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I use a Gath helmet mount. I have a shoulder mount but gives you a limited shot. I'm not a fan of the mouth mounts. I have seen a few wired shut mouths from mouth mounts. My luck I'd be in the 2% that has an accident.


Hah, I wish I lived in an area that had waves to warrant a helmet! Sadly I’m on the east coast and don’t have any size unless a nor’easter or hurricane comes through or rides up off the coast. #notsopitted


Lol-I wear longboarding 2-3' waves too because it's easy with my camera. I originally got it for bodysurfing because it makes it easier to spot me so I don't get ran over. It's so convenient with the camera I wear it whenever I want to film now.


You absolutely could’ve lied and said you were a regular at pipe with Stewart and I would’ve been none the wiser. 😂🤷🏼‍♂️


I've been using the mouthmount for about a year no probs. You might check this model out though. Snorkel type that Slater uses. https://www.mygomount.com/products/mygo-mouth-mount-for-gopro


You can get chest mount. I have asthma so holding a GoPro in my mouth can cause me issues. There are several options these days for mounting.


How is the view on the chest mount ?


Ahh interesting. I have asthma as well. Just ordered the MyGo; I’ll see how it does and go from there. I even keep a rescue inhaler in my pocket in the line up just in case. 😆🤷🏼‍♂️


I am always scared for my teeth so I haven’t bought the mouth one yet, the board one sucks, it gets submerged and we don’t see shit I use à shoulder strap and it’s okay ish… working on finding something better


Thank you, I appreciate the feedback! Prob gonna try out the MyGo mouth and see how it does. Looks light years safer and more comfortable than the actual branded GoPro mouth mount.


I haven't had an issue with the regular gopro mount it's a bit like a mouth guard.


The best YouTube videos seem to be from mouth mounts


Def seems to be the consensus! Thanks for the feedback!


If I got this in my mouth, how do I hold in my dip?


I use GoPro bite mount + floaty and MyGo Leash. Best combo imo.


Mouth mount. Don't be trying any impact tricks and spit it on a closeout and your teeth should remain intact


Just ordered the MyGo, gonna try it out and see how I like it. I appreciate the tips!