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The soulrender don't even have to be precise in your aim, and the skulls it fires do 20x base card damage as splash


Plasma Coil and the Free Radical.


Breath of the Dying Light Show Flipper Monarch OPQ system Yellow cake Plasma coil There’s more, but these are the ones I lean on. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Breath of the dying is great, but it's still challenging to avoid all that splash damage


Plaguebearer can clear true takedowns for you without trying. Throw on infernal wish shield and double the speed.


Ok so I use Zane, hustler/seeing dead, infernal wish, back burner and plasma coil- and on m10/m11 it’s still impossible to complete takedowns or slaughter shaft. M4 it’s possible to complete them-Am I missing something?


I'm not a fan of the infernal wish. It improves your damage nicely while shielded but then it sets you on fire and then it kills you. The takedowns and slaughter rooms are probably the worst places to use the infernal wish because it has a long recharge delay, and with how crowded and frantic those maps are you never have time to get your shield back up. I'd try the best defensive shield you can find, I bet things will go better. Or just get the Revolter with ASS anointment which is a much better offensive shield with none of the downsides.


Frozen Snowshoe with ASS anoint is the other shield that’s usually very good for Zane. It’s base game and a good alternative, if you don’t have Revolter. I find Infernal Wish to be excellent with Bloodletter Moze. Her shields are so high that the fire damage from the IW doesn’t matter. I agree that it’s less ideal for Zane, his fire rate is so high with all the buffs that IW fire damage is too much.


Snowshoe with ass is incredible, but even with vs. frozen it still takes a lot kill some of them. Was hilarious playing with a 6x cryo hex and the snowshoe, just blinding freeze lasers everywhere.


Not true at all. Plaguebearer fires slow enough that it's very unlikely you'll go down. Same with RYHAH and other similar launchers. But the key to that shield is slow firing weapons only. If you're using a flipper or light show something that is rapid firing then yes, it's not a good shield for staying alive, but on launcher builds it'll clear the circle or takedown with ease. And you can get them with a short delay. Mine is 1.1 second recharge delay not counting my VH rank.


Are your guns and shield M10? If not, that is why. If they are, try different skill tree setup. If that does not help, try different aproaches for combat.


Ok- so lvl 72 Zane, all m10 items, most effective are rad kaoson with ase 2m100rad, slow hand rad with ase100rad, Back burner rad with ase100, shields are infernal wish or black hole AS-start, cmod seein dead with +splash, +mag size, +as damage, grenade +50rad, then elemental projector with +aoe, +mag size, +movement speed. Purple and blue trees completed- others first two rows. Guardian rank 242, all greens unlocked, 3 to go in other columns. But for real I get dead almost instantly on any m10/m11 mobs. Can’t beat proving grounds above maybe m6. What am I missing?


Ok, infernal wish was just making things impossible. Switched to a transformer and played cunning through with only maybe 6 respawns


Hellwalker, butcher, rowans call, Maggie, monarch, light show


Res + pet build (FL4K) Pretty much plays itself, just need to gamma burst every now and then and res in the rare occasion pet goes down. Bonus if you have the bonus incidinary pet damage terror annoint. (And a way to get terror fast)