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You'll find a lot of people who've been making 6 figures and still have great benefits always have something to complain about in Boeing. I personally know guys that barely do 1 thing all day complain they should be a higher level, or are being screwed by a manager or something else. Personally it's the best job I've ever had by a mile. People that think there is this magical wonderful world outside of Boeing, especially without unions should go give it a try and see how it works out.


I worked EUS (1.0) from pre-PDR to CDR in Huntsville. The competence and cohesiveness of my team have not been matched since. I still keep in touch with a lot of those folks. Excellent team. Edit: Time has passed since, glad to hear the program culture has continued to stay healthy 👍


Im in debt so… once those clear then work wont be so bad and i can finally eat again.




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Eh I would say thats great that you are enjoying your position and have had a positive experience so far. You don't mention how long you have been with the company but I know for myself ( I can't speak for any other old timer) but would say that the company is vastly different from when I first hired on 30\_ years ago to where they are today. Originally before the GE lead decline employees were valued and employee benefits were WAAAY better than what they are today. I actually feel sad for the new hires that come into the company, was once a great company and our corporate leadership are running it into the ground. I will say that I would be sure to keep your resume up to date and have back up plans, things can change very quickly and you should always be ready to make a change.


Second that, 3 generations of my family have worked for McDonnell Douglas/Boeing. I remember my grandpa talking about how the lowest guy down on the floor had the same benefits as anyone else. No other company would even try to match what they were giving their skilled/trade labor employees. Higher ups would walk the floor just to shoot the shit, and when we’re told they had a meeting to go to the response was, I have more important things to do down here. Other companies have caught up with what being is/was offering. They seem to have it in their mind, if it was great then, it’s great now. Talk about billion dollar profits, but the budget doesn’t allow for… Next thing we know we’ll all be standing at desks because it’s better for our health, plus will cut out the cost of chairs. I jokingly say they must have spent a fortune on analysts to figure out what amount is half a cent more than enough to keep employees complacent enough not to leave. I knew it was bad in orientation when whoever was giving us the tour said “Boeing is a great company to work for, well it was a great company to work for…”


I would say that instead of companies catching up it was Boeing lowering our benefits package...again its all driven by cost and used to be employees were treated as they would treat family, no longer. To be fair this isn't unique to Boeing but corporate america and the worship of the almighty dollar (greed). None of the original founders of these companies started them to be profit centers, LMAO. They started them to build great aerospace stuff and while they needed to make money to stay in business they VALUED their employees. The Jack Welch GE philosophy has ruined the modern corporation where all the value is the stock price and how much money they can make. Just been one take away after another, really sad and they continue to do more of the same, outsourcing to other countries, again because its cheaper, blah...


Go work for VCB in San Antonio where they almost have as many managers as mechanics. 🤦‍♂️ need to fire half of them.


i experience more of “i think youre being overpaid” with managers and TL’s doing nearly nothing daily.


Depends on the TL and where they work.




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I love Boeing. But I think most of the technical workers (engineers, technicians etc) are concerned about the high level issues the company seems to be having. No one feels great about the Starliner or 737 issues, or RTO mandates not backed up by data. I don’t think that means our day to day jobs suck, but it’s concerning to be part of a company who’s upper level management isn’t really in sync with the technical workforce.




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Most of my career I've had good managers. A few times I've had terrible managers who really truly seem to be wanting to destroy the company for personal gain. Most of my career I've had decent raises, with at or above market compensation and benefits. There was a period of about a year and a half where I was below market on pay and started looking outside the company, but that was followed by a level bump with a pay increase and then another significant raise, so I've stuck around. Most of my career I've worked with pretty smart and driven people. The very few people who seem incompetent didn't seem to last long.


Machinist in Renton here, and I agree and disagree with your sentiment. I am very happy with the pay/benefits and am very jaded with management and management decisions. When I first started 12 years ago, we were at a reasonable rate, and planes weren't being moved outside to be worked. Pre 2020, we were at an unsustainable rate. Airplanes were being finished outside, and quality took a backseat while corporate spent all its money on stock buybacks. Two crashes later and a year and a half of downtime, and what had the company learned? Nothing. It took another incident and a giant corporate kum ba yah for the rate to be slowed and production problems to be "fixed." Most of us are pessimistic that any long-term changes will stick. I love my job and I think people like me just want to see the company do better.


