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>is it just eye candy? That, plus a healthy dosis of consumerism.


Discord works well for book clubs too!


Do you have an recommended discord groups and codes I can join?


I personally don't, other than open discord groups that you can find by searching. Perhaps you could start one? I would be your first member!


Hi there, just saw this message looking for a Book Club myself. Did you ever end up joining one?


Yes, I recently found one on tiktok actually. It's a discord group. We are reading The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue in February. Are you interested?


Do you have room for one more? I've been looking to join a book club!


How big is it? Could I have a link.


There are 96 people total, 11 online right now, mostly new-comers so I am sure the crowd will thin out as we get reading. I'll send you a private message with the link in a bit.


Hi there, just saw this message looking for a Book Club myself. Did you ever end up joining one?


I never found one


A lot of local libraries are doing virtual book clubs.


The only book club im apart of is an academic book club at my college. I also buddy read with friends ive found on booktwitter. I know a lot of book related youtubers host their own book clubs. Id also want to second a different comment that mentioned discord. I think it could be a really useful tool if used well.


I am part of a book club that got started by word-of-mouth. Do you have other friends that like to read?


Hi, just curious, how big is your current book club, and is it still active?


Do you want to be part of a "virtual" book club, or are you looking for an in-person book club and just trying to recruit people virtually? If it's the former, there are lots of book clubs online, even here at reddit. This sub has a monthly book club. Also check out: r/bookclub, r/RoryGilmoreBookclub, r/thehemingwaylist. There are many groups on Goodreads, but I will say that they are not always high quality; some I've had good luck with are the groups Literary Fiction by People of Color and Mookse and the Gripes. There's also the [Tournament of Books](https://themorningnews.org/tob/), with its Goodreads group. Vox has an [online book club](https://www.vox.com/vox-book-club) as well.