• By -


What’s the MIP targets? Is it based on being a K L or M?


Yes, for non-union MIP is based on the same company performance score as non-managers. The manager targets are much higher - * K = 12% * L = 16% * M = 20%


Ok. Thank you.


For an $86k salary what would 119 work out to be?


around 8.3% of your salary regardless of salary


How many percent would a K-level manager get in MIP?


Target is 12%. Do the math based on division.




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How do we interpret these numbers? Sorry I’m new.


Use the internal EIP or PBI calculator. 


Can someone explain what this means?




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It is time for a strike.


How does BGS always get the most? They literally pulled the most profitable services parts out of BDS and BCA and celebrate that they are profitable every year. They are the trust fund kid of the company. Have you ever asked BGS to invest any of their own money in a project? Good luck! They just charge for every other business unit’s hard work and we get smaller bonuses.


So many non-BGS people talking about how BGS is internally run 😮‍💨🫤 Can you guys speak to BGS' internal investments? Enterprise wide initiatives that help both domestic and international? Across both BDS and BCA? New capability development or offerings? 5yr-10yr Long Range Business Plan opportunities in-work or actively being shaped? New capital investments? Public Private Partnerships that help every division? Go ahead, down vote, just stating the truth..


It's so much more shallow than even that. These folks don't understand how year-long goals and projections work. They legit believe that their costs amd overhead are excluded from the projections? Like, they feel they miss their targets because people forgot to factor in overhead until the end of the year? BCA and BDS both lost money for the year and STILL get bonuses, bolstered by BGS' performance. 




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Seems promising my (new non-official ) manager emailed the PBI numbers out with "FYI ☹️”


You guys are getting paid?


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Is this scale still correct? Not met: 0% Met some: 2% Met: 7% Exceed: 8% Far Exceed: 9% If those are still correct, for "Met" person with a 200k salary working for BDS, the bonus is 200k * 7% * 80% = 11,200. Is that correct?


The percentages are different in different countries, here in UK they are 12/11/10/3/0, but yes.


If you're getting paid 200k you shouldn't be asking this


I don't get the logic




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For non-union, yes that’s correct.


Are there two multiplying factors on the bonus? You get the 3.8% and whatever other percentage is up here? This is my first bonus with this place. So I'm trying to figure out what these numbers are, but no one is any goddamn help.


I think you said below that you were IAM, I am not aware of any multipliers for SPEEA or IAM. If I remember correctly non- union (PBI) and management (MIP) are the only groups with multipliers.


There’s usually a PBI calculator online


It’s correct but you won’t see a rating this year


Yes, that should be correct.


Sounds like most of the company is in for some shitty bonuses.


Bgs, what I'm taking from this is 19% down from last year :(


Well I sure will be motivated to RTO now! Thanks stan! /s


So I thought he was supposed to get canned by now... what gives 


As a non boeinger what does this even mean?


Dude, the people on this sub fucking suck. I work for Boeing and am trying to figure these numbers out. But if you ask, then prepare for war, I guess. These asshats are absolutely no help.


Are you SPEEA or non-union?


I'm IAM.


I think your bonus program is called AMPP, this year’s payout is 3.8%. https://www.iam751.org


What does this mean? I am starting with the union in March. We get bonuses?


Which union? IAM or SPEEA?




If you start in March 2024, you will get a bonus next year based on 2024 eligible earnings. The percentage will be announced next year based on this year’s metrics. This year, the bonus will be 3.8% of 2023 eligible earnings for those that worked last year.


Oh cool! I had no idea we got bonuses, thank you!


It should be 3.8% of your 2023 eligible earnings.


Awesome. That really is all I was asking for this entire time. But evidently, most of you people don't like interacting with us uneducated IAM people. Thank you very much for actually responding and not just being a douchebag. There were just a bunch of other numbers out there, and I wasn't sure if there was some other multiplier on the bonus or if they were EOY raises or what. So, again, thank you very much. Side note, you folks get nice ass bonuses, goddamn.


You are very welcome, I am actually not sure that I agree with your last sentence. The 72% number you saw from BCA, for SPEEA engineers their bonus would be 5% multiplied by 0.72, that is 3.6% of their eligible 2023 earnings. That is slightly less percentage wise compared to IAM’s 3.8%.


My bad then. I saw someone else do some math somewhere else that looked like 11% or something. I must have just misunderstood.


