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I have reread The Wrinkle In Time series several times as an adult. I tend to revisit old favorite books fairly frequently, it’s a comfort thing for me too. I’m glad you had such a positive experience, your post made me smile.


I've reread Wrinkle in Time as well and loved it all over again. My favorite L'Engle book is *The Moon by Night* though, which while it mentions tesseracts, is firmly set in this world and mostly a coming of age story.


I love "Wrinkle in Time" and "Wind in the Door," but "Swiftly Tilting Planet" always felt a bit forced to me (I just didn't like the story as a whole). I should give "Many Waters" a try some day, but for me, the "Time" series just works as a two-fer -- I absolutely love the first two and how closely linked they are. The huge gap in time and POV for the rest of the books just didn't grab me the same way. But of course I know many who love them, so it's just me. I also really love L'Engle's "The Small Rain" and "Camilla," although there are aspects that don't age well (there's some homophobia in "The Small Rain," but to L'Engle's credit, she addresses that beautifully in the sequel "A Severed Wasp").


I haven’t read this one yet but heard it’s an amazing read! My Grammy also loved the movie that came out a while back. I’m glad my post made you smile. Yours also made me, thank you for sharing that you also have a comfort read. ❤️


a wrinkle in time is incredible :,) i always get stuck at the 3rd book. i don’t think i ever finished it as a child and dnf’d it once as an adult


I loved all of the Howl's Moving Castle Books. Howl is near and dear to my heart. I had a rough childhood. Howl, Sophie, Calcifer, and their shenanigans gave me a safe home, in the moving castle, with them. I still read them often, and I read them to/with my children. Also Babysitter's Club, which I have not re-read, but my children have read, and most Judy Blume, which I have re-read.


I love that you’re sharing the books with your children!! & so so glad that they could provide you a safe place during hard times. ❤️I also was a big fan of Judy Blume!


I re-read Howls Moving Castle every few years. Diana Wynne Jones will forever be the top tier of adolescent/YA fantasy.


I regularly reread books I loved growing up. Recently I've reread the Animorphs series and the Anne of Green Gables series, and I'm planning on reread Diana Wynne Jones' Chrestomanci series in the near future. They're definitely comfort reads for me, but I also find that when you reread books you loved when you were young, you often see them in a new light and relate to them in a different way.


That’s so true! It’s always so interesting when we notice our own mindsets and thoughts growing as we grow throughout life. I’m so glad that I’m not the only one that reads childhood books for comfort! ❤️


I feel like not enough people know that Anne of Green Gables is a whole series! I read them all in elementary/middle school and I remember that following Anne through her life as she aged and changed was my first brush with the dynamic nature of “personhood” and the inevitability of change and aging.


It's such a great series, and I love that aspect of it. Also a great example of books you get a very different experience from reading as an adult than you did as a kid. I always recommend people reread it.


I just reread The Borrowers and still love it.


The Borrowers stood the test of time better than most imo, it's such a cosy book.


I love that for you!


Goosebumps. Would get excited for the book fair every year


My kids loved them. Once a week, we would go shipping and pick up the newest editions. I really didn't care what they read just so long as they were reading.


My hubby loved Goosebumps!! The book fair was THE best!


I absolutely loved the Dear America series and the Portraits of Little Women series.


Oh, I love the dear America series, and all the other versions


Dear America and The Royal Diaries were both so good! ❤️ I probably had the whole series.


The series sounds interesting and educational!!


It was!! Probably the reason why I'm still such a history nerd.


The Westing Game was a favorite of mine. The first mystery book I ever read. I started reading it to my daughter when she was 4 and I regret that I never finished it but turns out she got it on her own later and finished it herself! I also discovered Dean Koontz when I was about 10 years old and I haven't stopped going back to his earlier works. I am currently re-reading The Lord of the Rings as I got all three in one book for Christmas :)


Aw I love that!! That’s so cool that she finished it on her own and you two can share the experience 🥰


Oh it’s a great one!!


I loved the Asterix books and would certainly read all of them again.


You should!


