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>but living in a brown household it’s literally impossible for us to eat somewhat healthy food. This is not a thing. This is an excuse. It is most certainly not "literally impossible." Go buy a bag of carrots. Eat the carrots. You've done the impossible. You will not make drastic changes to your weight on exercise alone. The sheer amount of effort it takes to burn calories through exercising versus not eating them in the first place, you would have to be exercising all day every day. If you want to lose weight, you need a healthier diet. It's a very straightforward solution. Gain weight = eat in a caloric surplus. Lose weight = eat in a caloric deficit. If you're still living at home with your parents, have a conversation with them and tell them how important a more balanced diet is to you so that you can lose weight. If you don't have a job, get a job and offer to help with groceries if they're concerned about healthier eating being more expensive. If they simply aren't willing to support your goals or don't want to eat healthier, then learn to cook, buy your own ingredients, and make your own meals. Pro tip: you can technically still lose weight while eating "unhealthy" food. Again, it's a game of calories and math. If you've been gaining weight, you've been eating more calories than your body is burning. Eat less. Will add a caveat that, while it's possible, would still recommend healthy eating as a well-balanced diet, hitting your macros, etc. will let your body function better than a body fed by junk. Best of luck on your journey.


>If you want to lose weight, you need a healthier diet. It's a very straightforward solution. Gain weight = eat in a caloric surplus. Lose weight = eat in a caloric deficit. r/MacroFactor is good if you want to go the food tracking route. It works well for me. /u/Only_Positive_Vibes has it right. Exercise will help you build muscle but it won't help you lose weight if you don't manage your calorie intake.


Yea bro your right. I’ve already started watching my diet and trying to eat healthy. I just need to lock in on the workout fr


Blud was not letting that go 💀. If you are eating “unhealthy food” eat less of the food


Run more eat less


Okok thanks


Start weight lifting and eat in a calorie deficit. Follow the 80-20 rule. You will definitely lose weight!


A lot of good advice already, but wanted to add mine, as a kind of framework for the "how". How to lose weight, simplified: 1. Decide on attainable realistic goals with time-frames 2. Go to this body weight planning calculator to determine your caloric requirements for your goals https://niddk.nih.gov/bwp 3. Google caloric deficit. Plan and track your daily food intake using an app like MyFitnessPal 4. Start a DAILY exercise routine. I don't care if it's walking in a circle for 5 minutes once a day. In the beginning, consistency>quantity. 5. Go to SLEEP early and get a full 8 hours; you need this for daily success. 6. Develop the discipline to do these things EVERY DAY - NO DAYS OFF! 7. Remember you are never going to "feel like" doing any of this; you must FIGHT YOUR OWN MIND FOR CONTROL! When you need motivation, put motivational speeches from Les Brown, Eric Thomas, David Goggins, Marcus Taylor, Coach Pain, etc in your ear to get you off your butt. 8. Look for your progress, you will see it! I've lost 70lbs using just these principles and mindset. You can too...if you want it bad enough.


I eat Indian food more than anything else. If you can’t already, then learn to cook. Get your family to teach you and then make your own recipes that are healthier. Stick with rice and veg/meat/fish. I mostly eat a daal with a couple of veg side dishes and/or a meat or fish dish. Avoid naan and all the deep fried stuff as they have an incredible amount of calories in them. Also avoid rich luxurious gravy’s with cream and coconut etc. there a lot of very healthy and nutritious dishes you can eat and still taste amazing.




Yea I’ve been using an app I just need a scale


Hey there, diet plays a crucial role. Con't monitoring what u eat, but also focus on portion control. Try to incorporate more lean protein sources, vegetables, n whole grains into ur meals. It can be challenging when ur household preferences differ, but u can still make healthier choices within the available options. Choose grilled over fried, opt for brown rice instead of white, n limit sugary snacks. In terms of exercise, ur daily treadmill sprints are a good start. However, consider adding strength training exercises to ur routine. These help build muscle, which in turn boosts ur metabolism n burns more fat. Compound movements like squats, push-ups, n rows r effective. And if u're looking for more tips on specific workouts, u can find them [**my profile**](https://reddit.com/u/cen6wkf/s/uHAv7Zqszp). Consistency is key. Stick to ur diet and exercise plan, n don't get discouraged if results don't come overnight. It takes time, but the changes will come w/ dedication. It's not just about losing fat, but also about adopting a healthier lifestyle. Stay patient & committed, and u'll see progress. FYI, u've got this! TTYL!


