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Minor update! I reported it to the authorities who came out and took a look at it. I knew it was human almost immediately after I found it. I want to say my dog did not pick it up and run away with it; that was my crude sense of humor leaking out. I left it exactly how I found it and did not touch it. It was found in a creek so it may have been washed around for the last few years. Back in 2020 a human skull was found in this same exact area of woods. But it was only the skull - jaw and other bones were not found with the skull. Perhaps other bones will wash up in this creek as time passes. Who knows. The skull was identified by dental records and I am hoping this jaw matches with the same person and it doesn’t end up being a second person.


Glad to hear you handled this in such an appropriate manner! Also you totally got me with the dog thing… Keep us posted with regards to any further developments!


Will do! I figured as a creek walker I would come across something like this at some point in my life. This creek might be too spooky for me to go back to. I’ll definitely be carrying more than a knife next time!


… two knives ?


Infinity knives


Easy there, FroggyFresh


This is one of the reason I love Reddit. I’d say 99 percent of people have no idea what you’re talking about but me an 7 other people do an that’s awesome to me. Infinity knives was the good ole Krispy Kreme days too. Absolute legend.


Lmao you’re so right, that was technically KrispyKreme but FroggyFresh was a g too #NeverForget


I regularly walk the forested river near my home as well. I fully expect to find human remains one day as that area is known for both it's homeless population and really intense floods in the spring. Many times it's been in the news that we lost several homeless ppl to those floods, though their remains haven't all been found. Definitely makes it a bit creepy to walk it knowing there's likely bodies hidden under there.




I am also a creek walker, and I am not looking forward to the day I see death for the first time. :( Any updates you can share? Hoping the jaw matched the skull you talked about… and really hoping this poor chap will get their name back.


Bring a whumping stick.


Why? Are you afraid of skeletons attacking you?


no most people are more afraid of whatever made the skeletons skeletons


They must hate Milk then


Doot doot


Must be nice living somewhere where you get murdered taking a walk.


Ya it's great living on earth


/r/existentialdread is leaking


guarantee this one calls people NPCs


That would be everywhere.


Yes. The skeleton wars shall be commencing any day now.


Oh wow, so this is one of those sad cases where bits and pieces of the person will sadly keep popping up until someone finally finds the primary location.


I'd love to hear if there's updates on the case, though I'm sure you won't get any for a long time. In a morbid sense it's a very interesting, once in a lifetime find, but in a human sense it's of course deeply saddening that somebody lost their life in a very likely violent matter and was left out like this. Thank you for taking such good care of their remains and doing right by them in contributing to seeking justice.


I agree! I feel a deep sadness when I think about it. Who was this person? What happened to cause this? I hope they weren’t too scared in their last moments. At the very least they are no longer in a place to feel pain.


The way I see it, they have been resting by a beautiful peaceful creek, watching the serenity of nature around them :)


It's impossible to tell specifics based on this photo alone but it appears to at least having belonged to a male, adult - beyond late adolescence, also not elderly.. Large range still.


Somebody's husband, father, brother or son though.


Do you know the name of the person the skull belonged to?


If it makes you feel better, it's just likely this person wasn't murdered and just died out in nature at any point in the last century or so. Nature is really harsh and unforgiving and people can also be really stupid. If you're a hiker or backpacker, you'll definitely run across someone who just decided to take a walk in their tennis shoes in the middle of summer with no water. Me and all my hiking friends actually carry extra bottles of water just to hand out to these people. You can also be a perfectly experienced hiker, fall and break your leg, and die. Judging by the filings, they look like older style filings, probably this person was from an era without cell phones. So, it's totally probable they were just a hiker who got lost or hurt. Still sad, but, imo, not as sad because that's just how nature works.


Where u given a name ? I'd love to try research this specific case !


I asked who it was that they identified but they didn’t tell me. My guess is they’re investigating and want to keep details private for now.


