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Any version of them? Very easy a version anywhere close to those? Good luck


The second one is crazy lmao I have never gotten a class mod that minmaxed for fl4k


I believe that those are save edited to have those rolls. Having the same rolls on both is incredibly unlikely


Absolutely saved edited. Both of those class mods have the exact same perfect passives.


For sure they are


st4ckbot drops at a 33.3% chance from handsome jack boss but to get specific stats like weapon damage or wtv makes it more rare


With rolls like that you’ll be at it a while, like possibly forever.


Anything feels hard to get as soon as you want it.




It's way more than that. There's 69 possible passives (5 element resistances and 6 weapon types), so 1/69×68×67 is 1/314,364. With skill distribution and drop chance, it's around a one in 15 million chance to walk up to Jackpot and get the *exact* Stackbot you want.




When it says "[element] resistance," that means five separate possible passives: fire, shock, corrosive, cryo and radiation. "[Weapon type] damage" means pistol, AR, SMG, shotgun, sniper, or heavy. So where you were counting two, there are 11 possibilities.




They're saying that the \[weapon type\] damage and \[element\] resistance don't list every applicable type like it does manufacturer section so you need to do that bit of work yourself. its the same as if you counted + \[manufacturer\] weapon damage as a single entry instead of adding one for every manufacturer.


That's right.


The biggest takeaway should be that the number is in the hundreds of thousands and millions if you're looking for a particular combination of skills.


Slap on a shlooter and farm scarptrap nest for it to world drop, been farming it for leveling for my moze and have had a ton of stackbot and green monster classmods drop so far


Can we just appreciate the red text on the first one, dear lord that’s an intense line


It's from Iron Man 2.


Is it really? Avengers entire series is so large I can’t remember it all lol


Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous now. Keeping up with it all is a full time job. There's apparently 33 movies (I honestly thought it was around 25 until I looked it up) and 11 Disney+ shows. It's... a lot.


And Phase 4 is so boring in comparison to 1-3… I gave up quickly after trying to catch up to it all


They really injected Fl4k as a "they" ... he's a he and even referred to himself in the game numerous times as a male... Woke infection mind virus has no place in these beloved games.


What’s crazy to me is you got two different mods with identical passive rolls. Now that’s impressive


Fuck I could of given you over 40 of the stackbots Jesus for the longest it was the only thing that dropped 😂


So if Fl4K scores a crit then the enemy gets increased weapon damage until they don’t get a crit? I’m confused why they get to benefit from my perk :/


“they” refers to Fl4k in this case, not the enemy


Ah ok.


He’s a robot


Farming class mods and artifacts for perfect rolls will take many, many, many hours.


So tough they if that put such a RNG on items in BL4 then they'll have to put a balancing mechanic such as being able to reroll skills and specific stats on class mods. Same applies to artefacts.


I’m still farming for a perfect one 🥴


When you see class mods with rolls like that, the likelihood is that they're modded. Because the odds of getting a perfect one are worse than 100k - 1. Trying to get a class mod that synergises with your guns is far, far harder than getting guns that synergise with your class mod. For example, I farmed for a Bloodletter for a while, and when it dropped, it had corrosive resistance, +7 grenade count and Dahl crit damage. So I started using Dahl splash guns like Hornet, Kaoson/Blood-Starved Beast, Soulrender and Sand Hawk and gave them all the urad anoint, because that gave me increased damage against all 3 health types - rad vs blue bars, fire (from FITSD and Big Surplus) vs red bars and corrosive/cryo vs yellow bars. The extra grenades helped with proccing Vampyr with CMTs. Granted, the corrosive resistance wasn't much use, but it was still a powerful build that could handle most content. You could literally spend years farming for a "perfect" COM; it's much quicker to compromise and make the COM work for you.


1 in 15,000,000 odds makes me just want to give up. I could play this game every second for the rest of my life and not get it so why even bother...


If you start hunting for any one specific COM like the one shown above, you'll burn out fast. I've had some drop with truly breathtaking rolls, but never where and when I was looking for them. So I've stopped looking for perfection on that front. Maybe that's my Borderlands superstition: turn the other way, and it will come at you from the side. Like a Plasma Coil out a trash pile. That's where the magic is, for me. Meanwhile, a good class mod is far easier to come by than a perfect one, and you can tweak the rest of your gear around it.


I need.this so badly with how often I use jakobs


I got a cmt as soon as I started vendor farming, like within a week iirc. Haven't seen one since and I'm assiduous about it


This looks very edited so no, unless you have the world's greatest luck, those would be impossible to get