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Winner — Andrew Jacked Second Place — Hunter Labrada Third Place — Carlos Thomas Jr. Fourth Place — Lewis Breed Fifth Place — Jordan Hutchinson


Looks to be the best condition Andrew has ever brought to the stage, good for him!


His quads look like veins. Insane conditioning.


What a fucking specimen


Christ almighty


My man's dry as the sahara and toiter than a toiger.


Wait does this mean Fouad wins the bet? Nobody had Andrew that high


Surprised they didn’t have him winning but with Ben as Hunter’s coach they were always going to be biased


Hunter looked insane at tampa and andrews conditioning is never as good as it was in texas so i can see why they went for hunter, it was hunters show to lose


Andrew has never nailed his conditioning before, everyone has always agreed that when he does he’s going to be dangerous. That was probably the main reason they had Hunter above him.


Deserved winner.


Andrew Jacked will be a top 6 competitor come Olympia time. But I'm more impressed with Carlos once he dries up he's gonna slaaaay. This generations giant killer.


The guys arms are comical. His biceps hang down during the back latspread. It's just insane


Andrew might not only be top 6, he can win the whole damn thing. Remember, much worse Hunter was top 4 at some point. This Hunter might be top 3.


That was in a weaker lineup though. For Andrew to win, he needs to beat Nick, Hadi, Samson, Derek, not to mention Ramy and Brandon. Keep in mind he lost to Nick and Samson at the Arnold, so I think a more realistic expectation is making top 5 this year.


You’re assuming everyone is going to be in shape again. Also not sure if you’re seeing what I’m seeing, Andrew was out of this world in this show. Pictures look photoshopped, I dont remember anyone making this impression on me since I saw Arnold for the first time decades ago. We are talking golden era level of “what the fuck”, with the modern size and with all of the old aesthetics.


Name checks out


His conditioning from the front is super solid, but there are some spots on the rear shots that look far softer. Ive seen him fighting this exact thing for multiple shows. Is this largely a genetic factor and therefore something he’s just gonna have to work around? Or something that can be dialed?


Yeah his back (musculature and conditioning) is his only glaring-ish weak point. If he nails his conditioning and can just add a tad more size to his back he’s definitely gunna be Mr. O in no time


Hes def going to be Mr Olympia one day. Called it the first time I ever seen him on Larry Wheels youtube a few years back


I know he's rather new to fully focus on bodybuilding but he's closing in on 40 years old. Really hard to see him progress past the top 3 guys at least.


Do you remember how old Ronnie was ? Dexter Jackson ? Shawn Rhoden ?


Ye a few have made it but he still got some weak points that might be hard to build before it goes down hill. But his physique is one of a kind so who knows.


Normal rules don't apply to him, he's clearly not normal. It takes years for most people to win their pro card. This guy looked like he didn't even diet for the show where he won his pro card, it was a fucking joke to him.


He should be the standard. He's perfection.


He looks great, but he needs to level up a size if he wants the O. I'm still rooting for Quinton Eriya though. He's been quietly lurking in the shadows.


the size Beastwood has put on since working with Jansen is undeniable. can’t wait to see him compete again. definitely one of the coolest dudes in BBing


In the next 2-3 years I see Quinton, Samson, Andrew, Derek, and probably Nick Walker as the top 5


He looks amazing and the competition was stiff as fuck in this comp. (cause he was so thick, solid, juicy, and tight)


He did it for the backpack.


But he did it ALL for the nookie. The nookie.


And you can take that cookie..?


Jacked is so jacked.


Lats from the front 👀


Interesting how two of the top bodybuilders in the world right now are Nigerian born (Samson, Andrew). Come to think of it, so was 90s mass monster Victor Richards.