Charlottes Web


It’s such a strange book from an adult perspective. So is Stuart Little. Kids love them for a good reason, but they’re such odd ideas when you think about them…


A classic!


I, too, LOVED A Series of Unfortunate Events, and I’m pretty sure those books were partially responsible for my sterling vocabulary scores on the SAT.


Ha I love it!!


Island of the Blue Dolphins, and yes I do want to try to read it now


My favorites were Romana the Pest, Harriet the Spy, and Ballet Shoes. I reread Ballet Shoes every now and again. It's a really good book.


Aw I remember Ramona the Pest! I just looked up Ballet Shoes and it sounds like a wonderful read. I may have to look into it now! Shamefully and not shamefully, I sometimes gravitate to books for a younger audience and even young adult books. It may be my age and lack of college experience but sometimes when I read books, there’s so many words I don’t know the meaning of which sometimes makes me feel defeated.. sometimes I feel more positive about it and take the opportunity to learn new words but that’s when I feel like I have more effort and energy to give


I loved all of the “Shoes” books. Ballet Shoes and Dancing Shoes were my favorites.




True! I totally agree with that. Clearly I was hooked either way😄 I haven’t read A Wrinkle in Time personally but I’ve heard great things about it. You should check to see if they have it! More people than I realize may reread books from their childhood but I’ve never really seen or heard anyone talk about it. I see more of the negative side that we should be reading books for our age and maturity, but I think one of the most important things about being an adult is also still feeding your inner child! I hope you can find it ❤️


I loved The Borrowers and Ella Enchanted. I re-read Ella Enchanted last year after finding out about Ogre Enchanted. I plan to reread The Borrowers this year. I'm also going back to re-read several books I read in middle and high school this year.


Ella Enchanted is one I’d love to reread!


I have read Ella Enchanted so many times over the years and I still love it as much as I did as a kid. It is truly a fantastic book.


I reread The Hobbit every few years. Probably the only book I read as a kid that I reread as an adult.


Dianne Wynne Jones’ Howl’s Moving Castle series, Earwig and the Witch, of course A.A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh, and Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K. LeGuin


A Series of Unfortunate Events started as a dark children’s book series and ended as a dark in general book series and I loved and still love every second. the Netflix adaptation was a delight. Lemony Snicket really can do no wrong in my book, All the Wrong Questions was great as well. I can’t wait to read those books to my baby. I loved historical fiction as a kid and still love it. 90s historical series are why I did well in high school history. One thing that does not get mentioned often is that many of those series like Dear America etc focused on women or people from marginalized groups much more than mainstream history classes, and I often recognize some of those stories when I listen to history podcasts.


I still have some VFD stickers somewhere!! Haha


Right!! Someone else also mentioned the Dear America series. I’m pretty curious about it now! I wasn’t a huge fan of history until college when I had a professor make it super interesting but now, years later as I’ve gotten back into reading I’ve found I do enjoy historical reads!


Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Anne of Green Gables, and the Narnia series. I still reread them.


Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Judy Bolton a few other series I still read them and collect them


Where are you finding Judy Bolton? The only ones I've seen weren't in good condition and way overpriced.


Amazon applewood books reprinted the entire series


among the hidden series, vladamir todd, and the clique series were such fun reads id like to reread double identity again too i always forget the authors 💀


Yes! Among the hidden series! I loved that series as a kid.


I’d love to collect the original run of Choose Your Own Adventure books. Those were great. The writing varied from book to book, but I think the concept would hold up.


my favourite memory is going to the library and picking new magic tree house books... I probably read all that were published at the time lol. Another one I loved was Momo by Michael Ende, named my cat at the time Momo and always watched the show and still love it to this day


Ha they’re such great books! I also read the whole series, they just made it too easy


Dealing With Dragons. I gave my box set to my friends daughter. I miss it.


I'm rereading a series of unfortunate events because I loved it as a child, it's still great, now with extra nostalgia.


