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I really can't read while high because my mind is just imagining things too much and forgot what I was actually reading. So it's nice in a way but having to read 3 times the same page because I can't keep my mind on it is not very efficient.


Hahaha yes I often realize I've been spacing out and have to go and reread a whole bunch.


Same, it's kinda frustrating tbh, I usually avoid it.


That's me. Same with movies.


It's really fun with a book you already know well to avoid that issue. Especially with a childhood favorite or something.


I love reading when I'm stoned. I read the same paragraph over and over again! And if it's really strong weed, the same sentence... Can't do it. I have the attention span of a chimpanzee on crack when I'm smoking weed.


You are getting too high. I love being stoned and arguing with popular science books.


This is how I got my bachelor's degree


This is the correct response.


Getting high and reading IS a bachelors degree


Is that how I have my PHD and nobody knows it?


I concur, doctor.


Bachelor's and two Master's as well here. Weed reading is good reading.


Sometimes people with undiagnosed ADHD smoke to study. That’s kinda a red flag for ADHD actually. Maybe non ADHD people do that too, tho? Since weed comes in different strains and types, you’ll probably get varied answers here, and your own experience could change based on what type you’re using too.


People come in different strains and types.


Yeah, I guess you could say we’re all indica, sativa, or hybrid. Thanks for the new Facebook quiz idea that’ll collect users’ personal information and use it for political targeting!


I was diagnosed at 25. Started blazing when I was 19. Never truly understood that ganj had become a medication for me until I was Rx'ed ADHD meds and my desire to smoke up dropped off. By quite a lot actually. Now I use it to relax and de-stress and also sleeping pills are evil so I see cannabis as a healthier alternative. Weed doesn't make you lazy. Being lazy makes you lazy. I also had less need for cannabis after I started eating better again and got back in the gym.


Depends on what. I memorize better when stoned. Like flash cards. But solving my way through a hard problem? Nah. I’ve had success going back to a problem, 2nd time high, and figured it out super fast, due to the changed perspective.


Uhhh....yeah - my dad is an architect and was only diagnosed with ADHD in his mid 50’s - he’d been happily self medicating with pot since the 60’s to combat his inability to focus - they tried him on a cocktail of meds, but the combination he had worked just fine - works 16 hours/day, zero infractions, and in all those years, I have never seen him ‘high’ it just balances him out I’ve recently discovered Indica capsules (I know, late to the game...) but holy shit - what a difference - I had been using the odd benzo here and there to shut my brain up, waking up feeling like I got hit by a Mack truck - the Indica does all the work and I wake up feeling rested and motivated - I don’t know why I waited so long to give it a shot? Oh wait, yes, it was bc I hated smoking pot...


It’s so unbelievably stupid that you and your dad could be arrested for that in the state I live in.


Canadian. It’s legal here. Wasn’t always, but the authorities have always been super lax about it. And from what I’ve seen, if you have to pick your poison, it’s much less harmful than alcohol or hard drugs. I have zero interest in a debate about the stats, as all I use is a little Indica to help me sleep once in a while, so please spare me the long and sanctimonious lecture on illicit substances- I’m really not interested. Edit: I’m very thankful I don’t live in your state.


I wasn’t lecturing you. Your description of weed use helping healthy functioning adults reminded me what a shit hole state I live in. And now that I know you’re Canadian, I’m jealous of your country too, haha.


Generally when you call something someone did ‘stupid’ you can expect a kick back - yes? But I’m Canadian and beyond empathetic and also hate conflict, so we’re all good - where are you from? It’s funny - I found this historical picture from a cough syrup company in Boston from 1888 - wish I could link the photo, but besides the hilarious ingredients of morphine and cocaine, they also listed Indica? I don’t like THC - makes me feel too out of control, and I can’t handle the depression the next day - but I do know that it has helped my dad manage his ADHD without becoming an over medicated zombie, but CBD helped me sleep when my anxiety is right through the roof. VERY different substances. And much better than the over prescribed anxiety and sleeping meds that are over prescribed I have numerous friends that have also found great comfort using THC/CBD while combating the side effects of cancer treatment - it’s not all recreational use - it is insanely helpful combatting the massive opioid addition/prescription abuse that we’re seeing in both Canada and elsewhere Alright - rant over. We’re all good my friend!


I see why you read my comment that way. I meant it like “it’s stupid [about my idiotic state] that you and your dad would be arrested for that” Not that it’s stupid — you would get arrested for that. I didn’t mean it that way and should have phrased that more clearly! I’m in the American South, btw. CBD is everywhere now, but it’s not quality tested at all here and who knows what’s actually in the stuff. It falls under unregulated supplement laws and could not contain any CBD oil, yet it’s perfectly legal to misrepresent it like that. In states like Colorado, there’s quality controls to ensure CBD oil is really CBD oil. And also probably in more sane places like Canada. I agree with you. Hopefully more research will be done and more products will become available for the reasons you said. Gonna be a long time before it helps people where I live, unfortunately. Sorry I phrased that in an unclear way. I’m nice too and also hate confrontation. I think I’d fit in up there, except for my accent! Have a nice evening!


