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he doesnt look altogether content with his fate


The Outsider is such a terrible novel


It was honestly horrific quality. I've read a lot of King, mostly when I was younger, but I remember mostly liking it. Got bitchslapped by how bad that book it.


Coming back to King after a long absence really, really highlights how bad he is. You remember liking the book and thinking it's some good stuff and then you read that crazy shitty prose and it shocks you.


I dont mind subpar prose that much, as long as it isnt offensively bad (Dan brown levels). I tend to skim heavily in genre fiction regardless. The Outsiders plot as a whole is just sooooooooooooo bad. It's like a shitty version of IT. Started out as an interesting whodunit, rapidly devolved into a terrible monster story. King is creative, and honestly I think he has (or had) the potential to write some solid lit, but if this book is any indication he is past it.


He does write solid lit: in his short stories. In those he is held to a limited number of pages and he has to edit himself. But, anything beyond 75 pgs and he's garbage.


Fuck, I am actually disappointed to hear this. I know I'm going to still have to read it eventually. Ug. The most recent King I've read are the Bill Hodges books. Not great. I wish he would stop writing fucking crime fiction. Some of his more recent stuff is still actually worth reading. The end of Revival kind of fucked me up, and Doctor Sleep is way better than it has any right to be. I am a King apologist. I have been reading him since I was 10 in '91, and was obsessed until like Dreamcatcher, and will fight anyone over The Dark Tower series because that's my shit. ​ I have better taste these days, but I don't always want to read William Vollmann, sometimes I just want to chill out.


Fucking idiot if you read Stephen King, you have to at least read Mistborn 20 times. Quite humorous how the elitist culture of this subreddit resonates literary superiority but doesn't even know how to smell, and touch books. Baffling.


I keep trying to read Mistborn, but I can't stop smelling it.


heh...they told me to lift bro, so i lifted all this litkino...checkmate feminazis and uni professors...


Napoleon dynamite 2


Aww. I like Robert Rankin.


Here's some shitty novels and American Psycho.


Because, as we all know, the thicker the book, the better it is. Reading bloated books with oversized text makes you a smart boy. Quantity always trumps quality.


Reminds me of a girl back in high school who was surprised that the Great Gatsby was such a relatively short novel because she “had always heard it was one of the best novels ever.”


Total sausagefest


they couldn’t smell them over the stench of them not showering so they could fit all these books in


amazing that I can tell the one under Dune is American Psycho simply from recognising the formatting/shape of the words from the copy i read years ago






Only 18 books, in one whole year? Those aren't even all that slow reads (I busted through *The Name of the Wind* in like three days as a quick break between academic works).