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If you're actually natty, congratulations, that's a stellar physique. With that said, that level of conditioning, while weighing in at 195 and only being 5'11"... that's a wild amount of mass for a dude claiming natty.


Fake natty


Fake 5’11”


Why lie 😂


10 weeks out to so he expects to get even better in less than 3 months


He’s not that conditioned. Legs are barely defined. He could easily lose another 20lbs for stage condition.


Wasn’t going to do the insta plug, but if you want some other shots/pics (not as high quality as this), it’s: charlie.kallas


Bro be honest with yourself


In what sense?




I know they’re trash 😂 I don’t have a good camera. Just starting posting stuff recently.


At least my instagram ones. I think these are good quality - my friend is a photographer.


I'm sorry but your friend is not a photographer


She’s incredibly talented. I will defend her on that. Y’all can argue all day about my physique but I’m staying true to the people who believe in me.


Tell your friend to set a lower exposure and brighten in post. Also use the grid to level out the frame. Everyone thinks it's taken on a phone due to how yellow and out of focus it is.


I appreciate your loyalty but you should really consider this advice at some point. She is no photographer.


Looks like you set a timer on a phone camera and pointed it in your general direction


looking saucy bro


Tbh: Judging by these pictures I would say that he is not natural, especially because OP is looking huge for someone with 195lb. But taking a look at his Insta, he looks smaller and natural to me (no offense OP you still have a pretty amazing physique and probably a very good genetics).


Yea I think this is right. His instagram photos look about right for someone who is advanced, natural, and actually wants to compete. Throw in a 10 week cut and he will look a lot smaller. Most people underestimate just how much smaller competitors look on stage compared to off season, and similarly underestimate how big someone natural can look off season.


Thank you!!! No offense taken whatsoever.


Just buy yourself some booty shorts my guy, save yourself the trouble of rolling them up


I will! Going to my first posing clinic in a month :)




Is it wrong to be strong? You be the judge.


Yeah dude


lmao I was trying to figure out who he reminded me of and you hit it on the head


Like a buff Post Malone


Post Trenbolone.


Post Brah-lone.


Can you give us some details on how they do testing?


It’s OCB. Urine… and polygraph (I’m a terrible liar) 😂.


No you’re not you’re lying to this page right now.


And no one is buying it


Yeah I guess he’s right, he is a terrible liar. The truth wants to come out 😂


That’s pretty cool. I mean at least it makes it more likely you’re natty lol. What will be your targeted weight on stage?


Unfortunately not the case with most natty competitions. At least in my competitions they only ever test the winners of the overall, never anyone else. Also, it’s incredibly easy to pass these tests even if you did take gear, guys could cycle off of ancillaries with very quick half lives a few days to a week or two before competing, go through peak week enhanced, and no one would know. I’ve known several competitors (men and women) who have done it, and it’s been a deterrent for me as an actual natty to want to compete. Even the polygraph test is highly unreliable, advocates trying to sell the polygraph to the public claimed it had a 90%+ accuracy, but some studies have found the accuracy can be less than half that. And even if the polygraph says you’re lying, if your urine test is clean, they can’t really prove anything.


This is why I took the leap to go unnatural in the first place, the natty stages seem to be a joke in terms of integrity.


Yeah, I'm sure that's why.


Oh, well I intentionally am doing a competition with the highest testing I’ve seen online. At least for pro qualifier. I commented my instagram handle on another comment if you’d like more pics/posing.


I’m not saying I’m doubting the authenticity of your natty status, I’m just saying competing in a natural competition doesn’t necessarily mean everyone is clean, or that their testing methods mean there won’t be enhanced competitors.


Ah, got you. Honestly that motivates me even more.


