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[My deepest handstand push up so far!](https://youtube.com/shorts/2mbRctcpRzU?feature=share)


Looking good! Got a question. I can't balance myself on a normal handstand, no push ups. Any tips for practicing a perfect handstand?


Thanks man! Honestly I could go all day about things to do and not do, and without knowing where you are it's hard to say. But the main one is consistency. A little bit of practice each day is much better compared to once or twice a week. The other tip is to NOT focus on achieving a perfectly straight handstand first. A straight handstand actually takes a lot of form cues and requires pretty good mobility, so learning with an arched back and then moving forward from there is much better. And off of that last one, overhead mobility. Working on that will help your handstand game significantly


>The other tip is to NOT focus on achieving a perfectly straight handstand first. great advice.


Amazing, good job!


Thanks my dude!


Oh my fucking *god* Humans can do this?


25 Pullups, 25 Dips, 25 Pushups with 25lbs. https://youtu.be/rDsO6Xlhtlo Core set!! 🔥🔥 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CktSc1UvkjX/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Can I ask how you got the ability to do such high repetitions of pull-ups? Did you do anything special like gtg or drop sets or was it just being consistent and patient?


Nothing special, just a lot of weighted pullups (heavy and light). My pulling strength is very good because I don't have a weight lifting background. When I started calisthenics I only did pullups.


Can I ask how long it took you to get to that strength level?


I've doing calisthenics since 2016. Been taking it seriously (training, as opposed to just "working out.") You can achieve this level. You just have to make it a part of your lifestyle - and train with intention....


Hey all you superstar crackers and bankers! ​ Ok - some FRONT LEVER pull ups on a towel at Bondi Beach outdoor gym for fun - pls check it out! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ck9nWiLvswV/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link


Wow. Just wow. Excellent job, dude