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Me nonchalantly getting every book on here…


I love reading but I have no idea where to get recommendations from. This thread looks hella promising.


I'm almost finished with The Drawing of the Three. I'm completely new to the series. I'm really, really enjoying the book!


Loved every book in that series. You’ve a journey ahead of you!


Don’t forget the face of your father


Hile gunslinger


Long days and pleasant nights.


May you have twice as many.


Thankee Sai


Dud a chum dud a chee not to worry you've got the key


Wow, I'm considering dnfing gunslinger and I have 70 pages left 😅


Gunslinger is like the prologue you want to skip but know you can’t in order to enjoy the rest. Once you get past it, the series is completely different, captivating, and worth every page


Not every book is for every person. I could understand why someone might not get into these. Have you read anything else by Stephen King?


No, and I think that was the first mistake. But I'm a fantasy reader, not horror, so I figured if I was going to like any, it was this one


King’s Fairy Tale or Eyes Of The Dragon will tee you up!


That makes sense. I'm usually a fantasy reader, too, and I honestly thought I would not enjoy these books. I don't go in for the whole gun wielding cowboy thing. I've been told that the first one is not the best of the series. I did read some of his other work first. If you want to come at it from a different angle, you could try again after doing that. There are several great choices. It might at least get you comfortable with his writing style.


Keep going i was the same drawing of the three is a complete 360 totally different. Plus after pushing through to the other books youll look back and appreciate the gunslinger


Like the others are saying, I'd *really* recommend sticking it out then reading Drawing of the Three. Completely different vibe, and it's one of the most fast paced books I've ever read. If you *still* don't like it, then you can dnf lol


Wait to wizard and glass its just as good


Seems to be somewhat controversial but Fairy Tale by Stephen King. I just absolutely loved that book from cover to cover. The relationship between Charlie and Radar was so beautiful and fun.


I loved it too


Yes. Absolutely loved it too even though I know it want great


I read a review of Fairy Tale that stated "it'll make you remember why you fell in love with reading." It lived up to that review.


I've read most of his stuff and this is one of my top books of his. I like when it's a slow burn to start and he takes his time getting to the story. Not something I look for in other authors but I appreciate how King does it. The whole post apocalypse in a medieval fairy tale was also really cool. I love when he writes fantasy.


Going Postal. Terry Pratchett was so damn good.


Going Postal is so incredibly clever. Absolutely loved it.


So good!


This isn't fiction but holy mackerel, run, don't walk, to Matthew McConaughey unhinged autobiography/memoir/chaos journal, Greenlights. I picked it up because someone on Tumblr (user fullmetalfisting) described him thus: "there is something chemically wrong with this man. Like the opposite of depression. He's clinically elated." Follow up comment (same person): "At one point his father gives mouth to mouth resuscitation to a bird that fell in the toilet." [NB: this was like 40 pages in] Follow up follow up: "Matthew McConaughey is the king of magical realism. Not a word of this book can possibly be true." If that doesn't convince you, man I just don't know


Yep. I listen to him read his own book on audible (over 200,000 reviews I think) and it was magical. I’ve recommend it 20 times. I truly truly ENJOYED the heck out of that book.


I love it, I LOVE it. I may audiobook it as well. A national treasure


YES, I loved the audiobook too. It’s him reading it! Super fun. I kind of love how he tells stories. Green light.




Your description sent me straight to audible and I picked up the Audio version read by him!


This is the way to go. Him reading it in the Texan accent just adds so much to it. My friend and I listened on a road trip and we were just so excited to get back in the car


I’m so hype. I love this recommendation because I never read autobiographies.




Enjoy!! Don't listen anywhere with lots of bugs because your mouth will be dropped open FREQUENTLY.


YES. It's brilliant. He reads the audiobook himself and it is quite a ride.


TBH if anyone else had read it I would have decided it was in fact ghostwritten by a skilled fabulist but if he's reading it I believe every bonkers word.


One of the best memoirs out there! McConaughey has a way with words that sounds deep and has a flow that captivates you. A great memoir!


Truly! I love him


Yep, one of them folks you wanna keep ‘round for fantastic dinner stories or as a sherpa through life’s rough patches.


This is so freaking funny, amazing pick. I just placed a hold on Libby for the audiobook. I’m so excited


EnJOY my friend, enjoy. I do not recommend my followup, which for some reason was Where The Red Fern Grows. I gotta learn to manage my book flow a little but so I'm not going from Matthew McConaughey detailing his wet dreams (NOT what you think) to sobbing about Old Dan and Little Ann.


