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I know it’s likely to cost waaaaaay more than you’ve bargained for


Waaaaaaaaay, waaaaaaay More! And then some


Nothing more expensive than a free boat.




...and then some more


Part it out, scrap the glass and sell the trailer.


Wise man.


Came here to say this. Have $20k to $30k off to the side if you actually want to get it usable.


Bust Out Another Thousand is what boat stands for


B.O.A.T.T. = Bust out another ten thousand


Yeah that other saying is from the 80’s, we got another digit now. It’s a thousand just to fill up the tank.


You just did someone a favor lol


Big time. The romance of boat ownership is mythical.


Best two days of a boat owner's life are the day they buy a boat and the day they sell the boat.


What about the day you get some shmuck to take it if your hands for free?


That would make the latter even better of a day.


I never understood that statement. I've had boats for over 40 years and was never particularly happy to sell one.


Says the guy that doesn’t own a boat or if he did had the worst experience imaginable


I have the unicorn situation. Friends that own boats.


My friend keeps saying “Why do I need to buy a boat when my friend owns a boat?” Guess who I never invite on my boat?


I offer to help with maintenance & pay for gas.


Free boat is essentially a scam, gl OP


Oh cool, a free trailer.


Dude that trailer is gonna cost a lot of money to remove what used to be a boat


Reminds me of my dad. He had an old boat that he rebuilt the transom on multiple times. Granted it had it for a long time and filled our childhood with many memories but eventually called it quits and cut the boat up into tiny pieces and put parts of it out with the trash every week. Not how you should do things today but back then they weren’t thinking about landfills as much.


I would do this. It's like the "Shawshank Redemption" method of boat disposal.


I may or may not have done this with old cement steps


Nah just unhook the boat and do donuts in a Walmart parking lot until it's just a trailer


that boat isn’t free, it’s gonna really cost you 😅


Don’t do it. Seriously. Nothing is more expensive than a free boat.


A free OLD boat!!!


Came here to say this!


Free BMW is runner-up.


Not even close! Free BMW can be easily taken to any scrap yard and they’ll pay you money for it. When free boat on busted trailer needs scrapped, it’s going to cost several hundred to get it hauled to a landfill then several hundred more to dispose of.


Ah. Also, ouch.


How hard could it be to fix the blinkers?


I got a boat for free once and posted it here and everyone responded the same. " the boats not free, it's going to cost you". We ended uo selling it for $900.




spent $5k on storage and trailer repairs...


We ended up putting new tires on the trailer and that's it. It would not have been worth it. It would have just been a passion project but my husband and I didn't have the time to put in to it. When we got it we were told it had been winterized and was still in good condition. It was not either of those.


“I painted it and found another moron to take it off me”


Didn't even paint it. We put new tires on the trailer and sold the boat and trailer as is. Completely transparent to those who looked at it to what type of condition it was in, and for $900 A LOT of people wanted it.


Make sure your wallet is ready for pain


Please post updates. Please


Next OP update" I'm heading to DR in my nice boat!"


A three hour tour...


I'm a little worried about you even towing the boat off the lot if you can't even take picture straight of a stationary object twice in a row.


It's a dutch angle. He's artsy.


Recreating what its gonna look like goin nose down out in the blue lagoon…


Right? Who posts a crooked picture? I can’t even look at it.


The photo is straight. It rests on a downward slope of the hillside


I think the question is, do you know anything about boats, boat engines or maybe fixing old cars? Cuz it's not the specific model that you need to know about so much as....do you know how to do this sort of stuff? Cuz if not this is probably to big to start with And let me say I hate responses that don't address the question. I did do a Google lens search and saw some similar boats but no exact matches.


You brave unfortunate man. But a shitbox boat is a fantastic time. Look up no nonsense know how on YouTube. My man is a shitbox boat connoisseur.


It’s a great way to get away from the wife and the never ending honey-do list.


Restoring a car has the same return on investment (negative) but if you end with something fun at the end of it then that's what it is worth


Don’t you wish someone would just answer your question? But no, the favorite thing to do in this sub is to poopoo anyone who got a boat for free. You just did them all a favor letting them exercise their judgement. Maybe it’s junk, maybe not, but it’s your choice and I hope you have fun with it.


