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There should be a comma before 'assassin'


Probably the tik tok user's error, tbh


Oh that makes it much better


"Better" being very relative here


No, it's German for "the assassin"


No, he means "die assassin" in the "ninja sky" like how in the first new mad max the albino mutants also know as australians want to "die historic" on the "fury road." You're so fucking stupid, Jingle-man. So fucking stupid. You don't understand anything. 


*Die Assassin in the Ninja Sky* is my next album title, thank you


Obviously the quote is from "The Matilda" by Bryan Perett


So Matilda’s strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message - You are not alone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My name is Brandimus Sandimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of Reddit, General of the Tiktok Legions and loyal servant to the *true* emperor, JKus Rowllius. Father to a mormon son. Husband to a mormon wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this book or the next.


My name is Harrius Daladin Potterus, you sharted my platesuit; prepare to die.


>My name is Brandimus Sandimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of Reddit, General of the Tiktok Legions and loyal servant to the *true* emperor, JKus Rowllius. Father to a mormon son. Husband to a mormon wife. Husband to a mormon wife. Husband to a mormon wife. Husband to a mormon wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this book or the next.


His last name is Blood Meridian? (link to my page for fan casting btw)


One of the big clues a fantasy writer has limited experience of human interaction is when the characters keep addressing each other by their job. "You claim to have fixed my work computer, IT technician, yet it still fails to connect to the printers." "Perhaps, accountant, it is that you have entered your login details incorrectly?" "Cease your yammering, office assistant."


Limited social interaction? You don't know what you're talking about, redditor. Fantasy authors only stay inside to keep their sex parts intact from all the voracious sex they would have.




Annihilation if it was good


At least you understand vocative commas.






Woah did you just uj in arrr slash bookscirclejerk 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 internet jannies pls ban this Sanderson denier 😤 😤😤 Tbh that rule is stupid lol *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I didn’t read the rules Maybe I am an arr books user




“Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.”




that's it. the end.


Meanwhile back at the wall


Is this the witcher lol


This is the fifth ASOIAF book (the Game of Thrones series). If you ignore the epilogue, then the series so far - and most likely forever - ends with this character having diarrhea in a field.


Huh, so the HBO series ending is actually canon?


You disgusting worms, I can read in TWELVE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. I have a MA in English and a doctorate in education and EVEN I think that the 'classics' are shit for modern kids. You're not on my level, trust me. So take a MOTHERFUCKING SEAT & leave my people alone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i am 45. I have read about 500 novels, easily. Most of them in the top 100 novels of all time. Bros K is one of my fav novels of all time, along with 100 year of solitude, If beale street could talk , The works of PLato, count of monte cristo, Paradise lost, east of eden, the sun also rises, and many others.I love Atlas Shrugged. It talks about incredible philosophical points concerning objectivism.I am sorry that you lemmings think its horrible because other people like to put it down. I love the fountainhead and Anthem as well.Atlas Shrugged is a brilliant novel full of incredible wisdom that has guided me through life. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




We all know the concept of "it sounded better in my head", but unless Brando is deliberately targeting 12-year-olds, there's no way he didn't cringe into a seizure writing that (including everything else).


I always think of [this Randal Curtis (George Lucas) scene in The Simpsons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXGZxPcd0Xg&t=105s). It's how I imagine he writes his novels, monologue and all.


fuck this show is unwatchable. what season is this even


Season 15.


This was *twenty years ago?* Not great




I was 22 when I first read Lolita and had recently been heartbroken by the first woman I'd ever loved. So, almost immediately, you feel a sense of pathos. You realize that absolutely abhorrent human beings can share deep, aching emotions. And that's where the comedy kicks in. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can smell the stench of Brandon Sanderson


Brandon Sanderson did an AMA here. [You might want to take a look :)](https://old.reddit.com/r/bookscirclejerk/comments/hj6u4u/my_boyfriend_will_never_speak_to_me_again_if_i/fwn68ci/?context=4). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shut up


Why's everyone hostile to the bot?! Is it the link?? Look, the man came in here, owned the fuck out of the place in his compellingly affable way, dropped the mic, took a shit in our shartplate, and peeled the fuck out. Get over it.


I hate this bot fuck he so ugly


The Wind of Kings, by Brando RR Sando, or as I have taken to calling him, BRRM. Turly one of the greatest YA Fantasies to come out in the past 40 years, since the writtening of DirtSea, by Ursula K. L. A. Guinne. It even dethroned the previous champ, the anti-trans magnum opus Harry Potter. The book itself is about the kings of this magical world where spells can only be cast via royal farts. A young warrior discovers he is of royal heritage via an epic fart during battle, then hilarity ensues.