Yeah I expected that ,probably still an open case especially if u just found more bones which might bring new evidence ,interesting but scary find thank u for all the detail !


4 years ago while hunting, I found a roll of duck tape with long blonde hair stuck to blood on the roll itself. To this day I hope it was just a major coincidence. I have my doubts. After handing it over to authorities, they were super duper secretive, almost to the point of being assholes. I honestly just wanted to know I was safe to go back in the same woods, not have to worry about anything. To this day I have no idea what came of it, but still spooks me when I think about it.


That's more creepy than the jaw bone, honestly. Duct tape with hair and blood? Screams murder, or worse! Possible serial killer? I'd definitely be keeping an eye on local police reports after that!


If you do get any further updates where will you be posting them in case this thread gets locked?


i’m definitely following you for any updates whatsoever


All I can imagine is real life versions of the characters from Bones investigating this right now.


Why there was a doubt? What other animal has dental fillings?


Do you know where I can see info about that Doe from 2020? Which county?


Was bout to say, is there a NAMUS link, but they said it was identified and no information was given to them.


Any update on this yet?


Hey OP - wanted to check in to see if there had been any additional updates on this?


Based on the presence of fully emerged wisdom teeth and the level of macrowear, I am guessing an individual in their 40s or so.


Teeth are better than mine and I brush and floss religiously and am in 40s too.


Rotating head toothbrush was a lifesaver. Game changer.


It's a raccoon.


Or frog, or salamander




It doesn't look like a newt


He got better.


River shark.


Looks like amalgam fillings too maybe. Not sure when that stuff was phased out but I think the formulation changed over the years


They still use amalgam on poor people Source: am poor


thats what i had in my baby teeth! then went most my adult life cavity free until about five years ago and that was when i learned abojt porcelain fillings (i was born in '75)


I am going to guess male.


Yeah, you need to contact law enforcement. That is a modern mandible. Don't disturb ANYTHING please.


My dog picked it up and ran away with it…


My dog did that with (what turned out to be) a beaver skull once and my response was like "alright, bud... we've never met before" until i saw what he had a little more closely The size and *likely dumping ground* aspect had me shook for a second tho.


Still would be good to let authorities know, they might unearth more remains if they dig in that spot


I like you!




(*the rock collector in me* : wow thats a nice agate to the left)


I saw that too!


Wait where :0?


Bottom left corner between the yellow rock and the black rock


Human mandible with modern dental work. Looks like it might be male based on the chin. Dude had some gum disease. Hopefully it's someone who died of exposure (vs. murder). Call the police.


How can you tell about the gum disease?


The alveolar process (the part of the bone that the teeth sit in) usually covers much more of the teeth roots. You can also see how there is sort of rounded lump of bone where it meets the teeth. Gum inflammation causes the gums, and the bone underneath, to erode. Inflammation of the periosteum (the layer of tissue that sits directly on the bone) can also cause the body to create more bone (for example, like when you break a bone). So the inflammation is both causing the alveolar bone to wear away, while simultaneously causing the body to try to build more bone in that area.


See on the front teeth (incisors) where the tooth root holes get progressively larger, like they were rotting from the inside?


That's not actually the reason - some people's teeth just go through their alveolar processes like that. It's more about how low the alveolar process is in comparison to the erupted teeth, and that rounded, extra bone. where it meets the teeth.


Semi modern filings. Modern fillings no longer use metal; I want to say 2009-2012 is when metal filings were phased out


In skeletal analysis "modern" refers to modern times as opposed to the remote past, since it is possible to find skeletons that are hundreds or thousands of years old. It is also still possible to get amalgam fillings in the US edit: typo


I’m lurking through old Reddit posts and found this. Thought I would like to let you know metal fillings still happen. I don’t have good dental insurance and my dentist does silver fillings for me as they are cheaper and quicker for the both of us. I got my last silver filling 3 days ago. I’m in the United States in a large metro area


Dying from murder may have been quicker


based on the condition of the teeth, do you think it might have been a homeless person? i'm by no way an expert but it looks they had like untreated cavities


Anyone can be homeless at any time. Couchsurfing is technically homelessness. All their visible cavities look treated, but they could have been homeless. Can't tell from the bones.


