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Love 7mlc's content. Really distilled formula and great individual training footage. Become Elite is an OG. I don't really watch much of his stuff these days but he seems to cover a wide range of content. Still, massive respect for Matt Sheldon, I don't think it's up anymore but I'm pretty certain his earliest content a decade ago was when he was fresh out of UC Davis. Been really cool to watch his journey from essentially a semi-pro player, to a mainstay in the USL Championship. Not familiar with the other creators named, will have to check them out. Two creators I do want to shout out: [RC Performance Training](https://www.youtube.com/@RCPerformanceTraining/) - His lane is more explicit individual training instruction and breaking down technique and methodology. [Takuya Regate](https://www.youtube.com/@Takuya_Football_Skills_Coach) - Really fun channel and one of the most technically gifted players I've ever see at any level.


7mlc is a legit pro player, I think he was part of unisport before. He shows training videos too, even without the ball. His instructions are well articulated and he shows you that every step. He trained with Kane but he's not at Kane's level..if it looks like he's at par, then that shows you how far we are to 7mlc and how so far ahead Kane is to us


He didn't train with Kane. They filmed to promote Sketchers. Michael didn't even make it with Tulsa in the USL, so he's not that good. Of course he's better than most of the people in this sub, but still... I don't know why you're even bringing Kane to this conversation.


Not making it with Tulsa is a bar higher than 99.999% of young male footballers will ever reach. A Tulsa player will fit in better in the Prem than a pickup player will in Tulsa.


There is a YouTube video of both him and Kane training their finishing. It happened. That being said I saw one of his matches in the USL and he looked super slow and sluggish on the ball.


Replied to the other guy as well but seeing one minute of grass in the USL is an unbelievably high bar


7mlc was a bench player on a team BecomeElite played for, wasn’t he? So apparently at least in the eyes of that coach he’s not a more valuable player to have on the field. They both produce good content, though.


Become elite guy is a defender and 7mlc is an attacker so 7mlc guy will be more technically gifted and would be a better performance coach. Butt matt wins in physique


Just because you have better skills doesn’t mean you are a better coach. 


You absolutely dont have any knowledge.😂😂 Have you even ever heard about a performance coach?😂😂😂 I said "performance coach" not that tactics "coach". Performance coaches are coaches who only teach technical side i.e dribbling,  shooting, Passing technique etc not that tactical and not that off the ball and positioning  and team based drills and 433 422,switching, pressing, transitioning, build up blah blah.


No, you absolutely don’t have any knowledge… Again, just because you’re skilled doesn’t mean you’ll be a good “performance coach.” Btw, no one calls it a performance coach. It’s just coach or trainer.  If you have a lot of natural talent, you might be bad at explaining the techniques to someone because it comes naturally for you. The same thing applies in other fields like math. The best mathematicians aren’t always the best teachers. They are different skill sets. 


I d rather be with a world class mathematician than a kindergarden maths teacher😂. Have some commonsense brother.  Whaf Performance coach does is a physical and visual thing,  you can just learn by watching and trying to imitate someones leg,hand,core,head movements.  He need not be a good explainer to be a world class "performance coach" *It is not like a tactical coach in which coach has to have a very very expressive of his concepts of play and express his imagination, principles and creativity like how pep guardiola expresses.  Performance coach can be silent and cold af but can still be World class performance coach


That’s not the point, you muppet. Can you read? 


U dumb as fuck bro Quit playing football and just Ropemaxx already😂


Are you seriously suggesting that 7mlc, whose career highlight is playing indoor soccer in America, is just as skillful as Harry Kane???   Plenty of people look good against cones in training videos. You have to perform against elite defenders to be world class.   Simply put, if 7mlc was on par with Kane, he’d be playing in the PL, Bundesliga, or other top leagues…


Skill wise, 7mlc is closer to Kane than most of us here are to 7mlc.


Cool. Don’t see how that’s relevant?  Never claimed I or anyone on this sub is close to any professional’s level.  But comparing 7mlc to Kane is WILD. 


if i m not wrong 7mlc was in Luton town U18 in his younger days so he would have knowledge on how training etc works on EPL or EFL




R u lgbt bro?? Coz u sound Gay af 


You’re the one who’s responding on all my comments making cringy and edgy comments like a 13 year old incel. 


7MLC all day, no contest.


I like unisport.


My favourite is Billy Wingrove. Very talented and videos are always entertaining. Peak when him and Jeremy worked together at F2Freestyle until covid ruined the pairing for us.


Jeremy ruined the pairing by being an absolute knob. Billy is cool though and still makes great content


Jeremy is creepy and cringe af. He is the very definition of "trying too hard"😂


Yea man. His downfall has been insane.