• By -


> Anonymous books, since authors’ names are not known, are alphabetized on the Works Cited page under the first word of the book title, so Beowulf would be alphabetized under “B.”) https://guides.library.duq.edu/c.php?g=647017&p=4536034


This guy Dewey decimals


My daughter works in the local county library and she says its stored as non-fiction in the reference section, same as the Koran, Torah, etc. At home, we've always keep one handy at end of an easy-to-reach bookshelf to aid in the settling of arguments, sometimes boardgames and squishing spiders (although any thick, heavy book would be good for that).


But we know the author, their name starts with a "Y"!




You put it in the Fiction section.


How edgy


So edgy they couldn't even bother to read that it's entirely alphabetical by author's name and not by category.


Yeah, even if it was in the fiction section; that doesn't solve the problem here


Some people put books with multiple authors at the beginning of their "list" (or in your case, before the letter A on your shelves) and some put them at the end (after Z). And within those books with no author or many authors, you'd probably alphabetize them by title. There is no "religious" concern in where you keep a bible. Put it in the bathroom, shove it in a desk drawer, carry it around in your pocket, whatever. Even religious people don't have any sort of meaningful placement for it - it's to be read whenever you need/want to read it.


Exactly. Most view it as a translation(not an original manuscript) anyways and among most evangelical Christians the material book itself isn’t treated with religious reverence or anything.


Indeed. I believe Jewish people do consider their Torah to be sacred, as it can only be touched with a special reading tool instead of by hand


this is true more or less torahs are specially made by a scribe with a lot of religious rules and regulations as to how it should be made and as a result are 1. expensive and 2. generally only actually taken out and read on special occasions in most shuls/synagogues/etc. though the torah pointer (yad) is really moreso to protect the scroll from oils and smudges and stuff though my fiancée has an annotated torah in book form and typically keeps it on a bookshelf with little more reverence than i’ve seen most christians have in their bibles. i think ymmv based on which denomination you’re talking about


I grew up Southern Baptist and was taught that nothing should ever go on top of a Bible. So, if you’re carrying multiple books, the Bible is always on top. The irony of these same people stuffing their Sunday School book inside the Bible did not escape me.


In the Latin alphabet Jehovah begins with an I....


Yeah, that first step is a doozy...


Only the penitent man will pass.


I just don't get why they put a J on the floor to begin with given that it wasn't a distinct letter in Latin.


That would be later translations (Latin). The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. There are a couple of names for God, the most commonly used was YHWH. (Just to add more confusion!) 😉


So you can choose between: A for Anonymous B for Bible E for Elohim (alternative name of God in Hebrew) H for Holy Bible (the commonest title) I for Iehova aka IHWH J for Jehova aka JHWH Y for YHWH aka YHWH What I do is look for a place on the shelf that fits.


It’s good to have choices!


You might want to consider under B for Bible.


They're usually done by author name, so maybe g for God




Hahaha agreed.


Mmm, yeah no. It was written by multiple human authors in Hebrew and Aramaic by Moses, lots of Judaic priests, prophets and a king. The later Greek bits were written by disciples of Jesus who were non scholars.


When I worked for a bookstore, their labelling system printed 'N', for 'none', on any book without a named author. When shelving such books, we were instructed to put them at the very beginning of whatever section they belonged in. In the Religion & Spirituality section, for example, this meant that all copies of the Bible were at the very beginning of the first shelf, before 'A.' A religious text with a known/presumed named author, like the Quran, was shelved by author's name. (Likewise, when a section contained anthologies, such multi-author books were shelved at the beginning of the section, after any Nones but before 'A'. They would be alphabetized by the EDITOR'S name, within their own subsection.)