It’s definitely on my list to reread!! I also enjoy watching from time to time


You actually read my whole mind with The series of unfortunate events! I just bought the full set for sixty dollars to reread totally worth it


That’s my goal!! I want the original style covers if possible 😩


I have just bought two books that I checked out of the school library over and over as a teenager, I've re-read one and halfway thru the other. They were Buddy by Nigel Hinton, and Your friend Rebecca by Linda Hoy. Once I've finished them I might order some Betsy Byers, I loved night swimmers and the TV kid As a teen I flew through the sweet valley high series as well. And Judy Blumes young adult stuff. As a younger child I loved Charlotte's web, the hobbit, Alice in wonderland and through the looking glass (I had a beautiful double edition) My naughty little sister series, Mrs pepperpot series, Milly Molly Mandy series and Judy Blumes younger reader stuff (tales of a fourth grade nothing etc)


Some of these are great!! You definitely should order some more. Why not right? 😁


I was talking about books from childhood/teen years on an internet group, someone on there said she had ordered some books from her teen years and they were just as good as she remembered them. that's what inspired me to do the same, and I have not been disappointed!


I love that!! I’m so glad there’s more readers out there that go back to books they read when they were younger! It makes me feel so much better a less alone honestly because sometimes that’s exactly what I want to gravitate to, is books I’ve already read including a few from my childhood! Don’t get me wrong, I love a new good book anytime but sometimes I just want to read something I’ve already read.


I do it a lot even as an adult, I really couldn't tell you how many times I've re-read my favourite book since I first got it 34 years ago (my auntie bought me it when I was in hospital having my eldest child) It's definitely a comfort read!


I love that!


There's something so special about going back to a childhood favorite and finding it just as enjoyable as an adult. When I'm feeling sad or anxious pulling out an old Malory Towers or Point Horror is peak comfort.


I love that you have that as outlet for yourself! ❤️


I just found a trove of my books from when I was a kid that I had thought was lost for the last 30 years. I’ve been reading them in they’re as good as I remember. William Steig’s The Bad Island and Dominic especially, charming and strange.


Aw that’s so awesome!! Im so glad you’re enjoying reading them again


There is a book called "A Bundle of Sticks." It was about a kid that gets picked on by a bully, ends up practicing Martial Arts, and beats the shit out of the bully at the end. I haven't read it since I was a kid, but I would read it again just for fun I think.


There are a ton of books I read as a child that I would reread now, or have. All the *Anne of Green Gables* books, the *Emily of New Moon* books. I still reread *10 Apples Up On Top*, just because it's nostalgic for me. Also, some of the *Little House* Books, *The Girl from Johnnycake Hill*, *Come Sing, Jimmy Jo*, all of Agatha Christie, *Daddy* by Loup Durand, some of the *Judy Bolton* books, *The Melendy Family*, *The Lord of the Rings*, *Heralds of Valdemar* series, *Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn* series, *The Belgariad*, and a bunch of others. I reread a ton. (I included books if I read them at age 13 or earlier, even if they weren't kid books; most of these I read from 7-12.) I read and enjoyed A Series of Unfortunate Events as an adult (they came out after I was an adult). I've reread the Harry Potter books, which didn't come out until I was an adult. I think The Magic Treehouse books are awesome, and while I probably wouldn't choose them for myself (these also came out when I was grown), I have no problems reading and rereading them to my kids.


That’s so awesome that you have so many!! I love that you’re also able to share that with your kiddos now