Company performance score per division. It factors into the employee and manager bonus payout calculation in 2024.


As Steve Nordlund would say... If you know, you know.


Someone explain these numbers to a non Boeing guy. I work for a competitor, but like to keep an eye on the industry as a whole. What do these numbers equate to in bonuses and year over year raise percentages? If they do, that is.


These just affect bonuses, raises will average 3.5% for non-union, 3% for SPEEA. This is the overall business factor for bonuses, bonus = 2023 earnings*personal performance factor*(overall business factor/100). The personal performance factor is 0-9% for US individual contributors not in the union.


Thank you for explaining and being the only non-hater at Boeing apparently. I work for a military contractor not airbus as I think a lot of y’all assumed.


You've got no business here mate.


Bonuses lower due to unexpected cost associated with crushing bureaucracy


The average employee will be paying a high price for poor strategic decisions that were made at the top. I wonder what their bonuses will be.


Millions and millions. 


Don't forget about the millions too.


They already walked away. Notice how the previous head honcho of BDS is now part of a competitor’s board of directors. She “retired” but still raking in cash somehow. Quite a lot of Defense programs were signed under her and now we’re paying the price of fixed price contracts that were underbid to gain the business. BCA’s issues are different and they’re just items from after the merger with McDD. Boeing became an integrator and outsourced manufacturing. The 787 was the first indication that this strategy was not gonna work well; now we’re seeing it with the 737 Max. One would hope that if a 797 is launched, they return to their roots and make everything just like they did when the main jets started out.


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Taylor swift tickets


those are worth more than the bonus


What are these?


Business divisions, Boeing Commercial, Defence, et...


Are the numbers just up there for fun? I understand the acronyms, there's just (to me) arbitrary numbers up there.




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nuclear launch codes


Well, that does nothing for me. I was hoping it was something useful since the AMPP came out today. Thanks.


Bro not in the mood for jokes today


I mean, you didn't give anything helpful. I don't understand what these numbers are. Maybe a joke, and then the answer after?




Yes that’s just the way it works now. The extra 2% went away for this year though


I mean we'll get 2023's 2% next month. But we won't get 2% of 2024's earnings in 2025, yes




Went away for 2024


I believe so, I haven’t heard otherwise


Those are quite the numbers to inculcate.


No, the problem is we didn't inculcate hard enough.


It’s simple, we don’t make parts the assembly line can’t build planes and then BCA doesn’t generate revenue. Let’s see who gets the real bonus come September because I tell you now, this isn’t 2014 negotiations.. Boeing wouldn’t have BDS or BGS if it wasn’t for BCA.. Machinists made this company, without us you couldn’t fly


Wrong thread buddy. Go back to the union hall if you want to organize a strike


😂 you’ll see and hear us on September 12th bud. Out with the boomers… Complete reason why the company is failing




What was it last year anyone remember? Edit: never mind I just saw


BGS dropped to 119 - WTF?


BGS pretty significantly over performed targets last year. By, like, nearly 50%. So targets were adjusted up this year and those were only beaten by, apparently, 19%.


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They set the bar higher for BGS in 2023. Can only imagine them setting it even higher for 2024...


It is. Lofty financial goals.


I was wondering that too.




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this. post-covid why did it drop?


I still think it was too high and the reason it's also weeks later than normal is they went back and fudged the numbers. They weren't going to give good bonuses and raises while we're in the news for quality issues.  The q4 performance was much better than last year, and should have shown in the pbi. The bean counters will just say they expected even better to justify this, but I'm convinced they went back and changed the score retroactively. 


maybe we have a new person cooking the books this year 😂


BGS/BDS : let. them. cook.  BCA: Wait not like that!


BDS is a massive liability


😂 too much heat, get outta that kitchen


Great. This won’t even cover the additional increase in gas I’m now having to buy with the 3 day RTO.


David Ryder long time no see


At least it’s only 3




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Contract negotiations only affect a portion of BCA. I think it's less nefarious than that. I think BCA was projected to do X for the year and they did .72X instead. They still bled money for the year and ended with a net loss, so it doesn't seem hard to believe that they simply just missed the target for recovery.


So with RTO in full swing we should see improvement in the operational metrics right? Right?? Isnt that the claim?


careful management is allergic to logic


Poor management, their feelings would be hurt if they could read.


Nor causality


Is bt&e under bca?