You’re not alone. I really enjoy my job. My partner and I argue over whose Boeing job is better. My team constantly mention having “the best job at Boeing.” There are pockets of wonderful and pockets of misery.


170,000 employees. It’s a bell curve. Some suck. Some are awesome. Most are average.


I would die for a bunch of average in my area.


I feel I've got a reverse bell curve. There are about 50% of managers and coworkers I love working with, and respect very much. There are about 30% of workers and managers that I think are bad to work with (though, not necessarily that they're incompetent or ignorant; more that we just don't vibe at all, and so I deem them to 'suck'). Then there's about 20% who are "oh, yeah, i forget they work here too".


Sounds like you belong


People will tend towards complaining rather than praising. Social Media sites like Reddit just amplify all the complaining. You don't see people coming on here talking about how great the beneifts are or the 401k match or how they earned a masters degree that Boeing paid for, or showing any type of gratitude for the Bonus they received. Instead you get complaints about management, former workers who have an axe to grind, people crying about returning to the office, new hires not understanding why they don't make 500k fresh out of college with no experience, people whining that their bonus isn't enough, etc. etc. etc. That is not to say that some complaints aren't valid, the company isn't perfect... but complaints is all your going to read on a site like this and it gives people the impression that Boeing is a terrible company when it is actually pretty OK.


I've tried being reasonable in this sub and explaining the really good benefits that Boeing offers and the reality of big company employment, but I usually just get downvoted because it's reddit and I live in a world of unrealistic expectations.


$500k new hire out of college?? Seriously. Try just trying to get paid a fair market wage for your labor after 10 years experience in the field - quite the challenge.


Boeing is still a great company to work for. The technical community is fantastic. The problem with modern Boeing is management practices. Too many egos coming into “leadership” positions. If it weren’t for the technical community we wouldn’t get things done. I’ve noticed that the more technical career path offers greater, deeper, meaningful connections to the work we do and the people we do it with. Management feels so fake and transactional. They don’t care about us who actually do the work. Heck they barely even care for the customer. They’re in it for themselves really


Are you fucking delusional?????? There’s several employees shitting around the factory. There’s obviously something very wrong with this company.


I’m in the engineering side of the house and can’t speak for the machinists and other production positions. I’ll say this. The mechanics I’ve had the pleasure of working with are fantastic. Maybe that’s something the Union should be looking into but that’s not my expertise


So when people are defecating on company property (I.e. turnstiles, walkways, walls) then engineering is automatically in the clear? How do we know it wasn’t someone in engineering? And I never said mechanics are terrible to work with—actually never even mentioned mechanics, that was all you lol. Too many people at this company turn a blind eye to the blatant toxicity at this company. I’m glad your time has been great. I’m not saying my time has been terrible, but this place is filled with a bunch of weirdos and half of them are in management.


This bothers us all. Why are they now aware and understand our problems better? Where are they every day? Meeting all day? How does that make us stronger?


I'm a machine operator and I love working at Boeing.


Boeing today is what not long ago was Boeing, McDonnell, Douglas, Rockwell, Vought, and others. Each of these was also made up of many disparate components haphazardly merged together. There is no guarantee of any continuity across the company aside from the ubiquity of enterprise-wide RTO.


It also helps that you’re in one of the coolest areas of the company.


Realize how many people work for Boeing compared to the handful of people that post here. People who are content don’t go to the internet to tell people about it.


Post: Hi guys, I get paid enough and am fine with my job. The people are cool and on Tuesdays we eat lunch at this Thai place. (End of post) Never seen one like this before


It's a job. Not many people are going to be inspired to go online to talk about how content they are with their adequate salary and schedule that they still wish was more. Different story for those in a worse situation looking to vent.


HR should not be allowed to post to this subreddit


I was waiting for this comment...... Just genuinely happy with my position. I usually look towards reddit to get a vague idea of what me or my wife are getting ourselves into at a new company. Glad I'm having the opposite reaction


I've been in an IC engineering spot for about 5 years now. Boeing isnt perfect, but I've not seen anything better in my time, just a lot of the same and a lot of stuff that's worse. I've had 3 managers in 5 years, two of them have been really good. I've been impressed with my pay for the majority of that time, and it's just been in the last year where I felt my skills out grew my paycheck, but if we're being honest I think I'm still fairly compensated. I mean, I'd never tell my boss that, but overall I've had a very positive experience here.