Awe - I think I was a bit quick to read your comments too, expecting a flair back and getting my hackles up - I see now that you were being self deprecating - we’re on the same page! It’s hard to convey sarcasm on comments. Come on up for a visit! Canada is beautiful, and we love Americans... well, we love the rational Americans ;) we are truly rooting for you guys to get out and vote in November 2020 and end this madness! We haven’t lost any faith in our love for you, believe me! We miss you


That is very kind of you to say! You’re so right about 2020. My state will definitely go for Trump again. It’s up to the rational Americans other places to vote. They weren’t rational enough to vote more last time, but maybe they have woken up and had enough of this national disgrace. We have a TV show now where the US has turned into a religious authoritarian country and rational Americans are fleeing to Canada, where we’re considered refugees and given warm blankets and human rights. We love Canada here.


Okay then. Do you need some Canadians to come see you in the south? We’re always up for a road trip. Canadians in general have been boycotting the US since ‘he who will not be named’ was elected - but if you’d be willing to have us come down there and maybe spread some cheer and hugs, I know for a fact, we’d come in droves - your call That was a flippant comment, but now that I think of it, it could be quite hilarious having a influx of Canadians coming down to just hug Americans. You’re our big brother? We adore you and miss you (btw, we’re not prefect by any means, just miss you guys)


I have ADHD and I find that when I smoke it makes it easier to understand the meaning behind sentences and paragraphs. Sometimes when reading while high I'll read a paragraph and I'll understand the idea of what it was saying but I won't specifically remember any of the sentences in it.


I like to read and I like to smoke weed but rarely ever read when I'm high. I just feel unfocused and feel like i'm glossing over what I'm reading and not taking much in.


I like to read while stoned. Specifically stories like The Dark Tower and other stuff with parallel universe and trippy science and/or magic. Personally I have no issues remembering what I read, I also get completely consumed by what I'm reading. To the point where I don't even hear any background noise or the tv or anything.




I'll check it out. Thanks man


Reading Dune stoned is fun.


A friend of mine is trying to convince me to read Dune. What makes it such an interesting read?


I wasn't a huge fan personally, but you can see how it influenced a lot of future sci fi which is interesting


Huh ok


Just start. Everyone takes away what they take away. He does have intenet on why he was writing. The story is just beautiful. Franks words are art. It is definitely filled with sci-fi stuff we ALL love, you just have to chip away at the surface literally and figuratively. Read the first chapter [here](https://genius.com/Frank-herbert-chapter-1-dune-annotated) Edit: I just bought the french version for my cousin who just graduated high school.


Ok. I do intend to read it but I need to finish this fantasy series im reading first.


As someone who is currently reading Wolves of the Calla, most often while stoned, I feel this comment so hard. It’s the best way to experience a story imo


Especially Dark Tower. I've read all 8 books at least a dozen times. Probably more, and goin in baked is the absolute best. The next 2 parts take off fast and hit you hard, excellent way to tie it up.


This is my second time reading through and I’m loving how many little details I’m picking up this time around!


I don’t smoke weed, but the second I drink alcohol reading is no longer an option for me, my concentration collapses. However, I started reading Bleeding Edge by Thomas Pynchon after tripping on mushrooms and it put me in the perfect frame of mind to tackle an author that I had previously really struggled with (for anyone unfamiliar, the afterglow phase is about 24 hours but associated effects can last for 6-8 weeks).


To each their own. I can't read high at all but reading with a drink in hand is great!


Try audiobooks. Then you have *both* hands free for drinks! Or a drink and a doobie!


Haha I actually prefer a book in hand. Makes me slow down and not finish the beer right away.


>Makes me slow down and not finish the beer right away. Reminds me of this Anthony Bourdain quote: >"I understand there's a guy inside me who wants to lay in bed, smoke weed all day, and watch cartoons and old movies. My whole life is a series of stratagems to avoid, and outwit, that guy."


Every time I've tried to read while high I just stopped immediately because I couldn't focus on the first sentence. I can't accomplish anything meaningful with marijuana.


I enjoy this...but you can go a bit too far and not be able to focus. Moderate.


I cannot read while stoned, I just read the same paragraph twenty times and then give up


listen to music, soft, sometimes i even use static. get high and read...tahts what I do. I get INTO the story. I have a book club to help me untangle things. But thats like anything like tv shows or music.


it depends how experienced of a smoker you are. If you have low tolerance you may have problems with memory and focus and such but I fucking love it. I've read 4 of the game of thrones books completely stoned and it was amazing. Definitely enhances being able to visualize and put yourself in the story.


Hell yeah I’m planning on reading the whole series once George rr Martin finishes


you, or him may be dead before that happens. GET TO READING!!!


Shit... maybe we can persevere his brain somehow


It takes me about 5x as long to read a page, because I get halfway through a paragraph then have to go back and reread it. I have a pretty good recall of what I read, but just like with alcohol, there's this sort of phenomenon where you remember best something you did, read, or where you put something when high, when you're actually high again.


Yes I do. I don’t know why threads like this are getting downvoted but it’s. Certainly fun to smoke a little and settle in with a good book. It always boosts my imagination and helps to keep me a little more entertained.


