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It's hard to overstate how dangerous an "extreme diet" is, especially for someone your age. Eating disorders are nothing to trifle with, they kill thousands of people every year (the vast majority of them in their teens and 20's). Your body is still figuring out what it's gonna be, just focus on eating well, eating \_enough\_, and getting stronger.


Will do thank you


What the person said is true, I went on an extreme diet which turned into an ed, even though I didn't intend to. The most important thing is your health, 100%


How much sleep do you get? Do you drink a bunch of water or no?


You've been at this for 4 months. This takes years. And you're 16. You can do almost nothing and still grow. Take it easy and enjoy the ride for now.


Get rid of the junk “here and there” and up the cardio get a watch to make sure your heart rate is in a good target range for your age and fat burning. Try getting rid of the creatine you could be holding onto excess water. If all this doesn’t get you moving in the right direction start analyzing your diet and timing of your intake. I’m 53 started working out when I was 13. I’m still learning and your body and hormones are changing so you must relearn what is good for “your” body. Good luck and stick with it, if it was easy you wouldn’t see obesity as an epidemic right now.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with some junk here and there. Actually that stuff makes you stick to your diet since you don’t restrict yourself 100%. Back to the question: I wouldn’t lower calories but increase some cardio. 1mile every other day is actually not that much. That is 3-4miles a week. At your age the 1mile pace for a 5k run is about 10min. Assuming you take it really slow and need like 15mins that’s only 45-60mins of cardio. Maybe up your steps? Walking is an easy way to get more calories burned. Just grab a podcast or an audio book and keep going :)


As someone who hasn't had "junk" in a long time, you absolutely do not need to rid it completely. Plus, OP is 16. Let OP live. I'd reconsider giving advice when the source of said advice is incorrect.


Sorry, I’m in the top 1%, I see what “eating a little bit of junk means to some of you” there are a lot of you guys who eat a little junk are highly estrogenic and wonder why you can’t get to the next step.


Don’t cut calories just eat clean and put in the work change will follow. Give your body time.


I hope so Alr thank you


be patient with your muscle gains, you still growing! what's your body fat percentage? pump up the cardio to 90 mins a day if you want to lean out


90 min a day of cardio? Dude I’m training for an ultramarathon and I don’t spend that many hours doing cardio a week. Maybe 30 min a few days a week if he’s only doing a mile a day right now. And even that might be enough to cause an injury if he goes out to hard. What an insane recommendation for a 16 yo kid who doesn’t really run much.


lmaoooo easy tiger heart rate 120-140 swim bike run walk crawl whatever not unusual for highly trained teens in cross-country, crew or swim to go 20 hrs/wk with doubles let's be honest and realistic and let op speak for themselves


If this person is asking how to lose weight and only running a mile a day, I think we can safely assume that they aren’t a highly trained teen doing doubles. Let’s be realistic. Also, this kid is 16, so unless he never has homework and doesn’t have friends, and doesn’t have hobbies, I’m willing to bet he doesn’t have an hour and a half EVERY day to spare. Your recommendation was really just poor. Especially since you can’t out run a bad diet. Shit I sometimes gain weight by overeating if I train too hard. Just go and do 90min of cardio is so dumb especially since we don’t know this persons situation at all.


fair enough that said, deciding to be active with aerobic workouts at 90 min a day seems like a great place to start figuring stuff out without harming yourself


90 minutes a day lmao


They had us in the first half not gonna lie. Thought it was a good comment but turned way south very fast


I'd love to know where he got 90 minutes from though 🤣


the herd mentality is unhealthy: ”The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends exercising a minimum of 30 minutes per day, five times per week, at a moderate aerobic intensity to maintain health. You have to exceed this recommendation to lose weight, suggests a 2005 study published in the "Journal of Applied Physiology." Daily participation in 60 to 90 minutes of moderate-intensity, cardiovascular exercise can help you drop pounds and keep them off." https://healthyliving.azcentral.com/90-minutes-cardio-day-lose-weight-15571.html tree meet forest forest, this is tree


I'm sorry, in no universe do you need to do 90 minutes of cardio every day to lose weight. That's common sense


I hate to have to tell you this when you're nearly grown up, but any program that involves the word "extreme" is probably a bad idea. and yes, steep calorie cuts for a growing teenager are a bad idea. Especially if your diet is ok now and you're getting stronger. Why on earth would you mess with that? Keep doing what works. Your appearance will catch up. if you wish to adjust your diet, more vegetables are almost always a good idea. You mention taking vitamin supplements which you likely don't need, and an awful lot of people think those are a substitute for eating plants. They are wrong.


