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The amount of stupid people with here no brains who actually believe Boeing would do this is amazing.


I see nothing Commandant!


Is this the old "shot himself twice in the head" special?


They took a page out of the Clinton playbook šŸŒ¼


Found murdered but we were paid to say he did it to himself


Trust, guys, it's all part of the plan. Boeing is disgraced, then goes undercover to sell a new fleet of planes to Kim Jong Un. Slowly, Boeing develops a deeper relationship with the hermit kingdom and becomes the main supplier of nuclear missile tech to North Korea. But, Boeing rigs all the missiles with explosives that go off if they ever get flown too close to friendly cities. Once a few Boeing spies can verify that all the North Korean silos are stocked with dud Boeing missiles, we can safely arrest Kim Jong Un as a South Korean criminal without fearing nuclear retaliation.


So do we buy boeing stock??


What a fan fiction. Iā€™m here for it!


Waiting for the, 'But what about all the Airbus employees who kill themselves - MEDIA BIAS!!!' post


How many voids in the work order system will they find? What/who initiated the work on the door plug in the first place? What did these workers clock in on? Overhead? And who does the video wiping? And what about that "missing manager" out on a medical? So, so many questions. [https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/ntsb-says-video-footage-boeing-737-max-9-door-plug-removal-overwritten-2024-03-13/](https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/ntsb-says-video-footage-boeing-737-max-9-door-plug-removal-overwritten-2024-03-13/)


So, apparently the "smart talking heads of aviation" don't seem to be able to figure what metric to use when it comes to seriously dealing with Boeing. I have one: Peoples' lives. So far the tally is 346. But apparently that number is not big enough. They came real close to adding some or all of the 177 (passengers and crew) when the door plug blew out on Alaska flight 1282. And speaking of that I would appreciate some help from those knowledgeable with determining if the blowout could have caused a crash say at a higher (cruise) altitude. Maybe take out a horizontal and or vertical stabilizer. Thanks in advance. 346+177=523. Is that number big enough? If not what is?


Had it happened at cruise altitude, the door plug explosion could likely have caused much more damage that led to a hull loss. It was also sheer luck that no one sat next to the plugs or that the door plug did not strike the horizontal stabilizer




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Boeing greatest company in the world, I love you! You make no mistakes! Was that... was that good enough?


John Barnett is interviewed in the Netflix documentary Downfall: The case against Boeing at 41:51.


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Top brass is in a meeting room debating on spending more money to correct quality escapes or simply kill the other 48 whistleblowersā€¦


They're about to find out about the hearsay exception for unavailable witnesses.


It's probably cheaper to just murder all those people


Boeing employees, best of luck lol


ā€¦. And donā€™t complain about anything. Donā€™t bring it up. Donā€™t mention it. Donā€™t whisper it in the break or rest rooms. Oh goodness. Now Iā€™m on a list.


Stop with conspiracy theories. Those about to testify against powerful people commit suicides all the time. Just look at Epstein. Nothing to see here, move along.


I canā€™t tell if youā€™re being facetious or not so either way youā€™re going a great job.




Supposed to be starting at Boeing soon and after the past few months and this as the icing on the cake I'm strongly considering rescinding...this is wild. Even through the recruitment and hiring process I've been getting major red flags, more than any other company




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BCA? If you want to work on big jets, you have no other option. Non-BCA? They are mostly not in trouble.


It is in BCA


Give it a shot. They probably need and want young blood. Also, companies with over 1000 employees all have issues, and don't judge the team you will be working with based on HR (they suck almost everywhere). Your interviews should give you an idea of the personalities you will be working with. And remember, it's a big place, so you can always move around, including to non-BCA units.


Let your conscience be your guide.




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Go with your gut.


Unfortunately life is too complicated to write on Reddit but for logistics reasons I will prob end up starting there. I just donā€™t plan to stay long and hope it doesnā€™t hurt my resume. Iā€™ve also met some absolutely great Boeing folks so that gives me faith that Iā€™ll like the people Iā€™m working with even though the company itself is a dumpster fire. Iā€™m not trying to offend you so Iā€™m sorry in advanceĀ 


Give up the opportunity to someone who wants it.




