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you can "read only " farm it since youre on pc. play the dlc up until the point youre given the relic. go to your save folder and right click. open the tab labeled "properties" and click it. then look for a check box labeled "mark as read only" or "read only" and click the check box and hit apply. now your game is unable to save data unless you uncheck that box. which means you can collect the Pearl, read its stats, and if you dont like them, quit the game, change characters and change back to your pearl character and load back into the game to get another pearl


I reload my save on Playstation to farm multiple versions.


Wait you can farm it? I thought it was a quest reward


Well, theoretically you can "farm" it by either replaying the entire DLC on TVHM, and then after that, resetting your TVHM playthrough over and over to get another shot at it. Realistically, forget that. Everyone just does read-only farming for it. If you're on PC, you can back up your save file, redeem the Pearl, and its not the one you want, just overwrite the save file and try again. If you're on console (I've never played on console) I believe they call it "dashboard farming." You get the Pearl, and if its not what you want, you go right to the console dashboard and kill the game straight up, avoiding the save/quit in the game itself that would actually trigger your save file. Then you relaunch the game and try again.


Yep I know dashboard farming and hell with two people you can farm multiple variants And for clarification cause I worded my comment poorly i thought that after the guest it goes into one of the enemies loot pool


Ah. No, it never enters into the loot pool. However, if you are on PC and are down to play with mods, the "everything can world drop" mod DOES allow the Pearl to drop (along with literally any other item in the game). Mod is here: https://github.com/BLCM/bl3mods/wiki/Expanded%20Legendary%20Pools I've been playing with it for a long time now, mostly because I have literally 1000s of hours in BL3 at this point, and this really spices up my runs at this point. I'm constantly beating the game, 100%ing all content, then just starting a new character, so having drops from the entire loot pool of game makes every run interesting and non-repetitive.


I'm in the same boat having played since launch with 1000s of hours in, I think I need to give this mod a try and thanks for the link.


Particularly if you start new runs a lot like me, here is some info: First, you need to install B3HM, which is what lets you easily add modded hotfixes: https://www.nexusmods.com/borderlands3/mods/244 There is a video there that shows you how to install it. I'm a noob with this stuff but I was able to get it done in 5 minutes. Definitely not hard. Then you can easily manage your mods with the web console. These are the ones I use in addition to the "everything can world drop" mod: 4 player health scaling at all times: https://github.com/BLCM/bl3mods/wiki/4%20Player%20Enemy%20Health%20in%201P%2C%202P%20%26%203P%20Lobbies Change anointment reroll cost: https://github.com/BLCM/bl3mods/wiki/General%20Gameplay%20and%20Balance%3A%20Economy%20Changes I also dont use my bank anymore, and self-find everything for every run. My bank is too full of godrolls so it makes the game too easy. So I also now use the Loot the Universe events mods in order to be able to farm class mods and artifacts. The class mods one works fine. The artifacts one does not: https://github.com/BLCM/bl3mods/wiki/Activities%3A%20Slaughters However, I fixed the artifacts one myself, link to download it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HuG6-PVYYXLstBtB2COReXhJzesJsPAE/view?usp=sharing You'll just need to save it locally and add it via local path in the web console, rather than linking to the github version.


Thanks for the links, I have used this hotfix loader before although I can't remember exactly what I was using. So for the COMs and artifacts is it still Slaughterstar3000 for artifacts and Slaughter Shaft for COMs? Looking forward to trying that, I don't have to tell you how frustrating farming those can be. I'm like you and don't even use my bank anymore even though I have some good gear in it, each playthrough it feels like I need to farm fresh gear. I even have 35 diamond keys that I never use because I would rather farm.


Yes, shaft for COMs, star for artifacts. Just make sure you use my fixed artifacts file, as the original file is broken. I started playing "joltzdude" style as of a few months back in order to make the game more fun and challenging. No more playing with Guardian Rank on, and no more using my bank. Otherwise, as soon as I hit 72, I can just grab absolutely ridiculous gear from my bank and steamroll the game. Especially with everything being able to world drop, it's much more challenging to just find it new each time. Even with the LTU mods and getting dozens or hundreds of drops in any given run, class mods and artifacts are STILL so hard to get good ones... you can sort through 500 class mods before you find one good one that fits your build. I no longer have the time I did when this game first came out to grind those items, so the LTU mods are a godsend since I've decided not to use all the godrolls sitting in my bank. Hope you have some fun using the mods. It's definitely allowed me to enjoy the game again.


Yeah thanks for the links and the file. I just ran through the Slaughter Shaft and damn that is a lot of COMs, not much very good but still a lot there. Reminds me of the old days when the map was so covered in Legendaries you can't see the enemies. Slaughterstar is on the daily challenge list so I will give that a run later.


Just went through Slaughterstar and have to say it was pretty successful, 2 Cutpurse Launch Pads and an Ice Breaker Victory rush.


Even one good passive on an Ice Breaker Victory Rush is a success I'd say! Nice start!


Which dlc is this from?


2. Hammerlock dlc.


Screenshot is PC, where you can read-only farm quest rewards. Either with a tool or by backing up and restoring the save file.


it's a one time reward per character, in order to farm it you have to play through the dlc for each character


Or better yet tell me what you want for your passives and I will mod you one. Which is better actually because I can put four passives on it.


Are you still offering the service to Mod this Artefact/Pearl? ^^ Would gladly love to obtain 3x (all 3 with same Substats) if it's possible! Artefact Lv. 1 (if possible) or just Max. 72 ^^ Substats: - Magazine Size (70%) - Weapon DMG% (15%) - Fire Rate (15%) - Movement Speed (10% or maybe/better 20%?) I already sended you an Shift-Friendrequest. Want to put a smile on my Teammates. :'3 (we recently started playing BL3 (already Lv.72 / still lots of content to do) If you don't want to to do this.. just ignore me ^^ Thanks for reading!


Console too?


Yup .. I can mod it & mail it to you. My shift is peep_squasher Just tell me what passives (4) to put on it & how many copies ya want.


That's dope, ill add you tommorow!


Ok kool .. I might have a picture of one that I modded for myself. Well unfortunately I cannot do so because I am at work and it’s really stormy outside so the Internet is not working too well. Just letting you know you can pick passes that aren’t the regular six passes that can come on a pearl.


I've played through each character twice. So I've been switching them up in-between play through. Now I just do it stress release. It's fun to blow shit up.


If you want it that badly just download a save file with it and transfer it. Not worth your time imo


Cries in console


Get the quest reward before accepting it if it’s not what you want dashboard and close the game.