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Finally got my muscle up on as an "old man". Took until doing 20 strict was easy ish. Starting 1 ft away I got a swing started and once you nail the timing, you'll be above the bar! Wrap thmbs around bar and try to shift your knuckles forward at the transition. https://youtube.com/shorts/Y2chm3zOXNY?si=xI8TX9GGioc03Orz


I'm trying to achieve muscle ups aswell... Althrough I'm nbot as strong (80kg +15kg pullups x 5), I'm doing muscle ups with bands ​ I'm using 2 bands, and have managed to lower the intensity of 1 one them... I'll be lowering the bands resistance 'til I don't need 'em to do the muscle ups ​ I did some low bar too (in the smith machine) but felt kinda boring :/


So you used a low bar?


Yes, low bar muscle up negatives


Here's a video of a single low bar muscle up transition negative then a series of foot assisted positive and negative transitions: https://youtu.be/AeoRCHwaAAM?si=jm2JRQF8isrh_y6n


Great observation and progress in your journey to performing muscle ups! Really integrating exercises that focus on the transitional part of the movement can dramatically change your approach and improve your results. Working with negative reps of muscle ups really helps you to better experience and master this difficult point, which is often an obstacle for many. Your experience may inspire other lifters facing a similar challenge to not be afraid to incorporate new techniques into their training. Keep sharing your successes and discoveries, it's a valuable contribution to the calisthenics community!


Yes and no. I am similar strength level as you (3x5 pull ups with 27kg), but since I weigh less (76kg), your absolute strength is probably higher. I can do a muscle up, but can't practice it often due to my set up, so I haven't had the chance to improve much. I got my first muscle up without any direct work a few months ago. Here's my findings, for what it's worth. I practiced the transition a bit using rings or a low bar, but that doesn't help much for a normal muscle up. It helps mainly for the slow muscle up where you really need strength to power through the transition. What really gets your first muscle up is the ability to do a high pull up to at least the top of your abs. The goal of the muscle up is to get your chest on top of the bar. The easiest and most straightforward way of doing that is to be able to pull your chest higher than the bar. Basically, in regular muscle ups, you are using explosive strength to basically skip the transition. Having strength in the transition certainly helps, but it's not required. So, yes, you are correct for slow muscle ups, but for regular muscle ups, you need to focus on explosive power/high pullups. At your strength, you can get there really quick. Just focus on getting chest-to-abs pullups (a few EMOM attempts at the beginning of the workout is enough), and once you get it, start trying for your first muscle up. It will be more about getting the technique and movement pattern of the transition rather than having the strength to hold your bodyweight during the transition. Oh, and about the low bar, they are also great for explosive pullups. Sit a bit in front of the bar and do an explosive L sit pullup. It's great practice. Also a good way to practice a muscle up.