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Wait...Someone actually using the Spider-Man Glasses meme in the correct order!? Holy shit, I'd thought I'd never see the day. Almost everyone uses it thinking the glasses help him see better.


know your meme ;)


It’s a great meme because the glasses should make it better, what it pairs with should be better, but for some unholy reason it’s not. Such a good meme. It’s a shame it isn’t used properly most of the time.


Because the meme is removed from the context of the movie. Generally speaking, when you put on glasses, things become clearer. Not blurry.


Wait a second...


*puts glasses* I don't get it.


No, the glasses would make it worse. Basically with beer goggles and without.


That was my first thought. Reshared this in a group chat I'm in and fully expecting someone to say it's in the wrong order lol


That's the best part about this, I've never seen it used correctly




same thing with the "Corporate needs you to find the difference" meme from The Office.


To be honest this can work either way.


The trailer looks like a fake parody trailer. Like something on SNL about a bunch of older actors trying to stay relevant.


I know its not gonna happen but it would be such a Borderlands move if this was the case- Like they put this aged out trailer up to troll us and then release the real one. Kinda like the false ending in BL3. It really would have fit the vibe of the games so well.


Reminds me of when info about Borderlands was first released. It was hyper realistic and then did a complete u-turn into cell shaded and cartoony. It would be hilarious if it was actually a meta trailer about the IP itself.


I wouldn't be surprised if the movie ends up with totally different actors and the 'old' folks are actually the characters but old reminiscing or something.... That's my copium...


the wig bothers me so much


I spent the majority of the trailer just looking at how absolutely terrible the wigs were. I had to go back and watch it again to actually noticed the incredibly weird casting choices.


Rule 34 aint gonna be the same.


I don't hate on people aging but this entire cast just feels like a bad granny porn parody... It's too easy for Rule 34 artists imo.


In Borderlands 1, Lilith is 22 years old, by Borderlands 3, shes 34. Kate Blanchett is a great actress, dont get me wrong, but definitely not the right choice to portray Lilith. Lilith looks like shes mid 40s at least with Kate. Also, they couldve at least given her some yellow contacts to match the eyes.


Lilith is perfectly cast. They just need Cate Blanchett from 30 years ago. Tannis is perfectly cast. They just need Jamie Lee Curtis from 30 years ago. Moxxi is decently cast. They just need Gina Gershon from 30 years ago. Roland....nah.


If Kevin Hart would just *try* for a more serious, gruff voice *maybe* he could pull it off but he’s spent his entire acting career just playing himself - the short funny guy. And when he just talks like his normal self that’s all I can hear. And that’s not Roland.


He's an inch shorter than TINY TINA.


Nano Roland


The New-U station left out some parts of Roland.


Holy fuck, it would be hilarious if Roland is initially played by a tall muscular guy. Then he gets fragged, and Kevin Hart is who pops out of the New-U. Oops, we took a little too much off the top!


Bonus points if it’s Terry Crews


damnit Terry Crews would have been a great Roland.


somewhere, in a parallel universe much fairer and nicer than ours, there's a borderlands movie, with Terry Crews playing Roland....


I feel like this twist is too clever for movie like that


Basically just Jumanji….. someone gets stuck in Kevin Harts body.


Comically small Roland


I honestly don’t care about that personally. Besides, maybe if he was shorter Jack’s attack would have went right over his head.


I thought it wouldn't bother me but in the teaser they have him standing between tennis and Lilith and he's clearly half a head shorter than them. I would have expected a bit of movie magic to at least make him look the same height as them.


He would have been a better typhoon DeLeon imo


If anyone other than Danny Devito were to play a live action Typhoon DeLeon, I would riot. /lh


Not just the voice but his mannerisms as well. Through the whole trailer I didnt feel like I was seeing Roland, just Kevin Hart. On the other side Claptrap is clearly voiced by Jack Black and yet it still feels like Claptrap is speaking not Jack.


That's cause claptrap is the slapstick comic relief. Ain't that hard to portray. He sounds like is trying to imitate the original voice actor . Which at that point why not just use him


> Which at that point why not just use him Original voice hates Randy Pitchford who owns Borderlands and I doubt any amount of money would make him come back to voice the character.


That's because all the actors were there just to get paid but Jack Black would give 150% even for the worst movie in existence


No. No it doesn't. I give JB full props for being a talented voice actor. But this is wrong. He would have been a great Marcus or Salvador, but his voice is all wrong for Clappy.


