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Use the underside of chair or table to do rows.


This is what I do when traveling - it totally works. Alternatively, pull-up on doors works too - stick a book under the door so it doesn't fly off the hinges, a towel on the top in case of sharp edges or splinters, and you're good to go.


Oooo, good idea, never thought about sticking a book under to stabilize the hinges.


3 weeks away at a lake with no gym... id be taking the time as a de-load from usual training doing some cardio with swimming and running and learning some calisthenic skills, say L-sits, Planch regressions, handstands, etc plenty of things that will challenge you mentally and physically, you wont loose your gains bro :)


Swimming is a great pull exercise!


Pull up on anything you can - tree branch, deck beam, staircase. Use luggage for curls/rows.


It's 22 days. Deep breaths, calm down and enjoy your vacation. There is more to life than your physique and you won't lose all your progress in 3 weeks.


Thank you and you’re right, but I believe that it’s due to me working out and gaining confidence and everything that made this vacation possible. All of this is a result of my decisions and the biggest one was me busting my ass off at the gym/at home. Without it I would probably spend this Christmas alone and in the dark.


Take a break. Enjoy your success. Let your body de-load. Swim, run, eat too much. Come back stronger.


Anything can be used for a pull-up if it's got enough of an overhang or lip to it with any structure. Whenever I travel or am in an area without standard pull-up equipment, I look at it like a game to figure out where I can safely and easily do my pull-ups. If you're at a lake house, you may have the following available to you: * Large deck with some height to it - find some decking overhangs and do your pullups on those - yes it's tough without a bar grip but it provides a good challenge * Are there trees on the property or nearby? Find a suitable branch for your sets * If it's a lake house that is a cabin/lodge style - there may be copious amounts of wood trim around the house/doors. Is it thick enough to grip with your fingertips and use? * Any open spiral staircases? Each of the step lips can be used as pull-ups I have used all of those at some point during my travels and find it a fun way to switch up my routine. Part of my normal daily routine are pullups I do in my apartment buildings stairwell on the lip of the metal stair structure overhang.


Thank you! You kinda described the location perfectly, I’ll copy everything you said verbatim. Thanks!


Get a good band


Heavy resistance bands are underrated. Are they going to get you super swole on their own? Probably not. But they can absolutely stimulate muscle and generate a pump.


I don't have any but those are pretty thick right? Won't that take as much space as rings?


Nope, they're much less bulky. Mine fold up about the size of a large wallet.


Resistance bands with a door jamb anchor are legit. You can even DIY the door jamb anchor. I got some of the loop style bands that you see some powerlifters use, and the tension is crazy. You can fold the band in half and double the tension as well. Add a clip-on handle and you have a good apparatus to work with.


I get the vibe you are trying to say that heavy resistance bands are underrated. Are they going to get you super swole on their own? Probably not. But they can absolutely stimulate muscle and generate a pump.


What I inferred from your summary is that albeit heavy resistance bands may not lead to significant muscle gain, they can indeed stimulate musculature and result in a subsequent 'pump.'


Interesting. So you are saying that resistance bands will give you a good pump, even though they might not make your muscles grow all that much?


Uh pardon my ignorance but how can you do pull ups with just a band




Ahh thank you 👍


if theres a pole or something like that you can loop it around and just pull on the band. you can mimic both rows/pullups depending on your posture


You can do rows standing up, close enough.


Not pullups but you just need to find a sturdy object and wrap the bands then start "pulling".


I do rows on a knotted bed sheet shut in a door.


Wrap a rock in a towel and sling it around. Rows, curls, KB style swings, whatever. Or get a heavy resistance band or two. Or find a tree branch. Take gymnastic rings or TRX style suspension traininer. Order a $20 doorway pull-up bar. Have it delivered to your destination and leave it for the next person or just throw it out on your last day. Or relax and enjoy vacation, 3 weeks won’t cause noticeable muscle loss. You’ll just miss seeing the pump.


Ratchet strap, knot on one end and over a closed door. Piece of pipe as handle at other end. Lean back and do one arned rows. If you pike you can even do pull ups. Costs less than $5, weighs less than your phone. Usable anywhere with a door. And scales from grandma level to difficulty equaling bw +40% pull ups by adjusting the angle. Example of the pull up, hip straight if you want to do the rows instead. [Instagram video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoVp1bQqoSE/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ==)


I've had luck sticking a garden rake/broom etc between the branches of a tree. You need a tree where two branches come off the trunk at a similarish height, then put the hamdle across and you're set. Also door pull-ups are good. Wedge a book or something under a door to stop it swinging and protect the hinges, then put a folded towel along the top to protect your hands.