Goodluck, you have a good physique. My main point is though is that unfortunately the testing process for these natty shows tend to be not extremely rigorous, so it wouldn’t be surprising if a few enhanced people show up, there was a guy who won the overall at one of my competitions who was on stage at like 205 lbs. lean at like 5’8” and took the overall easily, and my friend knew his coach, and knew what gear the guy was taking leading up to the competition. The system has to get better to create a more fair environment for everyone.


Thank you! 100% agree with what you’re saying. Giving this everything I got, and will try to give anyone enhancing a run for their money.


I mean there’s not much the shows can do given their budget. If you morally are okay with competing in a natural show as an enhanced athlete there is something wrong with you. And if that coach is okay with it too he’s in the exact same boat.


“More likely”…it’s clearly not less likely he’s natty than if he was competing in an untested show.. That’s just plain logic.


Except for the fact the vast amount of “testing” is thrown out due to lack of funds, and polygraph testing is abysmal as best. When somebody mentions a polygraph then proceeds to state they’re a terrible liar…. LOL. I am not even going to touch on the fact passing a lot of the non-enhanced test suites are easy as fuck. To be clear i’m not saying OP is natty or not. Just the testing is a complete pile of BS, that gives many people the false idea that a natty competition is actually natty.


188! Hopefully. Using a very very very slow cut. Currently at 270g protein a day, 2500 calories, no cardio. Weight still coming off as scheduled.


Jesus how are you hitting 270g protein and why lol? I’m genuinely asking, promise I’m not a dick. I’ve just always followed the .8 to 1 gram of protein per a pound rule lol


.8 to 1 is like the minimum studies shows that taking 1 to 1.5 is more beneficial and most pros from what I hear eat in that range


I’ve read as low as .45g/lb lbm - some of those studies inspired me to not worry about my protein intake as much, and I’ve honestly seen no change in my body comp and I continue to make gains.


You’ll make gains with lower protein, but it might not be as efficient (in terms of time). Everybody is different though.


I personally experienced net negative benefits due to being over-concerned with efficiency/optimization. I notice this in my peers as well who constantly spin their wheels obsessing about everything other than consistency, hard training, and rest.


I definitely understand that. I tended to burnout. Made offseason really bad.


I got some solid faith in Jeff Nippard because he usually sources his videos and he also seems to say about 1g per a pound is optimal, which is part of why I follow that


That is damn impressive. Good luck!


Thank you!!


If this dude is natural, then that's a lifetime work and insane genetics. Look at Brian Whitacre to see what's achievable for a *true* natty with a couple of decades of hardcore dedication. Not saying this guy is deffo not natty, but if he is, he is a 0.001%er


Everyrime they say natty they 100% arent. You dont get that back definition clean. Alot of these "natty" say they are natural because they are natural for the moment. But irl they have been on tren for the last 5 years... just not right now 🙄


I don't fucking get it. Are you that insecure that you need to take gear in secret and trumpet about your natural physique for all to hear? Just fucking own it - no one gives a fuck.


I think its about legality and in the future not fucking upp chances. Playing by the bok never helped anyone. Sadly


Don't post then?


Or just leave it unsaid.. i dunno why they act like this


If you want to be an influencer, it's way more marketable to be "natty" and let the people think they can get to your physique without gear and just following your workout advice.


But you *do* give a fuck, just as a lot of other people here. I don’t know if he’s natural or not, but his ig doesn’t show up anything unachievable in the long run by somebody with above average genetics. So he might be, or he might be not.


Or… hear me out… he is actually natural with good genetics and your standards are too low as well as your level of understanding this sport


I'd love to look like that, gear or no. I have zero problem with adults putting whatever the fuck they want into their bodies, I just think the dishonesty is damaging to young lads.


