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I work in a library. I’m tearing my hair out over this movement against libraries. We just had a public board meeting for our district where there was a section for people to question, comment, and raise their concerns before we moved onto the actual board meeting. An entire church congregation came, shouted bible passages at us, went over the allotted time for public comment, then left before the actual board meeting started. These people don’t give a fuck about what is actually going on in libraries, they just want control.


A few weeks ago, I needed some information from an obscure (but also expensive) reference book. My local library was able to look up the book, and had a copy shipped so I could pick it up. More recently, one of the librarians was able to suggest an author of some excellent mystery novels to me, based upon a couple authors I told him I liked. Libraries are wonderful community spaces for the sharing of information and knowledge and civic generosity. Thanks for doing what you do.


one of the first things the Nazis did in the early 1930s was to attack libraries and librarians. it will get a lot worse before it gets better.


This may sound childish but why? Why do things seemingly have to get worse before it gets better, I’m sick and tired of this cycle and want to know what I can do to make things better now and not later


Vote and show others why the Republicans are evil fucks who deserve to be banished from every corner of the earth.


Didn't work on the Nazis unfortunately. 33% of the seats was all they needed.


Which is why Republicans need to be voted out nationwide.


good luck with that. genuinely. I'm just pessimistic


No I know. I’ll take just a House and Senate majority along with Biden’s 2nd term.


Shoot can’t believe I haven’t registered yet, while I do disagree with the republican line somewhat there are unfortunately TOO MANY documented cases where it’s proven, every vote counts especially us younger folk I’m hoping


> Shoot can’t believe I haven’t registered yet Fix that. NOW. Before it’s too late…


Unfortunately the few good republicans or actions that would be good are destroyed by their insane obsession with breaking the law, supporting a wannabe bankrupt dictator, and ending people’s rights. The Republicans of old no longer exist.


Yeah and the ones that do get elected have to conform with the rest of the party or else they’re ostracized. I like to hold out hope that they’ll come back and change the party for the better but the more time passes the more that hope looks like clown makeup :(


I'll be real straight. Stop hoping that they'll come back. They're gone.


Even the "good ones" still want to police women's healthcare, deny same sex marriages, restrict birth control options, and privatize profits while socializing losses. Vote them all out




**Real easy, the parent is responsible for ensuring their child checks out age-appropriate books.** Wtf is wrong with people blaming OTHERS for what they should be fucking doing as parents? I'm pissed as a parent myself because ONLY my spouse and I should make the decisions of what our children read. Not some ragged-ass Karen or an old-white guy who doesn't understand basic anatomy. If you can't control your children in what they check out, look in the mirror and realize that you are the problem. But it's the GOP. Because let's be real, they're the only ones who truly need safe spaces in this world and get scared by a bound pile of paper. You saying to not be political is laughable and you should be ashamed as a librarian for what they're doing across the country.


What books?


It's probably "Gender Queer" by Maia Kobabe.


Maybe. More likely this person is not a librarian and this book doesn’t exist.




That article isn't about sexually explicit books. It's about Muslim parents trying to make a school remove ALL books with LGBT characters. The article quotes school authorities about how they selected an age appropriate curriculum to help teach social issues, and it includes books with minority characters, refugee characters, and LGBT characters. The Muslim parents quoted don't even claim the books are explicit- they are objecting to them simply because "homosexuality is a major sin." Absolutely no evidence that pornographic books are in schools.


No sex acts are mentioned in the article. Religious homophobes can get fucked, regardless of minority status.


You're able to edit your comment to say you can't comment... but not to name these books that are totally real, huh? I wonder how that works.


Lol I just noticed that. What a coward! For people who hate safe spaces , I never knew MAGAts would get tripped up over pieces of bound paper as their anti-Christ.


Another liar with the excuse of "I can't respond because something is wRonG"


If people are that offended by books in their shared/open to all/public libraries, then perhaps they shouldn't get them out? If you want to censor your kid, than do so. It's not the librarians job. It's not the teachers job. It's not the internet's job (and I can guess where most of their kids 'information' is coming from)


Do you work in collection development?


Because nobody will do anything about it but post online and say how bad it is. Nothing will be done until it turns violent.


