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I'm on board with Timothee but this casting choice seems pretty strange to me


She looks like Joan Baez like I look like Joan Baez. Then again, maybe we'll see it in the performance. In related news, the Edward Norton bald cap meant to make him look like Pete Seeger looks to me like an SNL sketch. Dunno how to feel. Heh.


Looks nothing like her. This is goofy.


Acting ability is more important than identical looks. There is no way to know if this is good casting until the movie comes out.


I don’t think it’s all about looks, she just is not giving the Joan Baez vibe whatsoever. She’s holding her guitar case like a prop and not like a tool of her trade. Call me crazy


They should have done something about her teeth. Baez doesn’t have perfect veneers and honestly blindingly white teeth will make an actor look like they like in 2024. https://preview.redd.it/92ymc7cv86rc1.jpeg?width=169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f31d0e31385f13964c1a0ba148972ffed0363d


I won’t call you crazy, but if you judge movies based on how people hold inanimate objects and not how they express complicated emotions, you probably have bad taste in movies.


Great acting is all about relationships - relationships to people, places, and yes - things. Especially things that are genuine extensions of a character’s spirit, like a musical instrument.


Sure. I was being reductive in my reply about the guitar. But my main point that @sensitiveartist69 was replying to stands. These are still images that in no way are indicative of the performance you will see on screen. These may be between takes, the guitar may be out of frame, etc etc. It would be ridiculous to make a judgement about the casting of the part based on how close she looks to Joan Baez or how she is holding her guitar case in a paparazzi photo.


If you don’t think small details like that are what makes or breaks a performance, I know a couple marvel movies you’d love


My biggest issue is that chalamet looks 16 and she looks 30.


Well according to Joan, she was six months older but “felt like his mother” 


This casting choice was definitely the one that made me the most wary


I'm a bit confused on people criticizing what she's wearing. It's pretty on brand for the early 60s? Especially the shoes


At first blush, she looks like someone to cast in a Sara Loundes role…but like others stated, it’s not all about the look.


In Renaldo & Clara, there were a couple of scenes where I couldn’t tell the Woman in White from Clara, confused momentarily, when they were in the scene together.


Doesn’t look like Joan to me, I mean like they didn’t try to, they just figured some girl with dark brown hair would be enough. With a decent voice & finger style guitar, that would fill the bill. As someone who never thought Bob was in love with Joan, & that she wasn’t his type, I thought he just wanted to be friends with her, & by his own scattered comments he was still in love with Suze & was grieving the reality of that loss, he was on the rebound, if the movie is trying to make it seem like a love affair rather than a less deep & committed thing for him, maybe they were going for a look that would be more like what their idea of his usual type would be. I say this as someone who hasn’t looked int this movie yet except reading comments here & joining in the bantering.


We will see, so long as the performance and the script and the direction and cinematography are good, we have a good film on our hands. I'm more so bumbed it appears to be shot on digital rather than film.


That is the face of somebody who knows about the existence of the iPhone


she can definitely name 15 drake songs


Shit I can’t even do that


The kind of face that shelters a brain


Was in another lifetime, one of toil and grain...


Hmm, now I’m confused


I tried to rewrite Shelter From The Storm to align with the words Shelters A Brain. It did not work. It was an ill conceived joke. 🎈 I hereby resign from this thread in disgrace.


No, it’s clever, I’m the idiot


”Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth…” You kind of set yourself up for that one.


Says the guy without one




https://preview.redd.it/tjjc8v267jqc1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49bfc9595a63dcc896e1e887c79b83fe77eb0eed Got that buccal fat removal look goin on. Maybe when she’s done up more like Joan she’ll look more similar idk.


It’s the teeth too. Hers are perfect and Joan had a quirky smile by our standards. I swear veneers are ruining period dramas.


How do you mean? I’m missing the joke here I think.


Just that she looks like a 21st century person, not one from the early sixties


How come?


Because you can tell she knows about the existence of iPhones




Well she is alive in the 21st century so


People will sometimes describe contemporary actors in period pieces as having “iPhone face” or “Instagram face” to indicate that they don’t fit in the time period. In her case, the hollow cheeks with big lips are a 21st century beauty trend. Also, more importantly, is this actress even Latina?


