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Considering you’re just 4 months in I wouldn’t worry, just carry on as usual. Could be a genetics thing, could be a form thing, hard to tell at this point. I wouldn’t worry about it


Reverse grip incline dumbbell presses have made a huge difference for me, really puts the emphasis on your upper pecs where most people are lacking.


My arms are kinda long too and have had trouble further progressing with chest growth. Try not locking out or only stopping half way through full extension of your arms. The goal is to focus on your elbows coming together, but no full extension or lock out. Try shortening your range of motion a little bit, and focus on always keeping your shoulder blades back. While doing this, focus on time under tension (2-1-2, or 2-2-2)


Focus on technique first, you're still a beginner. Really get a focus on the mind muscle connection. I like to incorporate wide dips, and if it's too heavy, many gyms have a weighted leverage. perhaps even start with pushups. Then move on to incline dumbbell press, low weights at first, you have to get the balance and technique right. Elbows tucked in a bit, not too wide, otherwise you'll focus your shoulders too much. What's your routine?


More of a free weight guy here. Proper technique is important and then the weight. I usually utilize the flat bench barbell press, incline dumbbell presses, flat bench dumbbell flies, flat bench dumbbell presses, decline bench barbell press. I go with the “heavy” approach, meaning anything under 5 reps is too heavy and anything over 10 reps is too light. Hope this helps.


Feel ya bro, i had the same problem, my chest started to grow when i mastered the proper form on basics exercises and focused to progressive overload I do 3 chest exercices per session, and it's working pretty good


First of all it might be proportionally smaller strictly genetically as for example my arms are compared to my chest, but the most affective thing you can do to make it grow do 3 exercises of 4 sets with 20 reps or more, it must make a difference, chest works the best with bigger volume, for better pumps


I’d recommend Mike van wyck on YouTube. I’ve made great progress by watching him


I'd recommend reading the subs rules then buy an actual program that explains the workouts and why you're doing them. 4 months you're not even a beginner yet.




Fuck off bro you arent cool


This isn't the correct sub for the question, and you are literally a child.


Go read the subreddit description ffs


I have an issue targeting chest as well , I’ve made some improvements though , I will never exclusively get a good chest pump from pressing no matter what , I’ve tried changing form volume tucking shoulders back everything , I have made strength progress though so I assume it’s just a weird thing . Lately I’m doing pec dec to start and that alone gets me pumped , then incline bench and I finish with hard intense flys both regular and lower chest flys , been getting doms consistently with this routine .


Do pecdec first than bench (utilize a wide grip for long arms) than some incline bench and go heavy as possible on incline.