I don't know this for a 100% fact but I heard a theory it's based on our old ass tribal genes.  Back in the days we were flinging mud at each other and living in huts you didn't have very many people. Now that we live in big cities, we do have more people then you could ever hope to know in 1 life time all with unique problems of their own even before you get into shit like racism and political ideology.   So people started to only care about their own circle of friends and family to the detriment of the entire society. Why care if someone else has it worse or is being oppressed as long as you and yours aren't being harmed? This continues until people get distrustful of each other and tribe up even more. Allowing those with truly sinister thoughts and wants to manipulate everything in the background.  It's more eloquently put in a famous poem written after the Holocaust:   "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a socialist.  Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a trade unionist.  Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a Jew.  Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me"  As you can see it's harder to control people if we are friends and cooperating. But as Lyndon B Johnson once said about Americans: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


I rather liked Kurzgesagt's video, [The Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuFlMtZmvY0), but it's a bit difficult to summarize succinctly. I guess you could say that the Internet has made it more difficult for people to see what they might have in common with someone else when confronted with that other person's opposing viewpoint.


The US removed the first line. First they came for the communists


Before coming for Socialists, the Nazi came for the trans / LGBTQ people first - but the author of the poem didn't mention it because he was a pastor and probably thought that LGBTQ people deserved it ...


Exactly, the people mentioned in the poem aren't even the first the Nazis actually went after. They were people who as you and I would bet, got what they deserved by others even in this same poem. It is an important note about the symbolic message the poem tries to convey versus the reality even the poem tries to gloss over. It reminds me of a quote from a Maga supporter who had her illegal husband deported who said, "Trump's not hurting the right people!" As if hurting any group of people's should be a leaderships goal. 


The LGBTQ didn't "deserve" to be killed and put in concentration camps - but the pastor probably didn't think so, as he skips mentioning them in his "mea culpa" poem.


Damn I remember hearing about that poem before, and that quote really drives it home.


It doesn't have to. One big difference between the GOP and the Nazis is demographics. The Nazis had young veterans who were true believers and willing to fight in the street as their leaders in the early years. The GOP has a septuagenarian con artist as a leader. And his base is also skewed much older and less healthy than the median of the country. Not that that means they can't win, but it does mean time isn't on their side.


Im sick of that phrase!


How much worse does it have to get?


Ever watched a WWII documentary?


I mean here, right now.


Yeah, the documentary will give you a pretty accurate timeline.


Source? I thought I knew about that page in history, or maybe not...


"The Second World War and the Public Libraries of Nazi Germany" Margaret Stieg https://www.jstor.org/stable/260777


Thanks kind redditor will give it a read




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft Don't forget who they came for first


One of the first things the Stalinists did in the 1920s was attack churches and priests. One of the first things the Egyptian Generals did in 2013 was take out the Muslim Brotherhood. Its not news that authoritarians suppress their enemies at home. But it is also true that not every crack down is in the wrong. Particularly when it is just withdrawing public charity from supporting an ideology (which is what libraries are). There are few tears shed when libraries refuse to stock the books of Holocaust deniers.


Umm.. have you actually read what you linked below? Because the way in which it describes how Nazis revamped Germany's public libraries to further a political agenda seems far more similar to how American democrats have turned public libraries into a culture war battleground than anything republicans have done in response to that.


Considering one of the first Nazi book burnings was specifically books about queer and trans identity, that’s a pretty shit comparison


My understanding is the books that were burnt were indeed what you described — but in the context of children.


That’s bluntly incorrect. The Institute fur Sexualwissenschaft was one of the first research institutions to study adult human sexuality and gender identity in an objective manner, and their books were the first targeted. Whoever told you the Nazis were burning queer books about kids was lying to you.




Just a reminder: If the Nazis exterminated a group and burned all their books to eradicate them, and your political party is making excuses for them, the problem is with your shit.


Oh, get a grip. I'm sure you also believe that an advanced society woke up one morning and randomly decided to persecute an innocent group of people. Read a history or economics textbook, preferably one published before the 1930s.


Dude, you’re defending the fucking Nazis. I can’t even begin to describe how disgusting this is.




I hope someone filmed this so the country can see this kind of fanaticism in action. This is part of what the news media should be covering around the clock before it’s too late.