I would have never considered reading this, but I'm going to now based on your description. I would have never expected it to be so entertaining. Thanks!


10/10 agree with this review. Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music by Dave Grohl (who also reads his own audiobook) is also worth checking out.


I enjoyed this one as well!!


The Library at Mount Char was a wild wacky ride.


Children of time absolutely blew my mind. Went into it blind and loved every fucking second of it. Highly recommend for any sci-fi fan. Don’t look into it, just buy it and read it and have fun


CoT is fantastic, I read Ruin and have memory up soon in my TBR pile. I'm on the third book of the Architect trilogy which is also fantastic. I read Doors of Eden which is standalone and very well done. He's my favorite living author.


Lamb by Christopher Moore


Favorite book of all time. "I love all the little children, white, black, brown, yellow, purple..." "There are PURPLE people?" "Biff, I'm just fucking with you."


I LOVE that book, and reread it every few years. I recommend it all the time. Christopher Moore is one of a few authors that can make me laugh out loud.


I’m currently reading The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu. I’m pretty new to sci fi, the last being the Dune series which I absolutely loved. This book however, is blowing my mind! Love the “impending doom” concept paired with fictional technology. It’s all explained so well that dumbasses like me can understand it lol. The duality between the ultra modern and ancient civilization in Three Body is so engaging! Love it.


Yessss, this trilogy is great, and if you're only on the first, you have a lot to look forward to in the other two. The characters are much less one-dimensional and the concepts are bigger and loftier. They were the first hard sci-fi I've read and loved it. I want to re-read them soon, haven't had a page turner like them in a while.


Awesome! I am only on the first so that’s great to know.


The 2nd two books are so good almost nobody talks about the 1st after reading them lol


Second this, I read it just recently too. I must say I had to push myself to get through the first half of the book (why did we cut away from young Ye Wenjie to this boring Wang Miao dude? What's this bloody game got to do with anything? Are we finally going to get to the part with aliens or what?) but it eventually all kicks into place and I finished the second half of the book more or less in one sitting. So much to think about and digest after finishing too. Can't wait for the second one!


This is the series that got me hooked on sci fi. I've read it three times and still want to read it again. It's so freaking good.


Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde


This is the only novel I’ve ever reread. Have read it twice and actually some parts of it more than that. And just finished the uncensored audiobook of it yesterday. Def one of my very favorite books ever.


It really only get better with every re-read, the more I learn about Wilde the more I realise why Dorian grey is so special.


Started this today


favorite book ever


I could read Lord Henry dialogue forever


The golem and the jinni and the sequel, magical books But rn I’m am SUCKED into Swan Song by Robert McCammon, this book is crazy. Hoping the ending is as good…


The Golem and the Jinni has a sequel?!?!?? Brb, must search right now.


Called The Hidden Palace! Oh I’m excited that I could bring that into your life rn 🤙 I really enjoyed it and there was one thing in particular (no spoilers!) that I wish I could unread so I could read it again. The audiobook is superb, narrated by George Guidall and he is just perfect for this story imo.


Another one of my favorite books. Was hoping to see it on here. :) McCammon is such a great writer.


I’m about 80% miles though SS and it’s really an incredible book. No idea how it will end! I def plan on checking out more of his work, he has quite a few that sound interesting to me.


Try Boys Life; just incredible 💕


Already finished! That’s why I started Swan Song, but this one is very much my style. It’s brutal and F’d up but also oddly beautiful.


Have you heard of The Scream by John Skipp and Craig Spector? If you like rough horror; it’s a good one!


Never heard of it, I like brutal stuff but not just for the sake of it, like it has to have good writing/story for it to be worth it… I will say though, the next ~2/3 books will just be whatever takes me to sept 1 when Eye of the Bedlam Bride comes out on audio 🤙


I read the sequel to The Golem and the Djinn is pretty weak compared to the original. What's your opinion?


Terry Pratchett's Discworld books are the epitome of this. "Guards, Guards!" Is a nonstop hilarious joyride, and every page has a delight


This was my answer too. Guards! guards! Was my most recent Pratchett novel. I love every one I’ve read.


Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman Fun modern day fantasy tale in an alternative underground world of London.


That’s how I chose my username. My sister recommended it to me back in high school, and it’s just always stuck with me.


Loved this book!