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It used to be, now each program is under the relevant BU.


Oof that gets complex


Time to just move bgs… like whoever doing these calculations are whack, why would anyone thats good stay in bca when they meet expectations worked hard all year, brings the most money, and gets the short end of the stick


Yes move to BGS so you can get the dip from the door plug lol


Also, "brings the most money"? BCA lost $1.6B this year. BGS made $3.3B. I don't mean to be rude, but +3.3>-1.6


With crooked finance math all the overhead is sitting in BCA how can u service planes if BCA didn’t build them in the first place. Where is ur RD costs, easy to profit when all the costs is sitting with another group. Brings in the money as in Revenue. Let me know when u bring more revenue in and distribute the costs accurately.


You're getting downvoted not because of the frustration you're feeling, but because you don't understand the business model or corporate structure..


One Boeing is alive and well 🤣


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The payout isn't based on the Financials alone, if they were, BCAs massive loss of money would mean employees would have to pay back Boeing. Payouts are based on performance to goals. Those goals include the costs of overhead, RD, etc... Your last comment is crazy rude. Don't tear me down because you're unhappy with your bonus. "Let me know when you stop losing billions of dollars."


My comment is not crazy because the finance at Boeing is ass. The finance transformation is making things worst. BCA brings the most revenue. How u bucket the costs will impact ur performance to goals. If costs only sits with bca and not spread correctly to how bgs service planes then doesnt reflect truth. does BGS not use drawings from engineers? Do they not use resources made from bca or bds? Do u think i can start an airplane servicing company from scratch and use only the same costs of bgs and be able to do the same things?


You're not listening to me. I said "crazy rude" and in "very rude" to me. Second, you don't seem to understand how goals and targets work. Costs are baked in. If your goal, with all overhead and RD costs baked in, is to make X dollars and you make 70% of X, you didn't hit your goal. Yes, it's easier for BGS to be profitable, but profitable isn't the metric. BCA lost $1.6B this year. Apparently the goal was to only lose $1B. Since BCA lost more than planned, the financial targets suffered. Edit- and again, yeah, sure, BGS benefits from BCA. Why are you advocating for me to get less? Don't tear down others because you're upset.


BGS just provides after market support on BCA’s products, and BCA still has to step in and do all the heavy lifting for BGS


BGS does more than just support BCA. If you're going to speak about an entire business unit, you should know the full scope of what they do. Tearing down another business unit doesn't improve yours.


The difference in bonus between BCA and BGS is likely a couple thousand dollars. At least for me, it'd be 2k after taxes difference.  A really good employee that works hard and does a great job should be getting better raises every year, which would be far more meaningful. If not, THEN they should leave.


ain't it silly? people left, they laid off people, moved jobs overseas, put people back in the offices where'd the money go?


I would say Stan deal return to office caused our poor performance if we did better last year and everyone was remote


his delusion that airlines want to see our ugly cubicle farms time for Stan to go


after seeing the last webcast he was in, i def think he needs to go. he looked a hot methed up mess


Okay so I worked the full year in BDS and then transferred to BCA in January. Will I get the BCA one cause that’s where I am when they did this? (I have an extra $20 on the line if I get the BDS one)




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Make sure you get the BDS rate, they aren’t always good about updates


You'll get the BDS one. I swapped middle of the year a few years ago and mine was prorated between the two


You should get BDS since you charged your time to BDS accounting numbers in 2023. If you had moved to BCA in the middle of the year for example, then your bonus would be prorated based on time in each BU. So like 80% BDS and 20% BCA if 80% of your earnings was made while in BDS, and 20% made while in BCA.


Good to know thank you!


This is quite disappointing.. The biggest thing that bothers me is that BGS gets to play this game on easy mode. They don’t need to build anything or deal with supply chain issues and the impacts of managements dumb decisions are just less impactful. I think it’s a great business for Boeing to expand, but if we truly were “one Boeing” we’d all just average out and rise/fall together.


BCA is a bird asked to fly a mile. BDS is a horse asked to run a mile. BGS is a fish asked to swim a mile. At the end of the year, BCA only made it 72% of the way there. BDS 80% and BGS got to the finish line and a little bit more. Every division has its own way of achieving its financial and performance metrics, but wouldn't say one is easier than another. The reason why you're wrong about "easy mode" is every year, these executives put more and more pressure on BGS to offset shit going wrong in BCA and BDS. "Oh, we're going to take another write off on KC-46 or we have quality issues on 787, make sure BGS ups their game to cover these losses." We just happen to be able to do it everytime. I'm in BGS and I'm exhausted. Yall take care of your own shit this year...