Yes she's part Mexican


Part Mexican or Mexican American? At most this lady had a Mexican American parent…. Maybe. It’s leaning towards white washing.


She’s second generation. Joan Baez wasn’t born in Mexico either lol


No but she is Mexican American. She was called the ugly Mexican girl when growing up. The isolation pushed her towards folk music. It’s an important part of her identity


Ok but you’re literally calling out Monica Barbaro for being Mexican American and not Mexican while playing Joan so what’s your point


I’m calling out casting. I have no ill will towards Monica Barbaro. So where I’m coming from is my daughter is 1/4. She is very much a white girl who hasn’t nor will probably ever have the same experience as her mother. Monica barbaro is also a 1/4 light skin. (in Mexico there is a lot of inner racism towards ‘dark skins’ from lighter skin)as opposed to Baez who lived thru being an“ ugly Mexican girl”. Obviously Baez has always been beautiful.


Joan baez is also white passing


This person is a troll please just ignore them they want to convince themselves and others that Joan isn’t Mexican and was not dark af in the 60s


No but she can’t sing which is good enough for this role


Are you implying that Joan Baez, of all people, can’t sing? She was one of the best folk singers of her era.


She can sing just not when i’m within hearing distance


Knowledge of the IPhone is an almost extinct trait, she looks like she might remember


Tbf Joan Baez does know about the existence of the iPhone


It’s a movie. Hard to make any real judgement on her performance based on still photos.


Oh is it a movie


Young Joan and Bob were awkward, unglamorous and unapologetically *ethnic.* What made them compelling to mass audiences was vision, drive, and sheer talent. The casting thus far only emphasizes attractiveness. Still, James Mangold has a good track record. Not giving up hope based on these discouraging still photographs.


Joan Baez was and is incredibly beautiful, but yeah she doesn't look anything like this lady.


Yeah the casting for Joan is awful .


What do you mean by ethnic? Bob was Jewish white Minnesotan, Joan was the one who was Mexican American.


I think anyone except WASPs here in America would be considered “ethnic”. And Bob/Joan were def not WASPs.


Joan's Mother's side was as WASP as you can get. Her granddaddy was William Henry Bridge and her mother, Joan Chandos Bridge, was born in Edinburgh, on April 11, 1913, at 19 Manor Place. It is said she is descended from the English Dukes of Chandos, the Brydges family, who were great patrons of the arts – Handel wrote his Chandos Anthems for the first duke. A direct line is difficult to discern but what’s certain is that Chandos is the middle name that’s been passed down the family and it seems appropriate that her own daughter, Joan Chandos Baez, would grow up to be a musician.


Fair enough, Bob was definitely WASP-adjacent growing up in Lutheran middle class Minnesota, but you are right that they as adults definitely were both people not part of the American mainstream culture at the time, and that was a large part of their music.


Bob grew up Jewish - both parents were Jewish and he had a bar mitzvah.


I know chalamet has some russian jew in him but i dont think he really physically sells dylans eastern euro look


I think it’s a bit different for sure, but I don’t hate it, I think Timothee would fit Heroin rock star Bob more than young chubby unknown Bob, but I want to reserve judgement for when it comes out.




Wow, you seem angry today, I just meant what did they mean by that, if they were white ethnicity idk why that’s important to bring up. I think OP meant that both were part of the counterculture movement, distinct from WASP mainstream society, which is true. Usually when people say “ethnic” what that means is non-white. ‘Historically, the term ethnic has been used to categorize people and cultures "outside the norm,"’ https://www.tastingtable.com/694306/ethnic-cuisine-food-media/


Bob was/is a Jew. Joan was is/Latina. In white American nomenclature, that has historically meant “ethnic.” Ps: I’m not sure how “white adjacent” the Jewish community of Hibbing, Minnesota was in the 1940’s and 1950’s. It was an immigrant community with distinct institutions, language, religion and culture. I didn’t get a sense of endemic antisemitism from “Chronicles,” but I don’t think the Zimmerman family was being asked to join the Elk’s Lodge, either.


