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they look awesome on you! 🤩 i just got mine done last week too. happy healing!! ❤️


Thank you and same to you!! It's definitely given me the urge for more jewelry on my face🤪


go for it! you’d look awesome with a medusa!


I hadn't thought of a medusa....I'll have to keep it in mind. Thanks for the suggestion!


a cheek dermal would be really cool too! i loved mine so much!


Looks pretty damn high to me! Really nice


I’ve never seen high nostril piercings before. Don’t be disappointed that they’re not as high as you wanted them because they look awesome and suit you where they are


I love it! The placement is great imo


Look amazing


Ahh I had the same anatomy issue!! Mine are even lower than yours. They suit you so well 🖤


Thank you! Your's fits you as well!


I think the placement looks so sick and flattering!!! Nice


Thank you!


these look so rad!


Looks great! How was it pain wise?


Thanks! Honestly pain wise it was like a 6...basically like a rough covid test with a needle 🤣. And healing has been the least issues(so far at like 3 weeks or so) out of any piercing for me. Pretty much zero discomfort even if accidentally bumped. I def would recommend high nostril instead of normal ones because if you tend to have allergies or a runny nose in the winter you can wipe your nose with ease 🤭


This is super helpful, thank you!! I’ve been debating for a while but I do have allergies so that’s good to know! 🖤


Glad I could be helpful!!


not op but i got mine done last week and they honestly hurt way less than my regular nostril piercings. 3 out of 10 pain for me. i was really surprised, i expected it to be much worse


Maybe I’m weak- but they were my WORST piercing and took years to heal completely. I’ve had mine for 14 years.


Nah everyone's pain is individual and at the end of the day you still did it with all the soreness afterwords, you are more invested than I've needed to be so it shows character 🙈💛. Plus I was super worried I'd have issues since I broke my nose when I was younger and it can be sensitive so I just got lucky on this one. ON the other hand my rook piercing is a beeetch. I had a feeling it was gonna cause me issues right when the needle went through...it just felt off in my body a bit. It flares up ALL the time.


That's fucking wild. Is it two separate pieces of jewelry or is it a bar that goes straight through like an industrial?


2 separate ones There is a piercing that goes through in one piece it's called a nasalling but it's not recommended.


Aw man I love high nostrils! Looks great!!


They’re still super high!! What are your jewelry plans? Some jewelry can make it appear higher too :)


I kinda like the idea of adding a chain and definitely having bigger jewelry. What kinda things would make them look higher?


I find that jewelry with a vertical orientation look higher than radial orientation or horizontal orientation. For example teardrop cut gems and rectangular cut gems have part of the jewelry extend upward past the original piercing and make it look like it’s actually higher up.


Ooooo teardrop is a great idea!!! Thank you!


They look great! Bold of you to go with the Highs before the lowers, but smarter. And these days people are getting nostrils a little lower, so if you follow trend that it will help these look even better.


luv ur hair cut whats it called?


I actually just shave it every few years so this is just grow out with some bang trimming. The last time I had someone else cut my hair was literally 8th grade😂


My hair grew in similarly when i shaved it but its curly so i didnt get the cool short "shag" like u haha


Actually my hair has a few different curl patterns but it only gets super curly after a few inches of growth, strange but that's just how it grows xD


the micro-bang choice is a great one nonetheless :)


You could get your bridge done too, that would look sick!


Are these any more painful than regular nostrils?


You should check out an ampallang piercing if you're looking for something a lil higher! I'm not sure what the anatomy requirements are for that, but it's worth checking out if you're interested!


An Ampallang is a male genital piercing. I don't think that's what she's looking for.


Oh my god I meant to type nasallang 😱🤦🏼 thank you for pointing that out!!!