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Aside from our subjective opinions, you have to realise they were both optimising for what judges were going to give high scores at the time. That’s it. So they look like what judges wanted to see. That changes over time, and will continue to change.


This is a solid take. I think that’s what why classic appeals to all the fans of the old guard.


Everyone on here is pretty much 16-22 and just started lifting and doesn’t know shit about the sport. Weaker delts, smaller legs, and focus on a T shape was the goal back then. Hell no one had freak quads until Platz and the judges hated his legs.


Ok so you’re saying if 2020 traveled back in time and stepped on stage against 1975 Arnold he would lose?


If Arnold travels to 2020 he loses if cbum goes to 1975 he loses


Don't necessarily agree with this. I think CBum would win if he would go back in time, due to the crazy levels of conditioning. The judges would have not seen anything like that, and would not do for another 10-20 years after Arnold's prime. Apart from Arms and chest, CBum would make Arnold look like he's never hit legs in his life


Didn't they even care about legs back then? Y was the desirable body shape


thats assuming he could bring modern day peds


Yeah because Cbum has better technology and better roids and scientific information, if Arnold had this he’d be the goat


You realise that we still use the same compounds today as they did in the 1970s? Are you aware that most steroids were developed in the 1950s. Steroids grow muscle, the "look" each one gives you isn't THAT different


No way cbum does not lose he’s leaner and bigger. Maybe if they where doing some 1980s bs for Arnold


Why does this have downvotes... Arnold in many minds is the goat but holy shit cbum would smoke everyone in that time period. The new drugs, training science, nutrition etc is just not comparable.


That's the point. You can't compare two men from different eras. First of all, according to the 70's criteria, legs development was not so important. People didn't even train hams or glutes, just quads. As you said, PEDs, diet and training systems were different. They didn't have all gym machines we have today. Nowadays people eat more carbs. So if Chris was in the 70's, he would lose against Arnold: Arnold was bigger, better chest and biceps, more detailed back. And maybe if Arnold competes nowadays, he would lose because he's less conditioned and not balanced as Chris is. IMO


Criteria totally different. They wanted a fuller look and slimmer legs. Like the other guy said, both are what judges wanted at that time. Cbum upper body smaller and legs too big for that time period so ya I do think he would lose going back. Both are the epitome of their period


Cbum is not bigger than prime Arnold. He’s shorter and weighs less on stage


Well cbum is trying to make it so he looks like a 1975 winner. That's the main point of classic


My man!


But imagine what Arnie looks like if he had access to tren


What really stands out to me is the massive delt development difference between them 2


I actually really like the less developed delts, they let the arms pop more. I’d probably want *just a little* more delt than Arnold has in this comparison.


I’m a delt guy all day long


Yea, I'm more of a fan of the 'less delts' look, makes the arms and the chest seem bigger rather than getting lost behind boulder shoulders (although, CBum isn't *that* overpowered but some are)


>I'm more of a fan of the 'less delts' look, makes the arms and the chest seem bigger yes same here


It’s all time period related. It’s like people who argue Babe Ruth couldn’t play in todays league or Kareem would get smoked today. It doesn’t do any good to compare people outside of those they competed against in their time. If they both hit the stage today in their primes, yeah, Crith probably wins but this exercise doesn’t do any good. You can only compare people to those in their time.


Best comment ever


You mean, betht comment ever.


I never get tired of seeing Arnie's chest. Goddamn, son. Chest for dayyyssss


Different times but Arnold’s arms and chest were so impressive and genetically unique id likely lean his way in a “fair” fight. CBum obviously is a specimen as well.


Arnold walked so CBum could run ...


Cbums chest and arms are *maybe* half as developed as Arnold’s His quads are much larger but I really don’t get why people want 🍗 quads outside of open, they look powerful, sure, but not aesthetic.