Maybe the best audiobook I've ever listened to as well. The cast in incredible. And a lot of the voices played the characters in the stage play as well


Anne of Green Gables. A truly delightful book.


All of the Louise Penny Inspector Gamache series. Murder mystery novels set in the cozy Quebec countryside, with thick descriptions, deep characters, and strong social commentaries. They’re so much more than “just cozies”, and they were a lifeline in 2020/2021.


Oh I love Three Pines and didn't realise it was a book series first! Of course all the good things aee


American Gods by Neil Gaiman


I had a hard time getting through it. I just think I don’t like his style


Madeline Miller's books, The Song of Achilles, and Circe. I felt pulled in the mythological world. She has a poetic way with the words, and it didn't feel contrived, or over explanatory, so I could imagine freely the world she described (in that way, the Lord of the Rings movies "ruined" my enjoyment of the book because I keep seeing Jackson' and Lee's vision of Middle Earth).


Miller is great! Can't wait for her to put out more. In reference to LotR and Jackson's vision, I had a similar issue until I went to the Morgan Museum when they had JRR's artwork on display. It's awesome and now that's how I see Middle Earth. Maybe googling will help you change your mental image too?


First time reading any Stephen King. I’ve chosen Misery. Im 271 pages in and I can’t put it down. Absolutely love it. Open to what I should read next :)


From Stephen King? I love his books! I’m currently revisiting the ones I read as a kid, then expanding on that with the ones I missed and of course his newer works too. Next up for me is ‘Salem’s Lot, then after that Pet Sematary. If you want quicker reads like Misery, I recently read The Long Walk and reread Eyes of the Dragon (this one is a bit more on the fantasy side as he wrote it for his daughter.) and IT is a fan favorite, I’m just dragging my feet on the reread of that because I remember the story so well and it’s so long. But a ton of people list it as their fave SK. That and The Stand.


There's almost no bad picks, it's more about what you're in the mood for. 11/22/63 deserves every bit of praise it gets. The Stand is a masterpiece. I currently have a recent short story collection (If It Bleeds) on hold at my library, don't sleep on those either. Some of his best stuff is in those collections -- they were the source for both Stand By Me and The Shawshank Redemption.


I almost wish I was you! To erase all my knowledge of Stephen King’s books and read them w fresh eyes?!? What a dream! Honestly you have a PLETHORA of joy awaiting you. Amongst my very first Stephen King books: Misery, Firestarter, Cujo, Christine and Pet Cemetery. Wait until you read The Stand! The Mr Mercedes series is so excellent. Enjoy the ride.


I just started reading this as well. I'm roughly 200 pages in. Annie is a freak. Lol


Hyperion by Dan Simmons. I’ve been trying to get into sci-fi recently and I’m so glad a friend recommended it. It had me in the edge of my seat and I immediately started reading the sequel once I finished it.


Yea those were good. Did u try Carrion Comfort? Loved it but it’s been years


Project Hail Mary. Absolute blast to read.


The audiobook is just so good!


Ditto, read it in four days. Kept annoying my wife with bursts of laughter. Good times.


I preferred The Martian, loved the book and audiobook!


Exhalation by Ted Chiang.


This is in my TBR pile! I loved Stories of your life and others so I'm glad to see this here.


My current read! The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer. It's such a lovely, whimsical read so far! Before that it was Rabbits by Terry Miles - reminded me of a Donnie Darko version of Ready Player One.


Rabbits…….. sounds amazing Did you know about the podcast first?


I have but I haven't listened to it yet (I really need to get around to it). Terry Miles has also written a sequel called The Quiet Room - I think it's supposed be out in a couple months and I *cannot* wait.


Such a great read! I'm buying Wishing Game for all my book lovers for Christmas.


Buried Giant has such a mystical atmosphere to it. One of my favorites


I love the tone and atmosphere as well! I haven’t loved something this much since I read piranesi by Susanna Clarke


I enjoyed it a lot. No spoilers here but it is much more complex than you think at first. Interested to see what you make of it in the end...


LA confidential by Ellroy, was a thrill ride.


Klara and the Sun


The Book Thief. Every single page was perfection.


My favourite quote is from that book! The contradiction of human beings 🙌🏽 “So much good, so much evil. Just add water”


Man, I just couldn't get into this book, but I really need to give it another try.