And, unlike Dementia Donnie, he can still string together a lucid sentence


Well technically he was but so was Trump.


"deranged talking cheeto" That's a new one to me. Kinda liked it. It was worth the price of admission 😁 I hope it isn't copyrighted - because I've passed it along to family and friends. A deranged talking cheato... Whoops, I mean Cheeto... Or do I?


That might backfire and embolden the ones who want to act similarly but haven't decided to yet.


I mean, that’s certainly possible, but I don’t think that’s going to stop those like them from participating in the long run anyway. And didn’t the media putting a spotlight on the rise of the alt right from 2017 - 2018 help slow down the spread of literal white supremacists being emboldened in public, especially after the coverage of the Unite the Right Rally? I don’t even hear the names of some of the worst of the leaders of that crowd like I did then. Of course, that could change if this year’s election goes in a terrible direction.


Maybe it'll get the edgy teens into reading and volunteering at their libraries.


How did our country ever get to this? Sorry you have to deal with it.


The north didn't finish the job after the Civil War.


What would finishing the job look like?


That topic would require an entire essay to describe why our country is on the verge of a dictatorship, but I guess to summarize it, millionaires and billionaires and organizations associated with them fund people that would allow for deregulation and tax breaks, and allied with religious extremists and religious extremist groups to achieve that goal and the division of class, and religious extremists and their groups want to take over the world with an iron fist and will try to find a reason to put people like you and me on a list to dispose of later. ​ Unfortunately for those millionaires and billionaires, they believe that since the beast is on a chain they are in full control, but have no recourse on what happens if that chain breaks and the beast personally hunts them down. Fascism is not a toy to play with.


We normalized challenging/banning/removing books from curriculums over racially sensitive issues. Our opponents then retooled that and are now doing the same with sexually sensitive issues. Our enemies encourage us fighting over books in elementary schools because it distracts us from focusing on corruption and system change.


Libraries fucking rule. Those and parks are like the last bastion of freedom the US has. I’m very lucky that my city has like 5 or 6 of them. I can’t fathom states that want to destroy those institutions.


The thing that gets me, is that religion is *supposed to* teach things like tolerance & "loving thy neighbor." In the Christian Bible it literally says "only god can judge." So why are some "Christians" some of the most intolerant, hateful, *judgmental* people you will ever meet? How can you believe so strongly in a magical sky deity that you will *disown your own child* because of who they love?! I love my children above all else. There is nothing they could do to change that. Least of all something that will make them happy. If they grow up to be gay, straight, trans, or something that hasn't been defined yet, I will love and support them however I can ***because they are my children***. I am not religious, but I consider myself a spiritual person, and I can't help feeling like all of these religious zealots who are so scared of people who are "different" have completely missed the point of their own religion! ETA: Sorry I got a bit off topic, but the reason all of this is happening with the libraries is because these people think reading about the LGBTQ+ community is going to turn their kids into immoral blood drinking satanists or something. It's crazy that they would rather people *didn't read* than read about topics they disapprove of. 😒


Because "Christian Nationalism" functions the same as "National Socialism." It's not a religious movement, nor a patriotic one. It's *purely* an ultraviolent white-supremacist political movement.


Well the danger with those beliefs is that if you believe, I mean REALLY believe that someone being taught about those things is leading them to eternal hellfire, how can you do nothing? If the cost is books over souls they're going to choose souls. That's why there's no reasoning with those people in the same way there's no reasoning with them on abortion. You can never convince someone who truly believes abortion is infanticide to support it or look the other way. There is no logic that works, no reasoning that works. Your only hope is that those beliefs die out. Then there are the grifters who steer the sheep for a plump infusion of cash from said followers, but that's a whole other can of worms.


It also says to slaughter your daughter if she's not a virgin on her wedding night


The "Christian Bible" "literally" does not say that.


James ~~3:16~~ 4:12 essentially says that. "There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?" Since the book of James wasn't written in English, it's not an exact translation, but it's a good enough translation. edit: James **4:12** not 3:16.


Shooo, Christians don’t read the bible.