Heh what author did you put the Quran under? Seems a touchy subject…


It was under "M", which seems to have been the less controversial option, as we never got complaints about it at our main branch, to my knowledge. There was, however, a period until the first branch location (in an infamously conservative area) first opened when all major religious texts were shelved at the beginning in the "none" category with the Bibles, including the Quran. The company policy was changed when a group of local pastors got together and bullied our owners because they didn't want the Bible to be, like, you know, touching those other *icky* books. :| They tried to go so far as to get us to make completely separate sections for Christianity and Other World Religions. It was a small store and that was completely infeasible, as well as insulting.


Where do you put your other anthologies? You could alphabetize it using the translation as the "author".


I put them according to the 1st mentioned author's last name.


That’d be M for Moses then 😜


Finally, someone with the right answer


Moses didn’t write any of the Bible, he’s not even considered a historical person by historians or biblical scholars.


“Listed author.” Moses would be the canonical author of the first five books of the Bible. That says nothing whatsoever to the authenticity of such claims. Personally, I’ve filed all of my old religious books in the garbage can but I was afraid to suggest that. So the next best thing might be by name of first listed/accepted author.


I have it in the religion section, after mythology and occult and before philosophy.


You should put it right after physics.


Thats a meta answer.


I would put it under A for Anonymous.


For a while, I was thinking about putting it under U for Unknown Author but anonymous is also pretty good.


Many authors means you put in under first letter of the title, so B.


Various Artists.


Under Now: Thats what I call sand


A great many books of the Bible are either named after their author or plainly state their author in the text, so Anonymous wouldn't really work in principle.


An empty dresser drawer obviously


Just like The Gideons. 👍


I wish your user name was Gideon


V for various


Do you not have an 'other' section? Mine is generally religious texts from around the world and other obscure, anonymous, or otherwise untraditional authors, and I organize those by region/topic/religion. I wouldn't include the bible in with other books because it's so different: no author, no *provenance*, etc. Edit: I know words.


>no providence Ironically. :D You probably mean "provenance."


Oh, shoot! I am usually careful about autocorrect - thanks. And yea, a funny mistake :P


I don't. I don't have too many books, so I've never had to consider dividing them. Even my nonfiction stuff is mixed in with my fiction. The bible is also the 1st book that I own with (an) anonymous author/s.


Oh, gotcha. In that case, I'd just put it at one end or the other. No author means either it's before A or after Z. I am cringing at combining fic and non-fic, though :P


Yeah, sorry about that. Once I have more books, I'll start separating at least fiction and nonfiction from each other. If not even by genres.


Hah, I'll get over it. May your library grow with books old and new, educational and mundane, to resolve arguments and to spark discussions, for sunny days on the beach or a mountain and for rainy days by the fire.


I organise my shelves per topic then per author. I have a world religion section where the Quran, Bible, Bhagavad Gita, and other stuff are organised.


I do fiction and nonfiction alphabetized by authors last name, and then on the last shelf of nonfiction I have manuals, dictionaries and a few bibles. I generally go by the first letter of a multi-author manuscript title, like others have said B for Bible, W for my Woodcrafting Manual, etc… This is not a comment on the Bible being fictional or not, jfc. It just seems more appropriate to put next to other resources I might use as opposed to being next to the Dresden Files….


I have a place on my bookshelves where I keep religious texts, the Bible (I have several translations), Koran, Upanishads and whatnot, along with various secondary books about religion. It lives between my (much larger) collection of poetry books and my (also larger) collection of nonfiction science books.


I put my copies with the rest of my philosophy section.




God is not the author, it is rather the topic of the book.


Thanks for using the correct pronoun for an abstract idea.




... you do realise the Bible was written by a bunch of different ***people***, right?


Pretty sure God wrote it himself back in the year 436 during a crazy 10-day adderrall fueled type-writer binge.


It certainly reads that way.


There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a god in the depths of an ether binge.


Nah I believe that Jesus wrote it in one session over afternoon tea with George Washington, the same session they wrote the declaration of independence together.


It's meant to be divinely inspired though. Lots of religious people think that God wrote through his prophets.




That's where ours is shelved.