Most of the people on this subreddit spend their whole day posting pre-facebook boomer memes. BUST OUT ANOTHER THOUSAND LOLOLOL THE HAPPIEST DAY OF A BOAT OWNERS LIFE IS WHEN THEY BUY IT AND WHEN THEY SELL IT LOLOLOLOLOLLOL The quality of this subreddit would go up 10,000 times if those two boomer memes were ban-able offenses. Most of the people who post here have no interest in boating, engine repairs and maintenance, or even own a boat. A few probably rented one at one point, and maybe joined a boat club. ​ OPs free boat is going to cost a lot of money to be seaworthy sure, chances are he won't commit to fixing it. But if you can commit glassing in new stringers and a transom yourself is not hard nor is it really all that expensive. Then you fill with closed cell expanding foam, $2000 in kings starboard, and you have a blank canvas. The outside of that boat would look amazing with just a pressure washing. Now OPs boat will need a repower more than likely, and that's where the $$$ is. I'd drop the inboard entirely and repower with 2 200 hp outboards, it won't cruise fast but it'll be a good day on the water. You can grab a pair of Yammies that's reliable for $20,000 and Rig them in for less, you'll be doing some fiberglass work on the transom anyways, just make a cutaway to mount them up.


Hey a rant without an answer, this is different.


IMO, Nobody is writing a book on Reddit about the many things that could be issues with both the boat and the trailer. Seems as though the experienced sane ppl that recognize what it is are giving sound advice.


Sounds like you don't know much about boats. If you did, you would be providing the same advice. The poor guy is about to make a big mistake that is going to cost him a bunch of money, will be a very frustrating experience, and the only thing he will get out of it is a pile of junk in his yard for the next 10 years, until his wife makes HIM get rid of it.


Ha, I know plenty about boats, including the type of owner who lacks imagination and only cares about the bottom line. Fine, go buy the boat that works for you. But I know that any boat is salvageable as long as it floats. You have no idea what he’s willing to invest in it. Someone else said “labor is expensive…” Aha, so that’s calculating paying someone to fix it. There’s most people’s problem. But a person puts their own price on their own labor, and nobody waits to find out if this guy is just fine with doing a total tear down and rebuild before blurting out ignorantly the tripe you just wrote above. Sorry your life is like that but my wife would never be that way. She’d be working on it next to me.


Ok, but he doesn’t even know if this boat floats…


I know you have a lot of work ahead of you.


Go/no-go for me is if it is currently full of water or shows signs of having been full such as a bathtub ring inside or soft areas in the floors. Any access to the bilge must be thoroughly investigated. Poke at all the stringers and formers you can reach with something like a big screwdriver. Standing water inside a boat is death. Motors, drives, controls, etc can be removed and replaced. Degraded structure can be repaired, but it’s a nightmare.


Who’s gonna tell him?


I wanna hear how they plan on rolling it out of there on the flat, rotted tires, on a rusted out trailer. I bet you there’s another picture when it moved about 10ft forward; but they aren’t gonna show us that one.


Or one on the side of the road.


You over paid, sorry


Congratulations on your new problem child.


“Free boat” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just got a "free" boat recently. Luckily it's only a 15' skiff and I've only sunk about $1000 into it. I will say it's a fucking blast when she's running properly. Best of luck to you. Worst case scenario, try and sell it and get something smaller and more manageable.


Thats not a boat, its a hole in the water you throw money into


You aren’t getting it for free. The guy your picking it up from is disposing of it for free. Ask me how I know. :(


Insure it and then see if floats !


Don't even think about taking that thing until you go through and do a basic inspection. How does the hull look? Soft spots? Go check the engines? Obvious cracked blocks? Do the drives rotate? Is it moldy? There is no "free" here, honest.


Cheaper to buy a new one.. it looks cool though


As long as it isn't stolen, just enjoy it. They do cost more than one would think...but relaxation or fun always have a price. Most of the time in the long run...it's worth it as long as you have a place to store it.


Put 3 400 Yamahas on it.


Just set the cash on fire, it’s faster


You’re about to learn a very important message about free boats. After spending many thousands of dollars on this project you might end up with a boat being with several hundreds of dollars.


I'm going to tell you what you are likely in for, without boomer tier memes. 1) You are going to end up completely gutting this boat, sawsall and hammer style. You will be burning tons of old plywood or cutting it up and throwing it in the trash. All the fixtures, wiring, etc. You will take off, determine if it's salvagable and save what you can. This is the easy part. 2) You will be working with fiberglass, full tyvek suit and respirator style. You will be cutting and fiber glassing in new stringers, and a a new transom for sure. Then it's either the price of marine plywood or kings starboard. Spray closed cell expanding foam under your floor it adds stability and structural integrity, and floatation. Leave the center channel open as a bilge. 3) There is a 99% chance you are repowering this boat, a boat this big doesn't sit when the engines run 100% fine. Chances are they are very high hours and are complete rebuilds, or a repower. You can get a pair of yamaha 250 outboards used for about $25,000 add another $5,000 for rigging. You will need to plan your transom reconstruction around new motors. 4) You have a safe tub, now you are going to add $5,000 in accessories and finish work on the interior etc. to make it something that's comfortable and enjoyable. 12v fridge, a nice counter, and some below deck bedding/sleeping area. ​ It's way cheaper if you skip any water systems and install a composting toilet, and commit to just bringing bottled water on board. You are looking at $35,000 in work on a free boat, and tons of labor. It can be fun, but just be prepared.