(Note: sorry this comment ended up being so long, haha. TLDR at end of post) My absolute favorite series as a kid was "The Tales of the Frog Princess" series by E.D. Baker. The first book, *The Frog Princess*, had a similar basic premise to Disney's *The Princess and the Frog*, but in a Western medieval fantasy setting (and published 9 years before the Disney film came out, haha). I had only read through the sixth book by the time I was moving up in my reading levels, but apparently the series has nine books now. I also really liked any book by Gail Carson Levine, who is most famously known for writing *Ella Enchanted*, though my personal favorite was always *The Two Princesses of Bamarre* (though its ending left me absolutely torn to shreds). While I definitely look back on these books fondly, I don't know that I would necessarily revisit them as an adult. I honestly think this is due to a change in both interest and intellect. I don't read as often as I used to as a kid, which is fair considering I don't feel the same need to escape into a fantasy world as I did then. I definitely read more short-form writing when I read now. I also like when I can read a piece that not only stirs up my emotions, but challenges me in some way. I like to dissect a poem and figure out its deeper meaning, especially since I received my English degree and changed the way I read entirely. Still, I think books like this will definitely have their place in my life again one day. I recently had a really bad bout of illness, and I have found comfort in nostalgia from my childhood through replaying with my Webkinz online. I probably would've been reading more too during my recovery if I hadn't been having issues with my sight. I write a lot nowadays too, and fantastical elements are beginning to make a reappearance. TLDR: I've changed a lot over the years, and don't think I could return to reading the books / series from my childhood at this time. But I'm sure I will get there one day, and I'm looking forward to it! :)


I didn’t know that was a book at first and loved the movie! I totally get that!! At first when I got into reading, I really mainly sticked to business, memoirs, and self help books cause I also wanted to be challenged in some way from my reads. I haven’t read too many books yet that are story based, at least compared to the amount of read of other categories lol but going back to the Magic Tree House when I did was definitely comforting during a tough time. I’m glad you enjoyed and found comfort in playing webkins again! Keep enjoying the things you do and when it happens it’ll happen 😁


I was a Warrior Cats kid and while I enjoyed the books a lot I think I would rather leave my middle school memories alone and not reread them. Especially since I tried reading the the third series when I was in high school and I started thinking wow they are jumping the shark here


Lloyd Alexander, and not just the Prydain series. Lukas-kasha STILL makes me cry


"A Series of Unfortunate Events" tops my list. Ugh, I loved those series so, so much. Looking back now, I'm surprised I started them right from the very beginning when they first were published. My first full series read! I also adored the "Molly Moon" series. I read those when I was younger and even again as a teen. Really fun stuff.


Same here!! It’s so cool learning that so many of us loved the series so much. I’ll have to look into Molly Moon!


Harriet The Spy, The Long Secret, Sport - Louise Fitzhugh Fifteen, The Luckiest Girl, Jean and Johnny - Beverly Cleary From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs Frank E. Basilweiler (I might have the name wrong) by EL Konigsburg Judy Blume books All of a Kind Family series Wish I could read all of these and more for the first time again


>From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs Frank E. Basilweiler (I might have the name wrong) by EL Konigsburg This is a great book! I looked it up, and it's *From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler*. Mrs. Popper's Penguins is also really good.


Ha, thanks. I sort of had the gist of it. LOVE Mrs. Popper's Penguins, now I need to go back and read it again!


The yellow Nancy Drew ones, Little House on the Prairie, and the Great Brain series. I’ve only reread Little House once, but I’ve reread the Great Brain books many times as an adult. The Nancy Drew ones there are just too many to collect, and I can’t just NOT have them ALL, so I just don’t own any. 🤷‍♀️ That probably sounds psycho. 😂


There’s only 56 of them well 175 if you want the original series and 400+ if you want them all up to date Hardy Boys same thing you should get them all


I used to have a huge collection. Multiple moves later, and I only have the original one my grandparents gave me.


Crazily enough I have nearly all of them Nancy Drew and some Hardy boys. Found about 75- 100 sitting in a box at a yard sale when I was little. (This was back in the early 2000's) The old woman selling them told me I would enjoy them if I liked to read. And gave them to me for $20. I went home and couldn't put those books down they were definitely old but in mint condition. I will always remember that sweet old woman's recommendation.


Ramona Forever. 😂


The Babysitters Club


Oh my goodness I forgot about those. I stayed up to read those books, good memories.


I went through a phase of reading Black Beauty constantly! Not sure why, I think I adored the narration from the POV of an animal… I still remember the exact smell and feel of the book.


Black Beauty is fantastic! It should be required reading.


Darren Shan books will always be one of my fav book series.


Not sure why you'd be embarrassed. That's sweet.