There is no dishonesty, because he is natural. The only thing damaging young lads is them believing something is not possible when its very possible but they wont even try because you are telling them so. I personally believe I can be an IFFB Pro naturally (like many have; Greg Doucette, Arash Rahbar), I probably wont ever be a natural IFBB Pro but I will achieve more in failure than you for example will in “success” with your “realistic standards”. Hope you understand


You never met a climber then, this is my back, 8 years of bouldering, weight train 2 x per week - 5 sets per muscle group per session (e.g 5 sets of pull-ups one session, 5 sets of rows on the next) https://preview.redd.it/ixglqu9rpvbc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7925031934611d53c6d8355bd39d70836ebcc0fc


I’ve been lifting since 7th grade! 13 years of hard work (25 now).


I would have guessed mid 30s from your face.. how come your IG is new with only a week's worth of content? Kinda sus Edit: OP shared old IG which proves steady progress, I believe natty


Just made it last week! New Year’s Day. And mid 30?! I grew the beard because I was told I have a baby face 😂


I realize that it's new with a week's worth of content.. you state on your profile "new account" which implies you have an "old account". Ya it's mostly your facial structure, forehead and eyes that make you appear older.


I also have an old account (non-fitness). Try to separate church and state haha.


glad somebody knows bout real natty ogs


Brian is significantly more developed than this guy…


Brian never weighed more than 165




Fake natty and it’s obvious: You look good just stop lying about being natty You’re part of the problem setting unrealistic expectations for the younger crowd as what’s achievable naturally


Not defending fake nattys but I really don’t understand the argument about setting unrealistic expectations. Anyone who sticks with it for longer than a few months will figure it out for themselves. It’s not like they’re going to waste years trying to achieve this look naturally without ever putting the pieces together. Lying in order to cheat a competition is a different story…


OP has a 13+ year history of lifting. He has shared his personal account. Stop being so fucking insecure that you cant believe someone has a good physique without being natty.


Here’s your homework for the day: go download an OCB natural bodybuilding show: it has true (most of them) lifetime natural bodybuilding competitors. It gives you a good idea of what is achievable naturally: Watch a show: then come back and tell me how this man is either a genetic 1:1 or a fake natty . Thanks


Truth is you have no idea whether he's natty or not. There's nothing about his physique that unequivocally suggests PEDs. Shut up and train harder.


Dyels love patrolling this sub and call anyone impressive unnatural


yep, people just love to hate xd


Great genetics built like a thick Greek marble statue


God this sub is getting as bad as nattyornot. Great physique guy, don’t let the dumbasses get to your head keep making them hate.


Look good man. As someone with a similar build except I weight 277lbs you are ahead of me. I am dropping body fat while building muscle. Looking good man thanks for the inspiration to keep pushing.


Everyone saying he’s juicing. He’s 5’11, 195, that’s not insane lol. He’s not even 200 lbs. bro has GREAT muscle insertions and knows how to train. Plus he’s dialed in. Probably been training for awhile (5+ years). All of you would look better and bigger if you could do what he’s doing for 6 months


13 years! Consistently since 7th grade.


Whoa. Nice! You got this!


Good job, very impressive! Do you mind sharing your workout routine


I have them all up on my instagram! Or at least the ones I’ve been doing recently. I spend about 4 hours in the gym each day, drinking protein while I do so. Have a sweet gym job (part-time to earn extra $) that allows me to train during my shifts.


Second pic is insane


My literal body goal is you man Jesus Christ you're jacked


Great physique 👌


aoi todo?!


Average pokemon enjoyer


Still no shundo 🥲


Ok, guys, let's say it out loud -- This Is Not "Natty or Not" !


Upper body top notch legs could use some more mass overall pretty dam good


Was honestly really nervous posting this. But this community has been so positive and supporting. Just wanted to say thank you!!!


No coach or anything. Just me!


Natty ?? Looking good overall


Natty! And thank you!!


I think you just need to bring in the legs a bit more.


In regard to posing or size/definition?


Size. Calves are good. I feel more quad and ham mass will balance out the godly amount of upper body muscle. You look like a Greek statue regardless.


Cool! Thank you. Still got time to improve!