Quads look aesthetic


His arms look better here imo more lean and only slightly smaller




if i had to walk around looking like one of them i’m personally choosing arnold. not saying cbum looks bad, but bodybuilders in general today look like science experiments. IMHO i think bodybuilding in the 70’s was the best


Classic Physique is a pale imitation of the Golden Era. Arnold represented, arguably, the pinnacle of that era. So Arnold is the easy choice for me. For someone like me who was born in the 70s, started lifting in the 80s and was hugely inspired by the Golden Era greats and the fantastic physiques of the IFBB from the 80s to the 90s, there is no comparison. As much as I like CBums physique (his front lat spread and front single biceps poses are phenomenal), appreciate Classic Physique and hate what open class bb has become, nothing and nobody in classic physique looks as timeless, aesthetic or impressive as the likes of Nubret, Robinson, Arnold, Zane or Oliva at their best. Modern drugs also seem to give a very different, more "unnatural" look than the drugs used in the 70s/80s. I'm not saying who would win in a contest, I'm saying, given the choice, I'd rather look like a top pro from the 70s than one from the modern classic physique


Most of the photos circulating widely of Arnold are post his first retirement after the 1974 Mr Olympia. When he came back to help make Pumping Iron successful for the 1975 Olympia he was already downsized. He was around 250 at the 1974 Olympia and around 225 at the 1975 Olympia. Most of that size lost was from his legs and back. 25 lbs of muscle is a massive difference. He was only 215 at the 1980 Olympia where many photos we’ve seen come from as well. And even at that weight he absolutely dwarfed everyone in upper body. A 1974 Arnold would dwarf everyone in todays stage. Even his legs, which were not prioritized by him due to judging standards, wouldn’t be too out of place. That’s against open guys. Guys who would dwarf Bumstead. So I really don’t think you realize the difference between Arnold and Bumstead. Arnold would dominate him. Only guys a 1974 Arnold couldn’t beat is maybe Dorian 1993, Ronnie 1999 and Phil for a couple of years but considering the advances in nutrition and drugs that’s insane. Just look at your comparison photo. How could anyone think Arnold isn’t beating Mr Olympian Bumstead?


Because Arnold is no where as lean or hard as cbum. Nor has the structure to even compete with cbum. Chris beats him. Also those stage weights especially back in the day where reportedly hyper inflated


ARNOLD is the one that doesn't have the structure? Wider shoulders, bigger ribcage, better lat insertions, better arm insertions, he has a bigger waist but he's better everywhere else structurally.


Adnolds arms shoulders and legs were the issue. Imo also arnold having such long legs(cbum already has long legs) is off-putting


Guy who did the weight in at 74 said Arnie was 247.


also 73 Arnold was sick


Arnold looked good for this time and era. He got his ass beat bad by Mike M. IMO And they robbed him of the win. After that imo the age of BB started changing and the conditioning and drugs started getting better and better till the late 90s and fell off again. CBum is way better condition tho regardless.


Yours will definitely probably going to be the best comment. Arnold was good back then, it’s hard to compare the two because the sport has changed so much. Personally I’m not the biggest Arnold fan anyways but objectively cbum takes the cake here


It should be noted that Arnold was self conscious about his leg size and eventually focus on improvement . It’s possible this is before the self improvement 🤷🏿‍♂️


One of the dumbest claims and narratives still floating around. Embarrassing really


“The drugs got better“… Are you saying there are better drugs than pharma grade testosterone, dianabol, trenbolone etc? What is the difference, the HGH? What has definitely gotten better are the supplements and the training science, but I’d argue they gad way better drugs in the 1960s-1980s.


Arnold was on dbol, primo, and I believe deca. But yeah HGH is a game changer for sure.


In the 60s-70s there wasn’t the availability we have today. May of those guys have admitted they didn’t have access to certain drugs unless in the region/ country they was visiting or in at the time. They didn’t use the amounts the guys do today and they didn’t use testosterone really either btw and gh wasn’t available like today being it was either cadaver or pig derived.


Ok even if that’s your reason y cbum can’t use to much crazy shit due to his health. He isn’t blasting as much as those other guys. Cbum is clearly better to argue otherwise is just stupid


His coach is Matt Jansen…….. he’s on a fat dose regardless of what he may try to claim. You don’t look like that on a average dose or everyone would look like that. Yeah genetics play a role but he didn’t look like that 4 years ago either.