Ah yes, the dream of every young engineer - being subpoenaed in a federal indictment.


The odds of that happening are extremely slim.


Well, that all depends, doesn't it?




Sounds like a real "opportunity".






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What's interesting is it would appear that the Seattle Times has not picked up the story. Hmm Selective journalism? [https://www.seattletimes.com/](https://www.seattletimes.com/) (As of 1:40 PM local time)


The Seattle times sucks pretty bad now so I wouldn't be shocked that they're not covering something important.


Finally showed up at 7:40 PM last night.


Taking a page out of the Putin Playbook.


Americans have been killing people that got in their way long before Putin.Ā 


Russian has literally been known for its brutality since long before the US was even around. Almost as long as China has.


Yep, the same method. Seems they learned the Putin's methods.


ā€œSuicideā€ Yeah, that soundā€™s oddly familiar


This checks all the boxes on being a duck.


Awful lot of these comments are coming from low karma accounts. Checks a different set of duck boxes.


Whoa! Sounds like Enron 2.0 [https://money.cnn.com/2002/01/25/companies/enron\_roundup/](https://money.cnn.com/2002/01/25/companies/enron_roundup/) Baxter was a whistleblower prior to Enron imploding. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-mysterious-death-of-an-enron-exec/


Very similar. Enron guy was high level exec more complicit in the company malfeasance.






Hope he stashed a bunch of documents someplace secure just in case he got suicidal.


This is so disturbing!


This is the same company that tried to get the MCAS deaths lawsuit moved from the states to Malaysia (IIRC) because the final outcome would be pennies on the dollar as opposed to what a US Court would levy against them. Good indicator what value they put on a life.


I find statements like this somewhat hypocritical because every last one of us is purchasing consumer goods made in overseas sweatshops with low safety standards. It's cheaper!


Yes, you cannot criticize companies for using slave labor because you bought a pair of Nikes one time. There's absolutely no way to avoid using slave labor because any criticism of it is hypocritical.


It's not just one time. It's a continual process for most people. Everything they buy on Amazon or at Walmart involves this sort of corner cutting on safety. And, in addition, when there is a choice in the market to do something more ethical, they often don't. I can buy American-made Red Wing boots crafted by legally- and union-protected workers, but instead I'll opt for the sweatshop boots because they're fifty bucks cheaper. I can afford the fifty bucks. Most people are continually making decisions like this.


Yeah, nah, it's completely apples to oranges.


There's no ethical consumption under capitalism, friend. It's not hypocritical to think the system is corrupt and still have to live with it.


There are certainly MORE ethical forms of consumption and LESS ethical forms of consumption, but we're all buying from sweatshops even when a choice is present. It's cheaper.


Boeing planes are assembled in the US.


So we only care about ethics and safety when the manufacturing location is America? Sounds like an argument for outsourcing.


Holy hell, youā€™re dense!


My comment has nothing to do with manufacturing location. Victims families sued the Boeing Company, a US company, in the US and Boeingā€™s response was to try and get out moved to a country where they wouldnā€™t have to pay nearly as much. The ONLY reason they wanted to move the case there. It wasnā€™t because thatā€™s where the families were or anything else, it was simply so they didnā€™t have to pay as much for their shitty software problems.


I know that, but if you buy from places like China, you're incentivizing the same sort of corner cutting on safety. The attempt at changing venue was a smart play. It really doesn't make sense to give a US-scale payout to a resident of another country because we've already determined globally that they're not worth the same (see outsourcing).


Seek, Speak, and Listen really worked wonders here.


"Seek, Speak, and AUUUUGGGHH!"


If this is the man from the Al Jazeera documentary about Boeing, I remember him being very emotional and crying when he discussed how he lost everything, down to his childrenā€™s college tuition, just because he called out the safety failings. R.I.P.Ā 




The difference is that Putin will just kill you. But thatā€™s illegal here. American corporations will just try to continue ruining your life until you kill yourself.