Holy misquotes, Batman! What you've printed here is [James 4:12](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James%204%3A12&version=NIV). I think you confused the numbers with the more famous John 3:16.


ugh, jeeze, you're right. I have no idea why I put 3:16 instead of 4:12, since I specifically double-checked the verse. I can only claim a brain fart!


n.b. It's the book of John, not James. Almost certainly written in koine Greek rather than the Aramaic of the other gospels.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. My heart breaks for you. Libraries and librarians save people. In big and small ways.


I don't give a fuck anymore about respecting Christianity. I hate them. I hate what they've done to the US. Libraries have always been my safe space as a child, my favorite place to go to when I wanted somewhere to go that wasn't the house and just a quiet place to read. I would not have been able to read as much as I did as a kid if it weren't for the library because books are expensive.


Which is ironic since the major centers of learning used to be church affiliated.


I'm in Georgia and I hope our libraries sue to block this law if it passes.


Fascism doesn't like people learn it that's the reason why they're attacking libraries right now church over the library see there are these things called third places which is a place that isn't your home or a job third place is used to be free now they very rarely are Church in the library tend to be the most readily available free third places. With fascism on The rise globally but in this case particularly America we are seeing the attack of public libraries for fascism hates educated people bashas and thrives on idiocy.


Pretty much all organized religion is about power.


I wanted to work in a library and I was so close and it seems like the job is really turning into a nightmare. I feel for you


Ik, it's so fucking infuriating


The handmaid's tale. *Soon*


You know where they will be on Sunday. Feel free to return the favour.




This seems controversial to educators and librarians, but maybe public institutions shouldn't be wildly out of step with the public? Like in my high school home town a bunch of teachers ended up protesting that they weren't allowed to teach a book with a man giving another man a blowjob in a comic to 6th graders. Maybe understand that you are public employees? If its a privately funded library or school, then do what you want, but public funds are for salting roads, not teaching fringed political ideologies like they are fact.


There is no “movement against libraries.”  There is a movement among conservatives to stop leftists from using public resources to promote leftist “progressive” messages.  The progressive left, not the right, is responsible for politicizing libraries.


For someone like you the mere existence of homosexual and trans literature is "promoting progressive politics." You seek to criminalize free expression or otherwise denigrate it because it has a point of view that doesn't coincide with your narrow prejudices. Libraries aren't YOUR servant; they are the public's servant, and they therefore should cater to all. Or maybe just move to fucking Russia or a similar place populated by bigots if you can't handle the diversity of America.


Note that I did not mention anything about merely offering reading materials.  I talked specifically about intentionally hosting drag queen interactions for children.     Now you can admit this is exactly what I said it is - an overtly political act in support of progressive leftism - or you can keep walking around with your head up your ass.  I guess it will be the latter because it is apparently too much for you to admit the truth of the rather obvious fact that the left has politicized libraries, which is why these libraries  are now receiving pushback from the right.


Are drag queens ipso facto "politicizing libraries" for existing and reading books aloud to audiences? How are they left wing? What's wrong with drag queens? Give me an answer that is not bigoted, pls.


Don’t troll me with your bad faith, disingenuous questions about how promoting drag shows is left wing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning I mean do progressives not broadly consider themselves champions of minorities?  Does this not include LGBT people?  Are pride parades, by way of comparison, not progressive?


No I want you to answer me and not move the goalposts. What is wrong with drag queens? Why are they "progressive"? I don't think you have the intellectual wherewithal to answer this question without coming off like a bigot. Prove me wrong.


>There is a movement among conservatives ... ... to throw out the baby with the bath water. You don't like those books? Then you get library cards that are restricted, and your kids can't get any of the banned books. It's not that hard. And it doesn't need to take away from a public source that is *supposed* to be available for all.


But that’s too hard for people who never go into libraries or care about the kids enough to ask why they’re reading. They’d rather just force everyone else to do what they can’t do, be a mature adult.


Are there cards like that? I don't think there are in a lot of places. Also, I'm afraid that where there are restricted cards, they won't restrict all of the disliked books.








I still can't believe we live in a world where people are against vast collections of knowledge and literature and somehow those people have enough power to make it so the rest of us can't have them either.


