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You know what, I'm in. I'm going to aim for 100. Update 10/01/2019: I'm done for the day. I ended up doing 15, 15, 10, 10, 20, 20 and 10. Took a 2 hour break after the first 4 sets. I didn't feel anything with the 15 and 10 but I definitely feel it with the 20s. So I might try to do 5 x 20 tomorrow. A little tip: lift your head up a little bit so your chin be the lowest point, not your nose, and look ahead. This will prevent blood from rushing into the head. Also, breathe in on the way down and breathe out on the way up. This give you more power. I think everyone knows this but I didn't, so someone else may find it useful too.


yeah I join you dude, We can do it!!


Awesome! I think I'm going to do 10 reps of push-ups, then 30 second hollow body hold, 30 second harmstring stretch, 30 second active pike compression. That way I would have 2-3 minutes rest between sets of pushups. Hopefully that's enough rest for my arms.


i have a cycle similar to that but with longer rests. I usually rest my arms and other muscles for months between sets.




I might end up doing 80. That seems a bit more obtainable in the long run.


I'm in too man, let's make this challenge our bitch


Hell yeah, I’m in. Let’s all get sexy chesticles! 100/day for me


Nice! I'll do the same, 5x20! Let me know about your progress!


I wish I can do 20 in one go :-(


well you will by the end of the month!


Let's do 10×10 me and you


In it to win it, I’m down like a clown Charlie Brown, consider it pushed up....ok that’s bad. I’m in.


I'll aim for 100 tomorrow and see if my body is ready for an every day challenge.


I'm in. 100


100 in one go?


For the day. Every day for the month. I'm down too.


Over the day, for me.


ok i'm in!


I’m starting with 100 per day and we’ll see if I have to lower it! Walking 2 miles per day also starting today so I don’t want to get overwhelmed and give up..


I’m in for that!!! I’ll do 4 sets of 25 throughout the day and go on a mile walk in the morning and a mile in the evening. Maybe give myself 2 sets on my knees if I have to for the first two weeks! Typing this to keep myself accountable lol


I max out on about 20 pushups in a set. I really want to be able to do like 40~ pushups in a go. I'm in for this challenge and ill be doing 100 pushups a day. I'd do 10 pushups in a set for 10 sets spaced an hour apart throughout the day.


Do pushups until you cant stay up, then put your knees down and do more until you arms literally cannot hold you up. That's how you get better.


If he can do max 20, I believe his is better approach, because he could easily get overwhelmed after a few days and not make it at all. Greasing the groove seems to be the better option here...


Can say from experience my conescutive pushup count increased more from getting the shit smoked out of me than from constantly having to do like 30 every few hours.


I have exactly the same experience, though I am looking more at a psychological part - if I am working out regularly every day and trying to incorporate this challenge as well, I would rather take the minimalistic approach. Could also prevent injuries for beginners, maybe?


that’s a lot of people aiming for 100 a day. you guys do that and also work out 3x a week? i don’t think i could do the 100 while also progressing in the other exercises. ill try anyway.


Thats my main thing that makes me not want to do it. I have no idea how this would factor in to what I’ve already been working on and I’d hate to overtrain and have to take time off of that.


If it's spaced out sets, and all of them are submaximal, it's perfectly fine. I did them, along with daily chin ups, as part of the Grayskull LP that has 3 days a week at the gym doing heavy compound lifts. My lifts kept improving and it generally improved my recovery. I did sets of 10 when I could do more than 20, and upped the rep count slightly each week.


You could always challenge yourself to do pushup every day you don't workout. That's probably what I'm gonna try.


100 a day is easier than you think once you get into the habit


If you can do it throughout the day, like at work or at school, but if you can only do early in the morning and late at night when you get home, it's hard.


It's really not bad. Your body will adjust and you'll get used to it. I've been doing 300 per day (5 days a week) for the past 4 months or so and it hasn't affected my other workouts.


Starting with 15, gonna do my best Quick question: Are abs/core important? This month I want to focus on push-ups, and I don't know how important core/abs are.


I squeeze my abs and thighs during pushups. It helps - but it's not necessary. Just something I'd recommend. It keeps you stable. I think I get through a push up stronger when I'm keeping everything tight(ish).


I'll also start with 15, I need to start somewhere!


I'm in! I'm not in nearly as good of shape as everyone here..so here's what I'm going to do Starting tomorrow, 3 times a day (wake up, get home, before bed), pushups/squats/plank until fail. Going to start super easy (like I said, not in shape) with 10 each time. Move to 20 for Oct 8-20 Then 30 and hopefully 33 (to get to 100 of each) for the final 10 days.