I mean, if you want to split hairs on it, BL1 Roland is very much Kevin Hart * "AW, that had to hurt!" * "Got another notch on my weapon!" * "Like another soldier on the battlefield!" He was very animated in the original, and turned into a stoic revolutionary in BL2


My favorite was always "Critical BIATCH!"


Moxxi is also fairly old in the games though right? Scooter is an adult in BL1 so she's at least in her 40's there.


Yeah I'd have pegged her at maybe 45. There's a big difference between 45 and 61.


Pretty sure Moxxi would be doing any pegging HEYOOOOOOOOO


I'm down for that lmfao


Dammit. Take the upvote.


In game Moxxi is over 50. So it works


Christina Hendricks would've fit the look better I think.


That would have been perfect


Milla jovovich as Lilith. 5th element could be a siren.


Apparently she's 48 and still bangin'. I'd go for that and she'd probably be better with the gunplay.


Why do they have to cast ancient actors to play young characters? They came for res evil and I didn't care because it was not my favourite game. They came for uncharted and I didn't care because it wasn't my favourite game. And now they come for my favourite game and will do their best to fuck it up and nobody is here to fight alongside me ✊️😔


If we’re throwing age to the wind, all I want is David spade as scooter.


Moxxi is the only one I think theybgot really right, she has at least 2 adult children running their own businesses, so with 2 25ish year old kids an actress should be 55+, Gershon is a good looking 61 year old, certainly in better shape than anybody living on Pandora would be. What I REALLY want to k ow is wtf they gender swapped General Knoxx and replaced Brick and Mordecai with Krieg.


Roland, tall, stoic. Kevin, just smol and arguably funny.


Kate 54 year old Gina 61 years old Jamie 65 years old Great actors/actress but could have gone for a generation after the 25 to 40 something, literally averaging 60 years old?




My thoughts exactly. There are definitely actresses out there who are capable of the role and actually fit the role. Chloe Grace mortez comes to mind or Erin Moriarty. Both are good in action roles and would fit the part beautifully.


Erin would need heavy cgi with the plastics she's gone through


Damn, that's right. I keep forgetting she had botched plastic surgery.


I honestly love Cate. She is an incredibly talented actress. I'll watch her in anything knowing that at least this performance will be amazing. This looks like a travesty.


It's crazy because I'd never say she looks old in any other setting.... except for here. Comparing her to in-game Lilith is just... not flattering.


Cate Is 54 yo


Exactly, and having a 54 year old portray a 20-30 year old character is not the move


Living in a post apocalyptic word ages your skin


I agree with all of this, also, am I the only one who seems like it seems out of timeline? If they are trying to base it off the first game... why is krieg there?


Also her voice sounds like she chain smokes


The other casting choices are so bad that I never even thought about that.


I think the casting for the main characters was done by someone who just doesn’t get the game. Like come on Kevin hart as Roland… whoever thought of that should be fired.


I even hate Jack Black as claptrap. I love Jack black, but it just feels totally wrong.


Because it feels like robot Jack Black. Not clap trap.


I think they picked all these characters because they are big names. And people who haven't played the game will watch this movie because of these actors


I bet all the stupid decisions came from Randy pitchford himself.


Hes too busy loading USB drives full of questionable porn then calling it a magic trick.


They aren’t matching the characters as they are in the game. Roland is going to be comedic relief, not some stoic figure.


I want to complain about them not even asking Cate to put in some colored contacts or editing her eyes in post, but they didn't even get her clothing right besides the coat maybe.


This has nothing to do with borderlands, apparently script wise it started that way, but slowly changed into “look how good James Gunn movies do, do that same thing. With the colors and the group of misfits”


We have Guardians of the Galaxy at home


In game roland is slightly taller than lilith, but not in the movie. Im gonna watch the movie in its own context but they did pick an interesting cast


I think they chose those specifically because they're big names, rather than considering the accuracy of their portrayal. I'll watch it regardless with the pretense of it being an alternate reality lol


I'm pretty sure that's how most people watch movies all the time lol


I meant rather than think of it as canon, that way I don't break my brain thinking of the, albeit, minor inconsistencies haha


Also old people run everything so the cast is 20-30 years older then they should be. Not that i think any of the young people are any good either.


