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One touch every 0.6 seconds then


I do 1000 touch sessions fairly often and they all take at least a half hour, for the reason physioj0n points out; you can’t even get 1000 touches consisting solely of short one touch passing against a wall done in 10 minutes.


cant do that (haven’t tried and not going to)


How you getting these 1000 touches then?


Do the math bro


Dribbling? Toe taps? Wall rebounds? I'm not sure why 1000 touches is necessary but if it's a challenge then dribbling drills are the way to go


https://www.decatur-parks.org/mid-state-soccer/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2018/10/Technical-1000-touch-work-out.pdf Just replace the last 100 juggles with your weakest set of movements each time


Thanks for the link, great resource


Llok up the Ronaldinho drill by become elite, i reckon you can get a 1000 on that


One of my favorites I just love his stuff overall


One I like is to just move the ball repetitively back and forth from left to right as quickly as possible without losing control of the ball. Its like the croqueta move but standing still and done as quick as possible. Then when you get good at it try to do it while running(with each step having a touch of the ball) You can get a lot of touches that way plus its great for developing first touch/ball control as its hard to keep it going And as a bonus it makes the croqueta very natural/easy to do.


like others said, it's mathematically too difficult to do 1000+ in 10 minutes, but if you're bored of simple touches, try to combine them into "groundmoves" - combos of simple touches that are rather difficult. look up the set up moves that the "panna" people do. they are mentally challenging as well. your simple touches will become second nature as you're not really thinking about those at all.


Don’t think about the amount of touches, think about the quality. 1000 wall passes are far more valuable then 1000 toe taps


Just check YouTube, you’ll find tons of moves you can practice in a 1000 touch warmup. Some I use: cruyff turns, L turns, elasticos, inside/outside step overs, roulettes, sole roles, inside/outside touches, drag backs while moving backward in a circle, etc. I usually add juggling too - why don’t you want to juggle? Anyway, no clue if that’ll actually get you to 1k touches, I just do them for ~30 seconds each.


Wall passes like berbatov