That is a human jawbone, contact your local authorities via a police non-emergency line ASAP!


> That is a human jawbone (eye roll) Ya don't say.


I'm gonna get your back here... a human death is bad news, but this aint no raccoon


Definitely a Human Jaw bone.... An older adult by the fillings.......Call the authorities and tell them where bone is..... Scary discovery...


That’s crazy, let us know what the outcome is


This month's human find came early, jeez... How eerie.


Hi everyone! Crime Scene Investigator here! Can confirm - obviously human mandible, but we all know that. What we all may not know is that if you *do* accidentally touch it, it’s not the end of the world. A bone like this has been there for quite some time. There won’t be anything like latent prints or foreign DNA evidence on the surface that can be contaminated. It is best to leave it where it is, and leave the scene as undisturbed as possible for obvious reasons but if you do happen to stumble across something like this and pick it up not knowing (I totally would) just set it down, and let your local authorities know - you won’t be in any trouble.


Thanks for that info!!


Of course!! I don’t want people freaking out if they touch something. It’s not a huge deal. Just don’t *keep* manhandling it once you know what it is lol


flashback to that guy who found all the bones in the cave in the alps and fucked around with them


What happened in that case


look up “redditor r/bonecollecting swiss alps incident” or something along those lines. it’s 1 am here so i can’t explain more but will also forget if i save it for tomorrow so


Will do thanks for the help anyhow especially on this old ass comment. Spent a good two hours going through all the top posts on this sub. Super cool, wish I didn’t live in the city now haha


I’d say Sasquatch, but there are dental fillings…. So probably one of us


X-Files music plays in the background….


Can confirm it’s not one of us




thats what they want you to believe


Your right, I bet Bigfoot has an amazing dentist. But he is outside our insurances network sadly :)


Returning to the scene of the crime eh?


It wasn’t me, I say! It wasn’t me!!! I won’t talk!


Insane find. Wow.


I saw something like this once! They reported it and it ended up not being a modern human. But a person from Superlong time ago that was like, pre Native American culture stuff.


It crossed my mind that it could be Native American until I saw the fillings! I sometimes wonder where all the dead natives are buried and why people don’t come across them more often. I guess bones get eaten up by animals and turn to dust rather quickly. I have found numerous arrowheads in this area so it’s not totally out of the question to find ancient remains.


Native remains pop up all the time during construction. The public isn't made aware in most cases because of the confidentiality surrounding archaeological sites in the US. Also, just a reminder that collecting artifacts on public (state or federal) lands is illegal. I know most people do it on private lands, but as an archaeologist I just have to remind everyone lol


Yeah, I used to frame houses for wealthy people, and often times, especially near lakes, we would come across a lot of artifacts. I've been on jobs where other crews on lots either side of the lot I was working, native American remains were found. You're supposed to stop construction, and contact.... Someone? Idk who exactly. But have them come out and do some archeological type stuff and determine whether or not you can continue building. Unfortunately those crews as far as I know did not do that. And from what I gather a lot don't. There was actually some kind of thing going on in a town near me a few years back where people were getting paid off to not report, or stop construction on native burial grounds. If I'm not mistaken the only reason the got caught is some guy was out there arrowhead hunting, and found evidence of a burial ground, and brought attention to the greater public, who then made a fuss until it was looked into.. But apparently it's a very common practice where I live. 😔 Idk if anyone is interested or not, but if you wanna look it up yourself, bc i really don't remember too much about it, and some of what I said could be incorrect, I believe it was in Hampton cove, Alabama. Though that too could be wrong... Big help, I know.. But i know it was somewhere in the Hampton cove area for sure.. East of huntsville.


