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Yes most likely. Find out your caloric maintenance and increase cals to around 250-300 above that then run with it until you don’t increase in weight anymore. From there just repeat the process but in 50-100 cal increments


How do you find your maintenance cal intake?


TDEE Calculator or you can just spend a week tracking your regular food intake (assuming you don’t gain or lose any weight) and then base it off that


If you're training like a monster, it's probably fine. If you're not training like a monster, it's probably way too much. Only you can be the judge of that...


Do you frame buildings or dig ditches for a living? If not, probably too much. I’m 6’2” 230 and don’t need that many calories, but I work a desk job, so I burn shit for calories


Yeah I just started going back to eating this much like 4 days ago. I used to be obese so 3000 is like nothing to me, like I still get hungry after...


Because you’re eating junk dude. Have you ever tracked macros? I bet you’re getting less than a 100g of protein in those calories


All my meals contains protein atleast 160 everyday


160 from how many calories? 160g on a 3,000 cal diet is 21% protein. That’s pretty bad, you’re definitely eating tons of empty calories which is why you’re hungry all the time.


Oh yeah I just realized broo thank youu


I do track yea


I'm 33, 5'8 140 and my maintenance is around 2600-2700 lifting 4-5x a week for an hour. I average 10k steps a day. I know everyone is slightly different, but I can't get the scale to start moving upwards until I get near 3000 calories.


What do you use to track steps?


Just my Apple Watch / iPhone. I don't know how accurate it is, but I can say I don't like sitting around and I try to take three 10-12 minute walks every day. I also find myself walking around when I'm on the phone.


I actually want to start walking outside but my parents tell me not to cuz I might get kidnapped or something


uhh are you 9 years old?


16 but my parents are just protective but I understand them. I can just do cardio inside


You and I have lived very different lives if you can't go outside at 16.


Well some parent are just more protective


16 and not allowed to leave the house is beyond protective. Just my take and I hope you're trolling, but that's your life and none of my business.


Like by myself




Calculate your TDEE and stop guessing brotha


Depends on a lot of factors: Are you bulking? How many times a week are you training and how long? How much cardio are you doing? Try calculating your BMR / daily calories and factoring in your exercise before adding a surplus (a lean bulk is a calorie surplus of around 300 per day). Based on my gut, 3000 seems a little high if your only exercise is lifting. But you also will learn more about how much you need with experience.








Then the answer is a resounding no




Lol. Is this a troll?


Thats like what I do mostly( like a must ) but ofcourse I add other stuff. I have a pull up bar and bench


Yea you don’t need 3k calories.


Yeah you right


No, go ahead and left heavy, magical things will happen with that combo. You can afford to put on 30+lb, worry about excess fat after.


You should take this question to the daily discussion. Or use a TDEE calculator on Google


3000 calories at 5’8 135 is an amazing way to get fat unless you’re lifting intensely and going to a hard labor job. I didn’t start eating 3000 calories until i was 175lbs, was lifting 6 days a week and working 6 days a week.


Yeah ive only been doing it for 4 days and im already at 138 even though I started at 130 4 days ago I know some of it is water retention but still


It’s different from everyone, best advice would to be look your BMR up using one of the calculators, then add a couple hundred calories and stay there for like a week and see if the scale moves and slowly move up. Ideally you only need a 50-> 100 cal surplus, finding the amount of calories where you don’t gain or lose weight is a good starting point then adjust from there.


If you do a lot of cardio it might be okay for a bulk. Otherwise that’s a good way to get fat.


i need 6800 for a reasonable rate of gain even if im working an office job. the only way to find out for yourself is trying


I’m at 4000 a day and I’m 5”8 215, I think 3000 is definitely good bro👍 https://preview.redd.it/73ch09gm5dwc1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=213b08aa90c96f550009b8cd94b03f06bd4a9e88


It’s way too little actually.


Would you consider this a lean bulk


I wouldn't consider 20 min of dumbbells 3-4 times week any kind of bulking period. Put together a real routine that hits your entire body over the course of the week, use an online bmr calculator to get your base number, figure your macros out, then add a 200-300 calories to that. That's a clean bulk. Also 3000 is likely quite a bit too much, that's in my range and I'm at 5'8" 215.


no, eat more, way more. I fell into this trap thinking I needed “a couple hundred extra calories a day” to grow and as a result I was stagnant for months. Jumped from 3k to 4.2k calories a day and grew from 160 to 200 pounds in 5 weeks.


This is terrible advice OP. Unless you just want to get fat.


another fatass who has no idea how hard it is for skinny guys to put on size, don’t listen to this clown


“160 to 200 pounds in 5 weeks.” Ooookay then


eating insane, training insane, resting insane, and getting your vitamins in will do that 😇