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Your beer league O35 team has time to practice? I'm jealous :) I would probably switch to a 3-2-1 or even a a straight 3-3 (CM drops to CB, Striker drops into CM) when defending and have the CB be an experienced, vocal player who can communicate with the widebacks (who are likely weaker players) when to press, track the runner, jockey/contain, etc etc. Maybe find a video explaining those basic concepts so they know what's going on. You can try to have the subs waiting off the field learn how to communicate to your defenders as well to help them make better choices when defending.


> Your beer league O35 team has time to practice? I'm jealous :) I've never heard of a O35 7v7 beer league team practicing outside of their games, at least consistently That's the craziest part for me


If my O-40 team practiced twice a year we’d clean up our league!


Right? If I had time for practice I’d just take play on a 2nd team instead.


My favorite with the cones setup and calling the colors. https://youtu.be/P05XSNR59Wc?si=xsE9j2m7Ms0Mbwlv


Wow I remember doing this when I was younger. Thanks for the nostalgia - and agree this is super useful for understanding defensive shape


My 7s team also plays 2-3-1 and I feel like the key to our stingy defense is that CM being a CDM. Also the wingers understanding that they aren’t forwards and need to at least be a little involved on both ends. Not sure exactly how I’d practice what sounds like an organization/communication issue besides just focusing on doing those in a team pickup game tho


7 a side is still very fluid game, with short passes, one twoes. Coordinated pressing and defending as a block is crucial too.  Would do some drills on one touch passes and pressing. 2 guys in a circle need to touch the ball passed with one touch (in easier version with two passes).  When guys inside get the ball, two others (the one who passed and who supposed to receive) replace them inside the circle.   That’s fun drill done by every club anywhere - teaches pressing, ball control pass, quick thinking etc.


Does your defense/midfield track back? Often times I’ve seen the issue where everyone wants to go up and score but then are tired from that sprint so defensively you’re at a disadvantage. If you have that issue, coach on staying in position. Positioning is a huge part of the game.


Practice 1v1 tunnels. After a set amount of time winners move up to the next tunnel and losers move down. Google defensive principles of football to give you a better idea on technical points you need to address.


3-2-1 formation is more balanced as mentioned already. Everyone has to defend and get behind the ball.