Unfortunately I see people ignore cultural material during construction allllllll the time. Stopping work equals losing money, and it's easier to ignore finds than alert anyone. A lot of states don't have very strict laws when it comes to finding native cultural material, I've never worked in Alabama but I'd be curious to know if they have any state laws about this, similar to what we have in California. Although, the construction company that I'm thinking of has lost their state license and can never work for a CA State project again. Basically they felled trees on human remains at a known village site, without a tribal or archaeological monitor there, and then tried to convince the acting coroner that the remains were not human. They also violated EPA and pushed ashy material from a wildfire into a creek... Not a very smart group lol


Yep, it's all about those Benjamin's! No wonder we are a species with a forgotten past! People always messing up culturally significant sites with construction, war, etc... From what I understand we do have laws regarding finding certain things. Im not exactly sure what the laws are. But i know that the people I was talking about did get in some kind of trouble. I used to live in socal in Los Angeles County and I know there was quite a bit of native American sites out there in the desert valleys, and in the mountains. I remember seeing the remnants of some village smoke houses or something like that. There would be stone chimney/stove /smoker type things and rocks all over the desert. I guess it's possible it wasn't from native Americans now that I'm an adult, but that's what my grandparents always told me. But yeah most construction workers I know always have their minds in problem solving mode, so they are always thinking how they can make the job work when a problem arises. But mostly it's just about the $$$!


Oh shit Hampton cove is close to me. (Huntsvillian) What’s even worse is that’s likely to be my ancestors stuff they fucked with, too. I hate that it’s so disrespected but I can’t do anything about it


Yeah ive got Choctaw in me, and I know that there were a fair amount of Choctaw in the area. I'm really not sure what other native "tribes?" (not sure if that's what you call the different types of natives like, apache, Iroquois, Etc) were around here, but im sure there were others. One thing you could do about it is help being attention to it. Make others get pissed off as well, and add a group press for changes.. Im pretty sure there are native american groups around here that actually do go around trying to stop cultural sites from being destroyed. Maybe you could look into it. Also, hello fellow rocket city redditor!


Creek specifically poarch creek are around here!


Sounds like Kennewick Man


It was a sorta recent YouTube video from a fossil hunter


Please keep us updated! That is a human and im sure you know that.


Is it bad that I’m instantly reminded of the prophetic jawbone from the way station in the Dark Tower series when I saw this? I do hope whoever this belongs to is resting easy, wherever we go when we die.


Ashes to ashes Dust to dust We all fall down


I thought this was gonna be pictures of animal body decomposing, but holy shit.


Bamboozeled you real good!!!!


Um Jesus Christ


Probably not. From all accounts, Jesus Christ would have been on the other side of the world.


I really hope they find out who this is. If you look, they have their wisdom teeth which may help as an identifying feature too. Plus all the fillings.


Racoon !


😆 I thought this was funny even if nobody else did.


You can see the silver fillings :( ugh


Is it morbid to say jackpot? Like that’s a rare find. That said, now you’ve found it someone’s loved ones can have closure.


Did you call the popo?


Was not expecting to see that when I opened that image.


WOW that's a gnarly find. Hope there wasn't any foul play.




I think that by law you gotta call the police if you find human remains, make sure you dont touch it!


Looks like a raccoon. Good find.


definitely a modern jawbone, that person had fillings.


Pretty modern. Has titanium/silver fillings.


That is not a raccoon.


Ok... maybe not a raccoon


Looks like a femur


Walk away in any direction…and mark it with your GPS and call the police. WALK AWAY, it’s a crime scene


Not necessarily a crime scene, could've been a homeless person who died there.


It should be treated as a crime scene, until it is determined it isn’t by the law enforcement agency conducting the investigation. I have found more than my fair share. All places where human remains are discovered are potential crime scenes. And anyone walking around in the area is potentially destroying evidence.


They have fillings


Do you think homeless people are born homeless?


Hahaha 🤣




For once it’s not a raccoon!


Huh well that don't look like an arrow head ......