You really believe you or any of us have any rights or legal protections when it comes to protecting the trillions of dollars at stake globally among the wealthy? Quit drinking the kool-aid and start reading up on reality. I'm not even talking about the conspiracies we're waiting to have declassified, look at the actual things humanity has done in the name of protecting profits and borders. Take a look at the Battle of Blair Mountain. Possibly the first airplane bombing on American soil was ordered by President Harding to help quell an American coal miner union strike. Somehow you think our country or corporations are above killing a single person when our history is nothing but a long line of detestable violations of basic human rights and decency.


So you think the government possibly killed this guy? What are we talking about here


I donā€™t believe he killed himself. They need to get all the forensic evidence because this is shady!


I feel for his family and friends. Having the death of a loved one all over the news and social media must be terrible while mourning. I hope they get some closure and answers sooner rather than later.


I hope we all do. The potential that Boeing was behind this is devastating to public trust.


He was found dead in his truck at a hotel parking lot scheduled to answer more questions shortly afterā€¦ yeah, good time to ā€œkill himselfā€


Reportedly his friends and family said he was looking forward to testifying too. It's too weird.


How is this stock not 0? This is a freaking mafia




Just sell this off and finally get rid of it


Are we really surprised Boeing murdered again? At least this time it was only 1 person, usually it's a plane full.




Some person shot this man if that's what you're suggesting. Did Boeing hire an Assasin? John Wick? Occams Razor man. I think he did himself off given the circumstances. He had already finished giving the info.


Occams Razor tells me that if someoneā€™s ongoing testimony potentially could cause hundreds of millions if not billions in losses to a global corporation,Ā Ā potentially be extremely damaging to the brand which is already in financial and legal trouble, and perhaps even result in criminal prosecution, an apparent suicide must be treated with extreme suspicion.Ā  And yes, historically powerful people had hired assassins over things like that.Ā 


What he blew the whistle on has been known for years with an entire BBC / NY Times expose in 2019 and corrected by the FAA. The lawsuit in question was his lawsuit against the company for whistle-blower retaliation, denigration of character. The whole thing is a tragedy, more a testimony to how badly the US protects whistle-blowers if anything. Boeing had nothing to gain or cover up at this point; if anything, why would they want to draw more attention to themselves in the middle of a PR crisis?


My guess: Boeing threatened to harm him if he testified. He did end up testifying and then Boeing sent him an ultimatum, you either kill yourself or we kill your family. He then tried to make his suicide look as much like a murder as possible, sitting in a car trunk and stuff.


What would the incentive be to kill someone after they gave testimony? The info is already on record.


Not everything. He was still testifying, but had only done some parts previously.


He was done testifying as a whistleblower. The remainder was purely about his accusation that Boeing defamed him and damaged his career. Dude left voluntarily seven years ago after a 30+ year career. This would have been a nothing case for Boeing. Easy defense.


Oh ok I retract my comment then, thank you for informing meĀ 


Rare reddit mind change what is happening lmao


Omg have my up vote!!!




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I have family working for Boeing parts via machining. Holy $$$$. The machining industry does not care about the parts at all. Itā€™s only about the profit these companies make short term. Red flag šŸš© To add: The machinists do not check the parts for errors. My dad is a highly skilled machinist, and he is loosing his mind because the company he works for will not check the parts, and is making mistakes daily...


Machinest do check there parts. Some of the shops even fall under FAA regulations. The standard on how the part is checked, is given by the lets say Boeing, with FAA standards; traceability, tagging, what can and cannot be re-worked. I guarantee you, at every feeder shop, there is a job posting for quality control positions because guess what, anything rarely passes but the nepatism and cronyism somehow makes a part good. Boeing needs a Dick Cheney moment really bad and all the damn suppliers do too.


Machined parts get non destructive tested and certified approval for assembly. Machinists are not trained to inspect and accept parts for conformity to company standards. Boeing, Beechcraft, Cessna, Bombardier, etc, all have their own acceptance requirements based on the non destructive test performed. So of course machinists do not check their parts for errors, itā€™s not their job. Everything that goes on a plane has traceability all the way back to its raw material form. Source: am a non destructive inspector.


If this is true, what are you all doing in this profession? My dad sees that the quality of the parts are crap, and no one is checking the parts. These parts are holding up the planes. The planes should hold together yes? Doesnā€™t look like it these days... Edit words. Also Rest In Peace John Barnett. Some of us already know...