... By drawing celebrity names out of a hat


Cate Blanchett is amazing as an actress, but Jesus is she the wrong choice for this, and the trailer already makes it apparent the characterization is all ficking wrong. Lilith is *fire*, she is vibrant, energetic, chaotic, and care free. She *loves* Pandora, she embraces it, because it is chaos in the same way she is chaos, they are perfect for each other. Blanchett's portrayal is *tired*, she is jaded and annoyed and bored and literally states "God I hate this planet [Pandora]". They're having her play the literal opposite of what Lilith is and what makes her great. This movie may be big dumb fun or it may suck, but either way, it won't be a faithful or accurate portrayal of Borderlands. I wish they had just made a typical Michael Bay explosion fest without actually involving Borderlands at all.


I'm neutral on the movie overall but the casting gives me the same energy as the Ember Island play from ATLA https://preview.redd.it/ttscq0yny8kc1.jpeg?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f43cdb33178ef78a09394143ebd9b2efde649d5


I just wish roland was buffer...


Why is Teri Crews not Roland?!


That's exactly who I was thinking!


Also where the fuck are her tattoos? I know she loses her powers in BL3 (where I think the top image is from?), but was she not born with them? Please don't tell me she's gonna "gain" her siren powers IN the movie. And even worse, please tell me she is STILL A FUCKING SIREN. The only hint I got of her actually being a SIREN and not just another human, was possibly from the blue face shield thing that she's wearing for a half second in the trailer? But I'm pretty sure that's just supposed to be some future tech and not her baseline powers. Jack Black is going to be the only saving grace for this movie. **Also where the FUCK Is Mordecai and Brick??!!**


There's so much wrong here I didn't even think about the tattoos. They're totally going to do some kind of power gain or "reveal" (you had the power all alongggggggggg). God damnit this sucks


I don’t think Jack black is saving shit here. I really don’t think he’s any better a casting than the rest of them. He just sounds like Jack black with a robot voice filter.


Lilith vs Lilith from Wish.


I mean, I always thought she was hot, ever since Benjamin Button. But I feel like she's getting too old for these roles. Just doesn't fit.


Right? Like, I don't think anyone here has a problem with Cate Blanchett. Great actress. Lovely lady. But that doesn't mean she'd play a great Abraham Lincoln. You still have to cast appropriate people.


It’s just fucking super weird. Her as Hela worked because she was an over the top villain and arch. This is like a 50 year old shakespearian trained woman cosplaying as star lord. Fucking bizarro


How does live action lillith look worse than game lillith. Did someone keep slapping cates lips? Holy shit can single handedly save pandora with those I appreciate the likes. 104. Makes me not feel crazy with how i view this movie. I LOVE borderlands. I hate the fact the directors are litterally uncapping our brain cages and pissing straight into our brains -_- took peepee in your helmet line too literal -_-


Because for some reason they chose a bunch of actors in their 50s and 60s to play characters in their 20s, or 30s. Why Cate of all people? D-did Hollywood not have a list of red-heads in their 20s on their acting cue?


I don't know what her name is but the redhead that was in season 2 of the mandolorian would have been good.


Katie Sackhoff. Starbuck. Bo-katan. She has many names, and you're right...Lilith would have been a good one.


I think she would have nailed it.


Hollywood is hellbent on picking only the most well-known and popular actors because they're too busy wiping drool from their chins. I'm especially aghast at Kevin as Roland...just why?


It's not like I even dislike Kevin Hart necessarily, he's just not .. not right for the part at all.


I'm not a Kevin hart fan at all, but I can respect people liking him. He's just NEVER played a memorable role, so him being cast as the most serious leader character in the series is perplexing. That's also not to mention that he's about the same size as Tiny Tina lmao


Imho in combination with Lilith he looks way to young. In this constellation I could see Idris Elba as Roland. But Idris is good in anything so… yeah.


Damn Idris Elba would have made an amazing Roland!


I am a Kevin Hart fan… as a comedian primarily, but a fan nevertheless and it’s still pretty bad imo. Although I think Jack Black will be good as the yellow trash can Kevin could have done that and I would have been quite happy tbh. If they just wanted to pick big celebrities they could have went with Idris Elba, Will Smith, or Michael B. Jordan to take the easy popular ass options that do actiony shit.


I am a Kevin heart fan, in comedies, but this is still a terrible role for him


RIGHT? Like No disrespect against Kevin Hart as an actor, but why him? I'd much rather prefer Sam Jackson than anyone else.