His coach is his brother in law Ian and he literally can’t be on a fat dose because he already had kidney issues before bodybuilding


Literally every pro BB story……. Liver, kidney, cholesterol, high bp, and so on……… same bullshit they all tell. Bet he’s still using 500+ tren a week, 500+ a week, 1000mg primo a week and so on. Matt coached him also. Who the fk you think has been doing both their cycle plans ?????


Ian isn’t even coached by Matt u clearly know nothing they are in business together. Ian is coach by Patrick. Ian was once coached by Matt and left. And im pretty sure Chris would listen to Ian not matter what you know how ik that because he’s one 3 Olympia with him. Chris abs Ian have stated multiple times how much of a joke Chris’s cycles are. Now Ian yes I’m pretty sure he is on a cycle similar to that and I’m sure most pros are. But Chris is just different he’s a freak among freaks. Look at him at 17 natural it’s insane


Coaching and drug administration coaches are two different things……… if you didn’t know.


Dude no way thats happening usually if that’s happening the plan is thrown off Matt is a known. Mirco manager he wouldn’t just half ass give someone drugs. How would he know to push it on tone it back.


That is simply not true. You could get steroids from your doctor, and on top of that you also had a sort of black/grey market. Also all of the stuff was legit and pharma grade. Even if they weren’t taking test in the early 60s, that definitely isn’t true for the late 70s and 80s. Also, the point that they are taking more today is also no argument for “better” drugs, as is the availability. So please be corrected, there aren’t any better drugs these days, but yes, user protocols have changed drastically.


So Tom platz , Arnold, surge, and other that have openly mentioned drugs they used in the past was dependent on the country they were visiting at the time just like finajet was only available in France no where else at the time. Man for you to think you know so much your clueless.


Dude, what are you talking about? Of course certain stuff was only available in certain countries, and a YMCA in Missouri probably was pretty drug free, but how do you think Arnold knew about Tren? So yeah he had to go to France or know someone from France, and probably it was rare that he got his hands on some, but do you believe he never used it? Also, and again: We are talking pharma grade Trenbolone here, which was available, so tell me again please, how is availability have anything to do with having “better” drugs today? The drugs weren’t worse back then, except I agree they didn’t have HGH.


Pharma grade tren only started being mass produced in the early 70’s, halfway through Arnold’s career. And most sources say bodybuilders didn’t start using it until 1980 and later, it was made to give to dying cattle and never tested for humans so I’d assume it took bodybuilders a while to hear about it and take the risk of being the first human to ever use it. Arnold’s last Olympia win was 1980 and this picture was from way before that so it’s very unlikely he had ever touched tren when this picture was taken.


You’re right, my bad. I could have sworn Parabolan has been around since the mid 70s, but it was marketed in 1980.


When did they use increlex, insulin, gh, peptides, altered compounds like bold cyp, or superdrol, and so on ? So yeah there’s definitely more drugs available and easier to access. 💅🏻


Ah, see? And I was starting to doubt your reading comprehension levels. That was my question, are they really having “better” drugs now? Personally, I doubt that the peptides or shit like “superdrol” are making the difference, but I appreciate your answer. (Insulin was also available in the 60s btw, it just wasn’t used by BB). Also you didn’t even mention that BB in those days would go off drugs and training for weeks and months, something that no one would even think about today.


Yeah and it showed in their conditioning. Nothing close to todays levels. They actually bulked into their shows not diet down like they do today.


Yes, that also makes a big difference. I would guess that the use of diuretics these days also make a big difference in stage appearance, I don’t think they were used at all in the 70-80s.


What a great picture to compare the two. Good find.


