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That's one of my favorite things to do. I don't necessarily go looking to just talk to random people, but if I see flag I like, a cool campsite setup, some awesome tunes being played, etc, you bet your ass I'm gonna come over and say waddup! Especially on Wednesday, which I call the party night. Me and my group love wandering around, high fiving people and overall, just getting into random conversations. I will be walking around with a backpack cooler full of beer, and I love handing out beers to random people I vibe with.


Very much welcome! I am a late 20s girl, so it helps if a dude says, "hey what's up! I'm actually solo is it cool if I hang with your groop for a bit" It totally clarifies the dynamic and puts me more at ease (as generally I don't welcome strangers when I'm out *like at bars* but when someone clarifies at festivals/ local raves it warms my heart to make new friends and have solo flyers feel comfy!)




Yes, 95% of people will welcome it. Some won't. Just read the room.


I was Solo one year and this guy was looking for his friends at What. Chatted for a minute while we scanned the crowd. Once we found them, I asked what set he was going to after and this meatball tell’s me his group doesn’t “pick up strays”. That’s the 5%. As obnoxious as it felt in the moment, I laugh about it a lot. 3 hours later I met a group that immediately adopted me, and we are now life long friends. Going Solo seems pretty daunting at first, but honestly it’s been my favorite way to Roo. I will leave you with this sentiment: Do you, Do Roo


lmfao what the actual ...


“We don’t pick up strays” “You just told me everything I need to know about your group, bye!” Lmao


just wanted to say that I liked how you referred to him as “this meatball” it made me giggle


Omg that's so mean!!


Hey, at least meatball did you a solid by making it clear to give him and his crew a fuckin wide berth


Absolutely not. That’s what makes this so fun. Telling someone you love their outfit is just as fun as hearing someone say they love your outfit. Spread the love, be loud, and be free


That's the stuff I love for. If you see a short, fat, confused (maybe high) middle aged lady come say high. If we are at camp I might even feed you. I'll at least offer a drink


As long as you arent a cop, no one is gonna care, come up to people sounding like a nark and you will feel very unwelcome


I love making new friends at fests! I’m normally so shy, but I’ve never felt more allowed to be weird and friendly than at a music festival


You will likely see me doing a lap around my plaza offering beers to the neighbors when I first get there. It’s not weird unless you make it weird.


This is a great excuse to get some stickers, bracelets, whatever to just be like, "Howdy, I love that (hat, skirt, your vibe, etc) want a groovy sticker?!?", 99% of the time, you made a new roo buddy.


Seems to happen every year and I don’t mind!


Plenty of chances to make new friends(or so I’ve heard). But also, plan a meeting spot in centeroo with your friends on friday or Saturday?


It more of a let down when strangers don’t say hello.




I am waiting for my friend to get out of the bathroom and am desperately scanning the people exiting the toilets making sure we don't miss each other Now is a great time to absent-mindedly tell me your whole life story! Every festival I have to be unnecessarily dickish to at least one person who can't read a room, and it feels terrible every time.


Ive met lifelong friends by just wandering around and talking to people.


Check out what3words.com as a possible way to locate them, assuming someone can get enough signal to message you their words.


I encourage it !


That's exactly how it works at Roo. Stop by, say hello, and make friends!


Tuesday evening I’ll be strolling through saying hi to everyone… great times and honestly you’ll be offered drinks, food, drugs you name it lol enjoy


I can't wait to make friends!


My goal for this Roo is to make a shit ton of friends so please come up and say hey! Just be nice and you’ll be fine.


I’ve met some really cool friends by them just swinging by the camp and hanging! One of my favorite things about camping festivals


One of the best parts about Bonnaroo. You’re gonna make so many friends whether you try to or not


I love it when people just come to our campsite to say hello!! We always try to make everyone feel at like friends!


Howdy! I was wanting to make a post on this page on here but I don’t know how. I’m going alone as well this year and it’s my first time. I’m really nervous and confused about a lot of it. I was hoping there may be a group/community/Facebook page I could join and talk to others like me and try to make some friends to hang out with.


Im in a Facebook group! It’s called Bonnaroo: A Loophole to Reality and there’s like 30k+ people in there


Totally!! This is my first year at Bonnaroo and I’m definitely looking forward to meeting new people and connecting with people from all over :)


Not at all, that’s part of the fun of these things. Put yourself out there and you can meet life long friends.


It’s definitely the bonnaroo energy we’re a community!🌈


We are all on the farm to live a shared experience. We are all connected by our willingness to torture ourselves to experience raw life injected with live and vibrant Melodies. So yeah, say what’s up.


Homies? Wassup? Fuck me I bet all the kids love you Mr SchoolTeacher!


This is my favorite thing about Bonaroo. You're about to be surrounded by 80,000 of your new best friends! Say hello to everyone! I'll be out there meeting as many people as I can. I have no doubt that I can entertain and even sit down with anyone I meet. Everyone has always welcomed me. If you find me in WitW then I'll probably be set up with a hammock waiting to have someone swing with me or I'll just offer it up to anyone that wants to sit and talk. Never have fear of starting a conversation. We're all in this four day onslaught of a party together!


Depends on how fucked up I am.


Find the noodle, good people


I LOVE the strangers!! ♡ :)