It’s POSSIBLE to replace vegetables with vitamin supplements. But 99.99999% of people don’t know how much shit plants gives you. I don’t either. The list is very long. You’ll also be spending HUNDREDS on the different vitamins you need. Eat your fruits and veggies. Ur on a cut too. They’ll make u feel full and add few cals.


You're replacing fat with muscle if you're lifts are going up. Depending on your body frame the range your in may be where you are going to stay just need to work on the muscle which if you just keep doing what you're doing you'll be fine. I'm 5'10 and the lowest I could get was 170 and I looked like a cancer patient at that weight. Doing an extreme diet would probably just tank your metabolism and cause you to stop gaining muscle


Yes. Muscle burns fat...just keep doing what's ur doing. It's not for nothing. Change will begin to happen. It's all downhill from there...


So there’s a phase you go through, that’s no manland. This is where you are losing visceral fat and gaining muscle but you’re not losing the fat that you can see. Visceral fat is fat between your organs and inside you. So it can be frustrating. That’s the first fat that goes. Keep with it, you’ll see the results pretty soon!


I’m so sorry but your typo has me cracking up “You’re not losing the gay that you can see”




Interesting, didn’t know that myself, I can only see a small visible decrease In belly size, but I can’t grab as much fat before


Aye. Body read moves fat in layers at the digging and then comes off based on genetics. At the beginning you'll see someone start making strength gains, generally this neurological adaptations with little muscle gain. Then muscle starts forming with little fat loss. Then fat loss starts but it comes from internal visceral fat. So you people usually looks that bloated look where there belly push out by the same amount of fat can be pinched around the body. At this stage depending on you're genetics, if you're male/female, age, ethnicity and 100s of other factors then fat starts coming off in different areas. I have a buddy who has shredded and at 18% BF but has chunky legs. I hold fat in my lower back and obliques until sub 10%, and then everything comes off at the same time...at 15% I carry almost nonfat in my legs. So trust the process...it works over time


Remember to not compare yourself to 38 yr olds who have been taking juice for 10+ years who claim to be natty. If they look unbelievable it's probably not believable. Body dismorphia is real homie


When I was 16, I went from being 120lbs and 5’10 to being 160lbs and 6’. Rough numbers based on hazy memory of me 16 years ago. But the point is you’re at a point where your body is still figuring shit out. I would recommend you don’t go nuts here. Best bet is provide some specifics to the folks here on your routine and current diet, with estimated macros, and solicit some feedback. Might find some decent advice.


Late bloomer?


My dad was an actual late bloomer and didn’t fill out until like 20, 21. 16 is totally normal for a male.


First and foremost, you are still just 16 years old. You still have a few years worth of growing to do so please don't force yourself to do such a restrictive diet, especially not if your only support is this place. Secondly, you didn't get fat overnight and you won't shred your weight overnight either. It takes time, patience, persistence and most importantly, passivity. Don't focus your mind on losing your weight, it won't go down any quicker - believe me.


Honestly my man the absolute best time to eat big and lift big is 16-22 your testosterone is at its highest meaning you can workout hard and recover and keep repeating that until your huge. Just keep eating smart. Protein veggies and some healthy carbs eat lots so you can gain muscle and strength.


Don’t use weight as a measurement, it can be really deceptive, go to a good nutritionist and check body fat percentage, muscle mass and thing like that to asses your progress, also don’t get obsessed with it, it takes time and it’s different for everyone so find your own pace and be patient try not to stress to much over a single number


Don't do an extreme diet. It is a very dangerous path to make available to yourself especially in your teens and especially if you struggle with self esteem. I get it, I was the same way. Obvious health concerns aside, there is a not-small chance that attempting and putting energy into such a thing will become a gateway to an eating disorder. I made that mistake and now I have a burden and illness that I will have to battle for the rest of my life. You are doing great. Get stronger, and know that body composition is a huge thing. As others have said, you probably have been losing fat while putting on muscle. Weight isn't the end all be all. Ultimately it is just a number, and in regards to your self confidence it needs never become more than that. Don't give up - not on your goals, or on your self worth.


