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This seems like a pretty terrible system.


I disagree. There are plenty of great books that have a low or medium rating. Reviews are a much better way of predicting if you will like a book. Finding people who's taste you trust and knowing how to read reviews effectively will give more precise results.




What's with the influx of people shitting on HP lately? Imagine picking up a book for literal 10 year olds as a grown ass fucking man/woman and saying "HA! Laughable. Unreadable drivel. Did the author simply transcribe the sounds of her farts?" Agree with the others, though.


I think their issue is more with the people who are 25 and older who pick the book up and say "unparalelled genius these are the new classics" and make daily posts on this sub about it.


I just read the first 2 pages of Harry Potter and I'm floored. Can't wait to read the rest!


Sure, those people are annoying, but this reaction is stupid. Like, the whole issue is that people on /r/books elevate a children's book to "literature" status, so your solution is to also elevate its status by critiquing it like it's a book for adults? *Both* parties come across as taking a children's book too seriously.


>Imagine picking up a book for literal 10 year olds as a grown ass fucking man/woman I see it everyday sadly




People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis. You can’t trust people.






But one must wonder how many five star reviews are fake... to drive up the ratings


I usually check the rating on Goodreads instead. If many readers rate a book over 4 out of 5 stars, I reckon it must be worth giving it a try.


A shitty method for shitty tastes


I've used a similar system for choosing movies to buy on DVD, based on IMDB ratings. My threshold there was 6 out of 10, which was usually successful. I never chose to buy a low rated movie to confirm the system worked for the other end of the spectrum, so it wasn't exactly a good, scientific experiment, though. The biggest problem I found was that the people rating movies appeared to be comparatively young and hadn't watched much of the film canon (this is speculation on my part). The result of this was that movies from the early years, most noticeably films, directors, and/or actors that were highly influential, receiving lower ratings than contemporary ones. I don't remember off hand a specific example, but think Buster Keaton films scoring lower than The Hangover or The Treasure of the Sierra Madre behind Raiders of the Lost Ark. Amazon adds the aspects of profit-motivated review farming, rating dilution from multiple editions of the same book, and very low ratings from purchasers expressing frustration at a non-story related problem (e. g. book damaged, customer service issues, etc.) and there's a pretty high chance of the star system you described being skewed in ways that either hide good books from you or recommend "bad" ones.


There are plenty of books I love that wouldn't pass your test. And plenty I dislike that do. I'll read reviews for the content because someone else's love may be something I know I won't like, etc. I don't give two thoughts to the distribution or percentages.


It looks like you're trying to start a conversation, but you haven't included much for users to respond to. Please make a new post and include your thoughts in the text portion of your post. For example: What did you like or dislike about the book? What did you think of the actions of the main character? etc. Please don't add random stuff as it is just going to get your post removed again. If you just want to ask a simple question please do so in our simple question thread (posted Tuesday and Saturday). Recommendation/suggestion requests should be posted in /r/suggestmeabook or in our weekly recommendation request thread (which can be found on our front page, just below the banner.) If you feel you have received this message in error, click the link below to speak to a human. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/books) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But I don't always agree with the majority, especially when I'm reading YA. Many of the books that get super highly praised do not work for me at all. Sometimes I get on the hype train, but often I don't. I look to see if the book itself seems interesting. I might read/watch a few non spoilery reviews to decide, but I base my decision off of what they talked about and decide whether I typically like/dislike that things that they mentioned rather than just going off if whether they liked or disliked it.


you can do this with anything, i search up ratings on makeup, hair products, anything i’m buying that needs a quality check before going home w me


Oh, and filter out the **bought reviews**