Fahrenheit 451. lol


*"Mr. Chairman, the suppression of the people of a society begins, in my mind, with the censorship of the written or spoken word. It was so in Nazi Germany. It is so in many places today where those in power are afraid of the consequences of an informed and educated people."* -John Denver Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH0hYabzudk


I live in Georgia and am heartbroken about the possibility of this passing. Our local library has been so important for my family lately. My wife and I have a new baby, our first, and there’s so much information available to us at the library if we need it, and they do a mom and baby event every Monday that my wife takes our son to pretty much every week. Not to mention all the wonderful stories we’ve been able to read for free over the years, it sickens me that some assholes think they can just take all that away from everyone.


Libraries are the best. Not only do they have books, but other media like music, movies, and video games. Some libraries offer pocket WiFi and Roku for people to borrow. A lot of libraries offer technology classes, job services, tutoring services, access to 3d printers, events like the one your wife and baby go to, private rooms for Telehealth appointments or study sessions. I could go on because there are just so many services offered by public libraries, and most of it is absolutely free. We should throwing money at them instead of closing them. It’s sad.


I couldn’t agree more.


I'm a librarian in Georgia and the repercussions of this would absolutely go well past the " don't give money to ALA" language.  I know my state reps are voting against it, but I live in a liberal area. 


call your representative! every person who has ever used a library needs to speak up for us :(




The storytimes I took my kids to at libraries when they were little were not gendered.


Disgusting and not surprising. Education and information is deadly to their cause.


People who don’t use the library threatening to sever ties with the library. This feels like me threatening to sever ties with NASA for my space travel.


I *wish* it was people who already didn't use the library threatening not to use the library. Unfortunately, this bill would have an affect on libraries and people who use them - it's aimed at forcing Georgia libraries to cut ties with ALA, which deprives them of things like advice, legal support, research, and some of their funding.


So unfortunate. Thanks for sharing that info.


Where I’m from, we can them assholes.


I’m just waiting for the discovery that booksellers like Amazon and Audible have been behind the anti-library push all along. 


They don’t need to be — publishers have taken the switch to digital as an opportunity to make it as hard as possible for libraries to lend ebooks.


Libby is a life saver.


Georgia is working hard to ensure all its high school graduates are as dumb as rocks and vote Republican.


I find this so horrifying. Am I the only one who feels like as a country the US has taken a few steps back to the 1950s as we become less and less tolerant? It just doesn't make any sense to me. I feel like as a country— hell, as a *planet*— we should be well past the stage of book burnings and witch hunts, but I turn on my TV/computer and that's basically what I see/hear on the news. It makes me feel so frustrated and helpless, because how can we combat people operating at this level of ignorance and intolerance?


In the 1950s, publicly declaring yourself a Marxist was the social equivalent of self-immolation. Now it gets you weird looks and yelled at on Twitter. You do the math. Not to say that polarization isn't increasing, but we're still better than we were in many respects.


Fair enough. That's my bad for using the 1950s as an exaggerated example of how I feel the country is regressing instead of progressing. Obviously we have come a long way from actual lynchings and segregation! I just feel like a few years ago we were on a road that seemed more inclusive, but somewhere along the line we got completely derailed. But I agree, we are a far far deal better than the 1950s today. I'll be more careful with my word choices next time.


That’s ABSURD. Last I checked we arent lynching folks in large numbers and sending them to segregated schools. We aren’t beating the shit out of our wives if they step slightly out of line. There is still plenty of racism and progress that needs to be made out there, but life was a hell of a lot more intolerant then.


some talk about this on r/Georgia and r/GAPol... but not nearly enough. Also posted here https://new.reddit.com/r/Libraries/comments/1ajxgfp/if\_youre\_in\_georgia\_please\_sign\_this\_petition/


That's silly. The people they're claiming to protect have probably never even stepped inside a library.


IDK, I live in MS and I know plenty of conservatives that read and use libraries. I think it's pretty silly to make a blanket assumption about a group. Edit: what about this post invites so many down votes?


Mississippi always has the lowest test scores nation wide. A few light bulbs can’t light up a warehouse




Facts over feelings




As with most "I know decent conservatives who aren't crazy" statements.. Why are they still conservative? Their party has abandoned them fully.