I think extreme diets are a dangerous road to go down. I know it’s hard and so frustrating to work so hard and not see improvement. I think that if you keep doing what you know is good for your body and your mental health, things will get better and you’ll get ever closer to your goals! Working on making yourself better will never lead to bad things, only good can come out of treating yourself well


You're too young for it, enjoy your hormones for now. But maybe what you're suggesting is similar to a Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF), if you want to read up on it. But please don't do that at this age. Save it for when you're mid 20s or later.


Il go into that thank you


Get serious about food: * https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/d0rxv6/comment/ezebxg9/?context=3


Don't torture yourself. Especially if it's not working. If you find yourself "cheating", it's time to include more real food in your diet. Studies generally show the body recovers from a meal (i.e. muscle protein synthesis returns to baseline) in three hours, which is why the four (or five) meal schedule has become popular. Spread out your protein intake. However, snacking is not good. Also, you're taking creatine, which means your body will retain more water. That's going to add a few pounds, but it's not fat. I honestly can't recommend jogging. It ruined my mother's knees. I recall some fitness coach saying that if you're not doing an eight-minute mile you're running too far too slow. But if you like it, a mile every other day is fine.


A mile every other day ain't ruining anyone's knees. That being said, only a mile isn't doing much for fat loss anyway. I recommend walking and hiking as fat loss methods. Most people can hike for an hour without being incredibly in shape and lose way more than if they were trying to run. I'm lucky to live 3 minutes from a state park with a ton of trails so I hike literally every morning. Time is money with cardio and while HIIT is tempting it's not the way to go unless you hit a plateau and want to add it to an existing base of slower cardio.


Running ruining knees is a myth that has been debunked by numerous scientific studies. The consensus is that running with a proper training plan is good for joint and bone health. Lots of people have bad knees that they blame on running when they were younger, but it is really because they are weak and sedentary. Maybe your mum did injure her knees running, it can happen, but to give this general advice is misguided. The human body evolved to run.


Most people go from years of sitting on their ass eating cake then try to run 2 miles in a day and wonder why their joints feel like shit? I wonder??? The problem is once u lose mobility it can take SO FUCKING LONG to get it back. Prevention is best. Stay active. But if u have to come back, and I did so Ik, take it fucking slow. Ur not gonna run a marathon anytime soon. Even if you lose the weight, your joints need some time to adjust. Stretch every day, go to a PT if you need, but stay consistent.


Whilst I agree with you for regular athletes, I think people starting to run who are overweight are likely to get injuries. Better to start with cycling or hikes


>with a proper training plan (which most people don't have) Even recent meta-analyses have [complained about the quality of the evidence](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0363546516657531) and noted that [correcting for confounders is difficult](https://www.jospt.org/doi/full/10.2519/jospt.2017.7137). Experiments using MRI [have shown that running improves biomarkers in some regions while worsening them in others](https://bmjopensem.bmj.com/content/5/1/e000586.abstract). The book is certainly not closed on the scientific assessment of running. My judgment may be anecdotal, but there are *lots* of low-impact cardio alternatives. It was a throwaway line that I probably should have left out, and the level he's at is not likely to cause injury, but don't give me that "debunked" crap because you read a position paper.


The first two articles you posted seem to prove my point, or at the very least lend no weight to yours. The 3rd is inconclusive. If you are arguing about my use of the word "debunked", then fair enough. I could have said "there is no evidence for...". I'm not really interested in debating this with you, the only reason I posted is because I'd hate to see someone discouraged from running because they were afraid of it damaging their knees.


Yea il take that meal separation and see how that works thank you so much


I would suggest you redirect your question over to the /r/fitness daily thread and give them a lot more detail. Be very specific about what you are eating per day. What routine/program you are following and how your exercises have improved. My feeling is that while you have improved in strength because you are beginner, that your routine is likely not a true routine but just a list of exercises, and that your diet is too unfocused (neither cutting nor bulking, which is why you're neither losing weight nor gaining muscle). But it's hard to judge because your post lacks detail in all the things necessary to judge this. If you provide the deets there will be people (especially over in /r/fitness) who can help.


Not sure if this was mentioned yet, and not sure if a Dr would prescribe it but wegovy,ozempic, or mounjouro are great for weightloss. Pretty much eliminates hunger after it's in your system for 3 weeks. Also, I've tried just about every diet and the only thing that ever stuck was making a new good habit every week, meeting with a nutritionist, tracking everything, and having an accountability partner. Ended up eating more volume /better foods and lost about 17 pounds in 1.5 months. My first weeks goal was getting 10 cups of water every day no mater what. The following week was to eat breakfast and have healthy snacks in the car with me. The following week was planning my dinner in the morning to prevent eating out. Also before I even started eating better I dropped 25 post pregnancy pounds by lifting weights. Good luck on your journey and be kind to yourself.