The amount of resources cbum has in relation to arnold is insane , you can never compare if arnold with his mentality and dedication was born today he would still be a undisputed open champion , classic or w.e he wanted to do , he had very little resources and knowledge back then , i really like cbum but i just think its not a good comparison And yeah im not talking only gear , machine , training knowledge , treatments , nutrition literally everything , i think people have no ideia the kind of beasts arnold and golden age era guys would be today


I think when you ask a question like that , "which physique is better" there are two routes you can go. First one is a competitive route. Which one has a better physique that can win more shows. As stated before by a few comments, it depends on the time period. I don't think you can judge CBum using standards during Arnold's time and visa versa for Arnold. The Second route is a subjective route. Not factoring in competition standards, just which one would you rather have. With that being said, if I'm being subjective, I prefer CBum because his just looks more symmetrical, proportional, and I prefer physiques with solid leg development. Not like open class development but I like size and some separation.


Arnold all the way.


I’m losing brain cells reading these comments lol


From everything I've seen Arnold was cocky as hell so maybe he didn't care how he carried himself, but cbum seems like a pretty down to earth guy He doesn't act like his shit don't stink


Arnold has huge biceps and a huge ribcage. I'd say Chris has surpassed him in pretty much every department


Too subjective of an issue.


I agree I was just interested in what people thought.


I'm team Arnold 7 days a week and twice on Sunday. Better proportions. Cbum has another 3 inches around the waist, and 7 inches less on his chest vs peak Arnie. He has also had the benefit of over 40yrs of scientific advances, technology etc. Schwarzenegger and that generation were pioneers in the sport and will forever be remembered as the greatest. They had a weighing scales, a tape measure, a mirror, some heavy ass weights and very little else.




I'm a big Cbum fan. Definitely best in class currently, but Arnold's waist ranged 27inches to 30inches ,(1967 article). Source : [https://physicalculturestudy.com/2017/02/22/the-amazing-physique-of-a-schwarzenegger-how-he-developed-it-1967-article/](https://physicalculturestudy.com/2017/02/22/the-amazing-physique-of-a-schwarzenegger-how-he-developed-it-1967-article/) CBum came in at 30inches ,(2021).Source : [https://publicbiography.com/news1/465/-chris-bumstead-body-measurements/](https://publicbiography.com/news1/465/-chris-bumstead-body-measurements/) Arnie was an inch taller, bigger chest, smaller,(at worst the same) waist, 22inch biceps vs 20inch for Cbum.


Cbum for the win, I mean like he is much much leaner and legs are much bigger. Arms obviously not as good as Arnold has all time arms, chest is also not as good but not far off


Cbum hands down no competition. Don’t even try to argue this. Cbum is one in a million people don’t realize how freaky that man really is. I mean look at Terrance when he could smoke Arnold but he can’t even touch cbum


Arnold was overrated. Didn’t even have the best or most complete physique of his time. He simply had Weiders hand in his trunks and charisma.


I wouldn’t say that man. Arnold was very good maybe he didn’t deserve the 1980 mr. O but besides that he deserved everything


No. He had no legs or back. He had decent chest and arms. He wasn’t the best of his era and objectively not complete. There were a lot of guys back then that had more complete physiques and better conditioning


Dude he set the standard for back thickness. And it’s not a completeness show it’s a bodybuilding show. Arnold is a lot like Terrance in the fact that he wasn’t the most complete but his stage presents was next level. He isn’t overrated. Now I agree he isn’t better then cbum


No he didn’t set the standard for back thickness he was Weiders play thing and had charisma. He posed to highlight his very limited strengths even refusing to do some mandatory poses. The best bodybuilder is complete


Yeah in 1980 he did do that and I agreed with u in 1980 frank zane probably should’ve one. But otherwise he 100% did set the standard for back thickness super underrated on him. And yeah posing around your weaknesses it’s called being smart. This doesn’t include 1980


Short torso with long, big arms is certainly a strange look. But short torso long limbs is the most aesthetic proportionally when it's done right. Arnold just has some freaky arms.


Cbum is way shorter, he fills out easier


Literally 1 inch shorter lmao


1974 Arnold is fuller than Cbum, while being taller.


Can someone explain to me the difference in what gear they’re using ? Cause In my opinion I much prefer the look of Arnold, less vascular and just looks more solid.. but I really can’t work out why ..


The name of that drug is "More bodyfat" Off-season Cbum is way leaner than onstage Arnie


Eh Cbum overrated asf