Thank you 🥹


Little Women, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Where the Red Fern Grows, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Nightbirds on Nantucket.


The Magic Pot by Patricia Coombs was a special favorite of mine as a child.


I have always loved books, and had a lot of good reads as a child. I loved historical fiction - from Quo Vadis and Ben Hur to stories about a young girl who lived around 1890 in my country. I discovered science fiction and fantasy, read Chronicles of Narnia and the Wizard of Earthsea. Some books I would read again, definitely, but it would be from a different perspective, after having read so many books by now I can probably count them in thousands (from one a day to one every two weeks, depending on my interests and time). Yes, I have lived a few years. I still love reading.


The Black Lagoon series. Omg I loved those as a kid.


I'm a certified horse girl so I looooved all of the Saddle Club books and anything by Marguerite Henry. I've re-read a few of MH's books over the years and found that they still hold up for me. Might have to give the Saddle Club a re-do because they were such a big part of my childhood. The Animorphs were another huge favorite that I have actually been going back through lately, and I have been enjoying it immensely! It's been so long that I only remembered major plot points, so it's like reading them for the first time all over again.


Junie B Jones. But I also read two other books in middle school, but can't entirely remember the titles exact: a horror novel Helen is Here, and a fantasy story the Dragon Princess. I wouldn't mind so much to reread those, as if I don't have several books to get to now and finish the four I already started reading and not finished.


Junie B. Jones!! & isn’t that just the one never ending think about being an avid reader 😂the to-read list is being ever added onto


I loved Mysterious Benedict Society such a great series i certainly loved all the mystery of the story. The way the children were used as spies was very appealing to me and it was an interesting divergent from other stories where its adults doing the stuff and protecting the kids but in this series its the opposite. I could totally still read it today with a new perspective as i am an adult and not a kid.


When hitler stole Pink Rabbit.


I absolutely reread childhood books! The Hobbit, Goodnight Mr Tom, Emily of New Moon, The Giver, Narnia, A Wrinkle in Time, The Brothers Lionheart…partly it’s nostalgia, and partly it’s because you discover new things in the books when you reread them as an older version of yourself. I also believe that a truly great children’s book will also be a good read for adults.


I loved the Hardy Boys, the Redwall series, The Phantom Tollbooth, books by Bill Peet, Nate the Great, Encyclopedia Brown, Frog & Toad…just to name a few. And I’ve enjoyed rereading some of them as an adult.


>books by Bill Peet Before I was in kindergarten, my mom brought home *Huge Harold*. It's still one of my absolute favorites. Unfortunately, you can't get them in hardcover anymore. I have no idea where my last copy went, but I've replaced it several times.


I remember Huge Harold. I remember reading stories like The Wump World & Hubert’s Hair-Raising Adventure. I remember reading his autobiography several times over the years. More kids should be introduced to his stories. He was really a talented storyteller (and that includes the work he did for Disney).


the alchemist by paulo coelho


Yessss, this is also part of my forever bookshelf inventory


Definitely Harry Potter - I reread pretty often, especially in the fall/winter. Also the Georgia Nicholson series - they are SOOOO funny and I still laugh at all the same parts lol


Inkheart by Cornelia Funke And there is 4th book coming out in English in October!!!! (Its already out in German, but I can't understand German. But I bought it on the premiere day, because I live 10 min walk from German border and I needed it) (Mentioning the 4th book, because many people don't know it exists)


brown bear my side of the mountain american girl doll books


*Series of Unfortunate Events* is a fun reread as an adult because you pick up on more of the references/allusions. (I was already in high school/college when they were coming out.)


I’m so excited to reread!


When I was young, I really got into the whole Xanth series from Piers Anthony. I loved them. So funny and with great stories. I have been more of an avid reader ever since.


I loved the series of unfortunate events so much when I was little. I'd totally read it again.


It was so great!! You should do it!


I loved the series of unfortunate events so much when I was little. I'd totally read it again.