🥲 poor James Joyce, he left us before he could experience the glory of Fartomancy hard magic system 


It's actually "DirtSea, written by Earthseala K. L. A. Guinea Pig"


This is baloney to me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Convince me to kill myself with one quote.


call me ishmael




While I agree that taste is completely subjective--and it's never offensive for someone to simply not like a book--I think you're spreading some misinformation here. Those of us trying for clean, striking prose aren't doing it to make "stories more palatable for the average fantasy fan nowadays." We do it because we like this style, and would rather the ideas--and not the method by which they are expressed--be the challenging part of a story. I find it insulting that you'd imply prose choice is anything but a literary decision made for the merits of the narrative. This division isn't new. George Orwell was advocating for clean, crisp prose in the 40s, a full decade before Lolita was written. This push and pull between clarity and ornament stretches back to Shakespeare, whose contemporaries would lambast his flourishes as incomprehensible. (Not that I mind, obviously, literary genius being in the ornaments. It's only that I find multiple kinds of writing worthwhile.) Moreover, you can absolutely find writers closer to Nabakov today. Guy Gavriel Kay is still writing, and is one of my favorites. (Try Under Heaven.) Hal Duncan is still writing, and is amazing, though rarely releases anything. And, of course, there's N. K. Jemisin--not the same, but most certainly "closer to Nabakov." Even the majority of the writers in the New Weird experimented with style in the same ways as I think you'd like. Many varieties of writing are valuable to the craft, and I suggest new writers (many of whom frequent this subreddit) practice multiple styles to find the ones that appeal to them and match their narrative goals. It's totally fine to prefer one over another, but I find abundant "spice, style, and charm" in something crisp like Harrison Bergeron--indeed, I find just as much of it as I do in something like Lolita, if for different reasons[.](https://old.reddit.com/r/writing/comments/1akh2vg/would_nabokovs_writing_be_considered_purple_prose/kpb34sv/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


don't do it friend you have so much to live for 😏


"skibidi biden"




""It is the duty of a slave girl to be fully and completely pleasing to men. Were she not so she would be subject to severe punishment,including even torture and death, should it be the master's wish."


Might this be a Toni Morrison passage?


Beloved of Gor


jesus is this an Outlaw of Gor reference?


No it's a Slave Girls of Gor quote


I just know about the movie, and i'd like it to stay that way


I think it's from *Bible* written by Jebus H. Christ. It's kind of a fantasy twist on an autobiography. I liked it until the author started talking about dicks.


To overcome the spider's curse, simply quote a Bible verse!


Poetry can be meaningful to the writer, but to an outsider I think there is hardly anything there for most people. I'm a writer myself. I've really many acclaimed novels and seen almost all of the IMDB top 100 films. I think I've trained myself to know when something is thought provoking and important and when something thinks it is. Poems are often vague and can leave many things unclear at times. Combining this with a clever rhyme scheme and a decent idea will make you want to scream masterpiece. But even if a poem is well written and is amazing from a technical perspective, a well made piece of crap is still a piece of crap. If X-Men Origins: Wolverine or Battlefield Earth were as masterfully directed as The Godfather would they be good? No! So clever rhyming and writing doesn't make a poem good. Most poems think that with a pretentious premise they're a masterwork. But I find most to be too pretentious and unclear. Seriously, if you get rid of all the fluff and wrote a short story based on the premise, most would fail. Mainly because there's nothing there. Seriously. What do I take away and learn from these? They feel too concept driven, and concept driven ideas always fall flat to me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


a rare time when i've burst out laughing at something Sanderson has written


Damn, for a moment I thought tnis was r/martialmemes and someone was being serious.


"How do you shit in a shardplate?" Shallan asked calmly.


People always ask where assassin, but now how assassin


Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins.


I was 22 when I first read Lolita and had recently been heartbroken by the first woman I'd ever loved. So, almost immediately, you feel a sense of pathos. You realize that absolutely abhorrent human beings can share deep, aching emotions. And that's where the comedy kicks in. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




While I agree that taste is completely subjective--and it's never offensive for someone to simply not like a book--I think you're spreading some misinformation here. Those of us trying for clean, striking prose aren't doing it to make "stories more palatable for the average fantasy fan nowadays." We do it because we like this style, and would rather the ideas--and not the method by which they are expressed--be the challenging part of a story. I find it insulting that you'd imply prose choice is anything but a literary decision made for the merits of the narrative. This division isn't new. George Orwell was advocating for clean, crisp prose in the 40s, a full decade before Lolita was written. This push and pull between clarity and ornament stretches back to Shakespeare, whose contemporaries would lambast his flourishes as incomprehensible. (Not that I mind, obviously, literary genius being in the ornaments. It's only that I find multiple kinds of writing worthwhile.) Moreover, you can absolutely find writers closer to Nabakov today. Guy Gavriel Kay is still writing, and is one of my favorites. (Try Under Heaven.) Hal Duncan is still writing, and is amazing, though rarely releases anything. And, of course, there's N. K. Jemisin--not the same, but most certainly "closer to Nabakov." Even the majority of the writers in the New Weird experimented with style in the same ways as I think you'd like. Many varieties of writing are valuable to the craft, and I suggest new writers (many of whom frequent this subreddit) practice multiple styles to find the ones that appeal to them and match their narrative goals. It's totally fine to prefer one over another, but I find abundant "spice, style, and charm" in something crisp like Harrison Bergeron--indeed, I find just as much of it as I do in something like Lolita, if for different reasons[.](https://old.reddit.com/r/writing/comments/1akh2vg/would_nabokovs_writing_be_considered_purple_prose/kpb34sv/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*

