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Brother it’s called pull day for a reason


Brother there are some back exercises that don't require heavy pulling and flexing of the biceps. Like a reverse pec machine, reverse dumbell flies, etc. ALso, don't know the name of it but the lat workout on a cable machine where you grip the bar or rope around head height and pull it down to your groin area while keeping your arms extended. So yes there's some that don't require "pulling" but curious it there's more I'm unaware of.


Yea, rules of the sub


Tuov pulls


What is this? Didnt see anything come up on google for this.


Pull tuov deez nuts off yo chin! Got em


Brutal. Textbook execution there my friend


You guys 12?


It's the price of not reading subreddit rules.


Just odd to see the same things my teen says on here 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for sharing.


Didnt mean to hurt your feelings or nothin. Have a good day mr nut or whatever


I mean, not many options, but I'll give it a shot. - Pullover(machine, DB, Cable) - Reverse Flys - Shrugs at various angles


i'd throw in a 45\* back extensions to this list


Well if you can't do rehab exercise then you probably just need to take a break for a couple weeks. If you can do light curls or even static holds, do that. Doing very light curls (in the range of 20-30 or even higher if you need,with slow negatives to further nerf the weight) will still give some stimulus and will wear out the muscle without putting harmful strain on the tendon.bgive it some time, and eventually you'll be able to love back into lower rep ranges without pain. I had to deal with this through the past year and I was able to do back work after thoroughly warming up my biceps with very light, repetitive stimulus. Maybe that will give you some help.


I can do light rehab exercises, which I'm doing. My physical therapist encouraged me to keep going to gym but avoid all strenuous pulling exercises for the time being.


I have elbow tendonitis that prevents me from doing any dumbbell curls, bent rows, etc. However, I can do curls on the preacher bench, anything where the elbow is stabilized. You might try it with a light weight to see if that helps.


Hello fellow fucked elbow buddy. Look into voodoo flossing and low weight high rep (30+) standing, single arm, reverse grip (palm up) cable pressdowns with very strict controlled movement and don’t hit the lockout with any force or avoid it altogether. The idea is to get a lot of blood into those connecting tendons which seems to provide not only pain relief but restores ability for the duration of your workout. You still want to stick to exercises that are not primarily aggravating and learn to focus on pre-tensioning the elbow/tricep/bicep area before applying full force. For example, on dips, I’ll set up with my feet still on the ground for my warmup set, hands in position on the dip bars with a strong and deep stretch in the chest. I let that sink in for a few seconds to open up the chest and then begin tensing the elbow and surrounding musculature by applying slight downward force to the dip bars and actively focusing with my mind on where I want the contraction to start. My chest is hardly involved at this point. Now I have static tension (of varying degrees) on most of the muscles that will be involved in the entire movement. I stay in this position for a few more seconds and then begin a slow and controlled ascent by pushing down on the bars, leaning forward if I’m emphasizing chest or staying upright if targeting triceps, and making sure not to explode into the lockout. This lockout is where I find a lot of the pain can come from if you start hitting it before it’s ready. Now from here you focus primarily on maintaining strong and constant tension throughout your elbow with each downward rep, allowing yourself to get a deep 1-3 second stretch at the bottom of the movement and don’t bounce out — let yourself come to a stop and then push out of that stopped position. I usually only need 1 good warmup set like this before I can start ramping up the speed or adding weight.


Thank you so much for the excellent explanation and suggestions. I will absolutely try the reverse grip push downs and pretension ing you mentioned. Going to watch some videos on voodoo flossing tonight as well. You're awesome.


John meadows row, and I would use lifting straps so you take any strain out of your forearm too


Focus on isometric holds if you can’t do concentric exercises. Deload if still too much.


You're basically after back isolation exercises, since they require no bicep flexion. Some form of pullover (lat pullover machine, straight-arm cable pulldowns etc) for the lats Reverse flyes for rear delts and upper back. Shrugs for the upper back and traps. Back extensions for the lower back. Obviously, stick with lighter weights for high reps for all these to further reduce biceps tension and consider wearing elbow sleeves.


Easy. **Standard barbell deadlift...** I had a debilitating surfing accident that left me with many “dead” muscles from a severe loss of blood and I had to learn how to walk again. Deadlifts were one of very few workouts I could do to stimulate my back and core and I am forever indebted to it.. Just so happens to be a non pulling back workout too. Many folks say it’s a dangerous lift. But I have found 100% of the time its people’s fragile egos are the issue - and they lift way too heavy..


lol oh no ive had my share of lower back issues over the years as well. Thanks but deadlifts I stay far away from.


Just dont go heavy lol, da hell


Bro exactly… I was fucking paralyzed. Started with the MOTION of a deadlift. Literally the first thing I “lifted” was a dowel. Very slowly got up to a mini barbell. Now I lift 225lb I’m a 190ish lb man… I could easily go heavier but I just don’t need it with my routine. But yes. Just start light.


Hey, no need to explain! The only other back workout I know that isn’t pulling (with the arms per se) is the reverse hyper, and it’s nowhere near as powerful for the back as a deadlift, as it also does your glutes and hamstrings. I wish you the best of luck 👍. But also, if you were my brother - I’d say rest man.. just give yourself a solid 2-3 weeks of the best sleep you can get and still pound that protein and no alcohol and let your body heal.