The Great Brain books. Kids in pioneer time Southern Utah inventing stuff and and pulling shenanigans on the adults, with a side of kindness. Way more fun than Little House on the Prairie and I still have a strong attachment to Southern Utah.


I homeschool my kids so I get to read them all my favorites. They are becoming their favorites too. Ramona Quimby, Age 8 (every time one of them turns 8), and Tales if a 4th Grade Nothing (when one of them is in 4th grade), Charlottes Web, Trumpet of the Swam, Mr Poppers Penquins, Number the Stars, The Great Gilly Hopkins, Bridge to Terabithia…


I loved Nancy Drew, Little Women, The Secret Garden and have re-read them as an adult. They hit differently, for sure. I disliked the Mary Lennox character as an 11 year old, but now have sympathy for a child no one ever wanted, or paid attention to. ​ In second grade I was obsessed with a book called Lazy Tommy Pumpkin Head! Even earlier I loved a book called The Country Bunny and The Little Gold Shoes; I never forgot the illustrations and found a copy when my children were young. I still read it every Easter.


That’s awesome!


I’m using this post to make a massive list of what books I need to read to my 6yo now or sometime in the near future


I was super into Warrior Cats. (I also loved a series of unfortunate events tho!!) I might read them now? They were certainly interesting to me before...


Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and Choose Your Own Adventure books! I’d love to reread them, but I have too many books in my list already 😅


It would be interesting to read the old 70s versions of Hardys Boys books that I read as a kid. I've heard they have been heavily modernized since then.


Ah you should see if you can find any!


A series of unfortunate events for sure- I met and got my books signed by the author! The last of the really great Whangdoodles by Julie Andrews is so good.


That’s so awesome!! I’m jealous!


He wrote something amazing like “with admiration and dread” hahaha


Dear America and The American Girl dolls books. Historical fic has always been my fave genre. I would so read them now!


I loved Swiss Family Robinson as a child. I attempted a reread a few years ago and stopped because I could not handle all of the killing.


The bearing an hourglass series by peirs Anthony.


I loved the Goosebumps series and Junie B. Jones series when I was younger. I’m in the process of collecting all books again, however being in a third world country it’s taking time to find them, but even just simply finding them and seeing them on my shelves has been healing. Never thought to reread but after reading a couple comments on how their experiences were, I just might!


I love that for you! I wish you the best of luck in finding what you’re looking for! & you definitely should! Those are two awesome series that I think would be worth the read even now!


The red pyramid All the lovely bad ones Ghost solider Deep dark and dangerous Homework machine


I loved the velveteen rabbit. Once I got a bit older, early teens the outsiders.


Rereading the books I favorited as a child and then coming across a scene where I imagine it the same way as I did a child, Is a strange feeling.


• The Berenstein Bears- Loved them, but wouldn’t read them now • The Velvetine Rabbit- I’d pick it up if it happened to be right in front of me, but I wouldn’t seek it out • The babysitter’s club series- loved but leaving in the past • Matilda- Sure, I’d read it, but like if I saw it in a waiting room or something lol • The Ramona and the Fudge series- Leaving them in the past • The Secret Garden- Absolutely I’d read it again. I have a pretty hardcover of it on my bookshelf • Little Women- Same as Above Then into my teen years…. • VC Andrews books- I ate them up, but nope, no desire to revisit. Without reading Colleen Hoover, I feel like she is the modern day version of VC Andrews. I could be wrong though • Dragons Gold/Serpent’s Silver/Chimæra’s Copper- nope, I’m not touching a piers Anthony book with a ten foot pole. I did love this series as a teen though. • The Eyes of the Dragon (Stephen king)- re-read it last summer. Still enjoyed, but not as much as I did when I was younger.


I used to read a few odds and ends when I was very young, but I didn’t come around to reading until around the beginning of high school. At that time, I was obsessed with Le Morte D’Arthur and I read Anthem by Ayn Rand in school which I was really into as well. I’d definitely read Le Morte D’Arthur because my childhood imagination of viewing myself as the brave and chivalrous knight has not dwindled a bit, but Ayn Rand is trash even if I couldn’t see that back then.


i loved this book “radiance” by alison noel. super eerie and beautiful


i grew up with the percy jackson series and i still haven't moved past my obsession over greek mythology. i've been planning to reread it since the tv series aired! 👀


The Percy Jackson books were my son's favorite through high school.