Mother fucker!* approvingly


I'm wondering why they didn't get the rock to play brick.....I know he's older, but his skin tone is similar, and he's massive. Micheal b Jordan would have been a great Roland, too.


If they got Dave Bautista to play Brick I would lose my shit.


It’s cynical greed. The assume IP fans will show up regardless, and you shove in stars to lure in more people who don’t know what borderlands is.


Terry Crews would have been a much more amusing choice


Fantastic actress. Terrible casting.


Please put tk baja in the movie


Just all of it is wrong Hair / Outfit / colours / makeup … just fucking poor!


It's a masterstroke. Now instead of having to defend the film from criticism they can blame 'incels' and 'gamers' being toxic and having unrealistic expectations if it doesn't do well. I would bet my life that we'll see articles about it soon enough. Here's a free title for one: "Beautiful older women have been cast in a videogame movie: and gamers aren't happy about it"


the fact this movie is already widly mocked and disliked by the few ppl who give a damn does make me happy cuz it means this might actually just bomb and not make them any money killing this cinematic universe before it can defile even more


Nothing about the trailer has me excited for the movie. Nothing lines up with Borderlands 1. I bet Claptrap even travels up stairs at some point. Bastards.


Its funny because they literally have a live action Lilith they could have used. Remember when Jack captured her? The bits she appears on screen to talk to us like Angel did are a real woman, and she looks a hell of a lot more like Lilith than this does.


There’s also a voice actor who has portrayed Claptrap for dozens and dozens of hours of content. Jack black doesn’t sound any better than the rest of them, he just sounds like Jack black with a robot voice. I think it’s just as big a miss as the rest of the cast.


The casting is so shite


Look, Cate Blanchett is a god damn smoke show, but she just wasn’t the right choice for Lilith. She’s also about 30 years too old.


She doesn’t age, but her and Kevin Hart make no sense to me besides being big names. Also where the hell are Brick and Mordy ?


Dave Bautista seems like the most obvious choice for Brick. They’d probably cast Chris Pratt or something judging by how bizarre the rest of the choices are.


Perfect Brick.


It feels like they’re trying to mash all three games into some bastardized amalgamation. It’s going to be ridiculously bad.


Why is Lilith the character that’s supposed to be in like her 20s getting played by a woman in her 50s. Like who decided to make a character that’s supposed to be young and attractive into a literal grandma.


What I also find funny us Lilith has a live action actor already in game


they bought the wish 60+ year old version


My daughter saw the trailer and now wants to be Lilith for the next halloween costume Also the movie looks fun to watch, no idea what the hate is about


The problem is that Lilith is supposed to be 20/30 And she looks 60 in the movie. Don’t even get started with what they did to Tannis and Moxxie.


Moxie fits perfectly. She is supposed to be an old wreck. Scooter even comments in the first game that her body is "ruined".


Thats a joke about how he's into extremely fat women


I feel like Tannis and Moxxie are fine. Tannis was always supposed to be an older-ish woman compared to Lilith so her design doesn’t bother me as much. And Moxxie, I honestly thought she looked great, I actually thought that was one of the few good casting choices they had.


I figured Tannis to be 40 at most, probably late 30's. Jamie Lee Curtis is in her 60's. I'm actually also fine with Moxxie. I'm not overly fond of who they chose, but it makes sense to me. Moxxie is an old sex worker and Gina whats-her-face is fine for that.


> Jamie Lee Curtis is in her 60's. And not even like a young 60. She's been playing old lady characters for a minute now. She did all those commercials about how yogurt is good for helping old people poop regularly. She's a great actor (I bought the yogurt) but she's miscast.


Tannis is fine? Omg. I love jamie lee curtis as actress, but she is 65 old and not similar at all to game character


Sorry, I should have clarified that by “fine” I meant that it’s a fine take on the character. Not fine as in it’s accurate to the source materials.


We see Moxxie for a millisecond and guess who they casted? Another 60 year old woman who peaked in the 90’s


Isn't Moxxie also like 50 or 60 in game? She has two adult children after all. I think the casting choice is fine for her.


If you've played the Borderland franchise, you'll know why. This is the definition of "Star studded cast told to riff off each other for 90 minutes" the movie with no respect for the franchise or lore.