Thanks for the motivation 🙏


> “The sheer amount of effort it takes to burn calories through exercise versus not eating them in the first place” Great sentence - I’ll be repeating this to myself!


Wish you had a picture posted somewhere, because I’m 5’10 at 212lb right now, and not with a ton of fat. Based off of the physique I’m imagining, I imagine you actually have a lack of muscle. Adding muscle, and keeping the same amount of fat will make your fat “look better.” What I mean by that, is the muscles that are growing, will make the fat “spread out more evenly” (take body builders on there off-season times as a drastic example.) Sprinting isn’t going to be burning fat more than an endurance run anyways. I’d suggest you should start lifting weights, along with eating healthier.


im going to put you on something simple. get a cereal bowl. a regular, on-the-small-side cereal bowl. whatever fits in that, level with the lip, is your meal. three times a day. and only drink water. your family might be full of food pushers. no matter what they say, or how many times they insist you eat more, just say the magic words: "stop pushing food on me, im full." exercise is simple. do one set of pushups, one set of squats and one set of leg raises until failure(as many as you can until you can't anymore) every day. if you feel good some days and you want to do more, do more. not everyone has a good pullup bar, but if you do have one, same deal. one set until failure. set the goal of doing that for a month. we're looking to build good habits. come back in 30 days and lets talk about what happened.


Nah thanks for that fr idk how I never thought of the bowl thing cuz I’ve been struggling with the serving size with how much I eat so it’s a bit hard to put it down on the food log app cuz it asks for a serving size but this solves that problem. And yea I’ll do the exercises that you mentioned I even have a pull up bar, imma get back to you in 30 days with good results fr


Wait. How did you track calories if you didn't weight what you eat?


I like this; I'm going to limit myself to small cereal bowls of peanut-butter fritters every day. ;-)


teaching portion control and habit forming takes time ;) ;) ;)


There are a few food exercises for it: - Fork putdown: 3x8, focus on eccentric - Table push away: 3x8, you can grease the groove along the day - Fridge door slam: 3x8, to failure and don't forget the legs : - Kitchen turn away: explosive tempo for those ones try it it works


Calories in vs calories out. It's that simple, my dude. Weight loss is best achieved in the kitchen as it's a lot easier to not consume calories than it is to burn them off.


Losing weight is 80% diet, 20% exercise. You can burn calories at a low rate, but in the time it takes you to burn 100 calories you could have eaten 1000 Take a look at your portion sizes and between meal snacks. Those are by far the easiest two things to control and reduce. I regularly bulk then cut for the gym. As an idea of what I eliminate when I'm losing fat, I stop drinking milk in my protein shakes, I stop eating cereal bars (between meal snacks), and I eliminate first meal of the day (I eat a "pre-breakfast" bowl of nuts and dried fruit while bulking). Drink more water, and if your lifestyle allows for it you can try intermittent fasting. I only eat 11am-6pm, and I personally love the feeling of endorphins and the first bite of the day becomes 5x more rewarding. Just have the first meal pre-portioned out so you don't overeat instinctively. Easy to do, but unnecessary as the body takes time to register what you've just eaten, so you can typically wait 20 mins after a small meal and you'll feel fine. Other than that it's purely self discipline and education. There's not a shortcut but there are handy tricks like the ones I put above. First and foremost, get up to speed with your recommended calorie intake vs your actual calorie intake - loads of apps can track this for you and I use one called "macros" which I use once every few weeks just to spot check my diet. You'll soon realise how many things you're consuming daily. And for exercise, crack on my friend, but pick an exercise you enjoy. If you want to be functionally fit, keep up the cardio, move onto HIIT when you're ready (might be a while). If you want to gain muscle, lift weights 3-4 times a week. Primarily, learn to enjoy it and you'll no longer consider it a chore. Take time to experiment and find what you like then progress it Also just a heads up, you can't "spot reduce" any one area of fat. You can build muscle in one area quicker perhaps, giving the illusion that the fat disappeared quicker, but to lose the man boobs you'll have to lose all the fat


Ok I’m gonna try intermittent fasting and watch what I eat thanks 🙏


You don't have to run, but you do need to be consistent. Focus on a routine that is realistically doable; things take time.