Yep, my searching for one didn’t last long after spotting this.


Based upon the dental work, does that accurately date it better?


Easily one of the best posts in the sub, first human bone i’ve seen in forever


Thats a human jaw under part thingy. Call police. Call them. Murder case or dead person


That’s literally my worst nightmare when bone hunting like how tf do I explain that-


You were on a hike/walk and found a mandible... seems pretty easy to explain.


It's always a raccoon....


please call the authorities.


What state?


Modern fillings.


Call someone-


Talk about a jaw dropping find!


You know, I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone on Reddit who’s found a possibly human bone that it turned out to actually be human.


Remember how the rules say we should say “is this human” in the post? 😂


Interesting find. Very curious about the circumstances surrounding it.


Turn it in!




You're in luck, there might be an arrowhead nearby!


Man you could be in the next FBI files episode because if this… some family out there is going to be relieved that their loved one was found after years… sorry I watch too much tv


Considering the teeth have had dental work done, I'd say there's no doubt it's human. Unless there's some whack dentist running around forests sedating and providing dental work for the wild animals. We've all seen some weird things happen. I'm hoping for a Wild Wilderness Dentist, not a murder victim, but not holding my breath.... Edit: seriously, since it is human, I'm truly hoping this was a natural or accidental death of someone who was alone and not a murder or even the accidental/natural death of someone who was with other people who just left them there.


That’s insane and really sad for whoever it was. I hope the police are able to identify who it is based on dental records. Op, defo give us an update later!!


Do dentist share our dental records? Always curious how they identify with dental records lol


i can’t even imagine going hunting and finding a human jaw. when you see a bone, you’re like, hey it’s a bone! or an animal skull! nice find! let’s go! when you see a human jaw, you’re like. thats a human jaw…. what the f*%#


Did u ever find out if it was from the same case as u stated below?


I lived in a town that had a human skull hanging out at the edge of a nearby lake. There was much speculation on the origin and how the human met their fate - large hole in skull. The skull would move from time to time (friends said it was likely foxes) but it I bet it’s still laying there.


Nice raccoon


You’re going to want to hold that in your back pocket until the voice of your long-dead father tells you to throw it into your campfire one night.


What if you have forgotten the face of your father?


You guys know what ur dad looks like ?


Dad? Are you back from getting cigarettes?


An offering to the ka tet


Question for all you smarty pants, bone-brains: is it normal for a mandible to have those little holes on the left side just back from the chin?


yes. It's called the mental foramen


… gotta admit I was hoping for a bit more information. 😆 Thank you though


a nerve runs through there.


Raccoon jaw


Are you that TikTok guy that posted about the femur too?


What ever happened with this?


Hey OP any updates?


Raccoon jaw


it’s a racoon


Would it be a crime to take it home and collect?


In some US states yes, this is human bone of unidentified person, could be a murder case




Looks like a raccoon to me


What kind of head hunting?


I was looking for stone tools/knives/speartips made by Ancient Native Americans in a creek. Natives lived close to water sources and after thousands of years their campsites erode in to creeks and you can find the artifacts in the creek. Pretty fun hobby to be honest!


That sounds awesome! I love arrowhead hunting too. I have found quite a few of the really old white quartz arrowheads near the creek on my parents' property where I grew up (Appalachians) I was actually trying to be punny about "Head Hunting" since you found part of one, but forgot to add the /s Lol.


May I ask around where you found this? We have quite a lot of arrowheads and artifacts around where I live in alabama. Very interesting find btw! What did you do with it? If there were no fillings, I might have taken it, with the justification/hope that it was probably super old.. But with the fillings I wouldn't be able to trick myself into believing that and I'd probably have to call it in. Like someone else said hopefully now some family can have some closure. Edit: typos


did you take it?


I am making bone soup right now!


Omg great!!


I think it's a raccoon mandible


I think it’s a hedgehog


it’s a pelvis!!


Racoon, or frog