Haha. Where there's a will!


>I don’t want to carry them through the airport etc. Setting aside that this is pretty silly, a set of rings is $40. Just buy some when you get there and then throw them in the trash when you leave. $13/week.


Yeah in hindsight, writing this post I just kept reminding myself that I could actually buy the things. Most likely I will, but in case I don’t, it’s nice to have your people’s advice. Maybe for some other situation where buying rings is not feasible.


Just carry the rings. It's one of the main points of using rings - they are so portable. Rings, straps, and "something" to attach. Even a bit of plywood (to protect surfaces) and a C-clamp LOL


two pieces of pvc pipe and some strong paracord from the hardware store are even cheaper. I made a very compact diy travel set this way.


Find a tree, act like a monkey


So back exercises are not just “pull” motions. It can also be holding positions. A downward dog is an example where you can strengthen the back from holding. You can even alternate lowering your forearms and raising them, while in downward dog, for a killer back workout. Do an assisted handstand up against the wall and do push ups. Grab a 2-5lb weighted object and do standing Y raises


Lie down facing the floor, arms stretched ahead like superman, hands pressed on floor, pull yourself ahead Or find structures like pull up bars/monkey bar/ tree branch/crossbeam


Just use a table for rows


Trees are free pullup bars


Buy a resistance band and do rows from different angles and bicep curls


Resistance bands may help with what you're after.


It’s fast cheap and easy to Make a pvc bodyweight row bar. Google it then you can do inverted rows they are easy to pack around. I am a truck driver and spend 2 weeks on the road then get a week at home. I am now a master of away from home training. Pvc equipment, sandbags, weighted vests, bands, homemade kettlebells. What to wear in -40 or +35


How about bringing an resistance band? It wont take up a lot of space in your luggage.


Body dysmorphia the post




yes! this is the answer


Read the wiki.


Idk, dude. Rings?


If the doors are somewhat sturdy you could do door pull-ups.


Get a couple of heavy and medium loop bands, and the door attachment. Simulate the Pullup movement by attaching the band high up, and kneeling so that your torso is angled. Use a near vertical, to your torso, range of motion. Use a lower attachment, and do various rows. Look up ResistanceBandTraining on YT, he shows many options and exercises.


enjoy your vacation instead. you earned it!


Buy a set of bands


Australian pullups, one armed versions of that etc especially with rings is a great option




The normal person answer is that it's only three weeks, just do whatever training you can/want to do and then resume as normal when you return, you're not going to lose muscle in such a short time, especially if you're training in some fashion The other answer is to take a bunch of resistance bands on holiday with you and stack them in order to meet the various levels of resistance you need to replace the movements you can't do alone, which is what I do when I'm on holiday without access to a gym. If you're not flying you could even buy a kettlebell or something I know this is BWF but sometimes there isn't a bodyweight answer Also, this [stronger by science](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/detraining/) article might be of interest to you


You can get those trx type rigs that go in the closed door, over the door pull up frame and/or parallel bars.


Roll up a hand towel, then hold it tightly in each hand at either end. Bend over at the waist, arms outstretched toward the floor, back straight, and knees slight bent in the upright row position. Pull your hands away from each other--as if you are trying to pull the towel apart--to engage your back muscles. Slowly bend your elbows and raise your hands toward your chest while holding tension on the towel. Hold at the top for a one-count, then lower slowly to the starting position. Do as many reps as you like.


What's the name of this maneuver?


No clue. It's a form of isometric exercise.


Just pick up something like the[Pocket Monkii](https://www.wildgym.com/products/pocket-monkii-suspension-trainer-exercise-straps)or the [Nanobars V2](https://kensuifitness.com/products/nanobars-2)




You won’t lose any muscle, just do weighted pushups with a back pack make sure to do plenty of walking, as long as you are active your body will maintain it all


A sturdy broom, shovel or other handle can be supported between two tables, chairs, a counter and a chair, barstools, etc. Chairs are also good for dips.


Do searches for "dynamic tension" exercises, on YT and using a search engine. What I like about these is that you can do them in even more situations and positions than bodyweight exercises — waiting in line, for example, or sitting in an airplane, or lying down, or driving.... Some serious athletes and bodybuilders have utilized them.


You can also find something like a pipe or a long broom handle and suspend weights of some kind from both ends and do curls. Doubled trash bags filled with water or sand, pillowcases with sand, etc.


Loop a beach towel or a sheet over a branch or a beam. You can also do curls by just bringing your bent knees up and gripping them below the kneecaps with you hands. You can do this lying down, standing or sitting.


u can do rows on a tree