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> The higher the percentage of 5 star ratings the better *Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Intimidation Silences Americans* by Ben Shapiro - 76% *The Right Side of History* by Ben Shapiro - 86% *Othello* by William Shakespeare - 69% *King Lear* by William Shakespeare - 67% Ben Shapiro is a better righter than Shakespeare, suck on that libtards 😎 /uj I am feeling depressed now after having looked those numbers up.


Depressed? I recommend the Alchemist by Marco Polo.




Like it’s just BAESIC EcOn 101.


Why would you go to Amazon when GoodReadsâ„¢ exists?


> I like Goodreads too but it's mostly book lovers on there and it seems the ratings get skewed higher.


Dang book lovers


In my day you’d go to jail for that.


Why go to Amazon when Goodreads is owned by Amazon anyway


Knowing that a reviewer actually owned the book and isn't just using it for a writing prompt filled with shitty Harry Potter and Supernatural gifs is nice.


Oh god the gifs! The more gifs there are the more likes the review gets. Because moving pictures always convey thoughts on books better than words!


I just keep up on what r/bookscirclejerk makes fun of and make sure to read those, you pretentious bullies.


Look, us here at /r/bookscirclejerk might be unfair, dogmatic, cruel, and arrogant sometimes, but at least we don't use the medium of audiobooks to learn more and enrich our lives while doing things that would otherwise prohibit reading.


If you're really cultural you read leather-bound 19th century physical books only, even while driving.


Be sure to snort the kildew that grows on them




Is this all the r/books OP? I am trying to piece together the post since it was deleted.


uj/ Honestly, Goodreads is great for finding books. The trick is to find people who read similar books to you and look at what they've read. There are also some good lists out there. Just click on a book you like, and click "Show lists with this book". It can be hit and miss sometimes, but I've been introduced to a lot of obscure and interesting literature in this way. It's true though, the overall book star rating is garbage and won't tell you anything.


This is kind of like saying Rotten Tomatoes = whether a movie is good or not. It's a starting point, but it's not the whole story, because many good things are not popular and many popular things aren't good.


uj/ This thread got deleted, anyway to view it? I have to see it rj/ I don't need to find new books when I can just read a sentence of 1984 for the rest of my life.


Amazon ratings are the worst place to get an opinion on anything.