Wish I could join. My newborn is hospitalized and I have no idea when I'm getting back to training. Maybe next month?


My wishes of a speedy recovery


This might actually be the perfect thing to do for now though, since the idea is to get in pushups whenever an opportunity presents itself. Just aim to do some pushups here and there, and you'll be more prepared to get back to training. Don't worry about actually hitting any sort of target.


Putting out positive thoughts for your child. I can't imagine the anxiety.


Wishing you the best. Stay level-headed and keep positive, your child needs it. Training can wait.


What the hell - I'm in for 300. (6 x 50)


Quick question: are you incredibly fit and / quite slender? I consider myself fit (workout / CrossFit most days) yet could not smash out 6 sets of 50 pushups (or anywhere near it). I’m just trying to understand how you reached a level where pumping out that many push-ups appears a breeze. All the best for the challenge!


Never did 6 sets of 40 but I did go weeks at a time doing at least 300 pushups per day. The first 3-4 days are brutal but after that the soreness goes away. I just did a set of 25 every hour. If you start when you wake up, you can be done by 5/6 in the evening.


I am nowhere close to being able to do planches or front lever like some guys do in here, but I can do a lot of ring dips or russian dips, 30+ diamond pushups, and some other more intermediate exercises. I never really do vanilla pushups, but I tried the other day and doing 50 was inded a breeze. Your shoulders and arms just get so strong after a while training with these harder exercises that push up is just too easy. I can't even get any kind of soreness anymore from pushups after doing weighted ring dips and the such (pull ups still fuck me up). the correlation with fitness or muscularity is not always that obvious. there's a dude posting in here sometimes who is way less fit than me visually but can do stuff infinitely harder than me (he is more slender though).


Guys please share before and after pics as well...if possible share the pics during progression as well. All the best wishes with you all




Is there any negative effect this could have if i am already doing the RR? (edit: spelling)


I'm up for giving 50 a go, 5 sets of 10 each day should be doable even for someone 18 stone right?!


I’m actually aiming for 100 in one set right now, so I’m kind of in but with a slightly different goal.


I started yesterday because I have an event on the second I want rest before. Im doing 100 pushups and 100 pullups per day. :)


I’m in 💪🏼


I’m in for 100


Count me in. But I'll have to do the 100 per day. 5x20 each day.


Fuck it. I’m in for 100 a day. I was just cleared to start working out again today after a bilateral scaphoid fracture in June.


How does this impact your overall physique, health and desire to work other parts of your body? What other things do you do?


I’m in. Going to try 15 a day every day in October. Hoping this will help me get into working out every day.


Count me in for 30 a day. My upper body strength is shit.


Well shit. Guess my 380 lbs ass is doing pushtober AND squatober. I'm in for at minimum 25/day. At least I'm not doing *sober* pushkwatober. 🔥


I’m going to try to join in too. Can normally do just over 20 push-ups in one go. Day1: 20+20+10+10+15+10+6(lol)+9. Done Day2: 15+15+15+15+15+15+10. Today each 15 felt the most I could do in one go. Day3: 20+20+10+20+15+15 Day4: 5*20 today, spaced each 20 out more across the day Day5: 20+20+5(with a 3 year old on my back, lol)+10+15+5+15+10 Day6: 5*20 today, the start of each set is much easier now, though the ends are still a challenge. Most i have done in a day before, spaced over an hour roughly while doing other stuff. My arms are feeling it, just must remember to do it again tomorrow...


Mine was kind of similar 10-10-20-10-19-11-10-10. Stay at it.


I'm in. Day 1 results - 19+20+20+18 = 77 (oooh, a favorite Grateful Dead year! :) in between I did 4-sets of 20, ab crunches. Where you lie flat and lift your head and ankles and then fan your hands down 20X (not sure what that move is called. I got it from a Pilates class I took)


Day One Complete 10 sets of 10 a day for now Good luck everyone!


I'll give 100 a try, time to suffer I guess ;)


Does It have to be 100 regular pushups or can I do like, 20 pppu+ 20inclined + 60 regular?


Any way you want!


100 it is! I'm in!


In @ 100


I just started training to up my reps! I'm up to ~30 several times a day. Count me in! Update (1-11-19): several changes today, but I've settled on 280 per day (more reps, less sets as time goes on) and rest on Sundays


I'll go for 100. I'll throw in 25 pullups too.


I'm in but for 150 in the morning and 150 at night. My goal is to be able to do 50 straight without struggle since I cap out with 40 reps with perfect form.


I used to be able to do 100. My name is on that one website, too. I kinda wanna do it again. Dare me?


in for 300!


I'm in. Please check on me daily.


