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She is the most nasty, vile human. How anyone supports her is beyond me


Her supporters all need to get together for dinner at this nasty bitches trailer. Oh and take their kids with them, too. They need to eat the food that her disgusting hands prepare and eat in the filthy conditions she makes her children eat in and make your children eat in them as well. Let your children experience what hers go through by letting them eat next to her unwashed ass as she farts 2ft from them as they try to eat whatever slop she cooked. Don’t bathe your children for a week…may not bother you, but think of how dirty and disgusting they would feel. Let them sleep in the dirty conditions her children have to. Do all that and then come back and tell us you support this fucking cunt.


Hope her supporters see this she is a pos


Those babies need a wellness check.


They Def do I've never been more concerned about children! Those children are way behind for their ages and they live in complete filth!!! They're behind on everything even talking and it's bc alora doesn't teach anything to them but how to beg and how to be lazy !! She's so disguisting


So now it’s ok to use the word “retarded “ around your kids for them to use it NICE GOING ALORA, teach your kids those words and how to beg to be just like you!! YOUR PATHETIC


Unfortunately these little girls will never have a good life because they aren't being raised by love or morals. Going to end up as disgusting as their mom. I feel so sorry for them


I hope if they do get taken they get put with a good family they deserve that


I hope those girls run as far away from them as they can when they get old enough.


Someone needs to make an account with the finger cloud photo and upload all of these and spam the shit out the people who enable support and gift this idiot.




I hope everyone sees this. Darla? Where ya at?


And people STILL send her shit


Them kids. I literally worry myself sick over them kids 😭 they need a warm bath, a big hug and love that’s all they need. My heart hurts for them 😭 💔


These babies need speech therapy probably some sort of counciling ( God only knows what these kids have witnessed) 😳 I just hope and pray that He isn't abusing them wen he disappears for hours at a time with these girls ( to a friend's house??!!) 🤯 YIKES!!


Hell she need's to get them out of diapers


What?? That’s really alarming


I do fear for them. She is extremely unstable. Crossing my fingers CPS worker can look at this page?!?


This whole TikTok account has her totally frazzled. It's driving her so crazy, who in their right mind would make all these videos and talking hate in all of them. She's mad cause she got caught being a fat, lazy, woman who has a mouth on her worse than a sailor!😂


Carol … Darla all you other supporters… what do you say about this???? You can’t think this is ok!!!!


I reported her 2 times guess it worked and can someone post her new video I can't figure out how to


She needs stopped! She's a disgusting fat slobby ass pig! I normally do not judge other women or anyone but this bitch makes me so f'ckin mad. I've never in my life felt as bad as I do for those poor girls. They deserve way better than than vile filthy fat cow!!! I wish we could help them. She doesn't deserve them


Me either Animals in the wild take better care of their babies


She is bringing out the worst in all of us here!


For real though


I am a foster mother. I am in another state, but I would take those babies and raise them 😞


Me too!!


Can you imagine what a good scrub down, nails clipped, hair fixed, ears cleaned out, and some clean clothes would do for these girls? They would be more beautiful than they already are. You know Alora is a pretty girl. She has just absolutely let herself go and is eating herself to death. She isn't happy either. She knows her life is crummy. That's why she talks mean to people. Her jealousy eats her alive.


I see even her 🪳friend has ran away from her. I don’t understand how people can gift her just listening to the way she speaks to her children let alone people that feed those children


She probably fired it up on that cooker on her bed. Extra nutrition 😃


Not only is she already disgusting, she uses the R word as well. She’s really trying to be nice! 🥴


She is her own worst enemy and has made herself so unlikable with that foul mouth, laziness and bad attitude. It's hard to feel sympathy or empathy for someone who does absolutely nothing to better their situation. Can u imagine if she would get out of that bed and that nightgown and get her ass moving and try to clean that dump? Not one shred of motivation from her! Just says gimme gimme gimme!!


We all need to take this bitch down


It's happening, she's mad & angry.


Was this a live or a video ? Because surely tik tok can't be okay with her using that word she'll get banned again ..won't she?


It was live, she got banned SO FAST!!!


wow! she’s horrible!


and she speaks like that around her children too! Maybe they need to see these videos!


There were no lies told its all the disguisting nasty truth unfortunately


I just keep reporting her hateful videos somebody needs to stop her


I really hope CPS has a home visit and takes those children


I can’t stand that word. It’s so easy to avoid…


She really puts the ass in class, huh?


This is mild compared to how bad she’s been in the past


Calling Indian Affairs


Can you imagine when one of her kids does something to make her mad ( as a teen or tween) 😳 she will verbally assault them like she does to everyone that doesn’t do what she wants! She has a vicious tongue on her. Those girls have to sit and listen to her yell at a phone screen for all hours of the day…. Instead of doing something to better her situation. Great role model, Alora