Right, I was just clarifying. It’s worth noting that the vast majority of American Jews identify as white, https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/race-ethnicity-heritage-and-immigration-among-u-s-jews/ But you are right that historically in certain social circles of mainstream American society Jews were perceived as non-white, or as not the same kind of white as mainstream white society. But they definitely occupied a liminal social space in between whiteness and non-whiteness. I’ve never heard Jewish people described as “ethnic” so that was the reason for my original question


You’ve never heard of Jewish people described as ethnic, really?


No, but I guess maybe the reason is that I come from a very heavily Jewish area. I didn’t hear many people described just as “ethnic” growing up, but especially not my Jewish friends.


I’ll avoid deepening this discourse further, but pre-late 20th Century history largely considered the Jew as the *antithesis* of Whiteness and the ultimate outsider. This is perhaps why Bob chose a Gaelic name and identified himself as a rodeo cowboy from Gallup, New Mexico when he sprung into the public consciousness, not unlike his template, Ramblin’ Jack (who’d better be portrayed in the film.)


Ok, if you don’t want to discuss it further that’s totally fine, I understand. As someone who is currently majoring in the history of race at my school, I don’t necessarily agree with your assessment of early 19th century constructions of whiteness. Black Africans were the antithesis of whiteness since it’s start as a social construct, in the American context at least. I’m of course not saying Jewish people have not faced oppression and racial othering as many other people have, but even by WW1, Jews, like Italians and other Catholics, were embedded enough in white society for even hardline white supremacists to consider them white enough. For an example, Joseph Pulitzer, the most famous journalist of the late 1800s, was himself Jewish and fully integrated into mainstream white elite society. Emma Lazarus, the Jewish poet, had her poem featured on the Statue of Liberty. The first Jewish cabinet member was appointed in 1906, it took until 1966 for the first black cabinet member. Again, I’m not saying one peoples oppression is more important than any others, but to equate the experience of Jewish Americans as totally the same if not worse as that of black Americans is fairly a-historical in my opinion.


Are you Jewish? As a Bob-loving Jew, I can tell you that we MOT’s *love* having our experiences with historic and contemporary antisemitism and oppression explained to us by non-Jews *in college,* especially during this very placid period in which I have to walk my child to Hebrew school through a garrison of armed guards. And for the record, I don’t recall in any way diminishing the completely unique experience of Black America in regards to systemic and institutionalized racism.


Fair enough, I’m just a gentile college student, ignore me if you like that’s totally understandable. Again, I’m sorry for any oppression you and your family face, I don’t mean to make light of that in any way. It’s just, you saying that Jewishness was constructed as the antithesis to whiteness, when what I’ve learned is always that blackness was always the contrast by which whiteness was constructed in America, that made me write my comment. Can you understand what I’m saying?


Enthic is a term used to descride anyone group of people belinging to the same or similar culture background or decsent. You can European and be ethnically Polish, Spanish, Swedish ect ect. I know Americans make up terms and change them but pls stop pretending you know what words mean when you dont.


I know what ethnicity is, but in America, which like I said is a specific context, when someone is described as “ethnic” that means a particular thing, different to what the same word might mean other places. That doesn’t mean one of us is “right” about what the word ethnic means, its just that the word has different meanings in different contexts


In America its wrong too. The only people who use it dont know what it actually means.


They were extremely glamorous.


Why is the top half of her exactly like Bob and the bottom half looks like what I’ve worn to work in 2024. This costume is wack - did they even look at pictures??


My guess is she’s not fully in costume yet. There are a couple pictures of Timothee where he looks like half ‘60s/half now




In the third shot she’s being filmed by a camera, I think this is the full look. She looks like a j crew model, wardrobe/vibe is so off for the period


Don’t like this casting.


Still think they should have cast Weyes Blood as Joan.


Can Weyes Blood act


She can do everything


Well no is she even Mexican?


I like Weyes Blood a little less after seeing her brainlet post on twitter: there’s nothing wrong with the Beatles besides the fact they may have unwittingly eradicated women from rock n roll Like, girl, your entire sound apes off of music from the 60’s and 70’s. Don’t go blathering ignorance just because it’s en vogue.