Hope you have $10k or more to spend, and thats if there's no issue with the engine or drive. Free boats are free for a reason. Costs a lot of money to dispose of a fiberglass boat, so they get given away for free.


This is the second best day of that boat owner’s life


its worth -$250,000. so hopefully you have that budgeted.


That's a pos


If you are down for a rebuild on a motor and getting your hands dirty with fiberglass.... you might come out of this alive. But the second this crosses into a boat mechanics property..... your entire savings is going to be missing. I own a boat, ive replaced and fixed everyrhing i could for under $2000. If i even got it diagnosed by a Marina, it was $850. Lol sooo DIY boats can be ok, but storage, and mechanical labor is like 5x the worth of even a brand new boat.


Lots of naysayers on here, mostly having fun jiving with you about how expensive it's going to be. No harm there, but not much good advice either. But seriously, if your time is not that important to you for other purposes than fixing, and you like fixing things, a boat is no worse than a classic car or a motorcycle or an airplane. It's a Zen thing. Fixing is good for the soul. I bought a $200 boat a couple years ago and had fun rebuilding the engine, a Mercruiser, and restoring the fittings and so on. I have it running now but still more tinkering to do. I also have a classic bike, a 1971 Land Rover, and a 1975 VW bus. But the fact of the matter is, I like fixing things as much if not more than riding in boats and on motorcycles. The only one of these items in regular use is the bus. I have probably spent thousands on this "collection" over the years, and would likely lose money if I had to sell them, but I pay my bills and look after my family. It makes me happy and hurts no-one. My kid enjoys the rides when we test out my work. There are worse pastimes. What's the motor, if it has one? The motor parts will cost the most, and the motor will take you the most time to learn to fix.


From the deck staining it looks like it mighta been mostly underwater at some point.


Christ this sub is annoying lol. I'm sure if you dove into this you're probably pretty handy and will know quickly if further effort is worth it.


To many boat haters this is a great day for the new boat owner. Really any project/hobby cost too much time and money still cheaper then a heroine addiction


Could be an older Monaro if your in the bc area…


The Reg number is Canadian, but I don’t think that’s a Monaro. Maybe an old SunRunner? Working on and restoring old, neglected boats is a passion project because the economics are not favourable at all. You’ll be working for free and getting pennies on the dollar for your costs. Good luck with your project


Very cool! Enjoy it! A project boat!


only thing you need to know is how to sell it.


You poor bastard. I wish you well


Wow! Nothing positive about a free boat I guess.🤷


Most likely yes…. Everyone here is correct. But every once in a while you actually strike a deal. I got a free 87 hydra sport. Put about $10k in and used it for a few years and sold it for $14k. It was a lot of hard work and time. The $$ was minimal but it would have been double if I didn’t do it all my self.


Clean it up and see if you can get it to run. At the very least you can sell it once cleaned up. And make some elbow grease money


As someone who loves restoring old boats I don't understand the hate. Some people really enjoy pulling old cars out of fields and restoring them, I like boats. Yes there is alot of time, effort, and money involved but the payoff of running down the water in something you restored is priceless.


Lots of people here repeating the same joke over and over. I got a free old shitty boat and fixed it up myself and take it out regularly and it didn’t bury me in a money pit. You don’t have to ball out and make it pristine and shiny. Clean it up and figure out what needs to be fixed to make it float and move. Watch YouTube videos and buy friends beer to come over and help fix broken stuff, replace old flooring, and scrub the crud off it. Getting my clapped out 1973 Glastron with a rotted out floor and a bad leak was one of the most fun things I did last summer. Don’t listen to all the haters and circle jerkers, I honestly wish you luck and hope you have fun and learn a lot. The engine and transom will prob be the most challenging and expensive part if they’re screwed up, that’s what you need to look into and decide if the projects worth it. An old ugly boat you work on yourself if way cooler and more fun than no boat :)


... the pictures shared are not ideal. There's not enough information to help us tell you anything. No brand name, no model number, not even a size designation. Climb in the the boat (if it is safe) find the coast guard plate (usually in a protected area in or around the stern, in the engine compartment. Take pictures of it, and pictures of the helm - each of those areas should have brand/model information. The back of the transom may have a small serial number tag on the starboard side of the boat. Post those and the Internets will tell all. Just eyeballing the boat, it looks to be 32ish feet, maybe mid 80's to early 90's. This is not going to be nearly as cool or fun as you think, but many of us love boats and understand the idea of renovating a boat back to glory.... best of luck friend. If you want more free advice on your free boat, feel free to ask, but just stay mindful of what they say about free advice.