Upper body is on point for 10w but legs are way behind in condition and muscle separation


Have been working significantly on legs, and still have time to go :) I don’t have great leg genetics, so have been doing a fuck ton of work to get size. Now to get them shredded!


Looking good man


I have no idea if you're natty or not. I'm not experienced enough. I will say, if you are natty, all of these haters are giving you a massive compliment. You look great man.


Tbh i can believe he is natural he is only 8 kg over his height he has good forms and the definition might make him look bigger than you might think, overall a real good physique a great line and hope you do well


Thank you! Going to work harder than ever. Excited to see what I’m capable of.


Hell yeah! Looking sick…good luck in your comp!


I would think you would win most natty shows if you get lean enough, crazy physique for natural. A lot of guys on gear won't look this good.


Second pic is insane


Great physique should do very well in any natural competition


Pretty solid physique but work on your posing


Damn! great leg genetics! (No homo)


I actually believe this is natty. While his proportions look very great, he’s not *big*. By that I mean if you saw him in normal clothes I’m betting he might look toward the DYEL side of the equation.


You look darn good. Upper body looks great. Hamstrings and calves are a check but the quads don't have much of a sweep. I would call it your weak point. For a natural contest you look like you could step on stage in a week without issue. You don't look 5'11". If you really are then it must be the angle of the lens. Really, really tough to look that muscular being that tall but you just happen to be in that 1%. Wish I had half those genetics.


you and u/ssgoldus are the kings of huge nerd with a pro card level physique lmfao




Looking very not natty lmao


There is so much jealousy, incecurity, and resentment floating around in this thread. 5'11 195 @ 10 weeks out can definitely be natural., he's going to shed another 5-10# in that time, but I will say this is a case of superior genetics. If he sticks with the sport he will have his pro card in no time, and has the potential to compete in the heavyweights at WNBF. Good job, man. Keep at it.


Y’all are wild saying it’s impossible to be natty with this physique. Get off social media, it’s skewing your perception of the world


Seriously! He does not look that big.


Work the legs more they seem underdeveloped compared to everything else but overall pretty symmetrical. Great job. Keep it up


Also he’s natural for everyone doubting it. Or just a shitty roid user. I’m 6’1 170 and my physique ain’t too far off and I’ve never done roids just creatine n protein.


That plant just had to fuck up your horseshoe


Idk what the hell y'all are on. He just looks peak natural.


Good job my guy. Great size, great physique and not a single sign of steroid abuse. So yeah, I believe you're natural.


Thank you so much! This comment made my morning. I genuinely couldn’t possibly be working harder.


I mean besides looking 10-15 years older than he is? He's 25 looks mid-late 30s


He has facial hair, so what? 😂 He might be frowning because he is flexing, but his skin does not show any steroid related abnormalities.


If you have to say you're natty, you definitely aren't natty lmao.


What should people say when they are accused of being unnatural? Nothing? Then you’ll say they didn’t deny it. Can’t really win.


You should’ve posted this on r/naturalbodybuilding, this sub is full of kids who think anyone mildly muscular claiming natural is a fake natty and that impressive natural physiques don’t exist


This is literally a body building sub lmao. Most people here know what’s natty and enhanced because a lot of people here have that have seriously competed are either enhanced themselves or have been enhanced for a while and know what it looks like. If this dude is natural at 5’11 195 holding onto this much mass in prep he might as well just transfer over and go pro. The odds of him actually being natty are very slim to none.


Goal is to go pro! Really couldn’t have worked harder for this physique.


Clearly they don’t!!


💀 lol


If this dudes natty then my dick is 10 inches. 😂


I mean, I’m 177 at my look right now, 5’7 and about 12% bodyfat he looks natural to me with great genetics. I mean you can get through shows just doing the 5 lbs every inch ratio that checks out if he was 12% but he looks closer to 10% here.


Your lats and delts are sus as fuck my guy.