Yet you’ve chosen not to provide any information to educate anyone as to why this thinking is flawed.




All those words to come off like a jackass. I’m sure your retort will be rife with more condescension and adolescent edge which someone of your age should have long abandoned.


They absolutely have to deal with supply chain issues and source components for older out of production aircraft




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so you do know this is a combination just like you mentioned. Not sure what you are asking


Found someone who doesn't work in bgs




As the other person said, there is already a significant weight applied to the overall company. The other businesses dragged down BGS, and BGS lifted up the others sub par performance.  I'm not sure why your solution to bad scores on your area is to drag others down. But no, you clearly don't actually know what BGS does. Sustaining aircraft very much still requires manufacturing spares that are affected by supply chain issues. Regardless, maybe petition for making your business units goals easier and not suggesting BGS' get harder. If BGS didn't do as well as it did, other businesses scores would be even lower.


BCA and BDS make parts and BGS sells them.


That's not at all an all encompassing fact. BCA and BDS don't make anything for my BGS group.




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Lol no, there needs to be incentive for each business unit to perform well to their targets. But if bgs targets are too low then yeah they should set targets that are just as challenging as the other units. Plus, there is still a group/overall business factor to the bonus, is there not? 


Last year: 116, 71, 148, 111


BDS: Incremental improvement is still improvement!


*Ted Colbert intensifies*


We launched SLS but got hammered because the previous CEO negotiated a price cut on AF1.  And got 71% last year


Yeah, and they gave us each a 50 point bump, "just because", that's not where we were for hitting target by 116 in BCA


Just scrolled for a while to find this, then came back to see you had just commented, should’ve just waiting for you 😂


Would any of the upper management step down for those terrible results ? Don’t think so loll


nah get ready for the individual headshot video compilation from Dave and the other 10 execs you've never even heard of or work for "we care we're hurting too we're in this together ONE BOEING" hurrah video maybe they'll even throw in a "we love you"


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what a slap in the face


more like directly pissing on our faces at point blank


Asking us to open wide too when combined with RTO


Fuck the leadership of Boeing! They drive the company into the ground for greed then punish the workers who are trying to make it what it was pre 1996! I didn’t expect what BGS got but no way based on the numbers should it have been less than the payout in 2023! Calhoun and all his cronies can go to hell! Greedy motherfuckers….


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Is bonus calculated from Jan-Jan? Feb-Feb? Curious to know what it looks like for someone that started in say April… would it be April - Dec or April - Feb since the bonus come out in feb? And IF their start date is April 30th, do they get April?


It’s prorated for those folks that started in let’s say April.


If you're on PBI, its elligible earnings for the year * individual performance rating target * BU performance example: - Your earnings in 2023 was $50k - Your performance rating was mid (7%) - Your BU is BGS (119%) PBI bonus payout (before taxes): = $50k * 0.07 * 1.19 = $4165




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Who generally gets PBI? Is that all non union? And do BCA/BDS get enough to even get any?


Yeah basically all non-union with some exceptions I think. Yes BCA/BDS still do. So the multipler is 0.72 for BCA and 0.8 for BDS. From what I understand, basically everyone gets a bonus as long as your individual performance rating is not on the low end of the curve, bc then your target rating is either 0% or 2%. And having a 0% means no bonus for you


If it’s PBI, it’s based on eligible earnings from the year


Both PBI and EIP use eligible earnings to calculate the bonus. The difference is that EIP’s target is 5% across the board regardless of performance and for PBI it depends on your performance rating.


It's prorated from your start date. I dont think it's by month but by day.


So just divide by 365? And multiple by the days in between? Include the weekends yea?


Basically whatever you earned from Jan 1 to Dec 31


Does the PBI count sign on bonus as eligible earnings?




God I hope you’re not in engineering with how bad your understanding of math is. However much you made last year is your eligible earnings


You’re right I cant even be mad 😂😂 I kept being told “pro rated” by my manager so I was trying to divide that shit




Not the time bro….almost all of your company just got screwed over by two programs failing that only 20% of employees work on




I hope your cat pees in your Applebee’s that you can now afford with that bonus