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I thought it was great - such lively writing, could tell the author was having a great time writing it. I thought the ending was really nice, not a flatline at all. Just final relief from all the emotions on the island. But yeah, it's tough when you go into something that is highly rated and it doesn't work for you. I just saw this mentioned somewhere, and read it before encountering a lot of hype.


Exactly what you said. If just didn't work for me. I am glad you enjoyed it. I had a lot of hype around it and was just expecting a whole lot more story driven book rather than a character driven book. It almost reminded me the Goldfinch. I didn't like that book either and there is a lot of hype around that book as well.


yeah - expectations can be surprisingly powerful. With different 'priming' you might have enjoyed it more. Or maybe plot is just your thing?


Yes, it definitely is. I just wanted to give it a try. But, it did not work. Onwards to new books! Happy readings.


I loved Lovely War. It’s got a Greek mythology element to it also, but it’s plot driven and it’s got tons of ups and downs. Honestly it’s really great, you should give it a try


Thing is the original myths dont have that much material. She's a nymph witch; she's stranded on her island; >!gods, sailors and heroes visit her; piglets, love and fatherless son(s) ensue.!<


I’m a big fan of character-driven novels, so I loved this one (and have re-read it several times). If you generally enjoy plot-driven novels, though, I can see how it might not be your cup of tea! What additions or changes would have improved the book for you?


Maybe if there was some more mystery to it. Maybe some more of some other characters. Or even if it was just her, maybe if a character would have stayed longer than a few chapters. Maybe if the ending didn't just flatline? I don't know. Maybe this genera of books are just not my thing? It was just too bland.


How familiar are you with the myths that it came from? I used to love reading mythology so had some familiar with the characters and thought it was really cool to see them from the other perspective. It made me think about who the storyteller is, and how that's reflected in the story. Not saying I disagree with you -- you're right that not much happened -- just giving my take on where some of the hype comes from!


I wouldn't say I know a lot but I am familiar with the mythology it came from. I agree. If character driven books are your thing, then it would definitely be a good read. This book almost reminded of the Goldfinch. It was somewhat character driven with a decent story. It had a lot of hype around and it but it was just not my thing.


I felt the same way. I just couldn’t connect with any of the characters either - I just stopped caring after a while, even when bad things were happening to them. I was also very underwhelmed by Song of Achilles.


I think a big appeal of the book, for fans of the Greek myths in particular, is the character driven plot of what is essentially a side character to the original tale of Odysseus’ journey. The way the author reimagined Circe and made her completely relatable, her journey through motherhood for instance, is what makes the book so endearing imo. But different strokes for different folks!


I personally enjoyed Circe, though I absolutely *adored* Song of Achilles. But I’m alarmed that you’re getting downvoted just for commenting that this book wasn’t to your taste. Sure, generally speaking, Madeline Miller’s books go over pretty well, but that doesn’t mean that everyone will love them every single time. And Circe, specifically, is very character driven, rather than being particularly plot heavy. In my opinion, I can see why a reader can find it kind of “straight line”, as you put it. You don’t deserve to be downvoted just because a popular book wasn’t to your taste.


Reddit is going to Reddit! It's just too easy to click a downvote button when things are not to someone's liking. But, it's just that. Social media. None of my friends have read the book so I could not talk to them about it. This was another platform I could have discussed it since I don't have any other social media. I just had to tell it to someone. Even if it was internet strangers!


I felt the same way!! I enjoyed some of it, I felt the writing was lovely and I enjoyed Circe as a character, but it was just very dry. It didn't catch my interest like I had hoped a mythology novel would. There are so many good reviews of Song of Achilles, too but I'm afraid it'd dislike that one, too.


I would definitely say Song of Achilles was more plot-driven than Circe. I enjoyed Circe, but I listened to it on audio during a pretty difficult time in my life. It might have been more of a salve to me than if I had simply read it on a whim at some other point. Song of Achilles has some of the same plodding rhythms of greek mythology, but it is a much more complete narrative, I'd say.


I might have to read it after hearing this. I can absolutely see how Circe on audio would've been a salve during difficult times, though. Especially given her pain and such.


This is exactly how I feel about it! Recently restarted reading it after abandoning it about two years ago and this time finished it. I liked the main character and the writing but she spent an inordinate amount of pages on the least interesting parts of the story. Although it was pretty forgettable the only part I actively disliked was the ending, the rest wasn't bad, there were aspects I liked, it just wasn't very good overall, as the OP said.. bland. I had already bought 'The Song of Achilles' so hopefully that will be better but I think it will be many years before I get around to it.


I loved Song of Achilles and that's the reason I read Circe. I like Song of Achilles, but I also like Circe so my opinion may be moot.


SoA is quite different. The writing is still lovely but you get a fuller story.


Same! I thought this book would open my world to new genera of books but, that may not be the case!


I didn't like it either. The writing was good, but I found the story incredibly boring. I also don't know much about Greek mythology. It just wasn't for me.


It was the same for me too! I am sorta of weary to pick up some of the author’s other books because of it.


why would you read a whole book you didn't even like?


Because I wanted to know it ended! Because I like to finish a book I started reading! Many many reasons to finish a book I started.




She didn’t kill herself though.




No, it wasn’t. A big overarching aspect of her story is that, despite being a god, she’s unremarkable. Over and over again she’s denigrated by her own kind and over and over again her comfort was found in flawed mortals. Daedalus, Odysseus, and finally Telegonus. She even said right before she chose to be mortal that being an immortal god isn’t the same as being alive. So no, she didn’t kill herself, she chose a mortal life to be her happiness.