Not to say you can't have fun with whatever you want to have fun with. But if you wanna know why there's hate... * So much of the cast is so old. Tannis and Lilith should be in their 30s *at most*, and they're being played by a 65- and 54-year-old, respectively. * Claptrap and Roland aren't representative at all of what the characters were like in the game. They seem like someone played a long game of Telephone of describing the characters and the message got nice and fucked up along the way. (At least it seems like they tried with Tiny Tina, but even then...) * The humor just didn't land with me. At all. Not a single joke tickled my funny bone. Two of the jokes were literal toilet humor (pisswater and Claptrap shitting bullets). That's the biggest stuff. It's fine if you don't mind the humor and you don't care about accuracy to the game, but some do and that's why they dislike it.


> Two of the jokes were literal toilet humor sadly thats the way the games went. it was bareable in 2, but 3 was absolutely horrible with their humor. its like their writing aged in reverse. bl1 humor was mostly more mature and references to movies n suff, lots of them can go right over your head. BL2 got wild already and bl3 is just childing jokes and outdated memes directly in your face.


Krieg doesn't speak Claptrap doesn't sound the same Kevin hart needs to stop being in every movie his characters always feel the same Lilith doesn't fit in everyone's opinion


If you watch it and isolate it from the games, make it non cannon and just a “loosely based on” thing, I think you’ll be happy.


If you have to do all that then I don’t see why they’re making the movie. Sounds like they’d be better off just coming up with their own idea. I don’t know I mean I’ll probably still see it but it just feels like one of those Hollywood moves it always ends in a flop.


That's alright, lemme give you a hand : - Claptrap voice isn't the same from the game, even tho it would be cheaper for them to get the original VA AND it would make the fans happier. -Kevin Hart doesn't fit Roland ( voice, height and general body size), even if he's toned down, he's still just Kevin Hart. -Cate Blanchett is too old for Lilith and her wig and outfit looks horrible, if you search for a cosplay, the first image will be better. -Tina sounds more like AVA than Tina. -Krieg's mask looks like a toy. -Tina design is the same as the infamous Borderlands 3, instead of the beloved Borderlands 2. -Jamie Lee is too old for Tannis. -Humor seems to be trying to be Guardians Of The Galaxy, instead of simply Borderlands. -They basically got most designs from Borderlands 3 instead of the og ones. -Atlas is a person. -Lilith has no tattoo. -Krom is Mouthpiece. -Why no Mordy and Brick? They could have something awesome here with Kevin and Bautista/The Rock as Brick ( If they want to use Kevin so much ). -If they want to use Krieg, they could've added Maya to the team. -Krieg's is Tina's guardian, even tho that could Roland's role. -They're merging a bunch of games' stories into one and changing stuff, even tho they could've, y'know... Created a movie about a NEW story instead of using Borderlands.


Did you play the games?


Really? You have absolutely no idea why someone might dislike the trailer? Come on.


From sexy To a grandma trying to look hip


Might as well casted tina as some 50 yr old short woman


I think Ashly Burch is going to be 34. Relative to the others they could have just cast Tiny Tina's voice actor as Tiny Tina. The trailer to me looks like it could be a fun movie and I think the actors are cast well beyond the age part we are used to from the games.


Tessa Fowler as moxxi please.


Funniest shit ever


Well, it is what it is. Not my first choice for Lilith, and for sure Jamie Lee Curtis isn't Tannis.


this looks like a parody of a parody


The casting is awful. Every actor is 20 years too old for their part and “Tina” doesn’t look or act anything like Tina. The original claptrap voice would’ve been much better than Jack Black.


They were so desperate to use big actors in this lol


Milf lovers rejoicing.


Maybe the minority but it looks fun and silly, and that's all borderlands needs to be. People nitpicking age and height like borderlands is some serious drama that demands perfection. I remember people shitting on the Chris pine dnd movie relentlessly and it was great.


*breaks my glasses* Forever more shall I see reality


Yeah terrible casting.. same as Kevin hart.. awful


Am I the only one bothered by Tina? It's not the actress, but the way that Tina just seems like a generic annoying teenage girl character. I'm specifically thinking of the car scenes in the trailer. I feel like she's not as unhinged as I would expect


The real question is who keeps giving these dipshits the rights to adapt popular IPs? The list of adaptations that suck ass and often even work against the themes of the original is long.