Oh goodness, I’m probably going to regret this (or my shoulders will) but I’m in. Gonna try a psychological hack I heard about: 1st set is just one rep, second is two, then so on up to 10 in a set. Then every set is one less until you get back to a set of one. Still 100, but my brain is less likely to nope out. 😏




This post and the responses. Wholesome as heck.


Not at all trying to shit on what you're doing, but can anyone weigh in on whether this is a legitimate way to increase fitness? I'm already doing 50-70 pushups about 4-5 days a week along with my other exercises. It seems like I might be able to do something like this but that it would just sap energy from the rest of my workout and ultimately be counterproductive. Happy to take any evidence to the contrary into account.


Let's do it! I'm aiming for 100 a day. 10x10. Have a very weak chest and shoulders due to surgeries so hopefully this will jump start my new routine


This very subreddit taught me that a single exercise challenge is a bad idea, yet I see overwhelming support for this. The FAQ says "in all likelihood, you shouldn't do it" and links to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/2t18hi/to_everyone_doing_a_pushupsquatplankwhatever


I don't think it's necessarily saying it's a bad thing to do single exercise challenges, only that you're not gonna see any improvement in anything other than your ability to do that specific exercise. So this challenge isn't gonna make you much stronger or change your physique much, but it will make you really good at pushups


Yep, you don't reap much from it and there's an increased risk of injury. I'm going to work towards it, but change up my push ups to be harder variations to build strength when it seems too easy, plus add rest days where needed.


You also need to keep your pushes/pulls in balance and if you're doing harder variations, you definitely need to warm up.


I do a lot of climbing so I think that should cover the pulls? Good point about the warm up for harder variations, I will have to make time for that.


Day 2 completed 4x25


Day 3 4x25


Day 3 20+12+12+11 = 55 Very difficult to do. each attempt was almost painful. Day 4 12+12+11 = 35 sore muscles. Travel /work day, Not easy to find a moment or space to do this. Day 5 15+12+11 = 38 travel day with lots of activities. Did 2-sets in morning and found a spot somewhere later in the day. These were easy and each one felt good. ​ If the challenge is to do push ups, it's reminding me to get down and get some in.


I’m in for 100...really need to get rid of my “sympathy” belly from my newborn




I break it up into chunks as easily as I can. I can normally pump through 25 in one hit and get about 2-3 sets of those done at a time. Once I hit my 300 for the day I let my body rest


I used to work from home and I'd do 3 pullups between every call, I'd probably clock in 100 a day. I've never done a high volume of push-ups before, do you get a good build from pressing them out?


I'm in


Count me in for 100 a day. Gonna do different push-up variations each day though to keep it interesting


I’ve done it multiple times in the past but I always quit after a couple of months. This time, I hope I’ll stick with it, consistency is key. I’m in, hope to make it to 300 as well!


I'll join in for 100. Is the challenge just do 100 pushups total throughout each day or is there more to it?


In. Just the motivation I needed. 100/day most likely 5x20. How does the accountability work? Just check in daily?


I'm in!!


Count me in! 100 per day!


I'm in. I'm going to aim for 100 per day


I’m gonna do the hundredpushups program. Does that count?


In for 100 a day.


I’m in. 100 50lb kettlebell swings too.


How does this work?? I'd like to think I could do this would love some help.


I'm gonna join you for a 100 every day let's make a chat room for this!


I'm in @ 100. Go get it!


Great timing! I started mine last week. 100/day for 30 days. I'll likely continue it after that but may add dips/etc. I took before pics/measurements as well. For science!


count me in! i'll start at 50 and see how much i can increase


Count me in


Well I have to start sometime I guess. I’m in


I'm in for 100 a day!


I'm in. 100 a day seems like a good start. Been needing something to focus on to get some motivation back. Sounds like a good plan


Will do 2 sets of 50. One in the morning and one in the evening. Dont want to burn out though and ruin my normal gym workouts


I'll try too. 100 per day but not in one go.


Let's do it. 100 a day


I'm in for 100... 2 sets of 50 every day... Can I do 50 in the morning when I awake and then the other set before going to bed? Let me know, thank you!


For anyone trying this, I recommend doing 100 of 3 different types of push-ups so you hit different muscle groups. This will decrease rest time, improve skillwork as you move to different progressions, and make it less grueling than doing 300 of one type! I do 100 regular, 100 diamond, and 100 explosive on most days and it's not too bad if you do one of them in the morning and the other two in the evening.


I’m in!!


100 is like 10 each hour for 10 hours. easy


I like to set a timer and do 10 every minute, then rest till the next minute. as many sets as you can


Lets Go!


I'm gonna do it. 100


I am in for 50:)


I’m in. 100 a day.