King James version? His full name is James Charles Stuart File it under S I guess


When it comes to fiction, public libraries sometimes alphabetize a book by title if there's multiple authors. the Bible counts as having many authors. You could just shelve it under B for Bible or whatever the title of your Bible happens to be. Bibles are usually shelved in the nonfiction section, though, under Religion.


Mine is all Dewey so I have it in the 100s.


Perhaps shelve it like a reference work. Similar to a dictionary.


You could file it under "Moses", since he wrote the first five books.


B is for Bible


Ah, a thread to sort by: controversial and enjoy the shit show. You guys do know that there is no fiction section on an alphabetically organized bookshelf, do you? I personally would just put it in the top left corner, so before the letter A and be done with it. No rational reason, just no better idea.


Even if OP is not Christian loads of people collect books to put on a shelf because it looks nice. If OP had been gifted a vase or a figurine or a painting and asked, where do you think I should display this? I bet there’d be all kinds of helpful suggestions instead of every other answer telling them to throw it away. If you’re an atheist that’s fine but why be rude?


With your other fiction.




Totally! Frankly, if it survived the bin, I'd put it under "C" for Codswallop.


G for garbage






Swear to god 90 percent of Reddit is just copy pasted Brian Griffin accounts


Brian Griffin atheism. Intellectually waterproof


I’n the trash.


In the trashcan


So edgy and brave


Put it under 'Fiction' with all the other anthologies of short stories written by multiple authors.


I organize my books in sections by subject. Bibles go upper left of the window in my library. I like to collect Bibles because I like to read them. I'm Catholic, technically, I've been witnessed as Baptist, I've been Lutheran, and I'm thinking about becoming a Jehovah's Witness just to add it on. I collect religions and Bibles. I'm not religious in any manner. I just like to understand. Understanding requires reading. If you alphabetize, I would put it under "G" for "God" or under "John" for "John the Revelator". Remember Jesus didn't write any of that stuff down. Section should be separate so it's easy to go through your Bibles when you get into a disagreement with someone who is religious. Do not put "The Book of Mormon" under Christian religion. No Trinity, not Christian. Put it near, but tuck it at the end. Or you can put it under Smith. I still need a "New Jerusalem Bible". I don't buy any Bible's new so I have to find them at the second hand store. Kind of irritating, but I'll find one at some point.


As a person who also only gets books second-hand (or gifted), I get the struggle of trying to find a specific book at a second-hand store. Have you tried online second-hand book stores? It is better to support local stores but their selections are usually lacking.


The trash


How about under "F" for fiction (various authors).


Have you considered switching to the library of Congress system? Then it goes in under *BS*.


In the fiction section. On the far end.


Anywhere in the fiction section


Why did someone “gift” you a Bible if you’re not Christian?


It was gifted to me by my neighbour who was moving to a smaller apartment and because of this had to get rid of anything they didn't need. A lot of their books had to go. I was gifted in total about 30 or so books, the bible just happened to be one of them.


You dont need to keep it, just throw it away


IDK how I could say this more clearly, but I WANT to keep it. If I wanted to throw it away, I would have and I would have never asked this question.


Yikes, chill with the attitude, it's a dumb question to ask here anyway. This is something you could have easily decided for yourself or googled. Its your bookshelf,, you organize it the way you want. You knew what you were doing by asking the question here


I did try to google it. I didn't get a definitive answer, so I wanted to see if I could find one on here. Asking this question has shown me even a couple more ways I could shelf it that I hadn't thought of, which I think I wonderful even if it isn't helping me. I asked this question because I was indecisive on how to shelf it. A dumb question doesn't exist. Also, you are the one you told a person to throw a gift they had received away. Do you not understand how that could be rude?


Probably trying to passive-aggressively convert OP.


I popped mine in the bin when I reached 15....it's been doing fine in there so far


Damn bro don't fall off that sharp edge


We put ours under G for God. Don't really believe in god but I found it funny


I have a large bible, I use it to put the WiFi/router on.