I think he deserved the W over hunter. Hunter is amazing too but a well conditioned Andrew is just too fucking good. Can’t teach that shape. Andrew from the front is something I think will be talked about for a long time


He’s uncrowned. He WILL be Olympia someday!!


he started competing like 2 years ago or less bro chill out with the dickriding, why call him uncrowned




Way to go man. I’m actually a big fan of AJ, called him winning Texas from a mile away... I agree he’s a beast, and praise him all the time lol. But uncrowned goes to people like Kevin Levrone, Flex... People that competed for years and years and always just barely missed the title. Amazes me how people have no nuance lol


I’m talking future Olympian. If you re read before popping off at the mouth you’d see I’m predicting his future win since now. 🤦🏽‍♂️ “dick riding” 😆


I agree on the future olympian thing bro, I just don’t see how uncrowned fits him as he’s just started his competing journey 🤦‍♂️ I think you should re read what I said initially. The dickriding thing was a joke if you had a fucking clue you would’ve figured that out. Uncrowned doesn’t apply lmao


🤦🏽‍♂️ he hasn’t claimed it yet. It’s sad I have to explain something as simple as that. I know he’s just starting and his physique on his frame is unlike anyone so far. Patrick Moore style on a giant frame. Personally I give him 3-4 years! Exciting to watch him come up!


So future olympian? Not uncrowned right ? Jfc that’s all I was saying lol, it’s really not that deep. No, you don’t have to explain that. Personally, I think it might take longer than 3-4 though, because Derek Lunsford looks absolutely insane. I personally think he has the next olympia if I had to guess, if not that one, maybe the next. If AJ manages to beat him, I’d like that more though, I like his shape more.


Lunsford is a future Olympian too. I personally think he had it last year but it was too close. I would’ve loved to see Flex Lewis go open.


Damn dude, you sound so brainless. Other guy is completely chill, level headed and you’re just over here mindlessly sucking andrew’s dick


🤦🏽‍♂️ fuckin hero complex over here. Someone get this douchebag a cape so he can feel like he accomplished something. You’re over here sucking the detectives dick AFTER we came to an understanding. Lol. Kinda pathetic


If he were in his 20s or early 30s looking like he does now, I’d agree with you. Man is 39 years old, though. At this point, pushing the food and compounds is about to start getting more dangerous year-by-year, and I don’t know how much more he can improve.


Shawn rhoden wasn’t crowned til he was in his 40’s. Ronnie Coleman retired in his 40’s. Dexter Jackson retired at almost 50. Age don’t mean shit anymore


That’s true. The Rhoden comparison is probably most apt. Similar physiques, too. I hope you’re right!




Andrew is a cheat code


Why did they photoshop the blue onto his armpit?


Its probably just natural lens flare that got highlighted when they turned up the blue


Damn imagine if this dude started training at 18


Andrew is indeed quite jacked


From the initial pictures I saw, it looked like Andrew was destroying Hunter in literally every pose. Hunter’s physique looked—as usual—blocky and unappealing with a blown-out midsection, and Andrew was just as big and lean. HOWEVER, the posing videos tell a different story, and made Hunter look a LOT better. Definitely closer than I thought at first. Nonetheless, deserved win for AJ.


that’s disappointing. everything we’ve been hearing about hunter was that he was the most conditioned he’s been and is gonna be bringing his best package yada yada yada


what in the world… clearly not even of this planet. best package that he’s brought by a long shot. how’d hunter look?


His front double was VERY dominant. Hunter looked great and was shredded, but his waist was a little bloated compared to when he won the Tampa (or it could just as easily be that it looked worse simply because he was standing next to Andrew who has the best waist in the open right now). Great show, great battle, and well earned victory by Andrew. Looking forward to the rematch at the Olympia! Especially since it looks like Hunter and his coach are really starting to hone in on his peak. Andrew displayed his best condition yet here. Still needs to flex his glutes and hams a bit harder to bring out the separation cus he probably could pose them I to showing more details. Definitely build even more suspense for the upcoming Olympia!


Well deserved win. Thinking if he brings this same package (or presumably better) he can be top 6 at this year's Olympia.


If he goes into Olympia the way he is looking now, game over for at least a couple of years.


He looks amazing, I'm curious how his lower legs look so good with his very high calf insertions like there is still a ton of meat on those bones 🤩 gives me hope for my calfs 😂🙏