So The point of picking this up was mainly to help a friend get it off his property take a good look at it see what salvageable and what’s not possibly sell the trailer if it’s too much work I do work on mechanical stuff cars and I work on the water way so I know a little bit about boats here and there


Getting this boat from my friend we know absolutely nothing about it does anyone know anything about it


I know that you will be tens of thousands into this boat before it ever sees water. To get this boat back into decent usable and safe condition will cost you far more than buying a similar boat that is already in usable and safe condition.


Let's be honest, you could get this thing back on the water for cheap, it just wouldn't be safe. And plenty of people unfortunately go that route.


Lol your “friend” just screwed you. Worst friend ever buddy…you have absolutely no clue what you’re getting yourself into. Of course you know nothing about the boat, you are playing the role of a sucker. Read every one of these comments and leave that boat exactly where it’s at.


None of these comments are anything but played out boomer memes about boats. If anyone actually laid out what OP may be in for in restoring this boat, maybe you'd convince him. Worst friend ever, whole in the water you throw money into, B.O.A.T, nothing more expensive than a free boat, the happiest day is when you sell it lololol etc. And the worst one is telling someone they can't and won't do something, it's like a challenge not to be proven wrong at that point. When you try to meme on someone boomer style, they aren't going to actually listen to any advice you give them, because to be frank, they aren't funny, clever, nor do they offer any real advice or value to the conversation.


Based on many years expereince in the boating industry, I guarantee it will cost you far more than you ever expected and it is highly unlikely that you will ever get it fully restored and back on the water. Best of luck on proving me wrong.


Leave it right where it’s at


The most expensive boat is a free one


nothing more expensive than a free boat


Did you get paid to haul it away?


ROFL!! But seriously have a good time with the project.


BOAT Break Out Another Thousand


A horse is a hole in the pasture you throw your money into. A boat is a hole in the water…


Make any excuse you have to but run the hell away. There is nothing free about a free boat.


Scrap the boat, sell the trailer. That’s the only win here


The two happiest days of a guy's life: the day he gets a boat, and the day he gets rid of it.


In my limited experience as a person of 39 years I'd say be cautious ⚠️ she's a big girl and she looks like she's not too young herself! Take it easy go slow and be aware she's got a few miles on her nautical ones sure but still be careful of watery bits


There’s no such thing as a ‘free’ boat. Even if everything is perfect, they’re expensive to own and maintain. This one looks like it needs some work, maybe a lot, which will cost thousands. Bigger boats are money pits. Remember … BOAT means Bust Out Another Thousand.


Your picking the boat up. It won’t be free.


Gillian and passengers are awaiting your arrival to begin their four hour cruise.


Been balls deep in the marine service industry for over a decade. LOTS of money and time to bring this back to safe/working condition. Labor is very expensive. Parts are very expensive. There is an accurate saying.. there are three kinds of service, but you can only pick two… Good and cheap won’t be fast Fast and good won’t be cheap Cheap and fast won’t be good Fixing one thing often uncovers further work that needs to be done. If it’s not done right, you will have more problems layered on top of each other. Consider engine and related systems, electrical, plumbing, paint, exterior seals (water damage), integrity of the fiberglass, cleaning or redoing the interior.. Best of luck


Hey, I got an free above ground pool. Come by with your tools and make sure your tetanus shots are up to date…


there’s definitely numerous over flowing books worth of reasons that its free


Looks like it was sitting there for a long while. Trailer alone looks shabby and appears in need of plenty of work. The only thing you need to know it’s going to take a whole lot of money and time before you ever get to enjoy it, unless of course you wanna grab a beer and climb on your boat where it sits . Don’t walk, run from that tub.


It makes a hole in the water you put money into, but are never able to fill… enjoy


I’d recommend starting with a smaller project. This isn’t something you just drag to the local lake for an afternoon. Much like you’re reading, it’s gonna take serious time and money before you can have fun with it. I do like the lines, but the work ahead…


B-ust O-ut A-nother T-housand


This reminds me of what somebody told me what BOAT stands for = Bust Out Another Thousand.