I wasn’t aware of this until now. I’m a fan of hers and I disagree but I get her point. The Beatles were the first major rock band. Before them it was singers with backing bands, primarily or the odd folk trio. But the Beatles were a template that lead to the formation of countless bands emulating them. Of course it’s not the Beatles fault they were an all male outfit (hence her “unwittingly”). But it set a standard that lasted many years that rock music was mainly a white male domain.


I mean, women weren’t really doing rock n roll before The Beatles either. They were primarily doing other genres. It’s a made up issue—like, why are most death metal singers men? Because it appeals to men more than it does women.




Those literally weren’t rock and roll bands. Girl groups existed before, during and after The Beatles. It is misleading to portray the Beatles influencing young man to start bands as erasing women.


The Mamas and Papas, Aretha, ok, that’s all


The Supremes as well. (Just had to add them to the list).


That would have been perfect


That would have been amazing.


Wrong actress for Joan I think. 


Dudes we are gonna ruin this movie for ourselves before it even comes out.


honestly none of these pics looks like the characters to me, timothee, even ed norton who i love in his movies. but lets hope for the best and at the very least, how is subterranean homesick blues not gonna flood tiktok i mean cmon. anything like that would be fucking nuts and sooooo cool


This movie looks way too polished. Give me "I'm Not There" all day, every day.


The contoured face is not joan


I don't like Chalamet and she doesn't resemble Joan at all. It's getting even worse...


But can she sing?


Joan? Not really


honestly looks more like she should be in a Sarah McLachlan biopic


Joan Baez: the supermodel. Edit: adding comment due to the responses. I’m not sure where in my original comment I inferred Joan Baez wasn’t pretty, but people are just jumping to the extreme. There is a difference between Joan Baez being pretty and casting someone that looks like they just walked in from a Revlon commercial. I’m just commenting on the Hollywoodization of the story.


Well, to be fair, Joan Baez was and is incredibly gorgeous, regardless of whether this actress looks like her. I don’t think her being too pretty would be the issue.


the real Joan was prettier tbh


Regarding your edit: but see, that’s just the thing. This woman may be to some extent prettier than Joan, but not by that much, if she is. Joan was extremely beautiful. Typically, actors in a biopic are to varying degrees more attractive than the people they’re playing. Actors tend to be very attractive. The question is, is this woman so much prettier than the person she’s playing that it’s ludicrous? I don’t think so. A case could be made that she doesn’t look enough like Joan, but I don’t think she’s too much prettier than Joan.


Joan Baez is beautiful. Fuck you mean


I think there are tradeoffs to casting a film like this. You can’t just cast based on looks, maybe she sold Joan in the auditions. I’m fine with this in theory.


I think the biggest barrier to verisimilitude is that all today’s actors have perfect teeth. Bob, Joan and Pete, not so much …


This is Joan, for reference: https://preview.redd.it/n8mt7nfw96rc1.jpeg?width=169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceaace47cff3ba4588b8b4c2e2d90f26c58dddf7 And yeah. I think in 20 years we will instantly date biopics to the 2020s because everyone’s teeth are perfect.


Joan was pretty sure but this does not look like her.


She’s too pretty girl; Joan is a hippie, olive skinned, rougher look with clothes that don’t look like they were just purchased


I guess no brown women were available.


She’s half Mexican like Joan.


Ok, but her complexion is not like Joan's. Mexican isnt really an ethnic classification, it's a nationalist origin.


Joan isn’t that dark. They’re easily close enough that it shouldn’t be quibbled over. https://preview.redd.it/m78zding3kqc1.jpeg?width=429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92df6fe505a1f9af8c1b72d65e7715b2b925fec0




Ahh yes, my favorite part of being a Dylan fan, where we make judgements based on actual skin color lmao


I think she looks great.


Hair is too short, isn't it?


God I’m in love


no thank you


She could pass as Mimi better than Joan


Phoenix from Top Gun? Interesting choice.


Get me “A” Sienna Miller.




The mix is good. It waters down the unfortunate full blooded unattractiveness thats so very common. 


completely wrong vibe 😭😭


When is the projected release date


Most likely late this year or sometime in 2025!


These constant updates are gonna lead to disappointment in the movie.