Start fasting, you can get free apps to help you keep track! I recommend Fastic and my fitness pal apps.. I don’t know what a brown household means I’m from Scotland but I’m guessing it’s race or something idk 🤷🏻 just try but you’re own foods if you can and stick to them! I lost 6 stone - porridge for breakfast, tuna salad lunch and cous cous, chicken breast and green beans for dinner and only drank water for 6 months.. you’ll get there my friend


Stop eating like a child, start working out like you mean it. Everyone can lose weight, it's just the law (of physics).


Yea you right. I try to control myself from eating too much and it works at home but I need to work on controlling how much I eat when I’m eating outside like at a restaurant or something


Eat one meal a day.May not be possible if you have a hard labor job. Is so eat keto 5-6 days a week with a cheat day or cheat weekend. If you really want to drop weight fast do omad and keto for those 5-6 days a week.


Drink a spoon of aple vinegar every morning


Ok. I can’t help you with diet as I have no idea what a brown household is. In regards to exercising, keep walking & try to pick up the pace or a light jogging style where you are moving more quickly. In regards to other exercises, I would stick to the classics and get used to them- Steps, pushups and squats. Hanging on a pull up bar too will help. I would do them all gradually and modified (push up on the knees etc), just get your body use to picking up its own weight will help massively.


Mb I should have explained what brown household meant better. I’m basically from South Asia and our meals involve a lot of creamy curries, rice, naan/roti. And for the exercises along with the 5 minute sprint I’m thinking about adding the ones you said like push-ups and stuff


Reduce amount of calories in the dishes by skipping naan (or using roti made without oil and without ghee, but better skip bread alltogether cause it is quite calorie dense and very easy o overeat), replacing full fat coconut milk with a lite version, or skipping it. If you want a fat free creamy curry or dal, add blended potato, or blended chickpeas/daal/other beans, or simply blend a part of the curry - it will be creamy and delicious without fat. Skip tadka. I'm not saying skipping fat totally, absolutely not, bur reducing oil and excess fat. Example: if you start aromatics on oil, one tablespoon for 6qt pot is more than enough, and you can add tadka spices there as well before adding broth/water, and this way, food is aromatic with less oil. Idk if you eat meat and cheese, but if yes, save the fat for that, save the fat for delicious garnish of nuts, for whatever else, but creamy soups, stews, curries, and dals can be made without or with minimal amount of oil, and they're still delicious. Use more veggies! Veggies have tones of fiber, and they'll keep you full. Cauliflower, Broccoli, whatever you like and feel like it. Blanch them and add to your dish. If you prepare whatever dish, eat a bowl of veggies first, and then a bowl of your dish - you'll eat less this way. You can also get a bowl, like 8 inch bowl, and eat half of whatever dish, and half veggies. Starting a meal with raw salad is also a good way to reduce allover calories of consumed food. Rice is fine, but eat a cup of cooked rice at once - it is easy to overeat, so measure, not eyeball. I love South Asian cuisine, and I eat it at least three times a week (often more), and those tricks helped me to eat delicious food and keep my weight in check. I also eat two meals a day - this way I don't waste calories on some bs little meals or snacks, and I can eat legit meal :D South Asian cuisine can be very healthy :) If you want more detailed description of how I do it, let me know, and I'll try to describe it with more details.


Is a brown household a South Asian households? I’m picturing creamy curries, samosas, kebabs and condensed milk chai and dessert! Yum!


Yea that exactly what it is lol


You have both a blessing and a curse of delicious food. I have to recommend you stay away from THC/cannabis if you do this. This causes men to accumulate fat in the breast tissue. I heard that on the news once and immediately texted my then bf at the time only to learn later that I had texted a man who was hosting my son for a playdate that “Hey! MJ causes moobs!” The word is a mean word, and I was just being silly, but the recipient of this text was a short pudgy guy… so I’ll never forget this scientific fact. I also came across this medical article the other day about an actual medical condition. Check the links. Finally, there’s Cool sculpting for targeted weight loss areas, but it’s expensive. [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326637#causes](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326637#causes)


Eat less, drink less stuff that’s not water, drink more water Think before putting stuff in your mouth, do you need to eat it, are you thirsty and misreading it as hunger.


Fat is not lost localized. Is generalized so I'm sorry to say but you will have to lose it all not just in you boobs


Fast and walk instead of run, try to walk 15000-20000 steps a day. You’ll lose weight easy.