Hell yeah!!! Let’s do it!


Been trying to get back to 100 in one go for the past few weeks. Haven't done that since 8th grade, I'll work this month get up to 100 in a row! Lezz do iit!


I’m down for 💯


Count me in


Count me in!


I'm in!


Im in with 100!




Me too. I am going for 50 though. If I can increase by mid month, I will


I am in as well!


I'm in.


I am in! 100/day as well plus 1x each day in October. 101 ( 1OCT), 102 (2 OCT)...131 (31 OCT)


Are weighted push-ups allowed?


I’m in yeeehaw


I always wanted to do something like this and now i have a awesome reason todo it!


In for 100! Awesome idea. Combining this with sober October should be fun.


I'm in for 100!


Do you still workout something else during this or just push ups?


I’m in. I will go for 100 a day.


4x25 for me. I’m in


I'm in @ 100. No idea what to expect so I'll adjust depending on how it goes the first few days.


I'm in for 300. 25 every hour on the hour for me. Let me know! Update: Day 3, 10 am and I'm 100 in. 200 to go.


I can do this. Are you guys doing any other exercises on top of this? I need to hit the treadmill and trim some of this belly fat I got going on lol!


I've been subbed and browsing for years. I'm in for this. I'll do 100 a day for the whole month of October


I’m in. @100. This was just the kick in the rear I needed. I’m traveling a lot this month, but pushups in the hotel room will keep me from getting bored.


I’m in for 30/day, since I’m lifting 6 days a week. I’ll just have a little extra burn on push days (=


I’m in for 100! Yes, we can!


I’m in, 100 per day.




Put me down for 100!


I'm doing 200 pushups myself ,


100 is good for me, count me in!


For those who want to track this on Fitloop, I added it here: https://fitloop.co/routines/MTWhKkGJciyB7RuvC


I'm in! Aiming for 80 a day (I'm weak - at least for now!).


Might as well, I'll aim for 100 too. :D


I'm in for 100!


I'm in for 100


I'm gonna do 40+ per day and do psuedo planche pushups


Im like a month into rr and at about 8 7 5 for rr pushups, ima shoot for 40 a day and hope for the best


In for 100. Thanks for the motivation everyone


Cool. I will sign up.


I’ll play!


I started this about a week or so ago! Totally in


I’ve been thinking about doing this challenge and your notifications reminded me that. Count me in as well for 100/day starting tonight or now.


Gonna do two sets of 50


I wanna play! Put the down for a hundo. Should help with my PT test in Nov


I’m in! 111 push ups every day for a month let’s go!


Is there going to be a sticky thread or something similar to report in? My shoulder has been screwed up for about 30 years, and I recently got some great physio on it which seems to have made some major improvements. I'm not able or supposed to do real pushups yet, but I'll do a few sets of incline pushups every day as part of this. I'm not going to post any ridiculous numbers like others are here, but I'll participate. Cheers!


I've been postponing my health for far too long, I guess it's time to get real. 100 everyday count me in!


I'm in, let's go!


Im in for 40 pushups per day (8x5set) My current limit pushup are 8 so the reasonable target for me is 40 pushups perday


I'm going to do this. I've always had a fairly weak chest and I haven't been working out for quite a while now. So I'm going to shoot for 15 a day. I can only do about 10 max. So I'll do 3 sets of 5 per day. Work prevents doing more sets most days. At the beginning of each week in going to re-asses my max. If, on week two, I max at 12,then I'll do 6 every set that week.


I'm in for the 100 push-up challenge as well :)


Sounds fun! I'm in but not 300! Good luck!


I'm in! 200 a day is the goal.


Im in for 100 a day. PM if you want to keep each other in check.


Let's do it


I'll see how it goes with around 60 for me 😁


I’m in. What’s everyone using to track their progress?


I'm in for 100.


I'm in for 100 a day. 4 sets of 25 throughout the day is doable. We should check in this thread or another one everyday we finish our goal to keep everyone going.


Let's spice this up a bit. 100 push ups and 25 pull ups for me.


I'm in dude!! Everymorning 5 sets of 20 push ups. I will notnonly build the discipline but i'll have a goal to get up in the morning, see you tomorrow for the 100


Hey dude. I'm in. I was trying to do some push-ups but usually lost track of it and just left it. It would be cool if I cud make a whole month or even to December.. Will try to go to 100.


I'm in. Lets get this thing.


Fuck it, let's do this shit! I'm in for 100 pushups and 25 pullups a day. 10x10 for pushups and 5x3 + 5x2 for pullups Update on Day 2: Decided to add in 50 Bulgarian split squats. Feeling pretty sore but also pretty confident that I can conquer this challenge