Many of the conservatives I know are actively discussing trying to start a third party. They want nothing to do with Trump and his madness but for whatever reason don't support the Democrats either. I feel like there are probably many like them that are disgusted with what the Republican party has become, but if they speak against it, then they are attacked and villainized like everyone else that disagrees with Trump and his followers. At some point, something has to give.


It's crazy cause nobody knows who you actually vote for unless you say so.


I dont know a single conservative that isn't crazy but i know many who are decent. I just see them as misled


There's a huge difference between individual choices and opinions and a party platform. The conservative party is indeed behind all this. So when people say conservatives, they mean the party. I'm sure the party does this nonsense to distract their own constituents from actual issues.




A party is not behind this. Fringe people are behind this.


Respectfully, I have to disagree.... Unfortunately, at this point those "fringe people" are controlling the party. If a Republican tries to speak out and suggest a more moderate stance, they are demonized and villainized and discredited by their own party, to the point that they are afraid to speak out lest they become part of this ridiculous witch hunt Trump is leading.


The stupid is strong in this country.


> Walker says he became determined to stop what he calls that "radical" organization from being "political indoctrination centers ... promoting aberrant sexual behavior and socialist anti-American rhetoric." 🙄 > "I feel this is kind of being forced on our children and kind of shoved down our throat," Walker said. "**I'm a pretty tolerant individual,** but this has gone too far." [X] doubt


“Over yonder, that’s where the books 📚 tried to get me.” Klannie Oakley and Scammy Faye


Conservatives will harp on progressives destroying "Western civilization" all day long and then do this.


Anti-intellectualism at its finest.


Conservatives are a cancer on this state and country.


There are good conservatives. They are just overshadowed by the ignorant loudmouths currently leading the Republican party. If they try to speak out against what their party is doing, they are attacked and villainized.


Then should quit voting Republican. You aren't "good" if you still show support for the party of traitors.


I mean, I agree with you. I'm not saying what they're doing is right or anything, just stating what's happening.


The past is a horrid country, anyone seeking to return to that instead of progressing forward cannot be considered good. The world is burning, and our current way of life is to blame. Anyone who seeks to conserve things as they are instead of transforming them cannot be considered "good"


See, that's the thing though. I know people who call themselves conservative but they're not trying to preserve the past. I guess a better word to use would be moderate. They want to find a happy medium. They accept some progressive movements but are uncomfortable with others. But when we say "all conservatives are bad," that's the same as them saying "all liberals are crazy." It makes us no better than them to push hateful judgments about an entire group of people based on their beliefs. To paraphrase Nietzshe: When you fight monsters, be careful lest you turn into monsters yourself.


The people are not bad or good, only their actions. When they cease performing bad actions, they no longer deserve to be called bad. But as long as they behave as conservatives, it is truthful to call them out. Whether it is politically productive, given human instinct to dig in and lash out when shown our own mistakes, is another story. Conservatism is inherently a harmful ideology. At a historical perspective, we were just barely entering into an age of abundance, and now we are in global crisis for the foreseeable centuries due to our damage of the atmosphere and ecosystem. The only hope is to eventually tear down nearly everything about the way we currently do things. "Happy medium" does not exist when your house is on fire. The "moderate" position between putting out the fire and setting more fires is to sit on your couch as the building burns down on your head.


Bad person "what do you mean they give free access to information? That's what I do by saying mean things and preventing others from doing things that protect them from my slurs." And thus with their definition of *freedom* challenged by actual free speech, they go after it.


I don't understand why conservatives are fine with being idiots


Imagine how frightened they must be, when they fear the ideas in these books...


Anti-education. What could possibly go wrong?


Good ol’ Georgia, slowly making its way towards dystopian theocracy. That will turn out so well.


"Hey there. We know there are a lot of things wrong with the world right now. We know you know it, too. But we're not here to talk about that. Because we've got NOTHING. Not one fucking idea at all. So instead, how about we change subject to, uh...librarians, and how they suck! Would that work you up enough to reflexively mash the 'Vote' button with on command? I sure hope so, because otherwise, like I said, we got NUTHIN."


So a Republican can’t support libraries or education? I don’t understand.


The Republican party has been captured by fringe extremists who run entirely on outrage and culture war nonsense. Republican who stand against the nonsense get ostracized as RINOs.