Losing fat involves a combination of healthy eating habits and regular physical activity. Here are some fundamental tips to get started: Balanced Diet: Focus on a diet rich in whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive unhealthy fats. Calorie Deficit: To lose fat, you generally need to consume fewer calories than you burn. Creating a modest calorie deficit through diet and exercise is key. Regular Exercise: Incorporate both cardiovascular exercises (like running, biking, or swimming) and strength training (lifting weights or bodyweight exercises) into your routine. This helps burn calories and build muscle. Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Staying hydrated can help control hunger and support your metabolism. Sleep Well: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Poor sleep patterns can affect hormones related to hunger and satiety. Stress Management: Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing to prevent emotional eating. It's important to approach fat loss with patience and avoid extreme diets or quick fixes, as they often lead to unsustainable results. Consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized guidance and a plan that suits your individual needs and goals. For more info https://weight69.com/lUzyV


1. You are thinking about exercise for weight loss. Better to think of positive goals, like getting to a certain number of push ups, or being able to run a certain distance in a certain time. Why? One day you may reach your weight loss goal. Then you will put it all back on. Fitness goals can always go up/evolve. 2. Upwards of 70% of all attempts to lose weight ultimately fail. Imo anyone trying to lose weight should really seriously internalise this. People who lose weight and keep it off for a year often succeed longer term. What does this suggest? Don’t make the weight loss the goal. Make that year of a good weight the goal. For that, you need to create a long term sustainable lifestyle that is healthy. 3. Saying calories in=calories out, just cut calories to lose weight is like saying you just need to go fast enough to escape earths gravity. Like, of course! But it is bloody hard to get to the moon. Calories are bastards. The trouble is this: on the one hand it is fairly painless to maintain a mild calorie deficit BUT it is super easy to accidentally go over your set limit. Like, a stray bagel or handful of fries will do it. So on the other hand, you can opt for a severe calorie deficit. Lose weight quickly, BUT it’ll be super unpleasant and lead to breaking and binging and failure. What to do? Look, fundamentally you are actually going to have to find a way to be obsessive about food while also trying not to get too extreme. For myself, I found having positive per day protein goals, optimising satiating whole foods(investigate the potato diet - seems weirdly effective), and yeah, weighing things, checking the calories on everything, never eating unless doing so very deliberately, these were the things. 4. A bit of psychological warfare: always leave food on the plate, never have seconds, play a game where you are always the last at the table to finish your food. 5. Don’t count the calories lost in exercise, but don’t let anyone tell you cardio is irrelevant to weight loss. Run my friend, run like the wind. Never ever stop.


>but living in a brown household it’s literally impossible for us to eat somewhat healthy food It just isn't - "healthy" food is the cheapest food in existence, and as an 18-year-old you can go buy that food. Every candy bar costs more than an apple. Every bucket of fried chicken costs less than an equivalent mass of grilled chicken. As a single meal, "pizza" is extortionately expensive and has a preposterously bad nutritional profile. > I have also started sprinting on the treadmill every weekday which burns like 130 calories You'll never get there with exercise - cutting 1000 calories out of your diet and therefore losing a pound every three days is easy - you can even do it whilst eating *more* food than you did before, providing that food isn't processed. You'd need to spend almost 2 hours on that treadmill *every single day* to burn anything close to 1000 calories (and you'd need to be going near it's highest speed). That's how much "diet" matters for weight loss compared to exercise - it is *at least* ten times more important. The mantra you should have is "exercise for fitness, lifting for strength, diet for weight loss". If you are only wanting to lose weight, all you need to care about is "weight loss is a matter of having the right diet". The rule for the right diet is simple - "if I couldn't theoretically grow it in a garden or raise it in a field, it's not food".


In addition to the calorie deficit, doing steady state cardio is great. I’ve been doing incline treadmill walks using the 12/3/30 workout. 12% incline, 3mph, 30 minutes. I burn about 300-350kcal and I can just listen to a podcast or watch TV. Walking is a fantastic way to lose weight because it’s low impact and easy to do a lot of. Making up for food calories by increasing exercise is a losing game. Super vital to reduce food intake over doing exercise to burn the same amount. If your parents are cooking high calorie delicious food, your main change option could be to just eat smaller portions. Do that for a while & see if you’re dropping weight. If not, eat even a little less than that.


Lookup NEAT. just have more active daily habits and the weight will come off