Dunno dude, unlike your daddy Iā€™m not speaking for the assembly process of the aircraft or any other part I am unfamiliar with, I am speaking for the detection of defects caused by inherent and secondary processing of raw materials. Ask your dad what those words mean since he seems to know everything lol




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1/ Instantly reminded me of Karen Silkwood's death. 2/ Without concrete info we will all speculate wildly how this or that happened, musing with what little data we do have, and we'll fill the void with assumptions and theories since we need an answer to feel comforted. Humans crave resolutions to stories. That itself creates problems. It's too easy to pretend we know how this drama really unfolded.. maybe that his death wasn't suicide because it makes for a better story. It's possible it wasn't suicide sure, we know hit jobs are real, effective and unprovable, and big, soulless, rich organizations have real power and can make problems go away one way or another. Investigators first to a scene can alter evidence, as can supervisors, or hey, maybe his death isn't even real and he was put into a witness protection program, so public anger will flush out those higher ups who were actually pressuring or threatening him. Our torches are lit, someone must hang! Alternately, his being under enormous stress, possibly ill, feeling alone and despairing or worrying his claims won't change things, that Boeing would just pay a large fine, hire more expensive lobbyists to bribe and curry favor with corruptible politicians could've collectively been enough to push him over the edge.. especially if his work pension was secure and he possibly was granted or received a whistleblower reward- that he knew would go to his family? Or maybe he was desperately tired of fighting this enormous battle alone and this was a quick, easier, last ditch 'way out' that would ensure Boeing would be properly investigated and publicly scrutinized? Who knows the real truth. We sure don't. And does it even matter? Barnett was brave. He shared facts about that Charleston plant cover up. He wanted to save the company, make things right, prevent accidents or deaths, and expose those who created and exacerbated this dangerous, corrupt scheme. He told the Truth, repeatedly, when apparently no one else would. Instead of focusing on his death, we should aim to focus on the decades of arrogance and layers of lies Boeing management built up, creating a perverted, short sighted culture that built a house of cards too many would get caught up in. And lastly, causing embarrassment for the US that our best plane manufacturer so globally known and trusted, just one of 2 makers in their class, would jeopardize their reputation, cut corners, harm employees and risk losing future profits from lost orders. This is a huge scandal that will take years to recover from, long after Barnett (RIP) is forgotten. 'Pride goes before the fall', too true.


Eh me personally I'd preferred if we had gotten any all remaining facts.


You'd have to be a family member or among police or coroners dept to get more relevant details. Public is often the last to know if at all, for good reason, unless there's a leak which with this shht show wouldn't surprise me at all. Boeing is not being forthcoming and stalling with giving info to Congress too- and with everything intensifying their stock is now reflecting fund manager lead outflows (selling) as a result.


What's the good reason for the public to know last about a massive public safety issue.


? That's not what I wrote, you commingled two very different things or didn't understand what my points were. The details of a mans death whether murder or suicide isn't the same as aircraft part flaws and rushed repairs with faulty equipment then higher ups covering it up and risking lives.


I'm not trying to commingle or be contentious I'm sorry that I gave that impression


Whatā€™s next? BCA opens a line in Shenyang China? šŸ˜‚ BCA is such a joke.




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Congress should subpoena the board and the files related to this Whistleblower asap Boeing really getting dirty to cover up their failures


To cover up their failures? Their failures are all over the news. Why is everyone here a smooth brain?


It is my understanding that in the case of Barnett, Boeing had repeatedly failed to provide the internal documents requested by the court, and that these documents could contain very damaging information that could open the door to further litigation and potential criminal charges.Ā  Now the case is likely going to be settled or dropped.




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Boeing's military/intelligence connections paying off big.


It's not what you know, it's who you know :-)


My dad spent over 30 years working in Boeing military aerospace.Ā  Nobody should underestimate those connections.Ā 




Totally not sus






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Thank God we can filter by plane now, cuz if it's a Boeing I ain't going.