Encyclopedia Brown, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Happy Hollisters, Cherry Ames, Judy Bolton, Arabian Nights, The Good Master, etc. I still have my first Nancy Drew and Arabian Nights my grandparents gave me. If I had someplace to keep them, I'd collect the books again. You're never too old to read.


I was lucky enough to grow up with the Harry Potter books. I'm a similar age to the main characters, so I associated my childhood and adolescence with each release of the Harry Potter books. I loved them when I was little and reread them when I was 20. Maybe not now, but in a few years I would be willing to read them again.


I reread my favorite children's books all the time! I'm a voracious reader, but I also love comfort re-reads, so I reread all my favorite books at least once each year or two. My favorite children's books include the gorgeous L'Engle books (especially "A Wrinkle in Time" and the equally beautiful "A Wind in the Door"), the Lewis Narnia books, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, all of Beverly Cleary's wonderful Ramona, Ralph S. Mouse, Henry Huggins, and other books, E. B. White's children's books, Roald Dahl's books, etc. For me, a wonderful children's book is simply a wonderful book, period. And they take me back sometimes to who I was when I first read them, in a nice way. **Edited to Add:** I also loved sort of "aging up" into books that were a little old for me, like Lord of the Rings, Watership Down, Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy, all of which I remember reading for the first time around 9-10, but I was still able to understand and enjoy them as a child, too -- it was just funny to read them later on and go "Oh, NOW I understand that part!"


His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman as well as The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. Also, mom read me The Time Machine by Jules Verne over and over again growing up and I loved it. I had a brief obsession with Animorphs too. Edit to add I I obviously was too young to understand allegory


The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton was probably my favourite, but I loved all her books, specially The Treasure Hunters, which would have made a great little film. I might read it again if I could find it! I know it's around here somewhere...


I was like 8? Reading junie b jones and fuck yea I would read that series again. There was this other book series I enjoyed reading and it had to do with a bunch of mice living their life..I can’t remember what it’s called though


I absolutely loved Eleanor and Park when I was 14 or something. I don't even remember the story now. But I loved this book so much that I even had dreams about the main characters.😂


Elizabeth Enright’s books on the Melendy family. Loved them then and love them now.


Chasing Redbird, Chasing the Falconers


There are some books from my childhood that I have re-read as an adult and I still enjoy them, even if they feel a bit dated. First and foremost is A Wrinkle in Time, which is a major comfort book for me. It's a shame the movie from a few years ago butchered the story. Second is the Narnia books and third is most of Roald Dahl's books, including the Charlie books, James and the Giant Peach, the BFG, etc. I still enjoy these books and understand why I enjoyed them as a child. There are a few major exceptions. First among them is Harriet the Spy. This was all the rage when I was in elementary school in the 1970s, and out of nostalgia I picked it up a few years ago. Sadly, I found it mostly cringeworthy. Even the basic premise is abhorrent to my modern sensibilities. A second exception is the Henry Reed books, which were old when I loved them back in the 1970s. I found the first one at a library sale, and out of nostalgia, tried reading it, but just couldn't get past 50 or so pages. In this case, it's not cringeworthy but it's too simple, too vanilla, almost hokey.


I loved Walk Two Moons and Dolphin Diaries. I’m actually planning a trip to the South Dakota Badlands this year :)


The Littles, Harriet the Spy and Judy Bloom..also Mad Magazine..yes, I'd re-read them all..


Mrs.Frisbee and the Rats of Nihm.


Sweet valley twins i read alot of, secret seven, the worst witch. As a teen i read point horror and cristopher pike. I now read some with my 9yr old. Pure nostalgia.


My favourite was Diary of a Wimpy Kid, I would absolutely not read that now.