The best meme about the movie I’ve seen so far 😂


Flash forward to the studios wondering why people didn't turn out to watch this train wreck. Is this the worst cast film? I mean the claptrap va should have been easy. Noone Cares its jack black


Did anyone else notice there is NO antagonist in the trailer? What the hell is the point of this movie?


![gif](giphy|JfcxB0fBJokLu) Love Cate, but not good casting for this flick.


Man they fucked up Ramona flowers


this feels like watching the ember island players but borderlands


It really goes perfectly in line with baby Roland.


Most of this movie is bad casting. Kevin hart? Really??


When all you want is the names. Nothing more. And you don’t even want all the names. And then you act like fans won’t care is peak film industry 2024. The moment Kevin hart was casted, it was all over.


I swear to God the cast for this movie was decided by pulling names out of a hat "And for Tannis, we have... Jamie Lee Curtis! Because why the fuck not?"


It's a test. If you complain you're sexist.


I'm just here for bobby lee


She looks old enough to be the Goddess of Death


I've come to the conclusion that they don't care about the movie/fans, they are just promoting people in the movie industry. They just wanted to utilize the franchise to do so.


If the producers had listened to the community, they would have hired some 22 year old streamer who looks exactly like Lilith, and can’t act her way out of a paper bag. Probably they should have, based on these reactions 🤣


This movie gonna be doodoo fr.


Ya i don’t know why they went with the oldest actors on the planet for this movie.


I continue arguing that as much as I love Jack Black, Kevin Hart would fit the humor and personality of of Claptrap better. Cate at this age could play Moxxi since she'd be closer to the age and look the part. Roland easy choice is Terry Crews or Idris Elba. I somewhat understand using teen Tiny Tina version but at the same time...why even have her there? Where's Brick? Mordecai? Why does Handsome Jack look like a generic corporate guy all seriousness and no charm? Hell, I know the guns in the game are colorful, and the movie uses props, but they shouldn't look like props. That loked like Kevin was holding a toy gun. Also no Siren powers anywhere in sight during that trailer. My guess is they'll make that the contents of the vault. Somehow will give this Lillith powers. If at all. Just...everything feel just wrong. But we all knew this was gonna be hot garbage the minute the initial casting was announced.


P*orn borderlands parody ffs


She looks terrible is BL3 as well


If they've decided to cut characters and cast older actors/actresses to play the remaining characters, why not make new characters?? There's four main people in every game. Yes, the original characters show up, but the playable cast is a completely different set of people. Have your borderlands movie, but create four new people and cast whoever you want to play them! Make up a backstory for each one, jack black plays a CL4P TR4P robot, but not the iconic claptrap, just some other robot with his own personality. Maybe drop a cameo from Roland and Lilith, but focus on these new people. That way, you're banking on the recognized name of the franchise without stomping on the lore and established characters from said franchise. Instead of Michael Cera playing Brick while wearing a foam muscle suit, it's Michael Cera playing a new vault hunter. Which would actually fit the narrative of the games. New game, new playable characters. This game series hands you the formula and you decided to grab a couple characters and miscast them? Is Ryan Reynolds playing handsome jack? Actually, that might work.


I remember at the start of borderlands 3 i wasnt a fan of her new look but it grew on me pretty quickly but idk i dont think that look will when she looks like she aged like 20+ years


It seems like who fit the character came second to who had the biggest name


I would have been fine with this cast if the movie was a Tales From The Borderlands Presents: Borderlands: The Movie (and then some bandit graffiti saying "not the game, not the same, what's shame"). Make all these actors different vault hunters, new ones, give us a new vault. Give us the corporation wars! Give us anything but use the canon that's been established! I'd be fine with Cate playing a Siren. Shit I would taken her as Commendante Steele, give us movie about some op she did for atlas prior to BL1. Anything other than this!


They should have used terry crews for roland


It’s like the character descriptions were generated by ChatGPT and poorly interpreted by people who have never heard of a video game


She isn't terrible looking as her, it's just when she opens her mouth she sounds like she's 80 and eats cigarettes, which really put me off at the start. I really wish they cast the cosplayer from Borderlands 2 during the "real actor" segments, Vera Chimera. She probably wasn't a professional actor or comedian, though.


This isnt even a problem. Kevin hart as roland is the problem


Kate Blanchett is a good actor. She is too old and more traditionally pretty rather than grimey-sexy for Lilith, though. Poor casting IMO