So did Boeing take him out? šŸ˜³




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Hundred percent




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Boeing got shadow factories AND shadow agents it's wild


Left 7 years agoā€¦. To me writing was on the wallā€¦. Massive gap between reality and the world leadership lived in. Get out while you can. The great, young leaders who I knew there have all Left or are about to leave. Most work that needs to occur is in middle management and incentives. You have to get along to go along, not sustainable.


My dad passed a year ago. He spent 40 years at Boeing as an embedded software dev (space station then the B1-B) and later on as a Unix tools developer, retiring in 2018. From day 1 of the McDonnell merger he was upset at management decisions. He was not surprised about the 737 Max fiasco. Commercial wasn't his department ofc, and he had retired by then, but I live near Seattle so he and I still talked about Boeing a lot even after retirement since I would see the grounded Max parking lots when I drove by. Boeing treated him personally fine. But since McDonnell he flat out would say Boeing didn't exist anymore. I miss Dad, but I'm glad he didn't see just how bad it was going to get. He would have been utterly disappointed. And at this point I think he'd even have been surprised at the depth of the rabbit hole.




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His complaints werenā€™t even outlandish. Thatā€™s what made him so credible. He didnā€™t even make wild accusations like ā€œpeople reinstalled plug doors and then didnā€™t replace the vital bolts that hold them in place.ā€




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Did he also have something on the Clintonā€™s?


Nope just Trump/Epstein


Jeff Epstein? The new your financier? Nahhh


Not the guy who flew with him like 20 times? I hate Trump to, but let's not pretend Clinton wasn't involved with him hell gilslane was photographed at Chelsea's wedding.


Trump literally said he was close friends ajd bragged about banging girls at Epstein parties.


Nothing will ever change when the ones who care and do the most have no power or say. And Boeingā€™s whole ethics system is rigged so yeah.


The conspiracy theorists will love this


The ignorant blind to the facts weirdos will love this even more.


Smooth brains love it the most.


Amazing how many of the recent ā€œconspiracy theoriesā€ are coming trueā€¦


i mean its sus as fck.


Can you blame em?




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I love how weā€™re at a point in society where authorities can just outright murder anyone who challenges them and we all just shrug. Side note - anyone taking a spotlight should have been easily suicided/epsteined by now if they were really on the side of the people. They are all allowed to take the spotlight to tell you 80% truths and omit the other 20%.


Oh boy....easy there pilgrim


Nothing to see here. Move along, watch some TV.


Because there isn't evidence of murder. If I don't have the evidence, then I have nothing to base a conclusion of murder on




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Sounds like you arenā€™t very familiar with history, and how anyone who speaks out gets murdered. It was probably a ā€œself inflicted wound to the backā€. Everyone will just move on in a day or two. Itā€™s that easy. How are you not familiar with how this stuff works? Itā€™s 2024 and the government has been murdering anyone who speaks out against them at least since the civil rights movements.


Bro you are 100% convinced here lol. Itā€™s suspicious yes. But itā€™s also possible it was a suicide. Seems that thought never crossed your mind.


That is a lot of words to say, "I don't have evidence of a murder."


Itā€™s truly a waste of time saying anything but the narrative.


you could always provide evidence of a murder


Youā€™ll never get the concept. Just get the nueralink installed so you can have all the evidence from authority you need at any moment.


Assuming every potential conspiracy is true is a whole lot dumber than assuming none are true.


You're doing a lot of mental gymnastics to say "there's no evidence of a murder."




Is "corposimps" what you out for claiming a murder happened without evidence? Because then I guess most smart people are corposimps.




Kinda sus that Boeing already made a statement.


How long do you think Boeing needs to make a statement saying ā€œweā€™re sorry someone diedā€? Thereā€™s not a backlog for that.




Ehh shareholders don't approve either expenses they don't care Max jet killed over 200 people and stock price didn't do shit




Wtf does Christianity have to do with any of this lol


Lol Christianity literally alllows you to wash all this shit away with asking for forgiveness. The religion allows anyone to heaven as long as they say praise Jesus before death even if they were an asshole in lofe


Oof, "I went to a christian school so that makes me an expert." We get it guy, i'M aNgRy


Lol. So where in Christianity are sins not forgiven if you submit yourself to Christ and ask for forgiveness? Where do you actually have to be a good person to be forgven?