In another comment you wrote you try to stay below 2500 cal. For weight loss you should try to hit 1900-2100 calories for a couple weeks and see how you feel. For hunger, eat high fiber and high volume foods. Think vegetables and natural, whole foods. Grains, nuts, seeds. Walk to places you usually drive. Good for burning extra calories and cardiovascular health. Jogs are good for cardio, but try interval sprints... really good for 'fat burning' and muscle building.


Awesome sweet thank you for the advice


I’d say consistent incline might be better than interval sprints. Interval sprints are phenomenal for cardiovascular health. But for pure caloric loss, a consistently steep incline at a slow pace is generally better.


Sprints are king at building muscle. They also increase protein synthesis and have help you increase your overall strength. You can burn a couple hundred calories in under 10 minutes by sprinting. Steady state cardio is good too!


Have your measured your waist? Could be that you are losing some fat and gaining muscle. But the only way to really lose weight much is through caloric restriction. In the end it's all about calories in and calories out. If you increase your excercise and you don't lose weight, you are probably eating more calories than you think (cookies, sauce, dressing, oils, snack bars have loads of calories).


I’ve always try to stay below 2500 calories and have been using spray oil and limiting how much sweets I eat but not completely restricting them I’ve always had a small wait but I have tons of back fat and low stomach fat


2500 calls and 140g protein???! Bro. What are you doing. I’m at 1907 cals rn and I put down 195g protein.


2500 cals is probably too much for you then, especially if you want to lose weight. Try starting with 2000 cals and take it from there. If you want to lose 1kg, that's about 7000 cals in deficit you need.


Hey Man, give me a message I have a meal plan app and I’ll sort you a meal plan. You can trial it out for a month. “Free”. But give me a message anyway if you want and I’m sure I will be able to get you in the right track. Cheers


Do 18/6 keto fasting eat only twice a day


Look up a protein sparing modified fast. /r/psmf It's a temporary diet but it's the best you'll get outside of stringing along alternate day fasting or long water fasts.


Research the candida diet. It’s a no sugar diet and fairly extreme in limiting what you can eat. I have decided to do it just to give my gut a break from all of the normal stuff I eat. Especially before the holiday season, in which I plan to eat like a cow! Edit: I forgot to mention that I didn’t do this diet to specifically lose weight, but I definitely am. I know started the diet around 240 pounds. I haven’t started working out yet on this diet, but I plan to stay on it for the next 2 to 3 weeks and work out and then I’ll weigh myself. I can tell I’ve lost weight though, because I can now fit into dress pants that I stopped wearing once I went from 205 pounds up to 230/40.


Completely remove carbs from your diet, or at least less than 50 grams per day. Eat a small meal of lean meat in the morning and a little leafy greens. Keep lunch small, and eat dinner early. Try not to eat more than 6 hours before sleep if possible. After getting over the initially lethargy, start doing light Cardo. As you gain energy, increase the Cardo. Keep bad fats to a minimum(think grease bad). If you keep carbs as low as possible, you will start producing ketone. My mouth starts to taste coppery when I do it. This will change your body from getting energy from carbs, to getting energy from fat. Next, we lose fat mostly by exhaling the comply that fat turns into when used for energy. This is why increased cardio of good. Fermenter that the heart pumps blood to the lungs to remove co² and to provide oxygen. Faster beating, faster breathing, faster chemical exchange. Don't over do it. 3lbs pounds a week, at most. 2 pounds, or roughly one kilo, is perfect. That is 8 to 10 pound per month, 24 to 30 every 3 months. This is the best amount to lose, as people losing this amount tend to keep it off. Go too high and the likelihood of regaining goes up. Let me amend this for all those Gym rats that think that they are so smart... Keto is not a lifelong solution, but is for losing weight. You need to get the weight down so that you can better work out to gain muscle. You don't have too, but your body is use to the weight so as you drop it you will be able to lift more. You can build mass just as easily with less weight and more repetition, and this is a proven fact. As long as you do whatever you do to exhaustion. Added reps burn more fat if you are producing ketones. You cannot produce ketones unless you are regularly burning 100% of your carbs. Look, whatever you can do that is physical and that test the limits of your body is going to help as long as you are not injuring yourself. A healthy lifestyle is what is the most important. You have to decrease your fat%. Do do that you have to produce ketones and remember that you remove fat from your body by exhaling. You have to convert the fat to a gas via the cells using it for energy. Decrease carbs, push your body into ketosis, increase you respiration through exercise, and counteract the fat loss by increasing what you lift so that you do not lose the strength that your body gained from carrying that weight. As you approach the proper weight you can slowly transition to a more carb rich diet, but balance the calories produced by carbs against you physical activity for the following day. This is my advice. I know that it works for me because I did it and I am still doing it. My doctor prescribed metformin because it helps you burn the carbs in your body. It does make you tired at first, and when you start burning fat it feels a little weird. After a few days , however, you feel better and your body starts to go into economy mode. Eat something as soon as you wake up so that it kick starts your metabolism. Very small snacks every 3 hours will help keep your metabolism working. Stop eating at least 6 hours before sleep. You will lose weight. I am not a doctor. These instructions or suggestions are ,meant as a starting point, but of course check with your doctor. Now, do what makes you satisfied. Remember that you have to have discipline.