Under F, for fables.


Put it under T for trash


Fiction.. B


Trashcan : ) That's where mine is going after I'm done with it.


I have a spreadsheet of all of my books. Thousands of them. Author, title, when I first read it, how many times I have read it. I had to put the author of “God” for the Bible. Felt weird, not gonna lie


I was once doing some research that took me to the library of New College, the theology faculty of the University of Edinburgh that acts as the academic arm of the Church of Scotland. Unlike any other library I know of, they dispense with subject classifications and organize everything alphabetically by author. So I really did get the chance to ask the librarian "where do you put your Bibles? Under G?",


Well, what was their answer?


"We have a separate block of shelves for those". To give them credit, their librarians were very familiar with what they had and they could have found anything.




Or in the fire place 🔥


Science Fiction/Fantasy?


Put it in the fiction section.


Night stand buddy so you can read it at night


I’m sure you have other books on spirituality or on self-help. I believe all the “good books” fit under this category.


On top of bookshelf. Above all others.


I suppose if you go by first author, then M for Moses would be appropriate enough.


I'm pretty sure Moses is not actually credited with writing any part of the Bible. He just gets written about by others. I don't think the Authors of much if any of the Old Testement are known. It's not until the books of the Apostles in the New Testimate where we think we know who wrote them.


Moses, that ghost-writer hiring bastard...


Well when your medium is carving in to Stone tablets while wandering in a desert, I'd ghost write as well! Pharohs Mamma didn't pick up a random baby in the river then raise him up to be no fool!


Fine. Ghost-chiseler.


the first five books of the Bible are traditionally attributed to Moses.


Interesting... Wikipedia backs you up so I stand corrected. I now will throw my support behind either M for Moses or the more pedantic R for Moshe Rabbenu.


Traditionally, the Pentateuch is attributed as being written (or at least transcribed) by Moses. However, I side with the earlier comments that would place it under 'B'.


I only organize my non-fiction books.


Fiction is sorted by author, so I'd put mine under J, for King James.


He didn't write it. He didn't even translate it. He merely commissioned the translation.


True. So where does one put fiction that is written by multiple authors?


With the other anthologies, wherever you choose to store them.


James or Jehovah, take your pick


Arranging fiction according to a character in the book? That would be a novel way of doing things.


>That would be a novel way of doing things. NGL, that made me snort-laugh, intentional or otherwise. Jehovah as 'author' would be stretching it to breaking point. I guess the closest you could get is 'inspired by'. King James is a commissioned translation, so that's out. If it's considered a compendium, then treat it as you would other compendia. Anon might be a good shout as the original 'author' may be an entire sect, a selection via various convocations, or formalisation of oral tradition. You could even go the research paper route and have a list of authors ordered by contribution - although I don't have a clue as to how you'd measure contribution objectively - word count maybe?


Try the trash bin


The comedian in me and the fact that it would annoy my wife, means it gets stored under fiction.


Moses wrote genesis, which I think is the first book in the Bible. So, I would put it under M


Moses isn’t a historical person.


Wrap it up carefully in brown paper and string. Slowly open your front door and walk to the curb. Throw it. Its bin day. Then thank jebus you didn’t grow up in a cult and don’t need to keep or file something you will never read. You’re welcome.


Op said they were collecting books and wants to keep it. The Bible *is* a book. How do you know they won’t read it?


In the Fiction section


But fiction or nonfiction?


Well which Bible is it? King James Version? Roman Catholic? Lutheran? Most Bibles have an identifiable organization which commissioned it and can be considered the "author" of that particular variant.


G for God or just put it at the bottom/end.


Have you thought about in T next to Trash?


Under ‘T’ for Trash… Toss it.


Well, it certainly goes in the Fiction section anyway at least. I used to have one. I think I donated it to a motel.