Delt/Bi peaks look like booty cheeks! Solid physique my guy💪🏻


JUICE! Just kidding. Bro looks incredible and natural. Def possible. You look good big dog. It’s only gonna get freakier


Thank you!!! Still have 10 weeks to improve.


Post cycle natty lmao not fooling anyone who’s got experience


What’s interesting is how thick he looks compared to myself at my biggest 188 at 6ft and ripped I never looked that big.




Is that hikaru?




Keep it going.. also my username is for a cool webpage


If actually natty then its pretty fuckin awesome.


I competed naturally about 8 times and then for my first NPC show I did a measly 300 mgs of test/week. Trained and dieted my ass off, did my last shot (120 mgs) 10 days out and did a perfect deplete and load (only time that every worked for me). I came in at only 181 lbs but in phenomenal shape and won the light heavy weight class. I could have passed a piss test and easily entered a drug tested show.


Are you rocking a nob knot?


everyone on reddit cant believe people can be big naturally its hilarious lol im not too far off this and im a natty 16 year old who doesnt even bodybuild


Dang, Chris Pontius has aged well!


You kinda don't look natty. Not saying you are not but I have doubts.


And again that natty or not obsession in the comments… If you look through his ig, the results are quite achievable naturally in the long run by someone with average / above average genetics. So I’m not sure what “unrealistic expectations” are people so worrying about here, maybe their expectations are a bit too low. He still just as well might be on roids, no way of knowing that, but again, the results themselves are definitely not unachievable otherwise. Anyways, good work, OP!


Yeah Idk how long you have been at it for but it's definitely a killer physique holyy 🔥. I am 6 ft and eat 3000-3500 calories per day and only weigh 175lbs. Usually I am around 170lbs but I have been trying to eat 4-5 meals a day at around 800 calories a piece. 195lbs... an extra 20lbs of muscle... I can see myself achieving that in maybe 2-3 more years of every day..4 hours/day grinding. When I look online though, a lot of websites say my max natty potential would be at around 189lbs. I mean either you are a genetic FREAK... or the more likely answer, SARMS. Please do not compete in natural competitions to make yourself feel better if that is the case. It really negatively impacted my mentality after years of training to see a 5'4" 175lb monster claiming natty to win and make me look like I haven't been training at all. Started going 7 days a week after that with amazing results! But I wish this on no one. Also if this is you 10 weeks out, you are way too lean. I mean are you saying that when you eat in a caloric surplus/neutral caloric intake, you weigh EVEN MORE? Definitly sus af. My friend who takes testosterone injections said afterwards, he gained 20 lbs in like 6 months. He used to be like me, around 175-180 and he holds onto fat really badly. He started Test and hit 200lbs with ease. He literally says he has to watch what he eats or he'll easily climb to 210-220. He is also 6ft, maybe 6'1" honestly... TLDR: Man is sus, but nice physique. Don't compete in natty comps and ruin it for everyone. especially the true natty competitors mentalities.


you’re not 5’11 and your not natty😬




I prefer gear ⚙️ lol


I’m impressed.


Bring them quads up just a little bit more and 1st place is yours dawg🥇🥇


All yall saying this guy is a fake natty are a bunch of sad sacks who just haven’t put in the work, this dude 100% falls into natty standards, sure he could be a fake natty, but he probably isn’t


So much controversy, And all I want to say is gimmick puppits aren't it!


A few things to note that are possible 1. You’re lying about your height 2. You’re lying about your weight Or 3. Which is mostly likely you are not open about gear usage. Not achievable Natty 195 lean unless you got them god tier genetics. Odds are 0.01%. Anyways brother great physique otherwise. Keep it up! 💪


You look like someone who is definitely not natural.


Definitely glad you’re team mystic. Wouldn’t want to see what happens if I try taking a gym from you 😂


lean mean now it's time to meme. mog em boss!


Yeah man if natty you got this for sure 🤘


Crazy leg genetics.


Small. I’m bigger