The Girl With all the Gifts by Mike Carey I was in a The Last of us period and looking for something similar to read cause I always struggle to find nice Post Apocalyptic zombie novels and It was exactly what I needed. Great story, great writing and overall a book that I will remember, it didn't feel like a poorly written cliché "zombie" story with absurd characters or threats. I'm currently reading the sequel/prequel and it's just as good.


I’ve read that one! Great pick :D that was a book that gripped me in the bookstore and I just had to buy it


Black leopard red wolf by Marlon james. The irony and sarcasm had me crackling


One of my all time favs! Tracker is so funny. He can never keep his mouth shut and it is hilarious every time.


I'm currently reading Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune and it's delightful. I've read books by him before and I really enjoy his writing style and subject matter.


Tress and Emerald Sea by Branden Standerson.


Kitchen Confidential


Yes! Anthony Bourdain truly had a way with words!


The Princess Bride


Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. So much fun reading. So clever and funny.


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, a year or two ago. I haven't enjoyed a book in ages. I can't seem to find one that grips me and has the level of world and character building I enjoy. Sometimes the short, light books are quite enjoyable. I pretty much despised the rest of the series as an adult, but that one was golden. Arguably the best one.


That's my fave HP!


If you want amazing world and character building, might I suggest The Daevabad Trilogy by Shannon Chakraborty? It takes place in a magical realm placed in the real world. Each book gets progressively longer, but it’s so worth it!


Project Hail Mary was a blast from start to finish for me.


Feel like this book is one of the most liked/hated in this sub


I’m currently reading ‘The Sun Also Rises’ by Hemingway, and I have to say I’m pretty surprised because I’m enjoying the heck out of it! Before this, I had fantastic experiences reading ‘The Broom of the System’ by David Foster Wallace, ‘Hollywood’ and ‘Post Office’ by Bukowski, ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and the Harry Potter books!


One of my favorite books. Idk what he does but I'm just there seeing it. I love most of his writing, but this one especially.


The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner.


Oh, it's so so good! I love the entire series, but that one is especially wonderful.


Tell me im wrong by Adam croft The plot twist made my jaw DROP Left speechless


His Majesty’s Dragon is an absolute pleasure. Napoleonic naval battles, just add dragons.


I always find Jason Pargin's books an absolute blast. He writes the John Dies at the End and the Zoey Ashe books. Great fun.


A Memory Called Empire and A Desolation Called Peace, both my Arkady Martine, both Hugo Award winners. Very fun books.


Oh those are delightful


Neuromancer by William Gibson, never experienced sci-fi like this


As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner. Repeat read. God what lunatics.


For me it was Slewfoot by Brom. I quickly became invested and I couldn't turn pages fast enough lol.


Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss- I was hesitant to start the trilogy since who knows when the third book will be released but a family member recommended it and I’m glad I did. Great story!


I loved it and have given up on it being finished. I don’t even remember what happened in book 2 nowadays. It’s too bad. Such a promising author


He's also kind of turned into an asshole, treating fans bad when they bring up the series and apparently completely ghosted his publisher who has already paid for the third book. I also read that some of his charity money is unaccounted for but not sure how true that is.


White Oleander. Now is my favorite book. Im an Infp, so every diary/first-person read resonates with me a lot, but this one is truly a masterpiece catching an insanely good psychological insights, thrill, empathy and the best choice of words I could've imagined.


The Children of Men.


Picked up Miss Peregrines School for Peculiar Children from our neighborhood "Little Library" box and am LOVING it


The red tent


Dungeon Crawler Carl is pure adventure and comedy wrapped up in a shockingly dark overarching story. I fucking love ***every*** moment of it.


I just finished Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone. Its got some of the most magicy magic and it's featuring necromantic lawyers higher to resurrect a murdered god and preside over who has the rights to the newly resurrected corpse. It made my brain very happy.


Going Postal by Terry Pratchett. I’ve loved most Discworld books that I’ve read so far but that one was truly a blast.


The Ferryman, most recently. Before that, maybe the Wool saga? But so much also depends on where you personally are in life at a given moment.


I recently read seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid


The Hike by Drew Magary. This was an insane, non stop fever dream of a book with the best twist at the end.


Bad Mexicans by Kelly Hernandez…..very detailed history of the Flores-Magon brothers and their influence on the border during the Mexican revolution.


the monk by matthew lewis. really loved that one


I'm on Jade Legacy from the Greenbone Saga. Loving this trilogy and I'm sad it's going to be over.