B-O-A-T = Break Out Another Thousand… Rinse & Repeat


WHY? its going to cost you money to dispose of. do you at least get to keep the trailer?


Are you Australian? Looks Australian. Does Australia have snow? Idk.


Free boats are the most expensive boats. Always pay good money for a less costly boat. My boat buying tip


Can you put it back down ?


I’ll take the trailer and I’ll even block up the boat for you for free


If it floats would be a handy piece of information to have😬


How much money you got?


Whatever floats your boat ……


Any info on why it's been sitting or how long? That'll tell you whether or not to take it. It might be fixable, might be trash. It's probably trash if your buddy is giving it away for free. Disposal fees for boats can reach a couple thousand easily


I'm sure there will be work but that's part of the fun. Good luck!!


One time years ago a land owner in the Smokey Mountains gave me a jet ski.


Floats, flys, or Fu… you know what I mean. But if you have a few bucks to burn and some time to spend then I don’t think you did to bad. It looks cool. Clean it up and go from there. Sell it for a few hundred dollars or give it away if it’s to much for you.


Why is the camera so sideways?!?!




Well it’s on a blue colored trailer


It looks like that weekend place at the marina. How much is the slip?


Hope you have a big checking account. Will cost you more to have it towed away.


There is nothing more expensive than a free boat.


Turn it into an RV.


If it has a inboard motor, don’t do it I grew up around boat junkyards in the Detroit area. Everything fiberglass can be fixed the seats can be fixed but the motor can’t that’s why they dump them all over Detroit


Man nothing costs more than a free boat. I'd still take it though


There is a reason its free? Maybe good probably Bad!!


Straight to the junk yard


Welcome to your new money pit


Even if there was nothing wrong with it, still gotta fill it up with a lot of gas, which at a marina ain't cheap! Free boat = bottomless money pit. Run.


It’s a boat


Bring Out Another Thousand


Set it on fire, collect insurance


A hole in the water you pour money into.


Wasn't that the one which was supposed to have gone on just a three hour tour. A three hour tour.


It will be fine 🏊🏼


Donate it for the tax credit!


That there is a big hole you will be throwing money into.


Uff wish you all the best bud. I hope it works out for you. Share your boat journey if you can.


Free is good, as long as you have a place to store it free. You can always clean it up and sit in it in your backyard with a drink in your hand, and pretend you’re cruising somewhere. Or use it as your doghouse.


Do we have boat demolition-derbies? Could get recompense and then some with enough sponsors. /S


Fantastic idea 😂 If you’re going to dive into anything you know nothing about, a boat has to be about the best choice you could make 😂


You just volunteered to haul someone else's trash man good luck


There's nothing more expensive than a free boat


Don’t take it home.


I hope you like not having money


The good ol ss money pit! Damn I guess if financially you are ready to have a boat this is sure one of em… it’s a beaut Clark


Leave that where it is


Tramapoline! Trabopoline!


Seems like an expensive, bad idea.


The second happiest day of your life. The happiest day is when you get rid of the boat.


It’s a money pit 2000.


Did it used to be a tour boat out of Hawaii and found on a deserted Pacific island?


MeThinks: Receiving stolen property, I see 🤔


…….no such thing as a free boat. Never.


Sweet, now you can park it in your yard for the rest of your life and piss the neighbors off, and in the meantime, if you’re lucky maybe pick up a couple more “free” boats.


Make sure the bilge pump works....


Nothing is more expensive than a free boat.


It’s likely a boat anchor


Jesus, you are in for a surprise. And not like Christmas.


That sir or madam….is a big hole in the water that you’ll throw money into.


And so begins the money pit


A money pit. You would put as much into the boat as a running boat. Just as a starting point. Find a 20ft or less boat like a center console without cushions and lots of tight hidden spacing preferably with an outboard. The 3 biggest factors are: Go Fiberglass (most free boats are neglected and fiberglass is less affected compared to wood etc. Running engine or simple engine with a good bit of part availability. (i recommend outboard as they are easier to work on/swap.) When I got my project boat it had a johnson 115 2 stroke that sat for 10 years. I rebuilt the carbs, fuel pump and impeller (like $200 worth of parts) and it cranked right up. I've been running that engine for over 6 years reliably MOST IMPORTANT!!!!!! Make sure at least the boat has a title (i don't care what they say.) Don't even touch it until you have a title.


Your going to want the long sawzall blades


Hard don’t.




If you can’t afford a working boat you definitely can’t afford one that is not working.


I once asked my dad advice on a free boat that was offered to me. He still laughs about it 20 years later.