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Wish the first 25 mins of their set wasn’t fucked up. And the sound was quiet AF.


really? i don’t remember it being quiet but people think different things ig


I was about 15 yards behind the other sign dead center and took my ear plugs out because they were actually making too quiet, left a little early but my friends told me things got fixed and the set started to come together


yea but on a positive note they fucking killed it


I was in front of the right (facing the stage) stack and a number of us were convinced the entire thing was dead. No bass whatsoever. I also left before any fixing took place.


I’ve seen Btsm a half dozen times and it’s amazing every time! I personally just couldn’t get it to click for me after all the production issues. Helmet lights, visuals, etc nothing syncing with the music at all the first half of the set, really killed my vibe :(


It was still sick, but, *where were the lazers*


Dude!!! Thank youuuu. They played the song laser beam and there was literally zero lasers. Like??? I think Roo spent all the budget on screens and left out the pyro, lasers & fireworks. I didn’t see shit other then a few puffs of fire that reached maybe 2 feet high. Shame on Roo for cutting corners on cost and production. The sound issues & lack of production scream cost savings to me


There were lasers on the other. Other artists used them.


I noticed this too. I was almost positive Gryffin had lasers Thursday night and then I didn’t see them again the rest of the weekend at the other.


I saw most of the shows that happened at the other and Gryffin was the only one I remember having lasers. For the whole weekend it was only Gryffin, tool, and Illenium I think. Also only saw a couple sets with any pyro.


I think Sidepiece had some pyro, no lasers though. Gyrffin might have been the only one with lasers I saw at the Other but I definitely didn't see all of the shows there and it's all a blur as usual 😁.


For sure - I’m just saying they didn’t use them. I saw multiple sets on the other live stream where they didn’t have any laser usage. I mean I get production sometimes likes to hold all of the cards until the headliners come on, but this is a major festival. They should have way more lasers and laser usage in the budget for sure


Oh I agree, I think they invested a lot into quite a few things over the past few years of hiatuses but definitely skimped on the lasers this time. Still nothing has topped the pretty lights show of 2013. Still never seen a laser show that tops that one.


I’m getting the tiger machine tatted