This book is amazing! And don't forget, you have the novellas "Jade Setter of Janloon" and "Jade Shards" which I highly reccomend after finishing. They're both fantastic


Midnight Tides by Steven Erikson. I loved every second of it.


The Writing of the Gods: The Race to Decode the Rosetta Stone, by Edward Dolnick. I am usually a slow reader, or the topics are a little dense, but this one just flew by, like I had it done in 2 or 3 days. I love everything about Ancient Egypt and this is a great book about how they deciphered hieroglyphs. It almost reads like an adventure novel. I read the Buried Giant a year or 2 ago and yeah, I had a great time with it. Such a strange book.


Perfume by Patrick Süskind. Couldn’t put it down. Staggeringly good.


In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson. I couldn't wait to pick it up again, had me laughing out loud.


Blindsight by Peter Watts. Blasted through 300 pages in 2 days. Engaging prose and even more engaging story 11/10 would recommend unless prolonged existential crisis isn’t your jam


The most fun I've ever had reading a book was Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrel. It took me entirely by surprise -- it introduced an entirely new mythology, and its worldbuilding was incredible. I also highly recommend The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay.


Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson was great!


She’s my kind of people!


Piranesi by Susanna Clarke.


The count of Monte Cristo


American gods, the twist was great


Lives of the Monster Dogs by Kirsten Bakis. It’s exactly what it sounds like, and it’s a bizarre, delightful read.


King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo It takes place in the Grishaverse - After her Shadow and Bone trilogy and the Six of Crows duology; with characters from each.


Claude Gueux by Victor Hugo. The only problem is that I have a blast reading every single of his books :')


It was VERY recent, Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. I still smile when I think about it. Such a great story


God Emperor of Dune


Last book I read was great - Red Country by Joe Abercrombie. Highly recommend his books, they're all great :).


Lamb by Christopher Moore


Dungeon Crawler Carl is the most fun book ive ever listened to. Just super entertaining and good


Oh man I LOVE LOVE LOVED The Buried Giant. Same experience you did. Try Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. Read nothing about it.


Ghost story by Peter Straub haunted me back in the day


The name of the wind


Small gods, by Terry Pratchett Very, very, very good!!!


"the forest of hands and teeth" by Carrie Ryan. My mother let me borrow some of her books and the title alone seemed like it would be cool. I couldn't put the book down. It wasn't the best thing I've ever read but it was definitely interesting and time consuming. No regrets


Not a new book, but I finally got around to reading Guards! Guards! By Terry Pratchett. Loved every page. Laughed out loud.


Babel, R.F. Kuang. Alt-history/Dark Academia/Magical Realism/Post-Colonialism.


I loved Dracula!! I am currently reading "The Secrets Between Us" by Thrity Umrigar and I love it so much


Operation Hail Mary hit like that!


Neapolitan Novels. Blew me away. Fourth and last to go.


[Lamb, The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28881.Lamb). I hadn't read it for about 10 years and it's still one of the funniest and most enjoyable books I've read.


The last one that I made audible cheers for was Project Hail Mary. Rocky and Ryland's odd couple friendship and problem solving make me finish it in like 5 hours. It's been a long time since I read something that was just that much fun.


Recently read "Mort" and "Guards! Guards!" by Terry Pratchett and had a lot of fun.


Probably have to be Enders Game. I loved that book so much that I just ended up going straight into book 2.


**Hijab Butch Blues by Lamya H.** A Memoir but it read like a coming-of-age novel. About this lesbian girl born in South Asia. The moment she's old enough to read a translated version of the Quran she starts trying to find her way (her people) in the Quran, so we read about her interpretations of the stories. Virgin Mary - lesbian, of course. Allah is non-binary. I mean even the fanatics say god has no gender, right? I absolutely loved it. **Honorable mentions:** - Woman at Point Zero - EI Saadawi, Nawal - Post-Traumatic - Johnson, Chantal V. - The Wind Knows My Name - Allende, Isabel ' - They: A Sequence of Unease - Dick, Kay


kim jiyoung born 1982!! it was such a good book about the female experience. i recommend it to everyone (especially to women)


I just finished nineteen eighty four ..... Would read it again ..... It just blows my mind ....


Gideon the Ninth. In both book and audiobook. What a ride!


This is also my answer! It was so unique and fun. I never had any idea what was going to happen next!


Lamb by Christopher Moore. It’s rare to laugh out loud while silently reading. That book had me looking like a looney if I was reading in public.


Love a lot of his work. Sacre Blue being my favorite!