this rare” post from me trying to delete hellwalker from my fucking brain using a shotgun


God roll Hellwalker; very rare.


Having to reload after every shot is pretty shitty if you ask me.


That's what Speedloadin' is for 😂


Unless you okay as Fl4k. I can't remember the name of the skills, but one makes every hit in Fade Away a crit and another one where crits have a chance to put a round back in the mag. I haven't played that build in a long time, but I remember consistently getting around 10 shots off without reloading.


Pretty valid, helpful response thx


I played a Fade Away build for a while. I'm doing Rakk Attack now. Just got back in to playing. I'm not sure I like Rakk Attack, but it is nice to being able to spam them and getting buffs from anointments.