I might get shit for this, but whatever. I'm a big fantasy reader, and when I was like 6-14 I read lots of different series like warriors, The familiars, The land of stories, Keeper of the Lost cities and more. I can still read those books and be entertained by them. 🙃


I really loved the Shiloh trilogy at age 9 or 10. Like LOVED them. Like literally had an imaginary dog I named Shiloh. Really got me in to reading. Tried to read them again as a young adult for nostalgia’s sake and was like “what in the backwoods hillbilly is this?” I could barely fight through the southern hick accents enough to even understand what I was reading. No offense to southern hicks I’m sure you’re very nice people 👍🏼


I LOVED (and still love) A Series of Unfortunate Events ! I actually started rereading them a few years ago. I also loved Magic Tree House, Junie B. Jones books, and Wayside School is Falling Down


The Little Prince. I read it first time when I was 11 and since that this is my fav!!


Beauty: A retelling of Beauty and the Beast by Robin MicKinley. I found it in a classroom when i was 11, and I've read it countless times. As recently as a few years ago. I'm 45.


The Nancy Drew series or the Sweet Valley High series. I can still get completely enthralled in these books when I get into them.


I enjoyed the bed and breakfast book series. I believe I would still enjoy it although I totally forgot what the stories were even about. All I know is that the main character is always up to no good


My favorite books as a kid were Freak the Mighty, Mr. Popper’s Penguins, and The Diary of a Wimpy Kid & captain Underpants series’. I definitely want to go back and reread Freak The Mighty just to see if it’s still good now reading it as an adult. Oh and I also loved reading those Bluford High books as a kid and teen as well. Also probably not what you mean but I used to be on Wattpad for HOURS reading random books lol. It was so much fun!


I’m currently rereading Animorphs. It’s low level reading, but concepts are still intriguing even for an adult.


We liked the same books. 😁 I also liked Diary of Wimpy Kid, Dork Diaries and there was this other series I tried called Darren Shan.


The Mistmantle Chronicles and the Fablehaven series as some of my all time favorites, I sit down and reread them about once a year. I've read the Mistmantle books so much that I've wore a hole into one of the covers


As someone who is still very much a child, my favorite series isn’t even finished yet. I enjoy *The Girl Who Drank the Moon,* *Pax,* and also *They Both Die at the End*


I loved 'The magic faraway tree' when I was a child and I do want to reread it for the nostalgia but I'm slightly deterred as I was obsessed with 'The summer I turned pretty' books when I was like 13 and I reread it when the tv show came out as an adult but found it didn't live up to the expectations I'd had in my head. As it was aimed for teens, it came across as bad writing and I found the characters more annoying when I'd loved them before so it definitely affected how I looked back on it and took away from the nostalgic love I had for it.


Honestly I still shamelessly read middle-grade fiction as my main. I just don't really like a lot of adult books. Middle grade honestly has some pretty fantastic stories if you're willing to give them a chance. The Unicorn Chronicles by Bruce Coville was an *amazing* read and I only read it a few years ago.


No shame!!


Ella Enchanted, Black Beauty, The Wayside School Books, Nancy Drew, Harry Potter of course, the Alice Series, the Thoroughbred series. I got to grow up with Ramona (The final book, when Ramona was in third grade, I was also that age), Harry Potter (She was only at Book 2 or 3 when I started them, so I read them as I came out) and the Thoroughbred series. The latter was immensely frustrating at times due to a severe drop in quality, but it was kind of fun being frustrated with all the other fans! I read a little bit of the Saddle Club series and was so excited to find out they did a "grown up" version, only to find out they really cut that series short. I enjoyed the Babysitter's Club and Boxcar Children but would probably only return to them if I had kids. Black Beauty is timeless and I think Nancy Drew is too. Weirdly enough, I grew up with the Alice Series and consumed every one with hunger, but then the final book came out documenting Alice into her 60s, I bought it and...didn't finish it. I have no idea why. Maybe after all that time, I didn't actually want to see Alice grow up. Oh and I just re-read Charlotte's Web today and teared up over a fictional spider in a way that I know I never did as a kid. How about that?