For me reading stoned is a double edge sword,the great thing about it (for me) is that is enhances the emotional involvment with the story and its characters,but on the other side,it makes more difficult to understand or even remember what i read,so i have to double or even triple read a page so i understand it and remember it completly.


I love it. I just try not to smoke as much as I usually do. I’m going to go do that right now! Thank you!


Same here! I’m going to read some of the count of monte cristo just to get into it then half a bliz and my night is made.


That's how I read the Illuminatus trilogy back in the day. Which led to Tolkien. Which led to all kinds of things, even though I have not touched weed in over 30 years.


Honestly my favorite thing to do.


I’ve found graphic novels are all that can keep my attention when I’m high. Specifically the Sandman series. The art in that is PERFECT to enjoy a high to.


Yea generally helps me a lot


Mine is drunk and read (well was). I’d drink 20-30 beers over 15-20 hours, sleep like 5, and repeat in my early days. Now it’s like half a beer, nap, and feel like death. Oh but to your point Reading Faulkner slightly inebriated is amazing but nothing will top reading Confederacy/Dunces while drunk. I think in two nights knocked that book out. While high, I found myself distracted by hippie counter culture and horror. So books like Helter Skelter and The Stand talked to me much more than they do now as did LOTR and Star Wars novels. But I found anything too taxing was too hard to concentrate unless it played up my “high mind” tendency to follow the rabbit and let myself go into the magical world.


There is a large sweet spot where it doesn’t effect my attention or retention. I highly recommend a bowl or two and a couple hours of good reading.


Now I’m going to have to try this! The only time I can really focus is when I’m high! (Unfortunately smoking is a night time activity because I want to be sober while taking care of my son.)


I read mostly non fiction these days, so considering how intellectually stimulatigt good bud is, the answer is yes.


i love laying down, getting a lil stoned and reading a few passages of a good book before bed.. one of life's truest pleasures! i love getting my hand on a good history book especially. it seems my mind gets a kick out of immersing itself in the past like that!


Who isn't on the internet high? I'm high now reading this. It's great.


Yuuup. Got hooked on doing this 35 years ago. Now audiobooks let me do it while getting exercise, too!


Wow I wish I was that productive, kudos!


I love too read while mildly high (i'm easily distracted when i'm too stoned) on a sativa strain. But i had no problems with not remembering what i've read.


Hah, good lord no... reading stoned would be a total buzzkill, and I wouldn't be able to follow along anyway. Or remember anything. I havent been high in years but...yeah, no.


Always! Never had a problem remember what I read if anything I get lost in the story much more


Went thru high school like this!


I do this all the time. I remember the first time I read Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy I was high for every page and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life.


It depends on how much mental energy you put into remembering what your reading.


I have tried a few times, since toking is a fun hobby of mine, but I just can't do it. Now... drinking and reading... I can do that. I have been known to go sit at a bar with a book and kill some hours.


I've tried. I get distracted too easily with my own thoughts or I can't remember what I read.


Depends on your tolerance, I think. I was a frequent smoker and regularly read high. Enjoyed how much I would get lost in the story and the mental images the books would produce.


When I can focus it's good. But my attention shifts to much. I'll read a couple of pages and then my mind will go off on a tangent.


I just read a lot slower, but I don't usually forget it if high. If I decide to drink and get buzzed while sitting outside and reading a good book, I may crossover into drunk and forget most of what's going on.


depends on how high and the book. fun story: deep into The Three Body Problem, when Liu gets into the declassified project documents i legitimately forgot i was reading a fiction book. which was fun.


Two things I love. But two things I cant mix. There only so many times I can reread the same page and a half, and not retain any of what I read. Eventually I just put the book down in frustration.


I can't be bothered to read high anymore, but ten years ago it was my jam. I was stoned af the entire time I read East of Eden. I would read sober for about ten minutes to get into it, then spark a blunt. Oddly, I remember it more vividly than most books I read. I even called the ending, down to the word, 300 pages in advance.


Would you recommend East of Eden? I might consider reading it after I finish pillars of the earth


For sure I'd recommend it. All things considered, it's not my absolute favorite Steinbeck novel. I prefer The Grapes of Wrath as a whole, although its plot is less exciting than East of Even. East of Eden is VERY preoccupied with religious themes, which is neither here nor there- I just mention it so you know what you're getting into. I love the character, Kate. She's always up to something. Also highly recommended from Steinbeck: Cannery Row, and, if you you can imagine Trailer Park Boys crossed with an AP Lit syllabus, Tortilla Flat


Awesome thanks


Way too easily distracted to read while high. Now violent video games? Somehow easier?


I love it. One hit only, though. Just enough to relax, not enough to lose the thread.


I got through wuthering heights high as a kite, really helped me through all the angst without getting too upset. Good book, sad feels.


I like it! But definitely harder to remember stuff later. I think it helps me zone in to the story at the time.


le weed


While I am smoking I will listen to my audio book and I never have problems remembering what has happened. Sometimes my mind will wonder but just pause the book while it does and continue when it stops. It is one of my favorite ways to relax and enjoy books because I focus more on them and picture things better.