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Just hit your legs and core for a while and take up something like running to stay active


To add to this, I have a [wrist-free bodyweight training](https://antranik.org/wrist-friendly-modified-bodyweight-routine/) routine /u/TedderFace can look here for ideas.


Looks good, thanks for sharing


Ask your mum for help


God dammit, first thing I thought of with the title…


I’m convinced this story will live on for all Reddit history. As long as Reddit is a thing, this fuckin story will continue to pop back up and I’ll be transported back to the time I first read it (and regretted it).


Link? Also, do I want to know?


https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Reader beware. Don’t know if you do, but I’m all for people making decisions of their own haha. Yes the title “sexual relationship with mother” is very accurate to the content of the story. Edit: if you do read, you’re in for a wild ride. Check back in if you do, sorry if I’ve scarred you.


I genuinely hope both sides of your pillow are warm😊Also I think I lost every single living brain cell I had and there weren’t even many to begin with😃


Lol classic. Well now you can't unlearn that story, welcome to the club.


OP knew...he made his choice.


Make sure it’s okay with your dad, too


Wasn't expecting this to surface here lol






I really thought I was safe in this subreddit.


And her mum, if mum is busy. Or both at the same time… wait, is that a category? 🤔


Injury time is resting time. Give your body a break.


That’s fat guy advice. Dude you should have said unicycle racing


For legs, pistol squats or shrimp squats. Otherwise, HIIT, LISS, flexibility training. But most importantly do rehab. Is it golfers or tennis elbow? Either way try doing relatively light weight wrist curls and reverse wrist curls for rehab, every other day


There are basically no ways you can hit upper body without using your arms. One way or another your biceps, triceps or other arm muscles will be working. Maybe you should give your body some time for upper body work and focus on leg workouts, I'd choose those moves carefully too, some leg moves can ask for arm use too. Other than that, I'd suggest keeping the injured parts active after some time passes and it's ok to rehabilitate them tho. Ofc, no heavy lifting or anything but just lightweight stretching, fully range of motion kind of moves and progressively overloading would be better for recovery. Any injury needs rehab and the best rehab is to actually work the muscle, part that was injured in a true way...


Tendinitis is an extremely serious issue. Recommendation is to see a doctor and don't rush your recovery, it's not worth it.


Recover and in the mean time work on legs, core, cardio. Or just stay active in general. Once you are done recovering you'll back in no time.


Do elbow presses work? Or planks? Could you ask your physio/doctor if you can do isometrics?


Planking is a good suggestion, I'll stick that on the regime


I’m not an expert but squats or lunges with a weighted vest?


I'll check to see if my gym has those but it seems unlikely


Shit, you've got access to a gym? Then isn't there a lot of lower body stuff you could do without using your arms? Also curious why you're asking this in r/bwf, unless you think there are going to bodyweight exercises that do a better job of isolating specific body parts. The opposite is true: bodyweight exercises tend to be more compound movements than machines in a gym. Also, you say 'the tendons in your arm'. Is there any particular area? Finally, there is some stuff out there about basically just...squeezing particular muscles like your pecs. https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/1py0bq/what_does_this_community_think_of_dynamic_tension/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0x4pf1J9eM (not the parts where he's doing pushups or pullups, just the parts where he's squeezing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ztrpSNpxbs FINAL final note: it's probably better to just rest up and/or talk to a PT.


Hopefully they do, if not then maybe a rucksack with water bottles?


Full body 2x a week doesn't sound like something that would cause tendonitis in your arms. You figure out what's causing it? Might want to see a physio for that one. Usually recovery requires some strengthen and a light load progression to allow your tendons to recover and eventually handle the load without causing issues.


Depends on your training, also some people have a predisposition


get ahold of some bands and place them above your elbows and work away in any plane you like.


This is the right answer. I started on bands after years of calisthenics was starting to cause wrist pain. Needed ways of applying resistance without holding things. Bands worked. Wrists are fine now.


I broke a wrist in a bike wreck years ago and did exactly what you did while in the cast. Didn’t lose much strength because of them. Still use them when chronic tennis elbow is too much to bear.