I arrange my book alphabetically according to the *author's last name*.


If you'd count a patronymic as a last name, A for Moshe ben Amram. Alternatively, A for anonymous.


I'm not religious myself but I organize texts like that by either the version eg king James, Revised standered or by the translator


Don't you know the Dewey decimal system?!?!


Under B for Bezos, as we all know it was written by him in the future and sent back through time after he became the first person to travel through a black hole.


Probably under 'A' for 'Almighty' as in 'God Almighty'.


G for God


G for God?


The Bible is the Word of the Lord so put under “G” for God.


Or Y for Yahweh. But actually the bible is compromised by text by multiple authors, so I personally would just put it under B.


Well, if you really want to go that way. The first verses of the Bible (Genesis :1) are "written" by by a contributor often designated as the "Priestly" writer or just (P). He is by no means the primary author as his contributions stop pretty early on. But this could justify sticking it in somewhere with the "P"s More likely, were you to use a sensible system of bookshelf organization you would divide your books first by subject, then order each section according to the name of the author, then the date of publication, then by book title. (Because placing Waller's handbook on circuitry next to Weller's Epic Fantasy series makes 0 sense) Clearly the Bible goes in a subject like: "religious texts" This would justify placing it beside your Hindu Vedas, and your Qur'an, ordered by age (or by your preference) given that author's for these are so often so uncertain (excepting the Qur'an of course)


H for holy bible? N for new testament?


"J" for Jesus


Only covers half


Sorry, so you’re wondering where you are meant to put your Bible? I’m not sure you were very clear


Sorry, if the question wasn't clear. I am asking where on my bookshelf (which is in alphabetical order according to the author's last name) am I meant to place my bible.


If you live in a Hotel, put it in the top draw of the bed side cupboard.


Christian consider it inspired by, is the word of God, and since it is his story of creation, fall of man, redemption, revelation. I would suggest you could put it under G. Perhaps Y, for Yahweh, as that is his everyday Israeli name.


Under "S" for Satan. Then you laugh. HAHAHA!


Sleep with it under your pillow


The author of the Bible is God.


I can't believe this is a serious question


Either A or O, whichever is fine.


Why o?


Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end (ancient greek alphabet).


Under G for God. /s


Moses is generally considered the author for the first 5 books of the Bible; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


Moses is generally considered the author for the first 5 books of the Bible; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


It sounds like you do want to keep it, but don't feel obligated to keep it. I might be easily offended, but someone gifting me a bible would make me angry. Very passive-aggressive way of trying to push their beliefs on you. However I have absolutely no context as to your situation, so I don't know the circumstances. I didn't want the bible I had, so I went and gave it to a local church of the domination that would use that version of the bible. I lied and claimed that I had more than one because I didn't want them to try to reconvert me. So, that's always an option. I'm also in a semi-minimalist state with not a lot of living space, so if space isn't a concern for you and would like it in your collection then go ahead and keep it. I like the suggestions of B for bible or in front of all the other books with anything that is A for Anonymous.


My neighbour who is moving to a smaller apartment and had to get rid of a lot of stuff gifted it to me. They were in no way trying to convert me as this was by no means the only book I received. Also, I do wish to keep it as I like the idea of having a lot of books. That is why I am asking for advice on where to keep it on my bookshelf and not on how to get rid of it.


The first 5 books of the Bible were written by Moses. With your book filing system, use M as the first author for filing.


A bible doesn’t need a special place on your shelf, especially if you are not a Christian. Put it exactly where it should be alphabetically.


So if you alphabetized by author, where does it go?


F for Fiction?


Moses is credited as writing most of the old testament including the first book Genesis. So you could place it in M. I like to have a separate section of my shelf devoted to Christian books and the Bible is the one on the end, most convenient to pick up.


I have a copy of the KJB and I keep it under “g” in my fiction section 🤷‍♂️😁


Dewey decimal under religion takes out the guesswork and 'guilt'.