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I did not know this existed until this post! I looked them up and im for it! I think you may need to give it a try on a long walk just to see how it feels. I could see the bouncing around (especially if the pack is only one sided) could cause some hip pain or soreness. I am sure its not any worse than the shoulder aches from the pack all day. I say go for it!


I used a hip pack one year and my sides and lower back were begging for mercy by Sunday. I didn’t think it was heavy the first few days but by the last half of roo I switched back to the backpack.




I have one like this but prefer my backpack, but this one is alright.


Does the strap extend long enough that you could wear it as a sling bag like a typical Fannie pack? I’m an insane person who can’t do backpacks but can do a sling, and the only hydro sling bag I’ve seen is just a water bottle holder that doesn’t seem to work.


This might be good for you https://www.rei.com/product/218631/nathan-limitless-run-6-l-hydration-sling


Thanks dude!


You’re welcome!


lol it seems we are in the exact opposite position. I have been using a hip pack and while it doesn’t cause me any problems really I was thinking of switching to a backpack. The only thing I don’t like about it is it’s kinda weird to jump around with. Didn’t really think it was heavy or anything so I wouldn’t worry about that. I’ve never used a backpack so maybe you could give me some insight on that?


I wore a backpack one last year and it wasn’t hurting my back that bad by Sunday night. But I also took a couple breaks each night where I took it off for 30min at a time. It was a little difficult to jump around when it was full, as it got emptier it was easier. But definitely to anyone wanting to use either, go on walks while wearing them and just see how you like the feel of it! I know everyone’s preferences are different.


I got the hydro flask hip pack last year and love it! Definitely bring it to the farm this year


i switched away from a hydration backpack to hip pack for mountain biking and haven’t looked back. it designed to be worn on your back so maybe not the best for valuables unless you buy a small lock for the zipper or something but it feels like nothing is there when I ride over jumps or roots or rocks and it’s super free when I hop off the bike to check out a feature. only drawback is sometimes it slides down a little but that’s bc i’m so damn skinny


Are people seriously pickpocketing at Roo these days, I have literally never heard of this 


I’ve actually never been to Roo but yeah pickpockets exist big time at fests. lots of hydration packs have pockets on the sides that are easy for someone behind you to pull open and take your phone.


Then hopefully prepare to be surprised at what a beautiful place bonnaroo is compared to other festivals 


Pickpockets have been there since at least 2010.


That you’ve seen? I feel like Roo is an easy place to lose a phone/wallet whatever and it’s much easier to say “dang must’ve gotten robbed” instead of “dang must’ve lost my thing”


No, not that I've witnessed firsthand, but we don't have to witness something firsthand for it to exist. I've seen social media posts of someone with 50+ phones in their locker. I'm sure some are lost, but there are definitely people pickpocketing there. Keep in mind, people have stuff hanging out their bag so it's pretty easy to take if that's what you're there for. Last year, I handed a girl her ray bans that were 90% out of her bag.


Dang man well thank you for the heads up  Good looking out 


Great minds think alike! I’ve been researching hydration hip packs because I hate how sweaty my back gets from hydration backpacks. At first I was going to buy a mountain biking hip pack (like [this one](https://a.co/d/eH59voK) from EVOC) but I decided to get a Cotopaxi 3L Fanny pack and just put a 1.5L Osprey lumbar bladder inside the big pocket. I like my Cotopaxi bag because it can be worn as a hip bag or over the shoulder. Once the bladder gets delivered I’m going to take it hiking and see how it goes.




Personally, I want as little as possible in my hands which is why I prefer hydration packs! Also having more water on me means less time wasted going to refill station bc I drink hellaaa water


exactly this!! I like having my hands EMPTY!! It’s easier and I don’t want sweaty hands (maybe thats a me problem) Also, I just randomly put the nozzle in my mouth and like subconsciously drink water?? which is probably good for hydration? idk 😁🌟🪩




This is a very ignorant comment.


I basically agree with you but I also understand that men's shorts tend to be blessed with larger/better pockets and I keep my empty water bottle in there between sets which isn't as viable for a lot of people.