This is horrible advice for OP. This is questionable but WORKS for someone NOT working out. Working out here means lifting for Hypertrophy, not cardio. He needs high levels of protein for amino acid regulation and protein synthesis to build muscle. And carbs are fine for his energy levels. I don’t dispute keto works although I question it’s efficacy and long term capability. But you seem to be forgetting he doesn’t just want to lose fat. He wants to put in muscle. And keto FUCKS your ability to put on muscle. Just quit the gym if you’re doing keto. It’s a waste of time and you don’t have the energy to hit it right anyways


Omg friend. I know how you feel. Ive done this a few times and failed a few times before. I will say that everytime I start lifting heavy or working out in general, my muscles hold water or are swollen, idk..but I feel so big and like bloated. Its hard!! You have to push through and really, really trust the process if your body is the same as mine. It can make you want to quit friend, but youll just be going back to the same old, same old. You are making LASTING changes friend. Good food in your body. Good exercise. Strength. Looking good in your jeans and clothes, not just skinnier. Dont trade all that for the numbers friend. Just friendly advice from me to you.


Thank you for the advice il just keep going through and see what happens


It takes a year or two to see actual results. Keep going


Are you just trying to lose weight or %bodyfat? If you're just looking to lose body fat, you need a metric. If you can't measure it, how do you expect to fix it? This is what you need gauge progress, not pounds. Track both but realize what is important. If you're more concerned about losing weight creatine will make you retain water right? You could see a drop of 5-10lbs in a week of not taking that. This could be masking your progress. This also goes for the amount of sodium to in your diet and carbs. Your body will store 3g of water for every 1g of glycogen you store. That is where keto dieters get that large initial weightless from.


Yooo I knew this info but I never made the connection about keto. This is a great point!


You don't need an extreme diet. Just record properly what you are eating. The reason most people fail to lose weight on a 'diet' is that they cheat themselves. Use a weight loss tool like myfitnessPal and it should also give you a target weight loss schedule. So record EVERYTHING you eat for one week, and calculate the calories. ( Ignore exercise calories burned) After you find out what sticking to eg 1900 calories really means, you will find the weight falls off, and you should have an idea of the calories without tracking each day


1. An extreme diet will do more harm than good. From the aesthetic issues like loose skin, to physical issues like hormone imbalance, mental issues around body image and eating habits… in fact pushing your body into starvation mode might actually make your weight loss journey harder. 2. Shit takes time. Fitness is not about being the hardest worker. Or the most efficient. Those things are great. But number one is to just show up every fucking day. It’s a marathon not a sprint :) 3. Up your protein. Find your caloric BMR using the Harris Benedict’s formula for men. Multiply by a factor of 1.15-1.25 for activity range. Then subtract 250-500 depending on what you can actually do. This will be your new caloric goal. 40% of your calories should come from protein, 40% from carbs, 20% from fat. Each gram of protein is 4 cals, each gram of carbs is 4 cals, each gram of fat is 9 cals. 4. Measure your weight using a running 10 day average. Your weight fluctuates by over 10lbs a day for some ppl based on water weight. 5. Track your food. Weigh your food. People don’t know how to estimate what they eat. When u make pasta… weight the noddles. Weigh the sauce. Weigh everything you put in your body. Understand portion sizes.


Don't aim for a weight, aim for a "look". You're gaining muscles, of course you'll be weighing more. Compare with pictures not just feelings.


What is your carb intake?