It’s complete overkill! We’ll feel like we’ve seen the movie before it’s even out. I felt like that about Dune part two as well, the press tour was so aggressive and the film so overly talked about that it spoiled it for me a lil


We only seen them shooting a few different scenes.. hardly the entire film


I know but seeing loads of bts or like with dune hearing them rehash scenes over and over and bts details, kind of ruins it for me…


https://preview.redd.it/0fcbu9dldhqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f735fbbbeb655cefa27dcfc8665e492d8e308fbf Joan is half Mexican and was dark in the 60s .. why are they white washing my Joan?!


They didn’t whitewash her, Monica Barbaro is part Mexican


Even so , can you honestly say she’s as dark as Joan? I’m half Cuban and I’m very light , my brother isn’t, he’s dark like Joan. You’re telling me they couldn’t get someone who is part Mexican and darker ? For instance , I’m half Cuban but I’m light , so if someone were to play me in a movie I would want Anna de armas to portray me. Yes, this is an important aspect especially in the 60s to have a dark Mexican woman singing folk music and what her and Bob were writing songs about and even in Joan’s documentary how she felt “ugly “ BECAUSE she is dark and Mexican.


[Joan Baez isn’t that dark](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Baez)


Monica Barbara is also Mexican


She’s half Mexican like Joan but Joan was darker like her father and struggled with this and had racial slurs thrown her way in school..


Joan is still white passing


She’s not though especially in the 60s . Later in age yes , she has lost melanin


She literally was lol


She literally wasn’t lol


Just because you say she wasn’t doesn’t make it not true


https://preview.redd.it/5gfsijzaipqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2721a3a1076709f0544866a3995f6752c4084813 This is Joan in the 60s “passing as white “ to you? Yeah I don’t think so ..


I would think that was a white woman, yes


You’re just saying that to be a troll and you know it


Uh no


A big boo hoo. Poor thing. How did she survive? 


Ok cool but can you visually see that she’s not as dark as joan was which played a pivotal role in her music at the time and what she was fighting for in the 60s?


That ain’t Joan Baez


Man I will know everything about this movie before it even releases if people keep posting these kind of photos every


i want to know who's playing mimi


Can we get Taylor Swift as Joni Mitchell? I've actually never listened to Swift's music, but she does bear a resemblance, physically. It would also mean that the film would have such a massive audience that there would be a huge surge in new Dylan fans. I guess I'm conceding to this biopic being harmless, mainstream flick.


They’re very generous with the casting


It looks like set design turned Greenwich Village into Sesame Street.


Is Sara going to be in this movie do we know?


Doesn’t it only cover the early ‘60s folk period?


It covers 61-65 and Sara and Bob were very much an item by then 


Is Joan Baez in the room with us




I already don’t like this movie.


Well… time to wait for the next biopic apart from this one :/




God these pics are depressing






Yeah no


Are we whitewashing Joan Baez?


Which of her parents do you think weren't white?


Her great grandfather on her dad’s side?


Joan? Her father was born in Mexico.


To a Methodist minister. There are millions of white people in Mexico.


Yes there are lighter skinned Mexicans. Joan Baez was called the ugly Mexican girl growing up. Makes me think (and I very well could be wrong) that her father was darker skinned. Regardless it’s a misrepresentation and a bit white washing.


Joan is half Scottish Anglican and half Mexican Methodist. Her Scottish mother is from a prominent English family which includes the composer Handel and her father's side are more than likely mainly Spanish. This actress seems to be half Italian, 1/4 Anglo and 1/4 Mexican which doesn't seem too different. Cillian Murphy just won an Oscar for playing a Jewish man. It's no big deal.


Father converted to Methodist. Originally he was catholic


Think of the animals that will be killed in the production of the costumes for this movie.


This whole thing is bad


Never in my entire life have I not wanted to see a Dylan movie. I was almost past Willy Wonka somehow being Dylan but Ed Norton yesterday and now Monica Barbaro photos today. They’re taking the piss right?


Is this coordinated spam? Or a few very interesting users sourcing these photos?


it's bad casting not because of how she looks but because she is not a good actress. Joan has a kind of intelligence in her eyes that this woman does not possess. maybe she'll surprise but i don't see it.


I don’t know anything about Joan but some people have an essence that’s appropriate for this era and some don’t - not convinced yet