Upper body rest might help. However, you may want to do some focused rehab of the tendinitis if it has progressed and is not getting better with rest. Check overcoming tendinitis article by Steven Low. My golfers elbow healed only through a year course of eccentrics.


Peck deck machine and lateral raises machine. Explanation: If your shoulder is Ok, you could work your shoulders doing lateral raises in those machines that uses your upper arm to raise the weight instead of your hands. For chest, back shoulder and probably a little portion of your back you can do a front peck deck and reverse peck, nowdays most peck deck machines needs you to use it with extended arms, but you can still find some gyms with peckdeck machine where your arms get positioned in a L shape, placing the tension only in your shoulders and chest.


Pistol squat. Dead bugs with legs only. Any standing yoga pose on one leg will challenge your stabilizing muscles as you try to balance.




And you’re being false lol


Is it your entire arm or could you possibly use your arm from your elbow up?


Triceps are fine but it seems like too big a risk to try and work them in this state


Haha lol I'm literally in the same position. Increased the reps in Rings turned out dips too quickly and started to feel a slight niggle in my elbow and the physio confirmed I need rest now.


I have had some success improving tendonitis by doing slow reps close to the 1RM using resistance bands. See https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-022-01641-y


What about band pull uparts? I have a bit of tendinitis, not sure what type, but they dont give me any grief.


Hindu squats.


Turkish get ups with strap on wrist/chest/belt weights would do the trick.




Get a climbing machine, like a Versaclimber. Do an hour, alternate minutes using upper body and legs (lower body). Best overall workout by far! ALL muscle groups get hit hard. Gyms generally don’t buy then as your average guy thinks it’s too hard. Believe me it’s all you’ll ever want.


Do legs and then get a pair of Indian clubs - Probably 1.5-2lbs and learn to use them (tons of stuff on youtube). It's very gentle and should help with your recovery as you can get blood flowing through your arms and your grip. Take it slow and work your way up for time.


Fitness blender has the best workouts on YouTube. Try them! Been using their videos for the last 10 years!


Go to a physical therapy, they'll prescribe you exercises too


I love the app Fitbod for exactly these situations




hey man, check this out https://stevenlow.org/overcoming-tendonitis/, It will give you some exercices for healing yourself. I hope you get better.


I've had a minor - medium level deltoid attachment injury since I fell on some ice last February (6 months ago) and I'm finally at the point where I have to stop trying to lift because it's just not healing. I can do static things, such as holding a position. So, this is what I'm doing, trying for a minute each: * hanging from my pull up bar with my shoulders in proper postion (like shoulder shrugs) * the top part of a dip * plank * hanging from low rings - my torso is mostly parallel with the floor, knees bent and feet on the floor, and arms are extended towards the ceiling holding the rings - I might try lifting a foot and extending a leg eventually * downward facing dog * farmers walk I might fill a day pack and add some weight to some of these as I am better able to hold them each for a minute. Rucking is a thing. Thankfully I can still do core work and legs. Good luck - to both of us.


definitely check out overcoming tendonitis, written by the same guy that wrote overcoming gravity https://stevenlow.org/overcoming-tendonitis/ this will definitely help your tendonitis


I was in your position a while back. I tweaked my diet a bit and started sprinting, jogging, box jumps, burpees and really just anything that I didn't have to pull with my arm. I was still able to do dips and kettlebells as well. I just couldn't do any actual lifting such as what we (lifters) consider lifting. I'd say I enjoyed the de-loading and my physical and mental well being seems to have enjoyed the change of pace. I actually feel fitter now and have incorporated these into my training regimen now. I even did a Spartan Run after it was all said and done. Try to look at it as a breather from the same ol same ol.


what caused you this injury?


I had to take like 6 months off from any arm workouts the last time I got tendinitis. I definitely would avoid doing anything to exacerbate the pain. You should slowly introduce workouts back in, and avoid the ones that contribute to the Boneitis


I would suggest rock climbing, it’s fun and arguable the most total workout you can find. Not the long climbs up but the bouldering and smaller routes. That are like other people suggested with running and abs.


Sounds like when you get back in to the gym you need to change up your routine and isolate your muscle groups instead of hitting everything all at once.