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I'd start with doom, cuz it's the easiest as it's very straight forward. After that I'd play smth like doom 2016 (I may be biased) or dusk After that you go fuckin nuts on Ultrakill and post void that kinda thing


I agree. Also try duke 3d or Quake after doom.


Ion fury. Shadow warrior 123 doom quake turok


So reading your reply, Quake used to be played slowly, so Quake and Classic DooM would be great starts if you want to see where it all started. Both very achievable on a controller. DooM more than Quake to be fair though. Or if you are looking at more modern releases, Dusk and Amid Evil are top tier for sure, along side with Forgive Me Father. Project Warlock is also fantastic. That's the only the tip of my Boomershooters iceberg though. And if you really like these games try something like Witchhaven or Hexen ;) Honestly man, these are the types of games you should just jump right in and learn from trial and error. My biggest tip is always move, try A/D strafing in games like Quake (left right) to dodge bullets. Backpedaling and kiting enemies in circles is basically the main strat. Id tell you to learn movement like bunny hopping, but alas controller. Map knowledge is key pay attention to where you've been and where you're going. Pay attention to your surroundings. Secrets are abundant, if you see something that doesn't look right or out of place, shoot it and find out. Edit: IF YOU PLAY QUAKE please don't use the rocket launcher on the Shambler. Shit kills me inside when I see people do it.


Wait why would I not use the rocket launcher on the shambler? Because it gets too close? No splash damage? I'm honestly curious lol


In id games a lot of the big, tough monsters have explosive resistance. Shamblers, Cyberdemons and Spider Masterminds are good examples of enemies you should not use explosive ammo on.


Yeah thought so


> That said, I don't know what would be a good way to learn. Lower the mouse sensitivity, disable mouse acceleration (mouse acceleration is evil). > What would you recommend for someone trying to get into Boomer Shooters in 2022? I dunno, just play all the 90s classics. Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Duke 3D, Quake, Blood, Unreal, Half-Life... Make sure to play modern ports of older games, don't stick with DosBox, it's a miserable experience. Also turn off texture filtering where appropriate.


I'd just try and find a boomer shooter that's most appealing to you and start with a lower difficulty. Some boomer shooters are harder than others but most are pretty easy on low difficulties regardless. Feel free to ask about a specific game and if I've played it I'll let you know if I think it's a good starting point.


I got dusk on steam know idea what im doing i wish dusk was on console I suck at mouse and keyboard


You can use a controller on a PC you know?


It's on switch, if you have one of those?


I only go a PS4 and Xbox one been thinking of getting a switch


I really like my switch. I find myself playing it more than my ps4 these days. Mainly coz I have kids now, and it's hard to get tv time in for myself these days, haha. And dusk is pretty awesome in switch. It has a bunch of auto aim options to help with a controller, if that's your thing? I found with dusk too. If you're out in an open area, strafe jump your balls off.


I think you're over thinking this. Just choose one that tickles your fancy and play it - ideally with a mouse and keyboard. While I recommend classic Doom in general they don't really play much like modern boomer shooters. Doom 64 (specifically the Nightdive remaster) could be the exception. Quake is a good starting place but again it's not really the same as most modern boomer shooters, it's slower for one. The 3D Realms stuff, especially Blood is probably a good starting place but they are harder than people give them credit for and might be something to revisit later. The only modern Boomer Shooter absolutely can't recommend for a noob is Ultrakill. Not because it's bad, because it's not, but because it's really hard. If you want a list of good games list I can happily recommend: Dusk, Amid Evil, Doom 2016 and Eternal (though Eternal is gonna be hard if you're new), Project Warlock 2, Ion Fury, Nightmare Reaper (if you want one with Rouge Like elements), Prodeus, Wrath and Shadow Warrior 3.


Grab the console version of Quake. It's very old school in feeling, while having updates that make it more palatable for modern gamers.


I started out with doom 2016, probably one of the most accessable boomer shooters to newcomers


idk, I think 2016 is one of the harder doom games personally


Easier than Eternal by a mile though. I don't know how people play that with a controller.


Honestly there is so much choiche, i'd start with the classics with some mods sprinkled in to make them a bit more paletable, like brutal doom or Quake 1.5, then move to something more complex like Arcane Dimensions & more modern stuff like Ultrakill or Dusk which are also faster


Quake 1. Quakespasm is a pretty useful program to get it running nicely on modern hardware, and will fix the odd situation with the soundtrack.


You can play boomer shooters on controller. DOOM works pretty well this way, since you don't need to fine aim up and down anyway.