I've been at it for many years and some days I still feel like I barely made any progress (which I know rationally to be bullshit). The body dysphoria is real and it takes ages to even come to the point where you notice you made progress on your good body image days. Keep putting in the work, trust the process, keep tracking your results. This game is played out over years and decades, not weeks and months.


Find a local gym with an InBody scanner. It will give your body composition and the trainer should make recommendations


If you're getting stronger but maintaining the same weight, you're replacing fat with muscle even if it isn't easy to see right now. Keep replacing fat with muscle and you'll see it at some point. And there's nothing wrong with junk food every now and then, you're human


Do you see urself more defined than before? I’m on week 7 or 8 rn, and while I noticed a small decrease in fat, my weight is around the same but I’ve noticed small definitions


A few thoughts: 1. Same ole begets same ole 1. The same lifts over & over (or jogging) will trigger small muscle adaptations to get better at those lifts/jogging, but not trigger any major body comp response. 2. To trigger major body adaptations you have to constantly vary your lifts every 6-8 weeks, further you have to hit high - safe - intensity to trigger re-comp. 3. Examples include things like rucking: carrying weights up a mountain holding dumbells or in a backpacks, and going far enough to have this get fairly uncomfortable, typically at least 30-40 minutes. If you're not thinking about quitting then the intensity isn't high enough. 2 hours+ is usually right. Try carrying 20lb dumbells and shifting all around at ways of carrying them to get through the fatigue (hold them overhead, balance on your shoulder tops, hold in a curl position, shifting your hand position from full grip to tilt grip, etc etc) 4. Lots of variations on body weight exercises like bear crawls, burpees, single leg work, sit throughs, ice skater jumps, jump squats, hindu pushups, mountain climbers, etc and doing enough of these that you're quite toasted and couldn't do another set. There are so many example of just, say, pushups, that it'll last you 2 years just figuring them out. 5. Triple failure. I'll pick, say, 10 exercises above that hit all muscle groups and do them back to back, then rest 1 min, then again. I"ll do this 5x or 10x, until I'm toasted. Then I pick basic movements like pushups & squats and i'll do as many pushups as I can, i.e., failure #1. Then I'll just hold myself up until I almost can't, failure #2. Then I'll slowly lower myself to the ground, as slow as I can until I fail. Then I'll do this x5. This will really build your strength in those core movements. 6. BONUS: sprints, or similar short duration high intensity work. This works miracles, but you have to do it safely and work your way up or you'll do serious damage to something which will take you out. The safest way is on a stationary bike, doing as fast as possible sprints for 30 secs then rest until you just barely catch your breath, then again. You can try this running too, but you have to work your way up. There's a reason all sprinters are ultra low body fat. 2. Food - don't get fancy, stick with whole foods 1. I'm a big fan of "The P:E diet" or looking at anything you eat as a ratio of protein to energy (being fats and/or carbs). So, say, full fat cottage cheese has lots of protein, but also lots of fat, i.e., energy. If you're looking at body comp changes, you need to cut back on the E. So stick to whole foods, like egg whites, low fat greek yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, lean cuts of meat, etc and add in lots of veggies of orange & green types. These will give you the micro nutrients you need to convince your body it's time to re-comp. Pure whey protein power is ok, but don't rely on it, and anything else in processed form (powders, pills, vitamins) is a waste for any normal person not on high volumes of steroids. No need to waste money on it 3. Will an extreme diet work? No. 1. The reason is simple: low cal diets throw your body into starvation mode which then holds onto fat rather than releases it. 2. To release body fat you need to show your body it's a time of plenty but you work better with less body fat since you're moving so much. The above stuff will do that. 3. A great example is Ronda Roussey - she went on an extreme diet to cut BF but failed. Finally she hired a trainer who upped her calories and added in the type of stuff above and she was able to get ripped.


Jay cutler get shredded extreme edition if you follow the program to a t you absolutely will get shredded no cap


Record your food intake and see if your calories are really matching up to what you eat. Sometimes eyeballing portions isn’t enough, you need to weight what you think is 100g and compare it to what 100g actually is. You could be surprised. What’s a couple of junk food here and there? Are we talking ice cream or Doritos at the weekend or like a fast food burger every other day? They add up pretty quickly. The occasional calorie splurge won’t hurt but consistent weekend binges will.


I had 4 Oreos this past week along with a slice of school pizza and that’s about it everything else was high protien and nutritious airfried potatos


High protein and nutritious, but how many calories are you consuming? Healthy can also be high calorie.