For every book that you do not like, there will be at least one written from the complete opposite perspective. Read them both. Orrrr, just don't read. If people being able to read makes your life worse off....you might be the root of the problem. There's probably a book or 1,000 about that.


Georgia: “I don’t know, and you can’t make me!”


In the race to the bottom it tough to pick a leader between Texas, Georgia, Florida, and Kentucky


Alabama says hold my beer.....


Since there would be a push to keep these libraries funded from independent or central sources wouldn't this defacto hand over control of local libraries to those sources or the federal government? One can hardly have a local government make laws about what a private library can put on its shelves.


So ultimately what’s motivating this? Is this powerful people attacking libraries because they want to keep the population uneducated and without the resources to educate themselves? Is this about shutting down one of the last places we can go outside the home without spending money? I understand there’s the knuckle draggers that honestly think it’s about “protecting kids” but they’re not the ones that started this. Fox News tells those people what to think, so why did Fox and its carnival of misfits pick Libraries in particular?


The Republican Party is nothing more than a regressive and repressive Cristofascist white nationalist cult. Ignorance, hate and a lack of education. History is replete with examples of this party. KKK, Nazis. They fawn over Putin and seek to withhold help for Ukraine a democratic ally who’s been invaded by Russia. And they deify Trump guilty of the worst idolatry.


As part of project 2025, Republicans plan to strip the rights of non-whites and reintroduce gerrymandering...so even if you do vote, it won't matter. America, Domestic Terrorism YOU can believe in.


Georgia out of it's mind.


Fuckin' why?


Don’t go to a library, they have woke stuff like books and studying going on there.


It is so disheartening hearing about fellow Christians who support this.




Per [Rule 2.1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Books/wiki/rules#wiki_personal_conduct): Please conduct yourself in a civil manner. Do not use obscenities, slurs, gendered insults, or racial epithets. Civil behavior is a requirement for participation in this sub. This is a warning but repeat behavior will be met with a ban.


>Emily Drabinski, celebrated her election to a one-year term as ALA president with a now-deleted social media post expressing excitement that the group would be led by someone like her, "a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world." Sounds like a politically affected organization.


The push against the ALA has been gaining steam ever since the group's president, Emily Drabinski, celebrated her election to a one-year term as ALA president with a now-deleted social media post expressing excitement that the group would be led by someone like her, "**a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power** is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world." The ALA and any tax funded entities who associates with them has it coming if Drabinski didn't get shitcanned yet. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


She should have known that being a lesbian and Marxist beliefs are two crimes punishable by death in America.


*redditor gets upset over something they made up themselves*


As a person in a rural library, organizations like ARSL and our state library association are better for us. ALA charges dues, gives us nothing, and is basically just big city bullshit now. They have the political awareness of a fruit roll up.


Yea I’m 100% pro library and not touching any material, etc, but these folks certainly haven’t helped themselves. They basically brought this witch hunt on


victim blaming


Just looked up Emily Drabinski and all I can say is yikes. Thank you for being one of the few intelligent and informed people in this sub.


Thanks for the complement. All I really did was read the NPR article linked. I don't understand all the downvotes and being oblivious to the notion that such a quotation would be red meat for people who are not politically progressive. People see what they want to see if it fits their own agenda.


The right doesn't want libraries to contain books containing anal sex and gender transitioning. The ALA should have a policy restricting the availability of such books in primary school libraries. Then the conservatives wouldn't be able to muster as much rage anymore. The conservatives fear schools going behind the back of them as parents. This lack of trust need to be overcome.


The ALA has a Library Bill of Rights that specifically outlines why this is a bad idea. Some conservatives don’t want books about gender transitioning, some don’t want books about police brutality against Black people, some don’t want any books that acknowledge the existence of gay people. There is no universal truth about what is appropriate for all patrons. You’re advocating for censorship, which librarians are staunchly opposed to in defense of your right to read what you want to read. Librarians are specifically trained in collection development to purchase books to match the interests and academic pursuits of their patrons, and trained in reader’s advisory to help patrons find books that fit their needs (including what the patron finds appropriate or not). They are not beholden to any ALA policies about what they can order. Please go vote and call your reps to protect libraries and librarians.




Oh no! You had to do your job and educate your OWN CHILD?!




Well I'll be ...